Will these save standard? They honestly look pretty good for 30$
Will these save standard? They honestly look pretty good for 30$
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Pretty unimpressive on themselves, but it's 30$
Wow, these are actually really fucking good. I'm super impressed with Wizards. They made a great product for the first time in ages. Wow, i'm speechless.
That red deck is going to sell out fast.
>30 dollars when just Chandra is 25 on TCGPlayer
That red deck has huge bang for your buck, holy shit.
No Mark, they aren't really.
It's good to have playsets, but I don't think selling a deck with a set of a banned cards a good idea.
Others are fine tho.
Even as someone who don't play standard at all, I can see in it and in the quality of uncommons in Ixalan a politic to make people interested in standard.
I like it.
I'm still not interested in standard (yet).
There's no banned cards in these decks though?
Great products
>multiple rares and even mythic rares
>actually using words like rush, aggro and control to describe the decks
>4 fucking Irrigated Farmland
Not bad, Wizards. Not bad, at all.
Wow holy shit, something actually decent? I'm half tempted to buy 4 of these decks just to get a playset of both Chandra and Hazoret. Though I'm sure their prices are gonna fall REALLY fast soon.
too bad nobody will buy them because they don't cost 15:99 lol
remember those premium decks like graveborn and fire and lightning that where "so good"?
It's like all of you have the memory span of a goldfish.
For what it's worth, a lot of the reprints in these decks rotate out this fall, but plenty are eternal playable (Push, Chandra, Fastlands, even Hazoret, etc.) so these should hold their value as well. Each of these decks have about triple their MSRP in value, much like Commander sets, so I'm expecting a print run and success on the same level. Good job, WOTC.
But the point IS to drive down the prices, also they actually have some playable cards in other formats like Chandra and Push.
Still nigger most mtg players don't want to pay for shit they want to trade for shit and it's sad, that's why it all fails lol.
Also all of the stuff you people are going gaga over is cycling out and you fags always bitch about modern so why praise wotc now huh?
The best thing about this is that fucking kike non-reserved list speculators will be raped.
I really like the idea, they should keep doing these. Nice way of controlling the (((resellers))) and making chase cards more available.
>Implying that the "MtG is dead" -spouting spergs actually bother to click the link before sperging their hate on Veeky Forums.
>out in April
>95% of the cards are Standard legal until October 2018
Good goy, buy this product and be forced to buy another new Challenger deck that'll last you the next 6 months after that.
30 dollars every 6 months for a hobby you regularly persue
I don't see the problem here retard lol
Unlike event decks these are actually quite decent out of the box (some more rares and mythics could help each of them but it's not bad at all), I'd say taking 30 dicks every 6 months is a passable fee to play standard.
>$30 every 6 months is somehow an unreasonable amount of money to spend on a decent fnm level deck
I don't even know what would make you happy, other than this (you).
These aren't comparable to the Premium Deck Series, these are more like the Event Decks they started in Mirrodin Besieged, which started with a deck containing two Goblin Guides, and the next set had a fully workable Infect deck.
What made those decks fall out of favour was that Wizards really quickly handicapped their power levels to almost be unplayable even with upgrades.
Sadly, in their last outing they actually had a really great Aristocrats deck that didn't need a lot of tweaks, but by that time the damage was done.
These new decks will definitely do well to begin, we'll just have to see if they can keep up this standard of deckbuilding for future releases
>WotC prints literally the product every Standard players has asked for
>You can buy a $30 FNM-competitive, upgradeable deck now
>Chandra TOD's price is expected to drop noticeably to a more reasonable price range
>new players don't have to waste money on useless PW decks now
aaand of course some fa/tg/uys still find something to bitch about
Seriously. This is the first time in a long time I've been legitimately impressed by a product wizards has put out (except for unstable, which only really showed that wizards thinks good set design is a joke).
Which still in the end failed.
They failed because they stopped making them good. Hell even the worst ones were sometimes decent, I remember buying the UR one from Journey into Nyx as my first STD deck and doing pretty well on FNM with a more focused version of it (which I on rotation turned into a full-power Jeskai Burn deck, so the Event deck did exactly what it was supposed to).
>red deck has both hazoret and chandra
>vehicles has four (4) heart of kirans
>G/B counters has three gearhulks, four glintsleeves, and a push
I really like the precedents these set.
I'll probably play exclusively Standard and Pauper now. Buying one of these decks every 6 months and tweeking them a bit to be competitive seems like a good plan. And there's cards that i can sell to Modern players. And if i have a friend that i want to show Magic to, this is the product i'll direct them to. Bravo, Wizards. You made a product as good as Commander decks. I'm super fucking proud.
Now let's see how they fuck that up.
>include actually solid decks that are very upgradable but can still put in work out of the box
>30 dollars for 80-90 dollars of value
They dun did it, boys.
>Now let's see how they fuck that up.
Honestly, the first thing I did when I saw this announcement was try and find how they fucked it up. It's Wizards, they have to fuck up somewhere. But this actually seems great. It's really fucking weird.
I'll grab a red one just to get a Hazoret and Chandra for my EDH pile. Was gonna wait until they rotated otherwise.
The only way they can fuck it up now is if there is not enough product a la BFZ fatpacks.
>underprint decks
>"we've noticed that these decks are largely being bought out by our established players, not going to the players that really need them, so we're going to stop making them"
>double up on planeswalker decks instead
It has to happen. We can't have nice things.
That's probably what's going to happen. I just wish that Challenger Decks become the MTG equivalent of YGOs Structure Decks.
the premium series decks had the problem of being unplayable in any constructed format, because they were not good enough for legacy and they had cards that didn't exist in modern nor standard
these decks are both fully standard legal and capable of at the very least competing at FNM
for 30 bucks, this is a good deal
This is the closest we're going to get. We're never going to hit the point where all you have to do is buy a 10 dollar deck 3 times and cobble them together.
>You can buy a $30
have you seen the lists
these decks are good, senpai
Smelling desperation here.
PW decks are a fucking joke and I have no idea who they're designed for.
>these decks are good
At competitive level these lists are garbage, they are only good relatively of the shit products that WotC has been pushing out for the last decade.
you can turn these into tier 1 standard decks with minimal upgrades
what the fuck else do you want faggot
>you can turn these into tier 1 standard decks with minimal upgrades
Just pour into them 150$ more bro
>chandra and hazoret for $30
Black bordered world championship decks, I guess
Nothing could convince me to play a standard with Kaladesh and Amonkhet.
t. Vorthos
>for $30
Until you see them sold in stores for 30$ you can safely ignore that number.
Some people will never be happy. I think this is a really great step in the right direction.
t. faggot
It's a GIANT step between Planeswalker decks and this. Even if you don't buy these decks, the price of cards will drop significantly.
Do you even play magic? Do you know what the normal price range for decks is? $200 for tier 1 is cheap af. And these are more than fine for fnm with no modifications at all; not everyone is a pro tour wannabe that's going to drop $100 for that extra 5% win rate.
These aren't limited release so if your LGS tries to overcharge just get one at Target and if those sell out they'll print more.
do you think they’re all gonna be sold out instantly?
have a hard time seeing that happen with today’s wizards mass printing sets.
>extra 5% win rate.
Apparently you don't play magic based retard, the red deck is full of junk and lacks consistency in it's threats, so far the "best" one looks like the u/w one but that's probable because I don't play it so I'm not sure how good it is.
>be company that wants to make as much profit as possible
>have a product that sells so well that you can't meet demand
>instead of increasing production you cancel the product
I wonder what their shareholders thought about this decision.
Remember the event deck from zendikar that had hangarback walker? It was literally the only decent card in that deck A SINGLE COPY OF IT and it was 10$ above MSRP.
Wallmart is known for selling near MSRP. Just lgs charge more because the owner is starving
Walmart/Target should be different from LGS.
Anyone have an idea of the wholesale cost of these decks? $15-$18?
I actually like this, should let more people play standard, and I bet they'll probably be cheap to upgrade into their proper competitive versions.
Probably getting caught up in the hype, but these legit make me consider buying a deck for some standard play. Always liked the BG constrictor deck.
Wait these are made for standard and are coming out April 6th and are like 80% kaladesh cards.
Dominaria drops April 27th. Does that mean kaladesh wont rotate out when it drops?
No, they eotate in like 6 months. However, 30 dollars plus maybe a little more for whatever lands or finished playsets isnt bad at all for 6 months of play.
So they rotate once the 2nd set in Dominaria comes out, yeah? Something like that?
Fuck I was getting my hopes up that Kaladesh would be fucking off in April.
No second set in Dominaria (3 and 1 model, 3 different large sets plus a core set, no blocks, though technically I guess there could be a second large set in Dominaria as theyve said of they wanted they could stay on the same plane for multiple sets), but yes that timeline is right, the large set after dominaria
>2nd set in Dominaria
Dominaria is the start of a new 1 set block design. There will be 3 large sets a year (+1 core set), and no more second sets.
I completely forgot about that. I'm kinda sad.
>1 set block design
But... why?
For a long time small sets have been thought the worst part of a block, so they decided to just not do small sets anymore. Ironically, theyve been doing quite well with small sets for a bit now critically I believe. HOU and RIX formats have both had high praise after apparently not well recieved single set formats.
wotc is 2 years behind trends.
For the record, I dont know who "they" is. Could be wizards, could be hasbro.
There will be no more SMALL sets. They can still do multiple sets in a single setting.
But Dominaria is probably a one shot.
Kaladesh, Aether Revolt, Amonkhet, and Hour of Devastation all rotate with Currently Unannounced Fall 2018 Large Set, leaving standard to consist of whatever that set is, Ixalan, Rivals of Ixalan, Dominaria, and Core 2019 (cause they're going to STILL name those for the year ahead)
It's always hard to tell when a decision is Wizards being dumb or it's from Hasbro forcing something on them
Yeah we know. Reserved List is getting abolished by 2020. MTG gets sold off to Bandai in 2021 and dies in 2021
Whonknows. Frsnkly it seems more lie a Hasbro move then a WOTC one since it feels like a decision made by viewing charts and then figuring out where to cut the weak points, but honestly offhand I dont know why they ever started doing blocks to begin with. I cant think of a reason it has to be in blocks. Most card games do standalone expansions. Doing blocks seems like it offers more challenges for not much benefit. So this seems like a fair change.
Not even. The red one is missing a couple more Chandras and Hazorets. 3 ($90) will have you the full build.
I can't believe how much value is in these. It's fucking /absurd/. Yeah they're only modern legal for what, three months? But $30 will barely even buy you a goddamn Chandra right now. Plus these decks actually look fucking good??? I'm so used to absolute trash Wizards products I have no idea how to even process this.
Always warms my heart when I see a fellow KR fan outside of /m/.
enjoy having 0 support for all new future mechanics, just the original block they're in, and then, that's it! no more tuning from the second set
We are on the same boat dude. And it's SIX full months of legality in standard! I'm fucking speechless.
The only time this will matter is for like... commander. And commander decks based on the newest flavor of the month mechanics arent good anyway
The whole problem with two-set designs is that they designed new mechanics to work well when the full block is released, which makes them kinda shit at first. Now they're gonna try to make new mechanics work on the first set they appear. But yeah i don't think that'll happen i prefer 2 set blocks.
The real crazy thing is how fast theyre printing these. They have to wsit and see standard develop to make drcks (thats how these are all based on tiered decks, compare old event decks), they make these fast enough that they were able to change and print the mono red deck without Ramunap Ruins or the counter deck without attune.
I don't care for any of them, but I REALLY HOPE that they keep with this line until they include a deck I want to play.
>inevitable merfolk deck might have four Kumena
Are they any good for someone that wants to start playing Standard?
Can you actually win matches with them?
I can spend 100 bucks to upgrade them.
Oh yeah for sure then, don't play standard though it's currently shit
Honestly now that I took a look at the actual list I think they're amazing for 30 bucks.
You can bring them to FNM as it is and still win, but you can easily spend $50 to get full playsets and get yourself a fully competitive deck.
There is no one-set block design. They just got rid of the two-set blocks completely to make future blocks with various numbers of sets.
Bet your ass there's gonna be a multi-set block after Dominaria.
Oh, that makes sense i guess.
I'm in fucking shock at how good these are. Something in me can't accept Wizards actually making a good product.
Bravo I guess, I'll probably be buying a couple to diversify my standard portfolio.
1. Standard fucking sucks right now, don't fall for the "but it's cheap now" bullshit. It's the dullest format.
>b-but it's fun!
2. WOTC has proved that they have no issue sniping certain cards for being problematic. They have taken a very pro-active stance with banning cards.
3. You're never actually going to get the red deck. Ever. It's going to be bought en masse to get Chandra and Hazoret the Pervert to flip and make profit off of.
4. The $30 shit is a bit a misnomer. In yugioh, they have structure decks that only become playable if you buy 3 of them (3 is the limit for card amounts in a deck in yugioh). You're still going to be dropping a lot more than $30 on these badboys. Let's say you're going RDW, you buy 3 red decks (90), 1x Hazoret (25), playset of Kendras (7), not including sideboard. You're really paying $122 for a deck instead of the $30 price tag. People telling you that it'll be out of box competitive are straight lying to you. Granted it's cheaper than buying singles now, but
5. It's standard, the cards only have X amount of shelf-life to them. That's no bueno.
6. It's mtg cards in 2018, [sound of cards curling in the distance]
Looking at the source I slightly misremembered it, but I still think it's a good change.
>Change #1—The Fall, Winter, and Spring Sets Will All Be Large Sets That Are Drafted Alone
>There will no longer be small sets (in main releases; supplementary sets, such as Conspiracy, may still be smaller). All main Standard-legal expansions will be large, and all of them will be drafted alone. From a design standpoint, each will have its own mechanical identity, although there's potential for a small amount of overlap.
>The reason for that is because from a creative standpoint, we plan to stay on worlds for as many sets as makes sense for the story. Some worlds will be a single set while others might be two or three sets. If we stay on a world for more than one set, something about how the world is structured will let us have a delineation between the sets. Sometimes, but not all the times, we will have mechanical carryover between sets that share a world. For instance, under this new model, if we chose to stay on Kaladesh for two sets, we might have chosen to use energy in both sets (most likely playing around in different design spaces), but the rest of the mechanics would have been unique to their set. Note that sets that share a world won't necessarily overlap in any mechanics.
>This also means that we are essentially removing the concept of blocks. Sets will share worlds on occasion, but the preset structure of a locked number of expansions being played together is no more.
Do you speak in anything but memes? Fucking /pol/ I swear
It's the only format my LGS supports, together with Commander.
Paying 90 bucks for 3 decks to be able to play Standard or casually with friends doesn't seem like a bad offer.
Also considering that you get Eternal staples like Fatal Push, Walking Balista etc.
price is only half the problem of standard however
Ok let's do this, because why not
1. Not an argument, that's an opinion.
2. That's a good thing.
3. You don't know that.
4. Applying current prizes to cards about to be reprinted is just fake news. There is 0 fucking way chandra and hazoret will keep their current pricetags. A more accurate math would be 30$ + 30$ for 3 hazorets + 7$ for khenras. All in all, 57$, not 122.
5. Chandra and Hazoret are Modern-playable.
6. Don't be american.