What are women's prisons like in your setting?

What are women's prisons like in your setting?

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whores and lesbians are thrown off roof tops or beheaded in the glorious name of allah

>Gender specific prison

You get thrown on the planet like everyone else does and you either get in with one of th emany established colony groups or you strike out and start your own

It's a dungeon, or a cage where they hold you until they hang you or let you go, or a stockade, or just the local militia building's basement partitioned off to keep undesirables out of the way.

It's way more likely you'll be killed, fined, forced to work reparations or publicly humiliated and lashed. A prison/dungeon is either a place to hold you until you're released or punished or a place to leave you to rot because a quick death is too good for you.

>women's prisons
That doesn't sound very progressive. We're all equal, we all go to the same jail.

araki's art really went fucking downhill after finishing part 7. He hasn't been able to draw jolyne since.

I know you're a /pol/ack strawmaning a leftist, but now that I think about it with all the rape and sexual violence goes on in prisons fucking anyway is there really a point to keeping 'em separate now. It's been established we don't give a shit about keeping inmates safe or making sure they reform or at least not come out worse people they came in as.

>is there really a point to keeping 'em separate now
Yeah, the point is keeping women safe. The fact that more people get raped in prison than out of prison doesn't matter, as long as the only ones getting raped are men. Then it's a funny thing pop culture pokes fun at. If a man goes to prison, all he gets are "don't drop the soap" jokes.

Can you even begin to imagine an alternate world, where women are routinely told "don't get raped!" as men chuckle, KNOWING that the woman literally cannot avoid getting raped? That sounds like a scene from a deranged horror movie, yet for men it's a reality.

to stop in prison pregnancies dumbass. that shits a massive pain in the ass for the prison.

Why not solve the problem with routine abortions? "Just a lump of cells" amirite?

There aren't any, because by law women can't be held accountable for their actions.

When they're underage, they're the responsibility of their father (or in absence of a father, their closest adult male relative). When they're married, they're the responsibility of their husband. When they're not married and have no living male relatives, they're sent to a convent.

Muh christian values.

Also, as bad as prison rape is, it's not hard to predict that it'll become much worse when you have a mixed population.

its expensive to pay people to do.

Exactly like they are IRL. Vastly worse than male prisons when it comes to prisoner etiquette with a hierarchy made up of harem or routinely raped "free agents" all ruled over by a handful of hyper violent butch dykes that cuck other butch dykes out of their harem/gang members in violence and acts so extreme that prison guards are routated out every 3 months for 3 months of mandatory and paid for therapy before 3 months off to ensure they don't become hyper violent or suicidally depressed. Also the God of War routinely drops a shiv on the premise to identify possible shield maidens when they exit their mortal coil further down and the line and free themselves up for the position.

I'll do it for half the price

And paying people to batch fuckers up from getting shanked isn't?

>I know you're a /pol/ack strawmaning a leftist,
Is accurately representing your opinion a strawman now?

That's way more expensive than just building a separate building/wing/floor for your female prisoners.

>Muh christian values.
Christianity is dead. If it wasn't, abortion wouldn't be legal in the first place.

Then we just raise taxes. It's the same thing we do for single moms, right? And then we get to smugly shit on conservatives for believing that life is sacred but not wanting to pay for every child that's born. I mean it's 2018 people!

>Vastly worse than male prisons
What bizarro country do you live in? I'd rather spend a year in a woman's prison than a day in a men's prison.

>Is accurately representing your opinion a strawman now?
If you consider deliberate misrepresentations straw men, yeah it is.

Anyway, don't you have another super hero movie to go complain about.

Women in my current game world get sent to convents

Poe's law, technically it's still a strawman. Even if you can't tell it's a strawman.

>Muh superhero movies
There's literally nothing wrong with Black Panther though. The problem is that a bunch of kangz think the movie is "woke" because.... black people live in Africa.

That's cheaper. You only need a field medic, and common equipment not an actual doctor and nurse, and complexed machines to do it right.

>Christianity is dead.
Tell that to America.

>sexual violence
It's actually fairly rare in male prisons. You might be dubious but male prisons have self enforced strict rules of conduct when it comes to gang on gang violence(rape falls under this category) to keep things peaceful and violators often get removed from their umbrella protection so not many risk it. Male prison rape victims are either unaffiliated or guilty of severe crimes of character like rape, child rape, murder of a wife, killing a child/woman, etc. Either or they become nice outlets for certain aggressions and neither the guards or prisoners see any reason to stop this outlet for many multiple and good reasons.
Women's prisons however are literal hell holes that use rape to determine pecking order of the gang harems and for outward social status as well as extreme violence for what amounts to no reason or because they could.
Combining them would be horrendous as neither system could reconcile their differences because the male aspect has no room for the wanton violence or lawlessness of the female aspect and because the female aspect refuses self-policing or pacification. You'd just end up with 2 separate populations forced into close proximity that would inevitably lead to excessive violence and probably a lot of dead guards and a lot more guards that would exhibit PTSD symptoms.

>what bizzaro country
America. The only place that matters on this American board on this American site.
If you mean another countries prison system please specify before hand.

America shat on Christ harder than any other country on this planet. Your megachurches dedicated to preaching the gospel of Mammon and Lillith don't trick anyone. The American mouth flaps endlessly, but the American heart is empty.

>Christianity is dead. If it wasn't, abortion wouldn't be legal in the first place.
>killing humans in development would be 100% a-ok if there was no jesus

Are you in highschool, probably into metal and think the dark ages were also caused solely by christianity?

Oh, so you don't live in some weird micronation where the gender roles are reversed. You're ACTUALLY retarded. I see.

This. Christianity is dead here people just go visit it's corpse from time to time.

I mean it sounds like the dude is a christian who's asspained we don't live in a theorcracy.
How's the child bride, my man?

>killing humans in development would be 100% a-ok if there was no jesus
You're speaking in objective terms, I'm speaking on subjective terms. Regardless of what the truth is, if you hold the view of materialism then everything is permitted as long as you can get away with it. This is the system most Americans de facto adhere to, regardless of what they may say. Most Americans are de facto materialists, who think murder is fine as long as it's convenient. Hell, even the supposedly "super religious" ones are frustratingly hypocritical retards who think Jesus doesn't see it if you stick it up the butt.

Any published evidence for this?

user.... do you not know how female prisons run in America?
It's literally what I described in that post and this

I'm not even joking and you can easily Google this and various studies on the matter as a sort of primer and evidence.
Female prisons are factually the only prisons that require their guards to rotate out for a 1:1 time of their duty for therapy otherwise they WILL become hyper aggressive and start showing PTSD symptoms just from the sights they see and the extreme measures needed to keep the prisons in check and to pacify then when needed.
Male prisons almost never rape somebody to death and as such guards don't even have to monitor it. Female prisons WILL and DO have casualties from rape by fellow prisoners and there's strict rules and methods of observation and pacification guards must follow for their safety as well as the prisoners when rape happens which is insanely often.
Yes, you read that correctly the guards are required to monitor the activity up to a point instead of instantly stopping it as it keeps the semi-stable prisoner pecking order semi-stable instead of volatile and they only step in when it looks like it might turn lethal which happens around 67% of the time. Female prisons run off this to determine "cells", closest approximation they have to male prison gangs, and their hierarchy and rape is used to "recruit" members from other cells or to make a statement to that cells leader. Usually it's the latter which is why it tends to be violent.

Why are people so fucked up?

I've actually been looking for them but it's all being pushed under the mountain of articles on female prisoners in juvie being raped by guards or transgenders in male prisons being sexually harassed.

>various studies
Can you share some of these? Not interested enough to research this topic.

>More men are raped in American prisons than women outside of it
>But supposedly female prisons are worse
>The absense of violence gangs and people trying to shove shanks up their own ass to continue a war fought on the outside is a good thing
Alright m8.

>Can you share some of these?
Of course he can't.

Please see
I'm sifting but it's been 20 pages of transgender plight and 5 cases of female juvie prisoners being raped by guards on Google.

Well if you find them share them. Couldnt find anything in 5 minute search.

>How's the child bride, my man?
As if the most deeply christian parts of the US aren't the ones with child marriage/molestation issues.

>In just the 38 US states that track marriage ages, according to the available data, more than 167,000 children, some as young as 10, were married between 2000 and 2010. In all 50 states, Unchained At Last estimated that 248,000 children -- or those under age 18 -- were married in America in that decade.

Closest I've gotten so far but it includes both genders under inmate-on-inmate as well as staff-on-inmate and it doesn't divide them that well so you have to read it's entirety for all key points.

If anybody is interested the best Googling results so far come from "Female inmate on inmate sexual assault".

>those under age 18
18 isn't even the age of consent in every state. In the vast majority it's 16. Using "Under 18" as your metric is stupid.

PS: Pic related

Abortion's legal there though and even most pro-life Christians would probably be OK with aborting prison rape babies.

>almost never rape somebody to death
is very different from when you said
>[sexual violence] is actually fairly rare in male prisons
and that there are "many multiple and good reasons" to just let men in prison rape each other, that's pretty fucked up my man

Nonexistant because it's a medieval tech level setting and keeping a large population of people you have to feed who don't do anything useful has no benefit. Criminals either do something minor and get corporal punishment or a fine, or do something major and are executed.

Non existant.
It's a medieval setting. There are no prisons.

like regular prisons


These. Criminals are put in the stockade, publically caned, branded, lose a finger, whatever.

Female criminals will usually get house arrest or sent back oversea's to the home island. I mean, assuming we're talking about humans

There are exceptions for what are basically "political prisoners" but they are usually kept in a castle under armed guard, not in anything like a prison as we know it.

They are full of RAPE and DISCRIMINATION because women are the weaker sex (sex=gender).

Ünderland has no prisons. The master has decreed that all infractions of Ünderlaw are subject to penalty of death.

On the plus side: the streets are squeaky-clean and nobody ever double parks.

Can we have a talk about why mods think a conversation directly related to OP's post is considered "off-topic"?
>all infractions of Ünderlaw are subject to penalty of death.
The mods seem to have the same ideas on posts they don't like.
The second evidence popped up showing that women were monsters in captivity and men formed hard self-regulated and created rules of society and peaceful living in captivity was the second the mods nuked the whole conversation it seems.

Oh, in the time it took to write this they deleted that post. All hail the new fuhrer's i guess.

Our new tranny mod is an odd creature.
Some days he wants women burned at the stake like the foulest robot, other days she whiteknights them like a good little redditor.

You never know which version you'll run into.

estrogen fucks up your brain it seems

Veeky Forums is my favorite board with my least favorite moderators.

Our board is pretty self-regulatory, mods and janitors are redundant and do more harm than good


Ze Purple Probe > Unterbite

Prisions are not a form of punishemnt. They only exist to prevent people from running away from trials. You have to pay for your own cell. The more coin, the better the cell. No coin? You can beg on the street with guards watching you. Actual punishments take the form of fines, amputation, slavery, and execution

They are the prisons of other things....(Because my last setting is fetish game so yeah....no one wants to be in that situations)

Are her legs okay?

She has lots of brouzouf

never have I been witness to this much assblasting live

I don't understand why those posts are disappearing.
However, no I'm not really playing a VB game. They work like normal women's prisons in my game.

>God of War routinely drops a shiv on the premise to identify possible shield maidens

Mostly the same as

I wonder if the people browsing the front page keep seeing this thread and wonder "What the fuck is happening there?"

Nonexistent, and all prisons are awful, benighted places. Women are usually not kept with men but, these places being corrupt, they're not really protected from the predations of the staff or incarcerated organized crime figures (neither are the men, for that matter).

If you're not checking 4plebs for deleted posts once an hour you're not getting the most out of Veeky Forums.

I have that thought just looking at the catalog

They don't exist. Depending on social rank, crime, and location punishments are always pretty much immediate and generally broken down into
>Public beating
>Public humiliation

If some street rat tries to steal some bread she may be publicly beaten or have her left hand amputated, if a noble woman beats a servant with a stick she may be expected to pay a fine, if a woman cheats on her husband she may be publicly humiliated and divorced, etc.

Of course my setting is a low fantasy medieval renaissance setting, probably technologically somewhere between 1400 and 1600 with a few anachronisms here and there for flavour.

>Veeky Forums Traditional Games and fetishes

Depends on the country but most are managed by churches to try and reform the inmates. The average king or governor would prefer to execute or exile criminals but people are touchy about excessive punishment because of the danger of curses and hauntings. The main difference from men's prisons is that men can be conscripted for war, women are usually sent to the mines to pay for their upkeep. Those that do reform often take the strength they got mining and experience underground and become explorers and mercenaries, essentially most female adventurers are ex-cons.

We can only hope

The mod is apparently a tranny who gets triggered when I post evidence that women become monsters when incarcerated.

We'll just put this right back where it belongs.

Anyway back to the task at hand.
They work just like real life female prisons do.
Literal hell holes where women rape women, sometimes to death, to maintain hierarchy and just because they're all apparently sociopathic by nature where sights and activities abound of natures so debased and horrific that guards have mandated rotations of a 1 to 1 rate of duty to paid therapy to prevent them from becoming hyper aggressive themselves and gaining PTSD as well as depression.

I'll post this as many times and across as many isp ranges as needed for it to stick.
There's far more male prisoners than females in the system as well as the fact that more females than males refused by percentage once they learned there was no reduced sentence for participation in the study.

Ahh. My thank you picture got deleted. We'll put that back to.

No less than 5 distinct /pol/ users are also on this ISP range.

I never even thought to check there. Holy shit that is a lot of deleted posts.

More on topic, I once played in a Don't Rest Your Head game where all in mates were mixed regardless of gender. This was however a prison that existed inside a land of insomniacs and soulless shells of people walking the streets with nightmares running the show. The prison was run by a constable with a considerably bushy mustache and a police force of turn key clockwork officers whose idea of prisoner reform meant regular beatings to a set schedule until they either died or became one of those soulless hallows.

nice bait

They're nice clean places, but only for women.
Trannies need not apply!

Don't forget to check both (OP) and (non-OP)

I'm not here to drink your dog piss.

You people have too much faith in the efficiency of medieval justice systems

Yes, prison was a place of confinement before trial, sentencing and punishment. "trial, sentencing and punishment" can take days, months, or even years - especially if it's a matter that legally requires the involvement of the monarch or a specific official/noble.

Aside from that, has the right idea. You either learn to defend yourself or you learn to eat pussy.

Keeping criminals in a position where they contribute nothing and must be given valuable resources in order to keep them alive when it provides no benefit to do so is extremely inefficient.

And? That doesn't mean it didn't happen.

And they aren't criminals until they're found guilty, which they haven't been if they're held while awaiting trial.

He hasn't been able to draw any of the old Joestars since.

If I know Araki he took that pose from a real fashion magazine.

While true of modern American and some other legal systems, not everyone plays in those settings. Some places presume guilt at the onset of an investigation.

>He hasn't been able to draw any of the old Joestars since.
that's a fucking understatement

There are no women only prisons, and all prisons are planets that are no-fly no-travel zones.

Its just you, your ass, whatever weapons you can make, and whatever friends your ass can make. Survive or don't, it doesn't matter. No one is coming to help you, no one is coming to rescue you, and no guards are present.

All the prison worlds are currently orbitally monitored no guards no walls no cells prisons, and all are mixed gender.

The prison-planets are 8 in number, as follows.

>Glor - previously a nuclear test world, low biomass high heat hellhole
>Zosimus - Totally dark, freezing cold hellhole.
>Apsaf - Ringed world, still used as a dumping ground for illegal, toxic, and industrial waste.
>Maur - So hot you will melt down if the sunlight touches you, riddled with caves.
>Etafut - Jungle riddled with giant monkeys, invisible dinosaurs, and deadly carniferns.
>Nemiscron - Seas of fire, wind over 300 miles an hour, poisonous cactuses in a scorched and melted rocky desert.
>Guargus - On average 39 days of visible light per year. Dark, cold, miserable.
>Enenrop - Recursive world, time-warps that naturally occur on Enenrop make it impossible to escape, since you often warp back to before you left. Sort of earth like.

When a series drawn by a single person goes on for this long, but the characters are regularly retired and the person is not afraid to experiment with his art... It's inevitable.

Gotta be honest guy, I can't help but imagine that guy being the gayest man in the world. We're talking lisp chou-aniki style gayer than the gayest thing you can possibly imagine.

Most criminals only sit in a holding cell for a day when it comes to minor crime or they're waiting for action to be taken, like chopping of your limbs or sent to a bigger dungeon to await execution.

But some banded together wizards have gone full gothic style, creating great prison colonies in bubbles for some insane experiment, they're practically buying more criminals than most countries can sell to them.

Standard, constantly observed detainment cells for both genders. Twelve persons of the same gender a room. Once a day meal, once a week shower. Community labour for minor infractions. Instigators of any trouble have their severity bumped up.
Three options for serious crime: fit, healthy, genetically exceptional women bear children until they're no longer able to. Comfortable solitary confinement, excellent healthcare, some entertainment and access to exercise rooms. Children are taken from them at birth then raised in state-run facilities. Infractions lead to harsher living conditions or being sent to labour camps/executed.
Labour camps. 25 years is the max sentence for females, for the Leader is great and merciful. No survivors. Males can be sentenced for life.
Execution. Next of kin fined with all detainment/execution/disposal expenses.

Thrown into a walled off area in the wilderness with constant patrols on the wall, leaving the criminals to do as they wish.

>Medieval times

Top ebin anachronism you got there.

Well, it's your setting, so..

>invisible dinosaur
wasn´t there an old movie or miniseries where the characters are hunted by an invisible t-rex or something?

"Guilty until proven innocent" doesn't mean that being accused of a crime automatically makes you a criminal. It means that in the trial, the burden of proof is on the defense to prove you're innocent, not on the state to prove you're guilty. As far back as the Greeks, societies with no presumption of innocence have still understood that people could be falsely accused of crimes.

What are those filled with, helium?