Veeky Forums Census

You guys want to update this? Let’s do it for classes too. I like seeing Veeky Forums‘s tastes.

Pick your favorite race and class and post it. It’s difficult, but choose and post just one for the integrity of the poll. You can do honorable mentions too. I’ll tally them up and make a graph this weekend.

Setting doesn’t matter, but preferably stick with the High Fantasy genre.

>everything is D&D

I don't have enough pictures of people vomiting.

>Favorite Race: Giant
>Favorite Class: Barbarian

Who else /feefifofum/ here?

Race: Doesn't matter.
Class: Middle.

OP for Orcs and Witch Hunters, not necessarily together

>What is democracy
Vote for something that’s not a D&D race or class then, you colossal idiot.

Good ol' fashioned Wizard.

Elf. Class is difficult, but I'll guess it will be the cleric. You know, I almost picked the ranger, I like this class in theory, but most of the time they suck.

Race: Human
Class: Fighter

Honorable Mentions
Class: Paladin



>For Honor
Underrated game

Race: human
Class: sorcerer

Race: Goblin
Class: Ranger



I second this guy



Warlock Tiefling, cause I can kill people and whenever people say anything I can call they racist.

Favorite Race: Unironically Skeleton.
Favorite Class: Rogue
And fuck all of you if Skeleton isn't in the top ten. Bone boys are the best.

That’s like a shark eating people and then calling racism when people fight back

Yes, but it's white people who are calling the racism, not the shark.

Ideally: Hobgoblin
In reality: Half Elf
Ideally: Warlord
In reality: Warlock

Humans and clerics

Race: Human
Class: Fighter

Anybody who plays anything other than a Human Fighter (in any/every game or setting) is a degenerate.

Street Samurai

Wizard (ideally)

Race: Human
Class: Warlock

I love me some Tieflings, too, but most of my PCs always end up human.

Honorable Mention: Wizard. Playing a Black Company-style mercenary scum-mage was tons of fun.

Race: Snake People (see pic because this name has many connotations

3.5 Dragonborn is completely incomparable to 5e Dragonborn for example, though.

The character limit is well into the thousands, you can attach an explanation.

Race: Mul
Class: Shifter


Race: Human
Class: Paladin


Honorable mention




Sorry that it isn't 40k, you faggot.

Race: Human
Class: Fighter

>race: Half-elf
>class: warlock

This could be more detailed if made with gurps alien.

1-Use gurps alien to generate a monster, but instead of rolling dice, people give scores from 1 to 10 at choices (only the ones that would have a chance higher than 0 of being rolled) and the one with best score win.
2-After the race is made, binary voting is used to pick an %. This % is the % of all species this race is.
3-Do another race with same method.
4-Pick the % again, using binary voting, but the max % is the remaining % and not 100%
5-If you filled the entire percentage, you have all races, if not go back to 3

Human. Everything else varies too much with the setting to give a blanket answer

Alchemist. The Japanese punch-wizard variant. I like my exploding crystals and air-dashes.

Elf Sorcerer

>Favourite Race: Warforged
>Favourite Class: Alchemist