From Iron Cometh Strength...
From Iron Cometh Strength
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You are weak, Perturabo.
Fuck off Ferrus Manus!
From betrayal cometh weakness
Poor Pert. All he wanted to do was feed the poor, build hospitals and castles but E-money wanted him to be a tool and now he is a bitter old demon prince. I hope his demon gets cool jet wings. Just imagine.
From Strength Cometh Will
thanks for the ascension bro
From will cometh faith
I wanna boop Perturabo's snoop
I am fortifying this thread.
Was it autism?
I am the autistic guy that defends Perturabo at every point I can and I wish he did not become a daemon prince. I think that was pretty stupid on GW's part. He didn't give a shit about gods or anything like that.
I'm honestly pretty disappointed with how they handled most things to do with Perturabo.
You still butt-blasted that dad made me Praetorian of Terra, Perty?
>wanting to serve a tyrant retard like the Emperor
>kills 1/10 of his legion the moment he meets them
>can call others retard tyrants
Pick one.
>the legion sucks dick
>Perturabo encourages them to not suck so much dick via equal decimation regardless of rank or merit because the entire legion is responsible for its shittiness
>is a bad guy???
It worked.
H-hey guys, it's your buddy Perturabo! Ch-check out my Legion's new Tyrant Siege Terminators! They're Terminators outfitted with Cyclone Missile Launchers. Pretty cool, r-right?
>how dull
>worst Legion
Everyone! I, Roboute Guilliman, have completed my latest tactical innovation. Behold the FULMENTARUS TERMINATOR STRIKE SQUAD. They are Cataphractii pattern Terminators equipped with Cyclone Missile Launchers... AND a Peritarch Targeter!
Even as part of the Perturabo Internet Defense Force, decimation was fucking harsh for what the IV Legion did or didn't do.
They nearly ground themselves to dust by not adapting to their situation loosing far more men and materiel than needed. But they still at least won. I do not agree with the choice to decimate his Legion, but I at least understand where the Lord of Iron came from.
Pert is one of the most tragic of the Traitor Primarchs. Fulgrim, Kurze, Angron to an extent, along with Pert are the truly damned.
All Pert wanted to do was bring peace and democracy to the galaxy. He truly believed in the Great Crusade, at least at first. FUCK DORN.
>Killing a bunch of your own men instead of taking the time to whip them into shape
All Perturabo wanted to do was build stuff and help people. He had issues but they were honestly pretty understandable.
He had them whipped into shape to death.
>All Perturabo wanted to do was build stuff and help people.
You're preaching to the metaphorical choir.
>He had issues but they were honestly pretty understandable.
Being aware of your own existence from your first memory would warp anyone's mind. Knowing everything from that same moment too would suck most of the joy out of life. Combine that with feleing like you're being"watched" by the Eye of Terror (which Pert named) at all times and forced to be a destroyer of cities by both fathers, Pert's issues are completely understandable.
Let's not even talk about the effect of siege warfare has on both sides of the cannon....
I just want Pert and Dorn to make up and be friends.
I think Dammekos was honestly pretty nice to Perturabo despite everything. Calliphone was right about how Dammekos took him in and raised him and gave him the things he needed to do what he needed to do. The rulers of Olympia were pretty shitty, though. I wonder what would have happened if Dammekos had died before Perturabo had gone off with the Emperor and how Olympia would have turned out.
Based on Angel Exterminatus Perturabo had a grand dream for it that simply couldn't be realised because, as he said, people are shitty. The odd thing with him though is that he never wanted to be a ruler, which is kind of different from what I've read of the other primarchs. Perturabo was happy helping and doing his own thing (for the benefit of others which also pleased him).
If everyone hadn't been such a giant dick to Perturabo and had Olympia not rebelled I highly doubt he would have even joined Horus. He wasn't a fan of the Emperor at all (and I suspect even less after he ordered him to that shitty situation against the Hrud migration) but he also wasn't so big on Horus. Fucking Olympia.
He and Dorn would have been an unstoppable force.
Fuck nerd Primarchs, you're a son of the Emperor! Act like one!
I read the Magnus the Red novel not too long a go and Perturabo was in it, which I wasn't expecting and before all the heresy shit, he seemed like a tough but genuinely nice guy who understood that people will die in war no matter what and if he has to make a list choosing who lives and who dies, he'll do it because it simply has to be done.
He was cold and did what was necessary but not uncaring.
I have his pirmarch novel on my desk and I'm gonna read it soon, fingers crossed he isn't a total dick in this one
"Nice" would be relative, I think. Dammekos was called 'Tyrant' for a reason. He may've given Pert everything he needed, specifically everything he needed to wage war.
I'm not really sure everyone was a dick to Pert, but he certainly was overlooked a lot. A whole lot. If he had some time for R&R between siege campaigns and given some credit where credit was rightfully due, I doubt Pert would've rebelled. Prodding from Horus and the Word Bearer's incitement for Olympia to rebel aside. Hell, if the Iron Warriors and Pert weren't so beaten down by siege warfare they might've not gone so buttfuck crazy on Olympia.
Just imagine: if the Iron Warriors hadn't of gone traitor the Istvaan V Massacre would've ended a lot different. Ferrus might still be alive.
>If everyone hadn't been such a giant dick to Perturabo
Its not like Pert was easy to get along with from the get go.
I think "tyrant" was simply what rulers were called on Olympia. Within their individual city-states, of course. Not that we really hear much of Olympia beyond what was in the primarch novel but it didn't seem too bad or hellish. I thought it was pretty comical when Dammekos was tired of how Perturabo would say the lavish feasts could help the less fortunate to the point where Dammekos didn't want to hear it anymore.
I guess you're right about the dick thing too, but that was always the impression I got. The Iron Warriors were always thrown into the mud and blood and always got shit jobs which they did no matter what. They took losses the other legions did not have to simply because they didn't do the grueling work the IW did. The other primarchs were like, "Perturabo come on do you really need so many men to die what are you doing just throwing them to the grinder haha Perturabo you suck haha" but I'm not sure what others expect him to do when that's the type of warfare he is expected to do.
He did like his sons and the nice moments between them are great, even post-heresy. It's a pity no one sees the actual good and optimistic sides of Perturabo. Sure, he's an autistic manchild with anger issues, but he is more than that.
>"You don't know the things I dream," said Perturabo. "No one does. No one ever cared enough to find out."
Shit legion that was in the shit every time and basically serve as the mooks in every situation where the Imperium curbstomps Chaos. But goddamn they have the best battlecry
Death Guard, Night Lords, Iron Warriors and Dark Angels were were all awesome Legions who went to shit when their Primarchs were found.
People did mistreat Pert, absolutely. But given Pert's personality those slights were magnified to far beyond what they were in reality. Roboute specifically didn't seem to understand the nature of siege warfare as per your quote about throwing men at walls.
>It's a pity no one sees the actual good and optimistic sides of Perturabo
>"You don't know the things I dream," said Perturabo. "No one does. No one ever cared enough to find out."
I think that is the true tragedy of Perturabo. He was a dreamer, an idealist, someone who really believed in utopia the Imperium could've been. But that was beaten out of him by his adoptive father, E-Money, and what his lot in the Great Crusade was.
Hmm, wonder if I can writefag well enough to have an alternate scenario where Pert didn't turn traitor and he can enjoy himself at home tinkering around in his workshop building things to make the Imperium a better place.
I'm ultra annoyed that IW are always portrayed similar to Black Legion as well. They don't give a shit about the gods and use Chaos as a tool, anytime I see them with ornate armor and screaming praise to the dark gods, it's annoying as fuck. These guys should be harnessing it as energy for their weapons and ships like Warpsmiths do.
I believe in you, user. Make your dreams happen. As for the magnification of problems, I agree. As I said, Perturabo has issues. Even he realises this especially during his talk with Calliphone.
Same. I'm about to return to the hobby proper and planning on an IW army with as few Chaos elements as possible. I like their books and think they're interesting to read but they are way too Chaos-y, I think. They don't even like the Obliterators from what I remember from Siege of Castellax.
>"You don't know the things I dream," said Perturabo. "No one does. No one ever cared enough to find out."
iirc Perturabo could see the Eye of Terror from Olympia with his naked eye. When he found out nobody else could see it he just went "oh well that sucks" and decided it was God judging him by staring directly into his soul at all times.
Yeah, that is pretty much what happened. I think Fulgrim was the only one to even acknowledge it (maybe Magnus did I'm not entirely sure as I haven't read those books). He told Ferrus about it and Ferrus basically told him to stop being a pussy and so he decided to not talk about it ever again. Kind of makes me think it's how people see mental illness, you know? Hard to discuss and most don't know what you're talking about so it leads to even worse stuff without getting any sort of help or understanding.
Ferrus was one to talks about mental illness. Guy was seriously retarded
Quote from the wiki
>" He had once asked the Iron Hands Primarch Ferrus Manus whether his silver eyes allowed similar insight, but his brother had just shaken his head and given him a look of faint scorn, as though he had just admitted to some secret weakness or vice. He had never mentioned it again. "
Man holy shit, Pert's life is probably the most genuinely depressing thing in the entire setting.
Why? It's probably the only case where someone recognized him for doing literally anything useful.
It's still better than Dorn
>Man Konrad is nuts, having delusions about civil war between our kin. Guess I will bring that up directly in front of him instead of asking Magnus, Macaldor or father who probably know more about this than me
>the legion sucks dick
The funny part is that the legions didn't suck, it was one of the best performing legions without their primarch.
The decimation was both to "improve morale", and punishment for the stubbornes of the legion.
The legion was at 2/3 of their force because when Guilliman said "that plan will not work, you can't send men after men expecting it to work" they just did that, and it worked.
From faith cometh honor!
>"You don't know the things I dream," said Perturabo. "No one does. No one ever cared enough to find out."
Through Strength I gain Power...
Perturabo does a lot of useful things. He didn't believe in gods though and never really relied on anyone else, so him becoming a daemon primarch is pretty stupid. He should have just been in a heavily defended location of real space and not on Medrengard.
I think they'll retcon it.
Killing one in every ten is a very old practice. The Romans used it very efficiently.
I really hope so. He hasn't even really done anything as a daemon primarch that he couldn't do as himself. If I remember right all he has been doing is sitting around in Medrengard and being bitter. I think he made a virus for Mortarian because he's hackerman.
Honestly, one of the nicer bits was Mortarion getting pissed at Fulgrim for what he did to Pert.
When did that happen?
I feel Perturabo would be ten times better as a character if the decimation never happened or was well into the Crusade or HH. Him being an idealist with dreams of engineering and architecture doesn't really fit with being given a group of warriors willing to lay down their lives for him and thinking "these guys are pussies, one in every ten will be executed". It's pointless grimderp that detracts from his story and descent into a bitter, paranoid monster.
Rolled 6 (1d10)
1s ARE DEAD NOT 10s.
Magnus was his best friend amongst the other primarchs so that would definitely follow that he did as well
>tfw read hammer of Olympia
>tfw pert just wanted to draw plans and build houses
>that moment when he breaks down after killing his adoptive sister, the only person he cared about and cries while watching logos burn
>his first captain just stares at him in shock and holds his hand
Fucking hell I was not expecting such a feels ride
can we officialy confirm that perturabo is /ourguy/
Rolled 2 (1d10)
Rolled 6 (1d10)
Pert did nothing wrong after what the emperor did to him with the Hrud thing
I take this punishment for you brothers.
Well he did needlessly burn his homeworld
And murder his sister in a fit of autistic rage
Storm of Iron is one of my favorite books and is why the Iron Warriors are my number 1. Favorite traitor legion, just ahead of Night Lords (Lord of Night also great) and pre-Heresy World Eaters, back when they had some coherence.
Rolled 2 (1d10)
Which Horus Heresy books should I read for good Perturabo stuff?
Him, Angron, Magnus, and (ironically) Dorn are best primarchs.
Angron was the most fucked over and my absolute fav, but goddamn do Perturabo and Magnus take the beat stick.
Rolled 9 (1d10)
For Olympia
Iron Within!
Hammer of Olympia and anger exterminatus they are in chronological order I believe
She was, to be fair, SAVAGEDLY ripping into his ass. I mean goddam, her speech was brutal, and that's as someone who doesn't care about her. To Perturabo? She may as well shit on him, it'd have been kinder.
Also I think she was wrong anyway- it really read as being dismissive as fuck.
Rolled 4 (1d10)
Iron within!
I will never understand his ascension as daemon prince
He never cared for gods and would outright question and deny them, and yet this happens
You can give obliterators and Daemon engines a pass, but this is weird
>I am the autistic guy that defends Perturabo at every point I can
I feel this user
For Valentines day i posted my dinner with him on /a/ because you cant trust even waifus, only the Lord of Iron
Yea Perty got BTFO pretty hard there
But FFS he's a fucking primarch, not some regular chump he should be able to take the heat.
Although seeing the other primarchs, they aren't really better
I thought it both funny how he reeeeeeees and pulls a Darth Vader on her ass, but then realises what he did(bot to her and Olympia) and just... breaks.
I'll see if I can find the excerpt
It WAS after like 200 years of quiet despair, mounting frustration, and severe stress.
Even gods have their breaking point.
Rolled 10 (1d10)
Here it is
Rolled 3 (1d10)
>see how it bums
Forrix ended up falling far, going from First Captain and Warsmith and one of Perturabo's chief advisors to being just one of 3 commanders under the The
Makes me wonder if The Warsmith was just that badass (he certainly was impressive) or if the Forrix of 30k is The Warsmith and the 40k Forrix merely bears his name.
Hammer of Olympia was a fucking ride
From cum cometh children.
Perturabo's nature was badly at odds with his home world. He was stubborn, blunt, held grudges easily, loved building for peace, and idolized the truth. Olympus was a den of treachery, exploitation, and warfare. Additionally, he was a child with enough knowledge to think he was wise and too little experience to use it well because of his memory problems.
His father was a known liar, and used Perturabo as a tool for power, and sought to use him as a weapon. So Perturabo, who had sworn loyalty to him, never trusted him and refused to accept any gesture of affection. Perturabo never forgave an injury to his heart, and refused to bend to those who injured him.
Reading Hammer of Olympia, holy fuck does Perturabo have a temper. A massive temper, barely constrained by logic and duty. Fucking ANGRON was less mad than Perturabo sometimes is.
Could they ever have been friends?
Prolly not. Both are extremely prickly- the Lion would get pissed at Perturabo for dismissing his knightly ideals in favor of cold logic and uncompromising duty, while Perturabo would resent the Lion for his greater glories.
Maybe Morty then?
Could be. Morty was fucked by his home and circumstances too.
I honestly liked Perturabo and Magnus' friendship- two intellectuals having good times.
But really- I think the best possible friend would have been Dorn- though I don't know how. I wonder how things would have gone had Perturabo been selected as Praetorian...
If Dorn had more tact, and Perturabo had more self esteem, they could have made a good team.
But I can't see Dorn hating Perturabo if their places were exchanged. Dorn seemed content with simply doing his duty, and rebuilding the worlds he brought into compliance during The Great Crusade.