Gurps is better than any edition of d&d.
>Gurps is better than any edition of d&d.
Might be true.
GURPS is the worst system, though. You'd know that if you played RPGs instead of just shitposting about them.
which is not saying much, but then again GURPS is not much of a good system.
So this is the thread where we say every system is the worst piece of shit to ever exist right?
'Better' relies on context. There are a lot of campaigns you could run that would work better in GURPS than D&D. But there are also campaigns you could run in specific editions of D&D that would work better in those than in GURPS.
4e, for example. You can't achieve that kind of heroic, teamwork focused combat in GURPS with anywhere near the same degree of elegance. You can emulate it, but emulation is always clunkier and less elegant than something built from the bottom up to do the job.
What's the source of this anime? Does it have a lot of these cute scenes or is this the only one in the whole show?
bump, please help.
Pretty sure this scene is from an OVA, and the fox only transforms into that cute boy for this episode. The anime is mainly about the fox trying to get the heroine a boyfriend.
The Whispering Horse God's time of ascendancy is upon us, see the sun swell like the great bead of Pre-cum it is. Soon the Almighty Horse will release his divine spooge upon our earth and fertilize the earth, giving birth to the great Foal.
>d&d is created and get famous
>its the first rpg so (since its famous) you have all those extreme amount of rpg players with different point of view of how a rpg should be, playing the exact same rpg
>after some amount of time playing some players discover some stuff they think are flaws, while discover some rules they think are really awesome
>because they have very different views on what a rpg should be (despise playing the exact same rpg), what some guy think is a good idea wont be considered a good idea by the other player, what some consider a shitty idea will be considered a good idea by other rpg player
>new system is made based at this enviroment, and create a mess of a rpg system.
>many of those players quickly jump into the new system, expecting fixed to what they think are flaws
>because the players have very different opinions on what rpg should be (despise playing the same exact system), what is a flaw to some is a fix to another, and what is a fix to another is a flaw to someone. So the system CAN'T be fixed.
>all those extreme amount of players quickly jumping to this new system, bring new (to rpg) players to the new d&d system
>this make the game have an extreme amount of rpg players with different point of view of how a rpg should be, playing the exact same rpg
>because they have very different views on what a rpg should be (despise playing the exact same rpg), what some guy think is a good idea wont be considered a good idea by the other player, what some consider a shitty idea will be considered a good idea by other rpg
>new system is made based at this enviroment, and create a mess of a rpg system. No one knows what the system/d&d is suposed to be, because it was created based on a mess.
>the story continue ad infinitum
ebin copy pasta brah
>ome amount of time playing some players discover some stuff they think are flaws, while discover some rules they think are really awesome
do you write the same bullshit over and over when you need to reply to people?
Yep. Looks like Dungeons and Dragons has finally cemented its place as a containment RPG.
It's not like this wasn't already a thing. Ever since third edition came out the trend was already starting. Fourth edition came with the popularity surge of The Big Bang Theory which resulted in a spike in sales, which was not enough to save 4e's badly-written mechanics.
Fifth edition was specifically watered down to be palatable both to grognards (who do not rely on the active D&D community nor do they need a new ruleset, thus this pandering was stupid) and to normies, who flocked to the game in great masses thanks to the game's appearance on two terrible TV shows (Stranger Things and Big Bang Theory). Also, the prevalence of Critical Role podcast created quite a lot of love for D&D, which found itself inundated by waves of new players. Wizards of the Coast saw sales skyrocketing, giving them the false message that dumbing down the game represented an improvement in game design (though they did streamline many of the mechanics, which *was* a good thing). As a result, Wizards is very happy with this diluting of the Dungeons and Dragons fanbase. Veeky Forums has also deluded itself into thinking this influx of players is a good thing. This lack of foresight is to be expected.
D&D is now the containment RPG. It keeps the dumb-ass Skyrim addicts and the brain-dead hipster roasties who can't even figure out which die to roll, out of the good RPGs. Which is sad, because D&D, despite being shit in many small ways, was overall a very fun and enjoyable roleplaying game. It was structured that way. However, the fanbase it is now attracting is making it intolerable, and the way said fanbase is guiding the mechanics is a direction that would make a game like Dungeon World seem sophisticated.
So, in short, D&D is dead, but thank god for its existence.
Better at what, though?
Being terrible at doing anything.
I like D&D's core mechanic.
>roll a d20
>add modifiers
>see if it meets or exceeds the target number
That's like 99% of the shit you do aside from damage rolls.
I am a hardcore GURPSfag. I recommend it all over the place, and while I don't know every miniscule detail about every splat, I know my way around it well enough to tailor it to anything pretty well.
But even I can recognize a shitpost. Fuck you, OP, and the horse you rode in on. Probably a false-flagging dick. This is not how you get new players, or how you start an interesting discussion. Even if your point is true, which I tend to agree that it is, that's a shitty way to frame it.
I love DND, haven’t played any other system in person, but their are more problems than just the gameplay loop. I have two.
First the game is written with a very specific setting in mind. It’s incredibly tedious to convert DND to anything but the fantasy genre. To this day I don’t think I’ve seen any DND edition incorporate guns in a satisfying way.
Second is the reliance on stats and luck. In a d20 system every +1 you get adds a neat 5% to succeeding. Statistically it’s sound but DND puts almost no bearing on trying to get a situational modifier from, say, the location and how the players can affect it, and it basically comes down to the DC and Dm fiat to see if that cool thing you did has any effect at all (like climbing a giant and attacking its eyes technically has no benefit in any edition). It basically creates this rut where your only focus is to beat the DC and it kills lateral thinking if you have the wrong DM.
Plenty of RPGs have fixed these problems, but they have some of their own. Some of the people you’ll meet here value systems that reward a player’s knowledge of the rules, and Gurps does that quite well I’ve been told, but if I just want to kill some bandits and make funny character voices with my old college friends I just stick to dnd
>Inferring is the players first and only system this guy played.
>Inferring that gurps fags are like dnd fags that try no system but their first baby child and talk shit about other systems constantly.
Define better. D&D frontloads less work on the GM and can be played readily straight out of the box.
It doesn't have to have been their first for them to act like that.