Yugioh thread
Yugioh thread
What's the best deck type and why is it anti meta?
Anti meta is for shitters. I've OTK through 4 backrow and Thunder King before, using a shitty tier 3 deck.
Then why does it get results?
It doesn't.
So are vampires going to be playable at all?
Depends on your definition of playable. If you go by /dng/'s definition of playable, which is anything that isn't tier 1 or 0 at release is unplayable garbage, then no.
This threads never get going.
Veeky Forums thinks the game is childish and retarded and any other board will send you here.
I just want a place where I can talk about my stupid hobby...
Even if you don't go by /dng/'s standards vampires are still pretty fucking bad, user.
They're not bad. Vampires are playable petdeck. Just because you can't make unbreakable boards doesn't mean they're bad.
Should I buy 3 of the fairy deck to make a deck or wait for the pair of darkness.
Or just go back for dinos.
Veeky Forums hates nearly anything Japanese, not surprising given how this board is like.
You could attempt the weeb gen that pops up every now and then or /dng/ on Veeky Forums.
Counter Fairy is a pretty bad deck, even by petdeck standards. Just buy Dinosaur, Ancient Gear or ABC or wait for Lair of Darkness.
I'm thinking of making a turtle deck because I like turtles. There's no turtle specific archetype or support that I know of though.
Any ideas?
I have a deck that is 80% weak reptile monsters.
My friends all laughed at me when I first used it
'user you need a stronger deck lol'
Then I summoned Venomnaga with 7500 attack points, can't be affected by spell, trap or monster effects, can be brought back from the graveyard by removing a reptile monster from graveyard and, if you give your enemy three life point damages you win the duel.
Not bad broski, but I have a deck that puts monsters on your field, so I'd activate Escalation of the Monarchs allowing me to offer your monster for a Normal summon. And guess what? Winged Dragon of Ra Sphere Mode is a Normal summon! After that I'd add insult to injury I'd bring it back with Cubic Mandala with 0000/0000 and no effect, aside from rendering all other monster effects you control useless while it's on the field. How can you possibly defeat me when you no cards on the field that can attack?
Didn't barrier statues top when zodiacs were just coming out? Plus chain beat had a good matchup against nekroz
Considering that pretty much all of the anime inspired stuff on Veeky Forums is just using bad isikai for world building it makes sense
dont let these fags stop you, yu-gi-oh is shit bit this is the board for it. if yu-gi-oh goes magic threads should go as well!
Are there any good-resolution images of the new Strikeblade Valkyrie cards? I want to see how qt this mecha musume archetype is.
This card girl is cute. Hi-res pls?
>If you go by /dng/'s definition of playable, which is anything that isn't tier 1 or 0 at release is unplayable garbage, then no.
honestly that's kinda true with how the game works nowadays
Talk user, like why is pendulum summon the superior summon method.
I've been out of the game for a while but I think I'm ready to get back in. What deck should I go get today? Is there any reason I'd want to buy multiple of the same deck, i.e. a rare card that appears every so often, or is that only a pack thing?
No-Eyes Wight Dragon is the only xeyes ripoff that I like conceptually
*ruins your life*
Reminder to stuff your deck full of trap cards that prevent your opponents from attacking
>bought 6 packs of Ancient Millennium today
>one of the packs had both Toon Kingdom and Millennium Eyes Restrict
I never get that lucky.
If you honestly think about returning just get the 3 dinomashers fury structure decks and buy some singles to fill the deck. Its still good by todays standard.
I am only slightly familiar with this game thank to YGOPRO but I've always been fond of certain cards for their art. Morping Jar for its shit-eating gin, all the dinosaurs because they're fucking dinosaurs and they're not being ridden by SJW-inspired pirates, and even cards with fucking Gradius ships. And now I can put swag skelly on the list.
So is Goat Format really best format? Genuinely curious.
>even cards with fucking Gradius ships
if you ever give Duel Links a try they've included a bunch of the cards for the overarching Konami SHMUP Archetype and it's actually semi-viable to run, at least for casual PvE stuff
Theirs this thing I call the Dragoons engine
1-3x any level 4 or higher monster
3x Dragoons of Draconia
3x Sea Dragoons of Draconia
2x Fire Formation tenki
3x Neptabyss, The Atlantean Prince
2x Atlantean Dragoons
1-3x Legendary Atlantean trident
1-2x Poseidra,the Atlantean Dragon
The crux of this is that when you have the Dragoons and Sea in the pendulum zone and a Vanilla attacks and destroy a monster you can search a level 4 or higher vanilla then special summon it right from the hand. The other cards are their to search your pendulums.
>is goat the best
no. it's played exclusively by nostalgiafags. every deck is 30 of the same generic goodstuff cards with 10 assorted fluff cards.