ITT: Book universes that are ripe for tabletop
ITT: Book universes that are ripe for tabletop
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>thinly veiled half-baked Marxist critique of traditionalism masquerading as cliche YA science fiction
I think I'll pass
Pic related - mainly in the traction era, but the eras before look pretty rad.
YA fiction on the whole tends to be quite good for adventures, just by the nature of the work
>YA fiction on the whole tends to be quite good for adventures, just by the nature of the work
I don't know about that. They tend to have a couple of interesting ideas, but suffer from a few different things that make them bad settings for RPGs:
>Small World - everyone of importance will know everyone else of importance
>Everything ties back to Chosen One of the books, such that disentangling them from the progression of the world is almost impossible, because everyone else only pops up and begins acting when the Chosen One gets near them
>Good idea or hook that is not really fleshed out in the author's mind when the first books get published, leading to massive plot holes later on
The Percy Jackson books are my go-to for that; a concept that is not entirely unique (Greek gods exist in modern day, their demigod children go to a summer camp to learn how to fight monsters) but well-executed at first, that slowly collapses under it's own weight as the series drags on. Easy for kids to imagine themselves in the role of Percy, but basically requiring boiling down to the most base elements and rebuilding if you don't want to follow Percy's path.
If nobody in the group has a clue about the source material, you could literally run a YA series as a campaign, but if they do then it's not usually worth the effort. Steal what you like, build a world around it that makes better sense, and go.
I haven't read it and have never actually heard of it, but can you explain what's marxist about it? Preferably in detail? I'm genuinely curious, and I so rarely get real answers when I ask people about this kind of thing.
>but basically requiring boiling down to the most base elements and rebuilding if you don't want to follow Percy's path.
Not really - kids who aren't Percy went on quests/had to deal with their lives all the time. If you mostly ignore the Titanomanchy/Gigantormanchy things going on and look at the side stuff it's fine - story-wise, yeah that's quite a rebuild, but setting wise you're leaving things mostly intact
The problem with that is that Cronus coming back is central to the setting, as well as the story. Either it's happening in the background and the players are second-string demigods (which, interestingly enough, is what the Mistborn game did, and boy howdy did it suck), or you decide it's not happening and put a few more dents into the metaphysics of Tartarus and monster reformation. Or you have the players deal with the same problem.
Is good.
>Stormlight Archive
>Howl's Moving Castle It was a book before it was a Ghibli film.
>The Black Company
>The Witcher
glad im not the only one who read these
came in here to post Stormlight Archive, my brother and I actually want to adapt a system for it at some point
I read the first book and loved it. Using the Gold ph8losophy for my main BBEG, because if you're better than everyone else, why SHOULDN'T you rule?
The other guy has not read the book and has probably just read the synopsis. The worldbuilding is really cool, the characters are great, and it manages to create an "unfair" future without going full dystopia or heavyhanded. The main character even remakrs several times that he enjoys being a space-nazi and can see the merits to their system, even if he ends up destroying it eventually.
Fucking thank you, finally a real answer. Every fucking time I ask "What's so marxist about it" or "Can you tell me what marxism is" I get a bullshit fucking non-answer. I wish I could parry attacks the way these faggots parry questions.
Dude you have to read Golden Son. There is a passage near the end that basically sums up the Gold philosophy beautifully. It's one of my favorite parts of the series.
I mean, the series is called red rising and the picture on the last book is a sickle. It's about a rigidly segmented society being slowly destroyed by a member of the red caste, the lowest and shortest lived caste, who has been transformed into a gold, the members of the highest and most physically superior caste. I've only read the first two books, but throughout the series, the main character is shown to be better at everything except plotting and being ruthless than the other members of the gold caste, and he pretty much only loses because the other Gold Caste members are pretty heartless bastards.The golds do constantly refer to democracy as weak and decadent and advocate for a social Darwinist caste based society despite kinda failing to uphold it when it matters to them, so I kinda see how you could maybe get a marxist critique of traditionalism vibe from it if you were being very generous with the definitions of marxism and traditionalism. Personally, I see it as more similar to the classical liberal revolutions fought way back when against literal monarchies or to other vaguely dystopian YA novels about being a rebel. It is pretty half-baked though, I can't really argue with that.
Your sincere and detailed answer is appreciated, thank you.
Came in here to see if someone would post Stormlight Archive
Would you let your players waifu a Spren.
Yaas bruv
Probably another example where you'd have to steer clear of the Main Characters, but the First Law world seems reasonably adventure-friendly
Never do a deal with Valint &Balk
Spren are not for sexual
Aren't they a kind of spirit? You could adapt runequest/mythras with ease, you would only to add the super armors and blades. Waifuing spirits isn't rare in Glorantha too, tough some can give you magical aids like Dryads.
I think this would work pretty well as a tabletop setting.
It's basically chock full of things which would pretty neatly translate into trpg mechanics.
Also I really like fantasy early modern type settings, and this is a fairly good one.
Song of Ice and Fire.
I did read that one, very interesting setting truth be told, the tale itself was meh, but the rest was top notch.
What are some tabletop games that let me get friendzoned by a literal prostitute?
Ever since I seriously read this, and not just skimmed through it for class in high school, I've wanted to play Veeky Forums version of it.
>PCs have to manage the ship's upkeep, each doing a a different task, then take the role of harpooneers when whales are spotted.
>DM is Ahab.
>Gotta deal with superstition, rumor, and Mysteries of the sea and sky.
>Get bonuses for invoking symbolism and developing a theme of the campaign.
Anons with good taste.
Half the reason I want Sanderson to finish is so we get the official rp books.
The Gunslinger with extended Stephen King multi-verse.
Start off with Dogs in the Vineyard and work from there.
There'd an RPG coming out, was funded on KS, uses Savage Worlds.
For me I'd love to see Dune, The Expanse or The Gentleman Bastards used for RPGs.
Oh, and the Shadow of the Apt series. That's such a cool setting.
>Shadow of the Apt
My god, I thought noone else in this site had read those.
Are you reading the Echoes of the Fall series?
Also I add my support for Stormlight Archive but broaden it to basically any Sanderson series. The way he writes magic systems is ripe for making rpgs.
Also any series by Brent Weeks and Will Wright. I would really like a setting book for the Trvellers Gate series.
Didn't Sapkowski write some kind of PnP rules?
Only Lawful Good kaladins can waifu sprens!
Shut the fuck up, Carlos.
I've only read Empire in Black and Gold thus far, but damn did I enjoy it.
There's already ASIFRPG, plus a multitude of medieval games that could be repurposed for that universe.
I've read the whole series, plus everything else by the author.
My favorites were book 4 with not!Egypt, and book 8 when there are air fights.
>it started out as DnD but they changed it into GURPs as the world and house rules grew
>many characters were initially PCs, Erikson was Anomander, Bauchelain and Cotillion, and Esslemont was Osserc, Korbal Broach and Shadowthrone. Karsa Orlong was played by a friend of Erikson's in a solo campaign run by him
is this out of context?
Rothfuss was being a loser before it was cool
i wish it was about that
tr*ds aren't worth bullets
I was pretty disappointed by the elf/dryad fapfiction in the next part. Veeky Forums gave me better boners for free
But more importantly, who were Coltaine, Itkovian, Fiddler, Tool, and Mappo?
I think I have them all on my Amazon wishlist to buy at some point. Maybe just the first five? Now I need yo double check!
Denna isn't a prostitute, though. She IS a whore, but not a prostitute. Shes probably also connected to the seven. Personally I hope she just turns out to be a sneaky cunt who is incapable of making good decisions and that Kvothe gets over her quickly after her brutal death in the first chapter of the next book. Course, thats IF there is a next book since ol' Pat seems to be going the way of George "Don't you worry I'll finish the next book before my inevitable heart attack." Martin.
Why is late 90s early 00s YA so perfect for tabletop.
>Deltora Quest
>The Edge Chronicles
>Gregor The Overlander
>Mortal Engines
Hell, I would play the hell out of an Animorphs campaign.
Runelords could be cool.
>tfw Raj Ahten times A THOUSAND
Don't forget Pendragon.
Loor is best waifu.
I really liked the color magic in the Lightbringer series
A fire upon the deep mutha fuckas.
>You will never play a Rama RPG
Hurts, dude.
I would love an Abarat miniatures game.
Also anything from Clive Barker, really.
Hasn't been mentioned- Jim Butcher's Codex Alera. It's Avatar: The Last Airbender but in the Roman Empire and also has its own fantasy races.
Sounds kinda like act 5 of homestuck
>tfw Tim Curry will never GM an Old Kingdom game while doing all the dead/free magic voices from the audiobook
Once you actually start looking for it, you start to see that almost all of the interesting dialogue in Malazan takes place between two people, because it's just Erikson and Esslemont spending hours roleplaying two characters talking and then adapting it into novel form.
You also have Mappo and Icarium, Mael and Tehol, Fiddler and Hedge, Kalam and Quick Ben, Toc and T'ool, Trull and Onrack, the list goes on and on. It's always two characters musing on philosophy. This continues in the new trilogy, too, though not quite as obviously.
>Waifuing your sword
Solid plan
My instinctive reaction is to tell you to fuck off and die for even mentioning that garbage, but then upon further consideration I realise that I'm being unfair. The setting itself is fairly interesting and has quite a lot of potential for tabletop shenanigans.
You just have to completely avoid mentioning the protagonist or his mother, lest your campaign be ruined as surely as they ruined the books.
There is this book series called libriomancer that could work but one would have to limit it somewhat.
Like 'books carried' and 'scenes familiar with' or something
>He doesn't waifu his sword
They're okay books, hardly my favorite. But the question wasn't "what's your favorite fantasy series?"
The whole time I was reading those I thought "this feels like a tabletop setting."
>is a whore
>not a prostitute
I'm guessing English isn't your first language?
On for the explicit purpose of tenderly loving it back to life.
>and I'd probably through some horror shit in there for the lulz
>like it killing girls that cheat on the player
>not quite yandere, not quite cujo but it gets the job done
>they shall know the penalty for broken oaths
>also the poor thing would probably interpret it as a murder attempt
Granted, I never read the couple other series that ran after the first.
>Warned for reporting a thread that was getting RL gore posted in it
This is a blue board, mods. I don't think you'd want people to see actual roasted children here.
Am I a horrible person because I wanted shallan to hook up with kaladin just to see maya make her existence an eternal hell from which not even death could release her?
(moreso, I mean)
>tbf i was a horrible person before that
I figured he meant someone who sluts around to get things instead of as an actual job like a prostitute.
I fucking love those books.
Kvothe seemed, in his youth, incapable of recognizing that Denna has her own shit she is dealing with.
Like, its obvious as fuck in the retelling that Denna is in the middle of her own personal quest. her own secrets she can't afford to share, her own goals she is working toward. But despite obviously being infatuated with each other they are both too stuck in their own little worlds to recognize that they are both walking the same path.
And yeah, I am like 90% sure that her patron will turn out to be the Chandrian of blue fire. The one that Kvothe keeps running into. They obviously care about what is spoken about them, and consider knowledge of their names and histories to be a threat for some reason, so having a bard on your side to spin the story the 'right' way might have benefits we don't understand yet.
There isn't any evidence that Denna actually sleeps with any of the men she strings along, but she goes through men like hotcakes. You get the impression that Denna has like no money at all and is just faking being a woman of distinction to sort of keep falling forward through social circles using her charms, selling the gifts she is given by men to support herself.
Not gonna lie, iron gold is sorta shit
there is a planet in rogue trader that is literally this.
My brother.
You're taste is impeccable.
>Anything by Michael Moorcock
>Wheel of Time Yeah, yeah, I know
Denna also leaves massacres in her wake.
Seriously, fuck that bitch. She's got her priorities, and deserves her life and her fate.
The point is that, in English, whore and prostitute are two names for the same thing. Whore has come to colloquially also mean a promiscuous woman, but you can't say "she's a whore and not a prostitute" and be clear. In fact pretty much all of our words for a promiscuous woman come from names for prositutes, although some are looser than others.
Airsick lowlander
>it's an Aes Sedai living in an ivory tower in an island the shape of a vagina game
Newfags won't get this.
Came here to post this
Good news!
Motherfucking aeon 14. Already working on a (out)system. I'm thinking a point-buy system a bit like shadowrun would work well. There are seperate pools for attributes, skills and cybernetic/genetic augmentation.
Skills could be seperated in Battle, Logic and Technology. See what I did there?
Both Human and AI are playable, AIs both in the integrated variety and with autonomous frames.
Needs a ruleset for nanotech, of course, if the players belong to a sufficiently advanced group. Maybe various categories (general, infiltration, medical) for which ranks can be purchased at character generation like other cybernetic augmentation. The higher your nano rank for the respective category, the more dice you get to throw when using the nano for its intended purpose.
It would be hilarious to have one player be a human and have the other one be the AI he is sharing his brain with. Would have to be carefully balanced of course. Internal AI don't have physical bodies, but would be ridicously good at hacking and using nano.
I'm also tempted to include tables for damage, so the characters can get crippled properly. It just wouldn't be same if you didn't need to get your limbs, skin and heart replaced every 2 sessions / 200 pages.
Always wondered how to pull that one off. Pretty big hurdle is the discrepancy between channelers and non-channelers. Of course, non-channellers could have areas of expertise like investigation, negotiation, knowledge and so on to make up for that, but even then I would find it very difficult to somehow manage even approximately even ground. This means that a (more or less) balanced party either has to consist exclusively of channelers, or exclusively of non-channelers.
I would fight the dragon crown of Spain under the command of the Red Eminence.
>Dubs and likes First Law
You can come over to my house and fuck my sister.
I'd struggle to call it adventure-friendly though. Pretty much nothing but martial classes and the minute you're within 20 miles of an Eater (50 miles if they're bald), it's basically a TPK.
Martial classes sure (still assassins and ranger-types, and various types of fighters) - thieves maybe as well - but yeah, it'd likely be super low magic.
If you're fine with nonmagical adventures there seems like quite a bit to do, especially looking at Styria and the Near/Far Country.
Also if you see a guy with hetrochromatic eyes, be very, very afraid.
When the fug is he gonna make a new book?
After GoT, it's the closest thing to it they could make a TV series of if they want to keep the viewers up who now crave "low-magic political dickbaggery with a lot of blood and a fair bit of tits" settings
>Ender, Katniss, and now Darrow.
Fuck knows. Hope the time skip isn't too big.
Have you read pic related?
Now I feel stupid.
No problem, just to let you know it exists
And it got nice art apparently.
Mffff. a personal favorite. would love to run it in The Sprawl.
Not yet! I will after I'm done with the Disaster Artist