Welcome to Comfy TSR Dungeons & Dragons Thread!
> Treasure Chest: pastebin.com
Thank you for keeping your posts comfy.
What in your opinion is the most underrated adventure?
Welcome to Comfy TSR Dungeons & Dragons Thread!
> Treasure Chest: pastebin.com
Thank you for keeping your posts comfy.
What in your opinion is the most underrated adventure?
Why not just have an OSR general?
There usually isn't much talk about D&D in the OSR general.
There is one, we've just had an outbreak of shitposters lately.
OSR is mostly just homebrewed ODnD though
Does 2e count, cause it can get kinda tardy in the OSR threads when its brought up...
The OSR general is a lost cause. Fuck it, /tsrdnd/ is fine for me, I guess.
Im with ya man, Im an old fart and frankly the games from TSR are really my favorites. Of course theres D&D, but I used to play the shit out of Star Frontiers and Top Secret too.
Sad that it's come to this but oh well.
Every other post in /osrg/s is a question about B/X and which TSR modules
It's TSR D&D and this is /tsrdnd/
>It's TSR D&D and this is /tsrdnd/
I know, but it does have a (minor) overlap with WotC...
If this takes off, ill post up all my GH shit that ive compiled over the years into pdfs
WotC didn't make 2e, though. 3e was their baby, not 2e.
I don't know if it's underrated, but the first module I bought as a kid was GA3 Tales of Enchantment. I was just learning how to GM and that module was the only one they had at my LGS of the time. It is super comfy, you can literally solve the main questline with the Power of Love or you can fuck off and fight the dragon over there. If I ever get back to AD&D I'll run it again.
And even the 2e WOTC stuff was just re-hashing TSR stuff.
Here's a new class for your Basic games, deinonychus-people.
>The Dynonik
Pretty cool, though it seems a little OP. Average of 7 damage with its natural weapons at level 1 is a lot in Basic, and adding Fighter attack progression, special abilities, and a level limit of 13 makes him overshadow the Fighter pretty hard.
>fighter attack progression
>d8 hit dice
>great natural weapons
>solid natural AC
>levels at Cleric speed
>posting in the splitter thread
I liked the Gem and the Staff. The player is assigned a character who can fight, sneak, or cast spells thanks to his magic items. Someday I hope to tailor another adventure for this character.
Thief Neutral LVL 8 HP 28 AC 5 STR 15 INT 14 WIS 9 DEX 16 CON 13 CHA 10. +1 Sword, +2 Dagger, Leather Armor, Thieves' Tools, Tinder Box, Iron Rations, Potions of Sleeping and Diminution, Ring of Spell Storing: Charm Person, Detect Magic, Magic Missile, Ventriloquism, Knock, Phantasmal Force.
>the splitter thread
Do you see "OSR" in the title? No? Of course not, now get out of our cool clubhouse. You made your bed, go lie in it.
>the hurt is coming from INSIDE THE BUTT
What do you mean, "I made"? I haven't ever shitposted in /osrg/, I love it.
Revised the dynonik. Ah, the perils of shitting out material in less than 24 hours.
True, but I feel that it ends up at an appropriate place at the end.
>levels at Cleric speed
Okay, that wasn't intended.
Yet you're shitposting here like a faggot, butthurt that a few people want to talk about TSR D&D without dealing with you guys.
I'd say give it some weaker saves (they're better than a Fighter's, which is too good for someone who doesn't need to buy armor or weapons), and maybe drop the hit die to d6 -- if CON's its strong point, then a d6 will mitigate some of its OP standing.
>I feel that it ends up at an appropriate place at the end.
Early levels are the most important, though, and at that point, this thing dominates. I look at it and think "Why would I ever pick a Fighter or Dwarf when I could take this thing?"
Revision 2
Thanks for the feedback.
osrg can eat a benis afaic
Okay, it looks good to me now. It's a nasty little critter, but between the XP requirements and saves and all, I wouldn't consider it an automatic best choice. Definitely a fun addition, though. I've saved it, and I think I'll slap down a tribe of Dynoniks somewhere on the map that my players can run into, to gain access to the class.
Nice. I added a semi-credit at the end for you and . Unfortunately I can't delete the first version I posted.
See for final version.
Ironically, now that you've fixed the other stuff, I think it's overcosted. It can probably level as a Fighter with those changes. Poison/Death save is still weirdly superior, but whatever. Quibbles.
Perhaps I talked him down too far. Maybe bump the hit die back up to d8?
You guys are killing me.
Revision 3 - back to 1d8 HD
a two-headed cyclops
>it's even better over here
>You guys are killing me.
For what it's worth, I think it's great now.
G seems like an over powered stone rock, generally.
Cool, how have I never seen this before? Coming up with small caves on the spot for random lairs is a pain for me.
>mfw a player once said "hey, this is shaped just like the last cave you drew!"
What shit do you guys drop / ignore / rework in AD&D? Because I've never seen anybody play the whole thing strictly by the book.
AC modifiers by weapon type and facing.
For that matter, does anybody actually use alignment languages?
Is there a good way to remove spell-casting from classes like ranger and paladin? It seems clumsy, unnecessary and just plain lazy to slap some cleric / druid spells / magic-user spells on fighter-types to make a new class. I dig the non-spell shit the classes can do (even the spell-like laying on of hands), but not the bolting on of other classes' spells.
Just do so? It won't really break anything. You might want to drop their XP requirements a little to compensate for the lowered power.
Or maybe steal some ranger-y, paladin-y bits from somewhere else and bolt them on to make up for the spellcasting.
>I used to play the shit out of Star Frontiers
I played a decent bit back in the day too, and I absolutely love the setting and fluff, though I do find the rules a bit clunky.
I'd swear I've recommended it to you before, but you should read TSR 9365 - GR2 - Dungeons of Mystery Fold-Ups
The focus on exploring alien worlds is awesome, and I dig the player races.
1. Find a couple of spells that do something iconic and give them the ability to replicate something similar a number of times per day. Rangers can set traps, find good berries or calm animals. Paladins can heal or bless their weapon.
2. Find a kit you like with no casting and make it the baseline.
I've never seen anybody actually use the weapon speed factor rules RAW, ever.
What's the deal with weapons doing different damages vs. large creatures? What's the rationale behind why some weapons increase damage by so much more? (Why, for instance, does a bardiche go from 2-8 to 3-12, while a voulge stays at 2-8?)
So, what do you think of something similar to this to help newbs?
The only quibble I have with this is that Essentials for 4e doesn't need such a different background. It was a separate line but it ran within the game. If you put essentials in a box you should change the color of 2e's player options too, it's the same level of variation.
Well, there's always this little thing. Or, I guess, a trip to Taxidermic Owlbear: taxidermicowlbear.weebly.com
But matching retroclones to editions can get a bit dicey. Taxidermic Owlbear pegs Castles & Crusades as a clone of 3e, but to me, it's a 1e clone that uses the unified d20 mechanic of 1e.* And then you have Labyrinth Lord Advanced Edition Companion. Do you divide that from Labyrinth Lord proper? And even if you do, what do you classify it as? Does it fall in the 1e category? Do you view it as some kind of mashup? And then there's Swords & Wizardry's different varieties, which are all actually based on OD&D, so I guess classifying it isn't difficult, but it maybe underplays the differences between the versions (and, after all, Basic D&D is a derivative of OD&D's little brown books + Greyhawk, and AD&D is a derivative of OD&D with the kitchen sink).
*Really, it isn't a "clone" of anything, because it changes too many things, but you get the idea.
Blame Wikipedia for that (though they've since changed the colors and layout a bit): en.wikipedia.org
I know I know. In fact I'm okay with the current version. It's just that the whole essentials thing was a bit of a mess, for what amounted to a very limited impact on the game. Skills&Powers and its ilk were a lot more disruptive to our games back I'm the day, but nobody ever had the doubt that it was another edition.
>someone Letterkennyposting in all these threads
I smell syrup and all-dressed chips
Sadly It isn't even exclusive to Veeky Forums, I've noticed over the last two years the OSR community is spiralling downwards in more ways than one and every major player has equipped a faculty parachute thinking it'll save them from the inevitable crash.
>I've noticed over the last two years the OSR community is spiralling downwards in more ways than one
The problem is that it became known for being the place where the creativity is now. That led to being colonized by hangers-on who don't care about the actual values and play style of what's really a pretty niche part of the hobby, so you get fags like Kiel Chenier making """modules""", and worse, the usual puritan scolds who don't even want to make stuff, just police others, e.g. the people who are permamad about Zak S.
>and worse, the usual puritan scolds who don't even want to make stuff, just police others, e.g. the people who are permamad about Zak S.
Your first statement explains this, a lot of people are getting pissed that the hobby resembles art collecting more than a gaming hobby and authors just shitting out unplayable modules that consists entirely of prose bloat and art. Basically more people collect OSR than actually play and its starting to become detrimental to discussion.
>Your first statement explains this
No it doesn't faggot, I'm talking about shit like the forgefags who keep getting assmangled about Raggi or the SJWs who keep harassing Zak. Those guys aren't some K'n'KA-ass grogs yelling because of divergence from Holy AD&D, they're just moral scolds.They have to go wherever the audience is because they can't control others if they just stick to being a subculture of their own.
Brought to you by Skerples™
Dude and his product are so overrated its crazy. VotE is a pile of hot garbage. If you say that in the osr threads the slerples police jump all over you for having a different opinion.... seriously fuck skerples and the numbcunt he uses for the 'art' in his books (read: childish scribbles)
>confusing Skerples with False Patrick
I'm very conflicted about VotE; It isn't really a playable campaign setting but the rules with some extremely minor alterations work extremely well with an above-ground "frostpunk" setting.
guys wrong thread
VotE is endemic of the entire OSR movement now. Its all just
>look at muh random tables! so pretty and new!
Its not that i dont use random tables (i really dont that much, actually) its that everything is geared towards being 'inspiration' rather than being an actual useable product as its presented.
Thats just my opinion, and i know it isnt a popular one; but after playing 1e/2e as a player and a dm for over 35 years the last thing i need is another slapped together book filled with random tables and poorly written text to support them.
>Saying BFRPG is not OSR
Not nice
Youre right, my bad.
I should add that there is more than enough TSR material for inspiration. If you widen that a bit to include those 3rd party publications that were put out specifically for TSR products (looking at you judges guild) then the last thing you need is someone elses TSR-inspired inspiration circle jerk.
The wilderness/dungeoneers survival guides were excellent and easily adaptable to any D&D situation they covered
> Guys propose a session after work soTSR user spends 30 minutes during lunch keying geomorphs with encounters. When guys arrive user tells them the Black Wizard has Lovely Leomunda captive and is going to sell her as a breeding cow to the hobgoblins unless they go into the Dread Pits of Morbius and fetch him an owlbear egg...
> /osrg/ user posts his 2-class homebrew with wisdom renamed to something else and spells based on Qi. Checks back to see how many (You)s he got none yet. Flame war with some faggot who likes clerics. It's getting late but he stays up because the general is near bump limit and has an OP image which will burn the cleric fag.
>TSRanon plays the game, OSRanon just shitposts
Umfortunately, this checks out
You don't?
Holmes is OD&D, not Basic.
>but after playing 1e/2e as a player and a dm for over 35 years the last thing i need is
shit dood, what do you need?
Wait are you shitposting here about how you are waiting to shitpost a new osrg op?
That's not what he's doing at all, go back to your containment thread.
It's transitional. Moldvay certainly set the basis for future Basic, but it's hard not to see the influence of Holmes as well (if nothing else, in the form of a simplified, 3-level introductory set). "Holmes Basic" is common terminology, regardless.
I'll admit I use the Holmes rules for magic over the Moldvay/Cook ones. But apparently, a lot of people do it without realizing it, because they never closely read the Cook Expert set's rules for how magic works.
How would a Wizard who primarily follows Moradin act? Wanting to craft magic items and artifacts obviously, but what else?
And what if they weren't a Dwarf?
Ive always wanted to run a campaign based in the See of Medigia, while its being sacked by the overkings armies and after. I think it could make a really good kingmaker campaign, full of all sorts of politicking and ass kicking... one usually leading to the other.
>what do you need
The group i have now is not interested in being rulers of any kind... at least not that kind of ruler, so its basically this (a selfish request to be sure)
Thanks for the thread OP. Calling out TSR D&D as thread topic should avoid the identity issue /osrg/ struggles with.
Were you thinking the thread would be exclusively TSR products, or do you allow adventures and such compatible with TSR D&D? The latter let's anons can share their stuff!
If it's compatible with a TSR edition, I suppose it's fine. I hope I don't regret saying that
Od say the caveat is that whatever it is should be something like
>specifically written for BECMI/1e/2e
so as to avoid
>muh retroclone!
Just my 2 coppers on the subject
Meh. It's not the retroclone folks that I'd be worried about, they don't seem to be too pushy. It's the non-retroclone OSR hangers-on that concern me.
>TSR D&D products & houserules of them
>Dragon Fist
>modules and extra material that are natively compatible with TSR D&D
>conversions from other systems to TSR D&D systems
>possibly retroclones that try to faithfully emulate a TSR edition (so maybe S&W and LL but not BFRPG and LotFP)
>any other """OSR"" systems
>conversions from TSR D&D to other systems
FUUUUUUCK! I knew this would happen!
I'm on my phone, or I would check. What are the differences?
Smerples is in both thrwads.
You seriously think you can stop discussion of TSR D&D in /osrg/, or shitposting in here?
Hell, I'd call it 50-50 that the current /osrg/ will redirect here once it's in autosage.
>You seriously think you can stop discussion of TSR D&D in /osrg/
>or shitposting in here
It shuts down 90% of the shitposting that plagues /osrg/
>I'd call it 50-50 that the current /osrg/ will redirect here once it's in autosage.
The last one didn't.
>stop discussion of TSR D&D in /osrg/,
There isn't any, hence this thread. Now, shoo.
Kindly fuck off and shitpost somewhere else. You know exactly what the purpose of the thread is. Thanks for the bump tho
>There isn't any, hence this thread
I hate to break it to you, but there isn't really any discussion of TSR D&D ITT either, just mutual backpatting about how much better it supposedly is than /osrg/.
I've got no idea what the fuck sharpies and DC Comics have to do with anything, but i've got a question.
How were attributes meant to work in od&d? Seems like most have no effect other than giving an experience bonus. Was that supposed to be the point? Why did the very first supplements immediately back out of this and start making them mechanically super inportant?
I'd say either a ledge or a chasm. There's another toward the bottom.
>How were attributes meant to work in od&d?
Ask these guys , they know about this kinda thing
>Seems like most have no effect other than giving an experience bonus. Was that supposed to be the point?
>Why did the very first supplements immediately back out of this and start making them mechanically super inportant?
Supplements were supposed to be optional but players decided differently.
Simmer down, shitposter. Don't you have more bait OPs to make?
Do you guys think that Dangerous Journeys accomplished its design intentions set out by Gary?