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91 pages. jesus christ!
Do not fear its girth, just use a calculator to help keep track of things.
Re-posting muh build
Name: Empok Plateau
>Structural Upgrades
Star-Silk Weave
Astra Shield Mark VII*
Hazmat Systems
Locomotion Adjuster
>Visor software
Thermal Vision
Nigth Vision
Third Eye
Nerve Endlink
>Chasis Upgrades
Automated Repair
Suppression Field
>Personal Tech
On Board Library
Dress Shift Systems
>AI Specialization
>AI Connection
Human / Oldkind (+5 Training points, +5 Shard points, +20k Brouzouf)
>Birth Place/Current Location
Daltros, Sector A-8 (+30 Training Points)
Average Citizen
>Class Specialization
Rougue / Assasin (80 Training Points / 50 Shard Points)
STR 3, DEX 6, CON 3, END 4, ASC 3, MAP 3, WILL 4, INT 4
>Weapon Proficiency
Dual Wield Daggers, Dual Wield ManaPistol
>Physical Arts/All class Types
Water Tread
Balls of Steel
Breath Taker
Specialized Training (+1 DEX)
>Warrior and Togue
Martial Artist
Relentless Charge
Ligth Step
Gun Fu
Flash Reload
>Astral Arts
Adrenaline Spike
Focused Mind
Intensive Training (+1 ASC)
>Anti Magic
Astral Detection
Citizen's Militia
Freedom Fighter
>Companions (cannot take companions: Empire of Iron, Abyssal Eye / Unfirendly: Starry Knights Judicators)
Steve - Militia
Stella Stern - Militia
John Wayson - SKO
Stacy Verbach - Brotherhood
Old Scratch - Judicator's
David the dwarf
Android / War-Delver (SRT 2, DEX 3, CON 5, END 5, ASC 5, MAP 4, WILL 2, INT 2)
>Weapon Proficiency
>Physical arts
Pain Nullifying
Staunch Will
Alert Sleep
>Astral Arts
Intensive Training (+1 ASC)
Mundane Repair
Mending Touch
Mana Replenish
Adrenalie Spike
Focused Mind
>Blessings of the Great Ones
Ámælissamr, The Gentleman Thief
Total B. credits spend on suit/AI: 1,141K / Remaining 79k
Also I'll be taking part in the space Culling, so post the mystery box
For fucks sake, post the PVP.
How do you forgot to post one of a two file set?
Maybe you should have put it in the pdf then, you bitch
It was meant as a double opt in system separate from the core cyoa, how hard is it to have it open in one tab and click back over to it here?
Do you people have the attention span of a goldfish?
I'm sorry bby, I didn't mean that. I love you.
To clarify, main cyoa in pdf viewer tab, than the letter open here.
The second part shouldn't have been so sucktastic then if you wanted it to be reposted
I didn't post it because it blows ass and if the author couldn't be bothered to make such a small addition to the original file then why should I give a fuck?
>They don't like the tacked on sucky pvp so it must be bait
Heck off
Starry Knights CYOA: (+1,200,000)
Suit Type:
>[Unassuming] (-60,000)
Structural Upgrades: (Choose One * Option)
>[Carbon Restructure] (-60,000)
>[Astral Resonance Plating*] (-140,000)
>[Star Silk Weave] (-80,000)
>[Simple Wards] (-60,000)
>[Astra Shield] (-20,000)
Visor Software:
>[Thermal Vision] (-20,000)
>[Tetrahertz Radar] (-50,000)
>[Astral Scanner] (-70,000)
>[Third Eye] (-70,000)
>[Magnifier] (-50,000)
>[Detection] (-60,000)
>[Nerve Endlink] (-50,000)
Chassis Upgrades:
>[Magi Burst] (-30,000)
>[Tech Burst] (-40,000)
>[Automated Repair] (-50,000)
Combat Attachments:
>[Jump Good TM Augmentation] (-60,000)
>[Adhesion] (-50,000)
>[Propulsion] (-40,000)
>[Blink] (-90,000)
Personal Tech:
>[H.U.D] (Free)
>[Web Link] (-20,000)
>[Satcomms] (-10,000)
>[LA Communicators: Darude - Sandstorm] (Free)
>[Translator] (-10,000)
>[On Board Library] (-20,000)
>[Homing Beacon] (-10,000)
AI Personality:
>[Proper] (-1,000)
>[Kindly] (-1,000)
>[Yan] (-1,000)
>[Learning] (-2,000)
>[Partner] (-2,000)
>[Waifu] (-3,000)
AI Specialization:
>[Blank] (-10,000)
AI Connection:
>[Unchained] (Free)
>[Oldkind]: [Human] (+5 Training Points) (+5 Shard Points) (+20,000)
Birth Planet:
>[Synposia: Daag Village] (+30 Shard Points)
Current Local:
>[Xeniq: City of Fireflies]
>[Delver Student] (+10 Shard Points)
>[Mage] (+30 Training Points) (+100 Shard Points)
>[Grand Delver]
Stats: (+3 Stat Points)
>[Strength]:[Rank 2]:[Average Human]
>[Dexterity]:[Rank 2]:[Average Human]
>[Constitution]:[Rank 2]:[Average Human]
>[Endurance]:[Rank 3]:[Peak Human]
>[Astral Connection]:[Rank 7/8]:[Star Born/World Breaker]
>[Mana Pool]:[Rank 7/8]:[Star Born/World Breaker]
>[Willpower]:[Rank 4]:[Average Knight]
>[Intuition]:[Rank 3]:[Peak Human]
Skillset: (+4 Skills)
>[Astral Attunement]
Weapon Proficiency: (+1 Weapon Proficiency)
Physical Arts:
>[General: Balls of Steel] (-3 Training Points)
>[General: Staunch Will] (-7 Training Points)
>[General: Astral Conversion] (-5 Training Points)
>[General: Ageless] (-20 Training Points)
Astral Arts:
>[Abjuration: Mundane Repair] (-5 Shard Points)
>[Abjuration: Melding Touch] (-7 Shard Points)
>[Abjuration: Absolute Shield] (-10 Shard Points)
>[Conjuration (Creation): Item Summon] (-5 Shard Points)
>[Conjuration (Astral): Elemental] (-5 Shard Points)
>[Conjuration (Astral): Astral Spirit] (-5 Shard Points)
>[Enchantment (Imbue): Astral Imbue] (-5 Shard Points)
>[Enchantment (Imbue): Possession] (-5 Shard Points)
>[Anti Magic: Astral Detection] (-10 Shard Points)
>[Anti Magic: Breakdown] (-10 Shard Points)
>[Channeling: Astral Force] (-5 Shard Points)
>[Necromancy: Soul Call] (-5 Shard Points)
>[Transmutation: Mundane Transmutation] (-7 Shard Points)
>[Transmutation: Bio Transmutation] (-10 Shard Points)
>[Training: Specialized Training x2]: [Mana Pool x2] (-50 Shard Points)
>[Guild Leader] (+25 Companions)
>[Bin It]
>[Kalin Bright - MR/FR - SKO]
>[Versha Mula - MR - SKO]
>[Nalur Vurnek - MR - Brotherhood]
>[Pied Piper - FR - Brotherhood]
>[Stacy Vernbach - MR - Brotherhood]
>[Tiffany Black - MR - Brotherhood]
>[Vadim Balrogh - FR - Militia]
>[Agent Voorhees - FR - Judicator’s]
>[Daniel Ripper - NR - Judicator’s]
>[Old Scratch - FR - Judicator’s]
>[Archibald Von Strumach - NR - Appleton]
>[Telisa Lamb - MR - Appleton]
>[X8-62893 - MR/FR - Appleton]
>[Deborah - MR - Empire]
>[Iron Shadow Corps - NR - Empire]
>[Leliana Ironheart - MR - Empire]
>[Alex & Qunara - NR - Bison Ind.]
>[Vanessa Mrk2 - MR - Bison Ind.]
>[Moriah Venhurst - MR/FR - Abyssal Eyes]
>[Drengr’s Pet Owl - NR]
>[Ferren Lionheart - MR/FR]
>[Ques Bleakhollow - MR]
>[Ragnar & Cali - NR]
>[Sly’var Forn - FR]
>[Android - FR/MR]
Android: (+50 Training Points) (+20 Shard Points)
>[Helkin: Oni]
Structural Upgrades:
>[Star Metal Reinforcement] (Free)
>[Simple Wards] (Free)
>[Astral Shielding] (Free)
Stats: (+2 Constitution)
>[Strength]:[Rank 5]:[Master Knight]
>[Dexterity]:[Rank 4]:[Average Knight]
>[Constitution]:[Rank 7]:[Star Born]
>[Endurance]:[Rank 5]:[Master Knight]
>[Astral Connection]:[Rank 2]:[Average Human]
>[Mana Pool]:[Rank 2]:[Average Human]
>[Willpower]:[Rank 2]:[Average Human]
>[Intuition]:[Rank 3]:[Peak Human]
Weapon Proficiency:
Physical Arts:
>[General: Intensive Training]: [STR x1] [DEX x1] [END x1] (-30 Training Points)
>[Warrior: Hardened Body] (-5 Training Points)
>[Warrior: Steeled Bone] (-7 Training Points)
>[Warrior: Sure Grip] (-3 Training Points)
>[Warrior: Steadfast Guard] (-5 Training Points)
Astral Arts:
>[Abjuration: Iron Flesh:] (-5 Shard Points)
>[Channeling: Spark Dancer] (-15 Shard Points]
Phoenix is so good its unreal
Great Ones:
>[Sær Fróðleik: Grand Sorcerer of the Primal Waters: Spring (Fourth of the year)]
>[Inner Focusing]
>[Ceremony of the Inner Eye]
>[Stop Nothing]
>[Expand Something]
>[Save Al'catora]
>[Explore the Power of the Shards]
>[Beyond it All]
I refuse to believe that anyone cared enough to make a build for that.
Someone post the goddess cyoa
I can't believe it's not butter.
so can I wear the biosynth suit all the time like I can with the unassuming? I wanna be a post-human suit-wearing monstrosity but I dunno if it'll work within the CYOA's bounds.
Yeah. The suit goes into power save/charge mode when not in full use. So while you sleep or just walk around, it'll charge up. Unless you plan to use it intensively through it's whole charge, I'd doubt you'd ever run into power problems.
>sucky pvp
It's literally a holy grail war but everyone is a servant.
That is the best type of PvP.
Been meaning to post a build for this monster eventually, just don't like doing double posts during active hours.
Suit Type: Biosynthetic (1.13m)
>Structural Upgrades:
Carbon Restructure, Star-Silk Weave, Holy Shielding, Astra Shield, Hazmat Systems, Locomotion Adjuster (900k)
>Visor Software:
Thermal Vision, Night Vision, Astral Scanner, Third Eye, Magnifier, Nerve Endlink (630k)
>Chassis Upgrades:
Magi Burst, Automated Repair, Bio;Stasis, Chaff Launcher, Tendril;Hack (410k)
>Combat Attachments:
Particle Beam (340k)
Jump Good Augmentation, Adhesion, Propulsion Jets, Blink (100k)
>Personal Tech:
HUD, Web-link, Satcomms, LA Communicators*, Translator, On Board Library, Homing Beacon, Dress Shift Systems (25k)
-Personality: Hardened, Learning, Partner (20k)
-Specialization: Blank (10k)
-Connection: Suit Hardwire (5k)
*Battle song:
Race/Gender/Age: Human/Male/35 (5)[5](25k)
Planet: Daltros (35)
Background: Conscript (45)
Class: Warrior/Reaver (145)[35]
-Stats: STR: 5, DEX: 5 (+3), CON: 4, END: 5 (+1), AsC: 3, MP: 2, WILL: 3, INT: 3 (+1)
Skillsets: Blacksmithing, Mechanics, Tech, Astral Attunement
Weapon Proficiencies: Greatsword, Gauntlet
>Physical Arts:
Runner, Pain Nullifying, Staunch Will, Breath Taker, Iron Gut, Sleepless, Striker, Thick Blood, Alert Sleep, Astral Conversion (93)
Hardened Body, Steeled Bone, Sweeping Blow, Weightless, Steadfast Guard, Extension, Berserker Shift, Tempered Body (39)
Blindsight, Meditation, Focus, 6th Sense (15)
Intensive Training x2 (-5): DEX, END
>Astral Arts:
Always Fresh, Death Knight, Astral Charge [9]
Fire Imbue, Earth Imbue, Air Imbue, Corruption Imbue [-5]
Faction: Solo
Job: Hunter
Edison Targe: Hunting partner, melee damage
David the dwarf: Contact for crafting/repair support
Sly'var Forn: Hunting partner, magic damage/support
Ques Bleakhollow: Contact for matters of esoteric nature
Abigail: Maid, keeps home tidy, made cape, fixes cape whenever it gets shredded
Xert'a Bylor: Useful access to otherwise rare/unobtainable goods
Leliana Ironheart*: Childhood friend, communication is sparse at best, but we do what we can
Great One Blessing: None (0)[0]
Stop Nothing, Save Al'catora, Explore the Power of the Shards
Ascendance, Beyond it All, Better to Rule
Nothing, Something, and You
Ultimately, I liked this one. Tickled my autism for long CYOAs packed with choices.
i promised someanon yesterday i would post a new build roe this, complete with wrightfaggotry.
it is about two pages long.
get your powers here.
Here's a comfy one.
opening the red door.
opening the black door
opening the yellow door
opening the white door
and meet your fate
so, here goes my build. i will be posting in segments.
i shall pass the white door
as i approach my chosen path, i receive power in full over material and immaterial both
yet i do not touch uppon the threads of fate.
>left eye of ruin
>right eye of fortune
>third eye of victory
>higher truthes
>unearthly vigor
>bloody evolution
>refuse the bitter pill
and so it is that i hold not the slightest suprise as the way shuts behind me.
here before me stands a girl.
like unto me, yet unlike.
we look upon each other with our new eyes.
we each see that to strike true at our own hearts would break some piece of each other
thus the bond is forged as was intended.
but now is not the time for bonding.
for now we must run.
we escape for a time and speak of this place.
with the eye of victory, it is trivial to avoid the mistress of the house in safety.
for a time we subsisted in peace within this house till bianca began to hear the whispers.
we soon found that the voice was real, spoke true, and was linked to the house.
we made a plan that i might form a link to the house and seek further insight.
we would wait till a small one was taken.
we would watch the child turn.
we would see how best to break the mistresses grip.
i would approach her.
she would begin to turn me.
i would be linked to the house and my hair would go white.
we would break her grip.
we would escape.
thus was it planed, thus did it come to pass
>Suit Type
Astra-Tech Knight
>Structural Upgrades
Astra Shield Mark VII
Star Metal Plating
Star Silk Weave
Shard Core
Hazmat Systems
Locomotion Adjuster
>Visor Software
Night Vision
Astral Scanner
Possesion Uplink
>Chassis Upgrades
Automated Repair
Chaff Launcher
>Combat Attachments
Rail Rifle
Astra-Tech Knight Arsenal
Propulsion Jets
LA Communicators (Song: Derezzed-Tron Legacy OST)
Guardian Drone
Assault Drone
Dress Shift System
>AI Systems
>AI Personality
here before me stands the other.
like unto me, yet unlike.
we each look upon the other with our eyes, no longer so new.
we each see that to strike true at our own hearts would destroy the other in time.
thus the bond is forged stronger far than was intended.
but now is not the time for bonding.
for now we must run.
and so, we listen to the voice of the house.
T͜he͢s͘e Ones ̶n͜ot ͘br͜o̧k͘en,͞ b͘r̵o͢ke̕n,͢ brok̀e͟n, T͜hes̛e̛ Ơnes̵ bro͡k̛en͠, ́no̵t̛ ̨iń fu̴ll͢.
bro̡ke̕n̴ fu̕ll̕ ̀is ͞Th͞at̢ ̷Ơn͝e͢,͞ Th͜a̛t ̢O͞n̷e͝s̵,̛ ̶al̴l ̛T͞h̶a̴t ́Ones͟ ͘broke̛n ͘in ̛ful͡l̵ ̵ev̴er̸y ͞
͝b͜r̢oke̸n f̢ull͝ ̡ri̡g̨ìd l͞o͜op̨s͞, ̛ri̢gi̧d hal̢ls, ri̛g̴id l̴oo͞ps, ŗìgi̕d͢ ͞h͡àl͝ls͟, ͢rigid lo̸óps bro͡ķȩn̵ ͝That̵ ̨One.
do̴ès h͟ou̧s̨e ͜T͡h͡at ̕On̛e,̵ Th̷a͘t O͟nes̀, ͠Thís On̶e ̵ho̸ùse̴,̛ ̀hou͝s̵e i̵s hou̡se,
c̶a̴n ̸o̴n̸ly ͝house̛ ḩas͡ T̡hat O͞n͝e͠, ̵T̢h͝at One̕ ͡f͡ull̕ ̵br̨ǫken̶,̧ ̵n̡ew̕ T͞h͜at͡ ͢O͝n͝e
These On͝es̴ ̶no͢t b̶ro͝k̴en̴,̧ ̛Th͟is ̸Ǫn̨e͟ ͠h̕ou̷şe Th̵ese T̛h͟a̕t ̸Ǫn͢eś?͠
after some time we peiced together a hopeful picture.
the house searching for a true owner to serve.
but threw the ages all it claimed were broken inside, not more than automata.
but we were not like those who had come before.
our souls would not be ripped away by virtue of their linkage to eachother.
and so, we make a plan to slay the mistress and claim the mantle of The House.
we would track her path.
we would find a trapdoor uppon which she steps.
we would break it such that it would collapse beneath the mistress.
the mistress would be defencless in the basement where she had no path.
we would decend upon her.
we would slay her.
we would consume her heart together
we would claim this house.
thus was it planed, thus did it come to pass
>AI Specialization
Aelfkind +3 traing +7 shard +15k
>Birth Planet
Lower Nobility
>Class Specialization
Str4 Dex3 Con5 End4 AsC2 MP 2 Will2 Int3
Lion's Roar
>Weapon Proficiency
Hand Axe
>Physical Arts
Balls of Stee
Staunch Will
Breath Taker
Iron Gut
Steel Bone
Sweeping Blow
Blind sight
Sixth Sense
>Astral Arts
Corruption Imbue
Astral Imbue
Loving Sway
Submissive Sway
here before This One stands The Other.
like unto This One, yet unlike.
These Ones each look upon the other with eyes, found so long ago.
These Ones each see that to strike true at our own hearts would utterly destroy the other.
thus the bond is forged stronger far than was intended.
but now is not the time for bonding.
for now These Ones must stand tall.
These Ones have succeded where all before have failed.
where others have always broken, These Ones have only twisted slightly
together, This One and The Othershall expand our influance across the world.
yet it shall not be as before.
for These ones are free to do as we wish, to leave the house, to speak, to permit the presance of Outsiders.
These Ones shall rule The Outside.
let all chalangers come forth.
Guild Leader
Bin it
Ch'naga Galmor
David the Dwarf
Edison Targe
Drengr's Owl
Ferren Lionheart
Flisa Gron
Gora Fleetfoot
Nessa Dran
Ques Bleakhallow
Ragnar & Cali
Serana Trine
Shiva LockhartSly'var Forn
Sofi Talisa
Steph Fleetfoot
Ura Telno
Velna Murak
Veronica Hart
Xert'a Bylor
Versha Mula - Waifu'd
Andrew Gorewood
Vadim Balrogh
Val Grett
>Blessing of The Great Ones
The Lovestruck Fool
Valentine's Dawn
Every Morning After A Full Moon
Lover's Libido
Golden Rule
Ceremont of Celebacy
Stop Nothing
Expand Something
Save Al'catora
stop posting builds
nobody reads them
>nobody reads them
Speak for yourself nigger, I do.
try to stop me
i read builds but only for the cyoa I've just done. i like it when people explain why they made certain options even if its just a sentence or two but half the time people just dump their builds and move on. I would like to ask questions about their builds but i doubt i would get any reply.
>t. illiterate
I only read builds if the people explain what they were doing or thinking when they made that build. I hate just sitting there reading a build of nothing but stats and choices and no human explanation behind why they went for those choices and why they wanted those stats, and what their strategy will be for beating the cyoa or whatever.
If the author's around, adding a section about your motivations/main clientele would be really neat.
>King and country
>Church and faith
>Glory and honor
>Rhum and booty
>Coin and prestige
>The plight of the common man
Something like this and associated boons would really help in my opinion.
>Yellow Door.
Peak Performance
Unearthly Vigor
Refuse the Bitter Pill
Higher Truths.
(4 red, 1 purple, two yellow)
>Tier2 Crazy achieved.
Indulging her newfound faith and making plans to accommodate should suffice to get us out of there safely. It's a higher risk to some degree but not an unacceptable one. Besides, it's not like I haven't picked up some quirks by this point either.
I choose the >red door
>second last chance
>left eye of ruin
>right eye of fortune
>helping hand
>third eye of victory
>higher truths
>refuse the bitter pill
9 total influences
I take a bastard sword as my choice of weapon.
Melaine and I follow a routine of fighting. I launch fireballs to create havoc and terror, while she rushes in and cleaves up the enemies. Shadows aren't worth dick against two flaming balls of wiley pete in your hands.
This continued killing has had an effect of Melaine. She seems more prone to killing than looking for better alternatives. I've often had to turn back time because she rushed in headlong without me. I'll have to keep her focused when we meet the sorcerer.
Killing the sorcerer would be a very tricky part.
I'll ask my warrior friend to hug the walls while I launch a barrage of elemental spells. While I command his full attention in our duel, she'll sneak up behind him and cleave him in half. I'll incinerate the body just to be sure. He probably has a lot of tomes about his spells in his ancient city, which I'll acquire. After that, Melaine will take up as mercenaries, and treasure hunters. There's a lot to be found in the Old World ruins, and you can bet I'm going in, demons or no demons. With our immortality and respective strengths, there's nothing that can stop us from going Conan and Red Sonja on this world, where we can carve out our own empire. Maybe even visit other worlds. It'd be quite funny if I took her back to earth to introduce to my parents and brother. I'm sure they'd be quite amused that I've married a girl who can carry me in my arms without straining. Though they'd be appalled by her diet of mostly meat, now that I think of it.
This is my favorite CYOA in awhile.
The black door looks the scariest, but the sounds of a city sound safe. More importantly, the powers I want most are Corruption and Violence, so it's the best choice.
Left of Ruin
Right Eye of Fortune
Third Eye of Victory
Higher Truths
Peak Performance
Bloody Evolution
Refuse the Bitter Pill
It turns out that this is probably my ideal ending. This high tech world is an awesome place to use my powers, and it's not scary. Plus, I can eat dog and cat hearts to give my self some enhanced agility and super senses off the bat. Those, plus my existing powers, will make me the ideal assassin for the revolution. Once I start doing that, I'll have a nice supply of high level scientists, guards, and executives to build skills and mental abilities.
Refuse the Bitter Pill means that she gets even harder for other people to think of, but that doesn't seem like a big deal in exchange for us becoming immortal. Having more than 10 points overall is almost a boon in this high tech world, because it means every so often something magical will show up for me to eat.
Loved this CYOA.
Is it just me, or is it hard to find decent art for black girls? "Dark skin" just gives you girls with light tans on the boorus, and tumblr is just portraits of college students with crazy hairstyles like dyed dreds and the like. The closest I've come is DA, and even there what isn't fetish art is so usually heavily stylized that it would clash with my CYOA too hard to be useful.
I remember there being a sort of race cyoa where you could choose between russian, yewish, and I think german and some other races.
Please post it if you saved it.
its not just you. most media especially animated media does not include black people. they are the minority. if there is some its usually for a fetish and not just because they are black.
you have to really go out of your way to find some or make your own (find the source material and take a fitting screenshot).
>Race: Oldkind-Human
I feel no shame of what I already am
>Birthplanet: Daltros, Sector A-8
I'm a city boy. The whole planet's my playground
>Background: Average Citizen
Nuclear family ftw
>Class: Assassin
(Mandarin voice) You will never see me coming
>Faction: Solo (Undercover Starry Knight Order)
>Job: Guild Leader (Undercover Thief)
A good recruitment ground for my revolution
>Final Stats: Str2, Dex7, Con5, End5, AsC2, MP3, Will5, Int3.
100m dash in 0.0033 seconds, and a body to handle such acceleration. I only ever played Human and Xeno once, being blacklisted by the neighborhood kids after that
>Skills: Alchemy, Medicine, Mechanics, Tech
I make my own stuff
>Proficiencies: ManaRifle, Explosive Bundle
Snipe and mine is my strategy
>Runner, Climber, Gymnastics
The parkour combo.
>Balls of Steel
Henceforth, I declare any cyoa that lack this option mediocre.
>Staunch Will, Double-Jointed, Iron Gut, Intensive Training(Con 2, End), Impromptu Weapons
The escape artist combo.
Agent 47 will be proud.
>Astral Conversion
Extra protection.
>Martial Artist, 6th Sense, Light Step, Nimble Reload, Shadowstep
The rogue combo.
>Final Shot
The 'F@#$ You' option.
>Vitality Drain, Inanimate Phylactery
The live-forever economical combo.
A partner as good as me
>Star Blast
The turn-undead option
>Mundane Transmutation
I make my own materials
>Lightning Imbue, Ice Imbue
Turn my enemies' armor super-conductive, then shock 'em.
>Intensive Training(Will)
Can't keep me down.
>Shiny iron sigil
It's shiny
>Shotgun, Sniper, LMG
Short-range, long range, and sustained fire options.
>>Suit: Biosynthetic
Easy to equip, easy to hide
>>Structural Upgrades
>Carbon Restructure, Star-Silk weave
Best protection available. Can tank most normal encounters
>Hazmat System
Obligatory underwater/irradiated/poisonous levels won't be a hassle anymore
>Locomotion Adjuster
Long-fall boots are my favorite feature in any loadout
>Simple Wards, Astra Shield
Ditto for protection
>Compromised Suit(Rail Rifle)
Synergizes splendidly with Final Shot
>>Visor Software
>Thermal Vision, Night Vision, Tetrahertz Radar, Magnifier, Third Eye
The see-all combo
>Nerve Endlink
I sometimes forget that I'm wearing armor
>>Chassis Upgrades
>Automated Repair
Saves me a lot of time and money
>Magi Burst
Anti-mage option
Part of the live-forever economical combo
Drags me out of danger when I lose consciousness, plus the obvious benefits
>Suppression Field, Tendril Hack
Part of the Rogue combo
>Jump Good Augmentation, Adhesion
The Spiderman combo
When all else fails, I'll become a living bullet
Then again, retreat is always an option.
>>Personal Tech
He who learns a people's language, is safe from their schemes
>Homing Beacon
Friendly fire can be a problem. Not anymore
>Dress Shift Systems
I'm never taking this suit off!
>>AI personality: Learning, Partner, Cold
Cortana basically
>>AI Specialization: Blank
I'm too lazy to decide what's best for me
>>AI Connection: Suit-Hardwire
Venom minus the yandere
>Sandra Fullmetal
Trains the lads, like she did me when I was her student
>Sly’var Forn
Magical artillery for when I need it. Plus, mispronouncing an enemy's name consistently is excellent psychological warfare
>Viltar Lumek
The accountant. Falsifying records, and designating targets
>Dr. Simon
An insider from both Bison and Appleton? Perfect!
>Daniel Ripper
Doomguy. Just... Doomguy
>Natasha, Velna Murak
The three of us will craft amazing things
>Blessing of Ámælissamr
Easy enough to appease. Perfect for a thief/spy
Born in the Empire of Iron. Wasn't raised based on the empire's doctrine, as my parents were expats.
In my early life, I conducted simple jobs for the Citizen's Militia. A job went south. I was rescued by a SKO operative on a mission. Once I learned who she was, I begged her to let me join their order to overthrow the empire. Eventually, I was inducted into the SKO as a spy.
I work as a guild leader. I do jobs for the empire and its citizens. Mostly a front though. Me and my companions are the only ones in the know. I'm turning the empire's saboteur strategy against them, but in a more constructive way
I used to wish to see the empire fall, but now I know better. If the empire falls, literal millions will die in the chaos, stability will be very long coming, and Bison may try and profit from the ruins, potentially owning even more of Daltros than they already did
>Goal: United
If we don't stand together, no other goal is achievable. The main factions are the council, the empire, and Bison.
I will weaken Bison's hold over Daltros, destroying their holdings, selling their private data, and just generally make their stay unprofitable enough to convince them to relocate.
I will empower any politicians who oppose the empire's doctrine and want a truce with the council, if nothing else. I will make the lives of the zealots a living hell.
The process will be slow, but I aim to live for a long time, with my phylactery hidden in the SKO's vaults, and every kill giving me a year of agelessness
But for now, let's see what this mysterious letter's about... battle royale... RAGNAROK?! Interesting... sounds like a good place to network among the strong starry knights, I've been itching to tussle with the best of them. The phylactery should protect me from the more murderous ones, and I'll gladly concede to the one that bests me
>24 hrs later
"well, !@#$"
Isidoro Maximiano Cambeiro
Defender of the Faith
Master of Whispers
Old Mages 3x
Templars 6x
Healing Mages 2x
Assassins 1x
Heavy Cavalry 4x
Archers (10 R for 40)
Scholars 2x
Fox Spirit (Her name is Chin-Sun and I met her when I was preaching to tibes in the forest. She sensed I would encounter many chances to "prank" people and decided to join me.)
Pegasus 3x
Cave Trolls 2x
Ent 3x
Brother Kesriel
Green Knight
The Dragon Wakes
Divine and Nature shouldn't oppose each other;they should cush their common enemies. Time to go Borgia on these bastards.
Aight. Never one to really pick something on vague notions, so I rolled for it.
>Red Door
>Unearthly Vigor (1 V)
>Bloody Evolution (3 V)
>Regeneration (4 V)
>A Helping Hand (1 D)
>Left Eye of Ruin (1 C)
Appreciate love, but I'd rather not be toothless in a world I'm not familiar with. Want to keep whoever I find important safe.
>Weapon Choice
A spear'd be good.
>Beyond the Doors
Well then.
That's not good at all, now is it? Oh well.
Suppose this'll be alright. Let's see how long I can have this last. Topple a king, maybe. I'll have my fun.
I think it's also that people have trouble learning how to draw curly hair. There's plenty of art of asian and white people, just not a lot of black.
does anyone have the killdozer CYOA?
Then rate mine senpai
>i read builds but only for the cyoa I've just done.
I'm also too much of a brainlet to read all of those pages even though i want to.
it makes me sad because the author probably tried really hard and put in so much effort
Play it as 2-3 separate cyoa. One for the suit, one for your body, and one for the backgrounds/friends
thats a good idea but it would take me forever to finish it and then i wont be able to rate your build or anyone elses for that matter
for free ghettoblaster
Nah it's because blacks are ugly, and to make them good looking you have to get rid of their features.
don't worry
generally nobody cares about how much effort an author invests
used to it
I wouldn't say that, there are plenty of cute black girls I've met in my lifetime. Besides, most artists try to emphasize the beautiful features of their subjects while minimizing the less attractive, whether they be white, black, asian or blue aliens
>I only read builds if the people explain what they were doing or thinking when they made that build.
I would comment on yours, but I haven't played that cyoa yet so I don't really understand your choices or the context of them that well. I might have to make a build soon, if I do i'll comment on yours.
>Nothingness afterlife option
So I decided that “officially” I would have gone through the Black door because it looked the safest one. But I made choices for the other options too. Only Yellow that have some eldritch thematic motivated me to choose more things because it seemed more dangerous.
>Normal build:
Bloody Evolution
Refuse the Bitter Pill
Second Last Chance
Third Eye of Victory
Higher Truths
Total: 3V + 2D + 3C
Normal build +
This isn't even my Final Form
Left Eye of Ruin
Total: 5V + 2D + 5C
Good: Now she sees me as an equal in nobility, she may listen to me more when not in disagreement with the yellow king. I may acquire more power from eating hearts of eldritch things.
Also, I'm not sure if she is crazy. I mean, I have been teleported to another dimension and given magical powers by and unknown entity without clear motivation, it fits her narrative to some degree.
Probably my main objective will be to eat the sorcerer's heart.
The fate of Melaine is sad, but not all that problematic. Maybe with enough magic after some centuries or thousands of years she can even recover to some degree? Also, since she can eat hearts too, maybe she can absorb intelligence/sanity?
Even if there is no solution, I guess she can still be happy to some degree like this, and me too, but I would have to manage her relations with the civilization.
This one brings pretty bad results. First there are no significant supply of hearts to empower and defeat the mistress without bigger trouble. Not an obvious one, at least. Second, I see no immediate solution to Bianca's condition. I guess I would just run, and hope one day have power and knowledge enough to return and reverse her situation.
Or maybe just use second last chance if I have spare use, knock out Bianca and take her out by force. This would also be hard however. If I had taken the extra powers that I did to Yellow, this might have been way easier.
Well, IF I manage to return I guess it wouldn't be much of a problem to deal with her, since by them I probably would have had the chance to eat the hearts of many The Others. The bigger problem is if her state is reversible. But since I have Third Eye of Victory there is some hope I guess.
>Black (canonic):
Other than the risks of being killed too many times by bullets or bombs early on, this seems easy compared to others.
I choose less of Desperation because I suffered of depression in the past, the degree that Reiko suffered from it seems pretty manageable, in some senses, even better than when she started, because she won't have much more problem in becoming a heart-eater serial killer. I guess maybe she can pick some abilities that would help with her Prosopagnosia too? Like using voices better to identify people, or height, etc.
The only "problem' is the lack of magical beings and that AIs don't have hearts. Maybe eventually I can summon some with magic? But other than that, if we survive the first periods, we would be gods in a world otherwise without magic.
In the end maybe Yellow was the best, and White the worst, even if Bianca seems really nice.
some people would prefer total oblivion than having to live after death.
In demigod cyoa can I just godly form for a second and boost one thing to level 3 and quickly de-power?
Pretty sure you only have the boost as long as Godly Form is active.
So the moment you turn it off, your boosted powers return to their normal state.
>turn on godly form
>boost space manipulation level 2 to 3
>teleport wherever I want to go
>turn it off
>five seconds elapse
That would work, but it'll still be slower than directly using Space Manipulation for teleporting.
If you're gonna teleport a lot, why not just directly take Space Manipulation 2? It's required if you want instant teleport via godly form anyway
Thank you for this, Rosanon, from the bottom of my heart.
All of you, really. I get depressed at the end of winter, and it's been really bad this time. Focusing on these dumb games has helped keep the dark thoughts away.
This desu. If it's a list of their options, I skip it. If there's explanation, I read the explanations.
Good on ya mate. I'd make more and wholesome stuff if I could.
I awake again to a familiar dream, with four doors present. I have a familiar idea of what the doors mean... from having taken the black door in the past...
I already know which door to choose this time. The breathing of the white door makes me anxious and the chanting of the yellow door fills me with... indescribable... revulsion.
I touch the red door and check my hand. It smells like iron. This ain't paint. My pulse quickens as I open the door...
And a choice of powers springs forth...
At best I can recall, red is bad, and I don't want more than 5 points of despair or corruption.
I take: Left Eye of Ruin, Least Sufficient Miracle, Third Eye of Victory, Helping Hand, and Higher Truths.
+2 Despair, and +4 Corruption. I think this is survivable.
I step through the door... and miss my footing. Eating a faceful of sand at the feet of my new companion. I try to play it cool as I stand up, but I have to crane my neck up... Jesus she is tall... and built. It's quite the effect.
I see they changed my clothes, and provided me with a sturdy longsword.
After that, it's onward to adventure with our new powers. I don't know how well this suits me, but I've got a giant woman and a nice sword. The future is brighter!
Dude, it's the one option where you don't actually die.
Was this abandoned?
No, I was just busy, here's the rest