A glass of milk is dropped into the 40k universe

A glass of milk is dropped into the 40k universe.

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There's no use crying about it.

It falls into the emperor's mouth, giving him the strength to rise up and lead the Imperium to non-retarded policies and also victory.


I bet Tzeentch is responsible for this

>I'd better give it to a space marine
>I just don't have the superhuman guts to stomach anything other than strawberry flavoured soy milk

Necrons become the most powerful faction

The tyranids use it to devise new and improved bone structures for their troops.

The glass, an irreplaceable relic chalice technoforged on Lactarine IV, containing the milky tears of voluntary servitor farmhands, shatters. It echos in the warp, signaling the coming of the end times, a nameless preacher collects the shards and etches prophecies of the 13th oreo crusade, etc.


>The salamanders cannot drink it

>Lactarine IV
Cowgirl abhumans when?

jfc I hate warhammerfags.
Get back into one of your 8 containment threads.


This is a 40k containment board user, you are the 40kid the rest of Veeky Forums is segregating against.

>He thinks that actively trying to destroy a board with 40k spam isn't a bad thing

>He thinks that Veeky Forums wasn't made because of 40k spam on /b/

When you paint it.

>13th oreo crusade
And I lost it.

Shitposting isn't going to help this board.

i'm gonna need a source for this. Google isn't giving me anything

>He thinks that Veeky Forums wasn't made because of 40k spam on /b/
Well yeah. It was made because of all the D&D threads on /co/. 40k isn't banned on /b/.

I helped with quests.

Yeah, but quests are creative, and thus don't belong here. Veeky Forums is clearly a shitposting board.

Chapter 19 specifically, immediately followed by a decapitation of the person who found them fucking the cake. with a sawblade gun. held by the futa. i think this is the best thing i've seen in a while

...and it was all a part of a most devious plan!

It's not a doujin, just a manga that is steeped in violence and sex. Name's "Trash".

I bet da fuckin' 'umies dids dis

What is Tau milk like? Aren't they mammalials?

Underrated post

>why are people having the wrong kind of fun?
Said user as he prepared his asshole for yet another barrage of dicks.

It beats all the other factions before getting corrupted by Chaos.

Who the hell would think of crying over 40k these days?


nids assimilate its nutrients,the universe is doomed

>skeleton nids
Simply too spooky not to win

Ugh, Trash. That one is by far the worst series I've ever read. It's edgy and not even good edgy.
>Pedophilia, not the fun kind.
>Guro dismemberment of a Loli.
>Lesbian Hit-men couple that Dual Wield Guns and Fire-axes(The Dual-wielding is the shit part)
It's like someone who decided they wanted to make a manga, and did it based off of popular hentai tags, but then read too much Berserk and decided that they wanted that level of rape and gore as well, because that's what made Berserk good, right?

is that a boner?


Yes. Yes it is. Youkai are weird

its skim

Man, I miss quests.

it's what happens when your culture considers it suicide-inducing dishonor to open up people's bodies and see how they work. they get stupid ideas based on the external parts and only have occasional human remains or foreign, mostly-censored texts to read off of.


Hello newfriend

You'd think the fact that the human dick has no bones would be ridiculously obvious the first time some bored dude helicopter dicked in front of a mirror.

B-but muh fun


Literally everything is someone's fun
Do you think this should be a ruleless board? Because that's how you get /trash/

So it's like Murcielago except bad?

A new chapter, the Marines Calcitrant, is derived from the milk's gene-seed.

The custodies have secretly been keeping a stable of female abhumans and part of their training is to tame and milk them for their nutrient rich milk with helps them to maintain their strength in the face of constant daemons and to keep them stronger than even non-daemon prince primarchs.

That's why we have /b/.

Looks like he's about to bone her

It's a manga with lots of murder, gang wars, human trafficking, ritual murder abuse, and black market organ trading with cute girls that die or get dismembered every minute. Said girl is a trap, and dies shortly after this.

its just shitposting and generals

tg is trash and will continue to worsen

Oh yeah calcium is the best for skeletons.

The Harlequins acquire it and use the milk to torture Ahriman in the most hilarious fashion possible.

I think the real question is "what would happen if the 40k universe was dropped into the 40k universe?"
