Warhammer 40k General /40kg/

Boy Band edition

>Tau confirmed

>tip of the day, how to paint Duncan’s grave
youtube.com/watch?v=82T3XQNWWV0 [Open]


>Old Black Library Mega:

>Math for the math god:

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I've been thinking of starting up a small campaign using an older edition of the game for fun. The third edition rulebook included rules for all the armies that existed at the time, so I think that would be the easiest way to play it.
Is this idea fun or stupid?

What armies does everyone play?

>Imperium is collapsing under the weight of its internal bloat and combined assault of its enemies
>The Aledari and Necrons are facing an internal upheaval and are desperately fighting against their own extinctions

Meanwhile the T'au just entered a golden age of expansion and progress. Does the future belong to the T'au?

I haven't even gotten to the stage of finding players. Just kinda throwing ideas around to see if I can get something workable before I ask people to join in.

Lion is next Primarch coming back.

Then Fulgrim

Then Dorn

Then Angron

Then Russ

Then Lorgar

Then Vulkan

Then Perturabo

Then Corax

Then Khan

Leman Russ is next. That's why the SW book is last.

I asked last thread but does anyone have experience playing DE? I am thinking about getting into them but I wanted some examples of units to go for

>god damn nobody selling kroot on eBay in batches of 16
How new are the current carnivore kits that this is the case? So annoying tbqh

Get anything that goes fast

Ah fair enough. Was just thinking it might not work if some players have new armies that didn’t exist in 3rd, however your idea does sound like a fun idea. My group has been planning on something similar.

Blasterborn in venoms
Scourges with darklances
Witches to tar pit
Grotesques/pain engines to meat wall
These are your core

The future belongs to a younger race just getting their bearings or maybe even just crawling out of the mud. Millennia from now, the Imperium will either be forgotten or a pale shadow of it's former self furiously masturbating to the glories of ages past. I'm also sure that, like the Imperium, these new rulers will have had horrific experiences dealing with xenos(likely mankind) and will gladly use that as an excuse to conquer and genocide their way into being galactic top dog.

I saw a guy basically just run 3-4 raiders full of dark lance guys in a 1500 point list. Is that dumb?

Do you have to combine with the other types of Eldar or is pure DE actually playable now?

Maybe, maybe not. 40K won’t progress that far into the future so we’ll never know.

Sounds dumb but hey maybe it could work
They’re fine solo but will be slightly meh until codex

Depends, do you prefer the Kabal units (Raiders, Kabalites, Scourges, Trueborn, Incubi), Colosseum units (Wyches, Reavers, Hellions) or Haemonculi coven units (Wracks, Grotesques, Pain-Engines) or a mixture of the three?

Do you want to go fast, go REALLY fast or bury everything in a tide of Frankenstein's monsters?

The 1d4chan tactics article isn't something you should generally blindly follow but as an introduction to what the various units do and their role within the army, it's good and easy to understand, just be aware that any detailed ""tactics"" or opinions about how awesome/shit a unit is on tabletop should be taken with a massive grain of salt.


I like playing Dark Eldar because it's not that common an army which means people are more interested in playing you a lot of the time as a break from "Oh, you have a marine army...what a coincidence, I have a....slightly different marine army" and also because regardless of what happens, games tend to be fun because you either absolutely dominate your opponent or everything goes to shit by turn 2 and your army explodes. Either way it's entertaining with lots of units being wiped out and dramatic combats/shit exploding rather than stuff like fighting between fucking Custodes, Necrons or Terminator deathstars where you can dump an entire shooting phase on each other's armies and only succeed in chipping a few wounds away.

Depends. Against some treadhead's guard army that works fine.

Several questions for a preheresy thousand wrong army

>is supreme command worth it to get Magnus along with CP or should I just take the low aux detachment to save points?

>vehicles yay or nay? Transports seem mostly unnecessary. If taking vehicles what should I take and what roles?

>optimal amount and configuration of tzaangor shit? Fuck birds but I recognize the need for speed and melee

>worth holding points back for chaos spawn summons via suicide or character assassination?

>will people let me use preheresy calth marines for rubrics with flamers and heavy bolters filling appropriate weapon roles via warpflamer and soulreaper cannon?

>Mutabeast, good or bad?

I would model my entire army with those heads if I could get them.

There will be nothing when Imperium falls.
Universe will be consumed by Warp.

Hopes/fears for the Tau codex?
I hope they make Ethereals more important, give really good buffs or something, but make losing them a really big deal for the whole army.

I main DG with demons so I am used to monsters that can take a beating. I mostly want a fast army with QTs to throw at people. I am a little worried that if the other side gets turn 1 everything will be wiped. The toughness and saves just seem so bad


He is very swingy unit. He can win a game all by himself, but he can get shoot off board turn one by good amount of armies.


Deredeo/Leviathan yes. Defiler is not terrible if you cast +1 to hit and wound and then Daemonforge him. Otherwise don't bother.


More the merrier.


Don't bother. Only reason to save points is for Horror splitting.


Unless you are playing with autists and are not trying to be obviously WAAC, you are fine with everything as everything


Is decent.

Supposedly the markerlight system isn't getting reworked and only farsight himself is in the codex, not him and the elite 8.

if you guys are looking for something to see this weekend, pic related is about a warpstorm openning up on terra. shit gets fucked, tzeentch makes an appearance

also, starting marines, could use some advice from more veteran marine players. im not a big fan of running flyers, i prefer a boots on the ground playstyle (deathguard is my main army for the last 15 years). was looking at raven guard possibly running a few big units of boltstorm aggressors infiltrated with the strategem. would this work? or would they just get picked apart if i dont go first? for anyone whos used them, are they fairly durable?

Point drop for Devilfish would be lit as fuck. Giving Tau plasma some special rule would also be nice since now everybody can choose to not get hot. Maybe make marker drones cheaper so they’re not strictly worse than pathfinders?

>Necrons are facing an internal upheaval and are desperately fighting against their own extinctions

Haven't only a small amount of the tomb worlds actually awoken?

You can deploy really far back because you're so fast and behind cover that you can just fly over/through. With good LoS blocking terrain I find that I can mostly hide away my army

How good are Custodes against take all comers lists? I know any bit of list tailoring will buy them a ticket to BTFO City.

Adults who play this game are going to be cucked by their girls. Some of their man toys will even make them laugh about your little toy soldiers.

don't forget to come in late. the first hour is boring. you can skip the ending too. the lighthouse mystery sucks and so does the ending. could have been a great movie if they only did the middle part and left the rest to conversation and off screen

Depends, so long as it isn't WAACdar or Nazis you're up against, it won't be guaranteed one sided

ok that sounds doable. I am really used to having most of my army survive all game so the change up worries me

Bonuses for Farsight enclaves in combat.
Useful, non-broken but most importantly fun and different strategems.
More effective snipers (our only real answer to psykers)

And farsight's eight to be named characters. More than happy to spend the points and dollars to run the eight again, even if they aren't competitive.

Source for no 8...

>or Nazis
But that’s 60% of the factions in 40k

Small, low model count armies just don't do well in 8E competitively.

Just like there was 'nothing' when the Eldar fell, or when the Old ones bit it, or when the C'Tan were shattered, or when the Krorks devolved? Everyone thinks they're the be all, end all of everything ever forever, until they aren't anymore. It obviously won't be like 'the good'ole days' but others will live and even thrive after humanity falls.

Yes please to all of this, especially the plasma. It was basically the go to for Tau in 7th, now it is probably the worst of all options. I want Farsight to be viable.


What army do I play to lose my virginity?

'Nids. Bitches love them some 'Nids.

Which Hive Fleet if I want a big booty pale asian?

I want them to make Meganobz a 3+ save, but T5 with 4 wounds

Wrong. Bitches want to *play* nids. To score with ladies, you’ve gotta play an Ork army full of insanely good conversions and kitbashes

Warp Jump Autarch vs Swooping Hawk Autarch boys?


It took me 3 fucking threads to get actual answers.

Warp Hawk is best build

Personal taste. I dig my warp jump autarch personally.

I’ve always had a soft spot for Eldar wing packs, and it always made me mad that Deldar hqs can’t take them

>Auxiliaries get a little lovin.
>More Battlesuits.

they don't have unique models, why would they get special rules?

How long has it been since picture-book list creator went down? It made threads much more interesting

Where do I find extra blaster bits? The box only has one

What are some websites like RagingHeroes that sell high quality female models for DE or SoB alternatives?

Because they were once named characters.

Just a hope, not expecting anything this cool from gee-dubs.

eBay? Various third party sites have cheap Deldar bits as well

Railguns being equivalent to neutron lasers (D6 damage, min 3)

Just saw a rumour for Tau codex release. Pre-order on 10th of March.

So Science Skeleton Codex is arriving in june?

Heard a rumor that they are not going to change Railguns.

Lovingly whittle them yourself from sprue.

Various third party sites such as?
I've looked on google before without any luck

so I was looking to get into the game but heard genestealer cults are really bad? How bad a time will I be having if I decide to run them?

Shapways dot com

fuck I have so much still to paint

sounds about right, one more week for the new AoS snake elf stuff then onto 40k.

>>>is supreme command worth it to get Magnus along with CP or should I just take the low aux detachment to save points?
You probably want some extra HQs anyway, so its often worth it.
>>vehicles yay or nay? Transports seem mostly unnecessary. If taking vehicles what should I take and what roles?
Most of the GW vehicels are useless, FW stuff can be pretty good and provide some extra long range AT.
>>optimal amount and configuration of tzaangor shit? Fuck birds but I recognize the need for speed and melee
They are your best troops bar horrors
>>worth holding points back for chaos spawn summons via suicide or character assassination?
Fuck no.
>>will people let me use preheresy calth marines for rubrics with flamers and heavy bolters filling appropriate weapon roles via warpflamer and soulreaper cannon?
Yes, Heavy bolter is a bit of a stretch though
>>Mutabeast, good or bad?
its pretty meh, if you want one its not a massive disadvantage buts not something you should build around.

different user here, but a lot of the prices there seem completely insane unless I'm misunderstanding something. Three bucks for a single bolt gun? Eight for a single shield? like, for those prices you may as well just buy GW kits with the bits you want and at least have a bunch of spares you can use for other stuff.

I'm gonna hit the dollar store tomorrow and see if there are any dumbass little plastic toys that I can cannibalize for bits.

No more loyalists are coming back sorry

Use the ones from your Warrior and Scourge kits to make Trueborn (or Blaster Scourges).

why dont the eldar take all the pieces of khaine and put him back together?

Because Khaine desires the enslavement and destruction of the Aledari.

hmmmm... imma still make my dudes try

Why are you lying to yourself? Russ is dead. Logan saw his spirit. Magnus have burned Fenris and fucked up it's people and Russ didn't return.

> Okay Fenris had been burned, this definitely is the Wolftimes.
> LOL nope.

10x space elf blasters is 10 bucks if you’re the original user


Russ is next. in classic "fuck the lore, I'm the most special faggot of them all" space wolf fashion, he will be a daemon that isn't evil.

All the primarchs, even the for sure really dead ones, are coming back because people will buy them.

Each one will also suck hard.

Convert plasma chosen out of primaris hellblasters y/n?

If you can afford to theoretically fuck up a bunch of models(worst case) then yeah go for it. It could turn out awesome

From Parting of the ways audiodrama:
“Listen closely my brothers, there shall come a time far from now, when the chapter itself is dying and our foes shall gather to destroy us. Then, my sons, I shall listen for your call, in whatever realm holds me and come I shall, no matter what the laws of life and death forbid. At the end, I will be there. For the final battle. FOR THE WOLF TIME!”
Wrath of Magnus was clearly Wolf time.

>Caring about consistency
>Giving a shit about any kind of lore when there's profit to be made
Are you sure you've been paying attention?

Well I still have the entire SM half of my DI box untouched and ready for butchering.

GW caring for consistency and lore. Thats why Russ, Sanguinius, Curze and Horus will never come back.

I'm assuming you meant Manus cause Russ is possible. In some interview they talked about Russ returning would result in him charging off somewhere. Whereas perfect primarch Rob wouldn't do something so silly. And so is good to bring back.

>Wrath of Magnus was clearly Wolf time.


Not yet.

Sure, they'll never come back. And that'll last until someone gets the bright idea that bringing them back would be profitable. And then they'll come back.

Maybe he did come back during WoM and the lesson is that Russ is really in all of our hearts

it'll be very limiting. every faction has had a lot of units added that don't have rules in the 3e book. plus Tau, crons, ad mech, imperial agents, custodes and grey knights just straight up don't have any rules at all.

>Gee-dubs logic
Lore < Profit

just get 1 and cast it a bunch.
small bits like that are easy enough to do with greenstuff press molding.

Why did than they bring back Guilliman instead Sanguinius? Sanguinius was best primarch who can singlehandely destroy Chaos and save Imperium.

>Auxiliaries get a little lovin
you and me both. at the least we could get shapers back as HQ for all auxilarries armies.

a gue'vessa rule that works like the GSC brood brothers rule would be great.

they're not bad. just relatively light on options. they work well if you use their ability to run with guard and nids for some extra options.

I'd love to convert a lot of models but my autistic friend wants everything to be 1:1 scale as GW models.
Even when It's to his advantage he screeches autusticall if 1/4 of inch is wrong.

>Mono Dark Eldar
Main army played most often

>Ynarri Craftworld + Harlequins
The big guns, only brought out vs the waaciest guys

>Mono Corsairs

The new Abnett novel "Magos" just dropped alongside the "Lukas the Trickster" novel.

Justify why you didn't buy anything yet? Don't you want to support the hobby?

You seem to be under the impression that they are pro-Imperium cause they love and truly care about that faction or some such nonsense. They fucking don't! If they got it in their heads that Kroks would make a killing, above and beyond Space Marines, we'd be flooded with chad-Orks the very next fucking day. Profits are all that matter. The lore's probably a footnote, if even that.

Also, why the fuck would 'saving' the Imperium be on their agenda at all? That there's fucking perplexing, is what it is?