Why do swamp witches have bad reputations?
Why do swamp witches have bad reputations?
Slander and rumors spawned by territorial ogres, that's why!
Because they typically look like shit and act like it too.
Just like (You), they are smelly, spiteful, and ugly.
Have you ever been in a swamp?
Because they keep on fucking the devil and rendering babies down into magical poultices and vomiting nightmares into the ears of livestock.
In this county, witches are placed into canvas sacks and swung into cypress trees until dead.
Why do park hobos have bad reputations?
Sorc here. From about five to thirty years most witches (not hags, they're always hella ugly) are hot, if sometimes in slightly creepy/deviant way (watch out for those baits), always great in the sack. Immediately after thirty they turn into wart-ridden, big nosed bipedal giant toads, and their mood rots accordingly.
probably all the children they eat
>swamp has beautiful, crystal-clear water
I fucking hate this
That water should be brown as shit, and be full of diseases, alligators, and filth. Nobody should be taking a leisurely stroll through that crap, she'd be dead in a week if she did that all the time.
As a bog monster composed of rotting algae, let me just say this:
>tfw no witch gf
Because they are filthy hobos playing dangerously with the Fire of Chaos and spawning demons instead of killing undead, questing for the Rite of Kindling, and attempting to fulfilll the prophecy and bring the First Flame back to its full power.
Praise Gwyn, not the whore of Izalith.
The swamp: nature's septic tank.
can you please take back all the insults you just directed at my waifu please and thank you
It's not unique to swamp witches. Witches ALL have a bad reputation.
In fact, they actively work to make sure they have a bad reputation by doing things like handing out weird curses and strange rituals.
I'm like 80% sure that's a mangrove swamp which doesn't mean You're wrong but they can be a bit clearer
>living in a saltwater swamp
Let's get down to business. Let's talk about urban witches who aren't hiding off in swamps.
Lies. They're always ugly, only the weaker ones spend a lot of their magical power trying to look pretty to suivive. Like all magic users, older ones are plain stronger, so they no longer need to try and seduce people to ensure their well being.
Are you sure you’re not thinking of Asian women?
Which Friend is this?
Some of them can be pretty terrible people.
Explain her redeeming qualities, and I shall, perhaps, not add your name to the list of heretics for the inquisitors.
Nothing good ever comes out of swamps.
Because they smell bad
Swamps have been associated with death, disease and decay since... Well, forever. They're nature's pus-filled bruises, and anything that thrives in that obviously must be evil.
Unironically christians
witches are very helpful and knowledgeable people who are associated with pagan ways. and ofc everything pagan is bad.
Look, I know black mana isn't evil... but it's usually evil.
Evil isn't a part of any one color, it's just that when black wants to go evil it's the scariest.
Because the fake news media is biased in favor of the hill witches.
Poo gas.
Because Miasma causes malaria. No, mosquitos aren't real.
Teaches you pyromancy
Has an amazing voice
It's doable with even a tiny amount of magic involved for purifying water. Even low-fantasy alchemy.
They mix poisons, and hang around with violent and lascivious sorts.
Sorcerer. That means you'd either have truesight and telepathy, or always wear an item with them always on. That aside thanks to their innate magical ability and them being unable to put points anywhere else they can discern magic better than anyone. Thus can't be fooled like a bard or martial. Though still you'd be the worst class of any given edition of any given game, your only - meagre - saving grace is that you aren't an incel like the rest of the casters, and your charisma is higher than anyone's, sometimes, combined.
To be fair a good quarter of Asian women appears quite ugly even in youth.
So do priests, alchemists and drug-dealers.
If Stokoe won't draw anymore Stain can he at least draw some Bowie porn?
>Bowie porn
Orcstain Bowie, not David Bowie.
I mean, I guess some people would take more, but okay.
I'm pretty sure you can already see her in nude in couple scenes. Beside, you can't just lewd Bowie without Zazu's approval.
Seeing her naked, and in porn are two different situations.
Just imagine the potions and shit to make your gronch grow bigger and in different shapes and to last forever without cumming.
Imagine the possibilities.
Both swamps and witches have bad reputations, why would combining the two make them any better?
Because two wrongs might just make a right.
Because they intend to eat you.
You know that real swamps arent acid pools right?
Sure, theyre dirty and full of shit but unlike what the avarage tard thinks theyre not fucking blighttown
Are you saying they have a dank reputation?
That's kinda bullshit tough. Marshes and swamps, especially freshwater ones, are cool. Tough you gotta consider insects, humidity, general diffuclty for human activities and (for other periods, mostly) what these insects brought. They're not fit for humans to live in, not particulary, but they're cool.
Is this the anime where only the sharpest fangs win?
Nah. I'd actually peg White with that, with its love of 'kill everything everywhere'
It's more that Black doesn't give a shit one way or the other, while the others give at least some thought to silly things like 'how others think of me' and 'regretting what you did'. Black just does what's best for Black, at all times. Which...has a tendency to push you towards what most people consider 'evil'. While Black may not be evil, it's the easiest to end up being 'evil' in because NO LIMITS includes moral limits.
>to last forever without cumming.
Why not just make it perma-hard independently of cumming.
He said he'd do more Orc Stain when it was economically viable for him, so lol never.
If I ever win the lottery, that's probably the project I'd fully fund first.
People don't live away from a safe community in low-tech times unless there's a good reason. For the superstitious, nonmagical folk of our world's history, a hermit wasn't just someone who hated company or was embarrassed by a deformity or who was just poor and dodging taxes. It meant you were an outlaw, a witch, a pagan or some other evil, because to the people of the time of course it meant that. It still means that in most communities where the population is low enough to allow for the whole "everyone knows everyone" thing.
This was doubly so for medieval herbalists who used folk medicine because it worked better than prayer and leeches, but didn't know the reasons for it working because modern chemistry wasn't a thing and they knew it worked because grandma did it and it worked, so it must be a magic poultice or something. The swamp/forest away from people lets you work with a broader array of local samples of plant and animal life, keeps you out of polluted waterways so inundated with human filth that it needs to be boiled or used to make alcohol in order to be drank, and keeps the smells and smoke less visible to locals to make sure the locals don't lynch you as quickly.
So in fantasy, these witches are either devious or misunderstood, depending on which angle the writer/GM wants to take it.
Because the swamp is a disgusting place, associated with pestilence, plague, and death; thus, those who willing lives there has internalized those things and should be reviled for the abomination they’ve become.
Nobody willingly lives in a swamp.
I mean, New Orleans and Houston both exist.
I said willingly.
What you find in swamps: flies, mosquitos, gnats, leeches, spiders, snakes, diseases, and inbred people who live in swamps.
No, he's thinking of Italian women. Asian women look great until their 60's.
Wasn't there some allowance for the possibility a hermit was some kind of prophet or monk or something? Those'd probably pick somewhere more barren than a swamp to live, though.
The term you are looking for is "ascetic," and yes it's true that men who wanted to commune with God would either wander into the desert or wander into the forest to live.
Asian women always look sort of messed up, which is why they cake themselves in makeup all day every day for most of their lives.
Their "sudden aging" is just them getting too old to bother with makeup anymore all at once.
If you decided to follow the path of the mage/witch/whatever wouldn't finding the secret to eternal youth be the very first thing you'd do? Fuck everything else until after you've added more time to your clock.
What you're talking about is a Lich, user. Those are really, really frowned upon in polite society.
>t. Yawgmoth
>eternal life
...No. I mean eternal *life*. I mean physically stopping at, say, age 21 and then staying there forever, not shambling around as a walking skellington.
>not shambling around as a walking skellington
Picky, picky, picky.
No, I'm pretty sure that Yawgmoth, who ended up turning into a giant cloud of black mana, possessed an artifact hellplane that produced nothing but black mana, and whose corpse makes everything around it shit out black mana, would say that black is the scariest when it wants to go evil, because he was fucking Yawgmoth.
He would not say 'oh White's scarier than me when it goes evil'. He'd be far more likely to pith and vivisect whoever he's talking to.
>Seeing her naked, and in porn are two different situations.
Reminder that nude and naked aren't straight synonyms. They're nude if you're socially allowed to look (mixed bathing, etc) and naked if you're not (peeping, etc).
swamps are not nice places to live and that goes 2x for ye olden days. If some one lives in a swamp there is a high chance that either they do not want people around them or other people do not want the person in question around them.
So what did the swamp witch do to get be facto banished to the swamp?
>So what did the swamp witch do to get be facto banished to the swamp?
She had a wart on her nose, she did!
Elesh norn proves you wrong
Phyrexian doesn't count
>tfw no swamphag gf who kidnaps you and brings you to her house to eat rotten fish and mate
Hold me, lads
user I live in a bog.
You don't go outside when it's bad.
That just means your local weather-whisperer is in a bad mood, You need to venture out and find her to comfort her.
Why did he get into an argument about Yawgmoth?