Do you know high fantasy settings with various races but without elves, dwarves and orcs?

Do you know high fantasy settings with various races but without elves, dwarves and orcs?

Anthro settings.

Ivalice is good for that.

Do you strictly need high fantasy? Because there is Sword and Sorcery, Planetary Romance and New Weird with that.

Also you can always make a setting yourself, can't stress that enough.

>badger warrior
>rabbit dex fighter/bard
>kitsune rogue
You fucked up.
Why are the other animals mundane except the edgelord?

Actually I think that's a cat

That cat has three tails and fairy fire hovering around them. If it’s not a kitsune it’s clearly based on it.

Ever heard of Talislanta, y'all? Twenty years ... still no elves.

talislanta dot com

Right, did not see the several tails

Redwall, Mouseguard, Glorantha

oh, also GoT and Conan the Barbarian

Let me guess, pic related is too grimdark for you?


it's fucking stupid
not!humans are better

What is Planetary romance and New Weird?


Malazan has all three, they just are covered up

>hooded rogue playing a SPESHUL race
>not an edgelord or THAT guy

Ivalice TTRPG when?

Is it the world with the Rabbit girls?

I’m not a furry, but I’d play an anthro campaign. Though my favorite animal doesn’t transition well to humanoid

Time to get your shit wrecked.

elves arent realy elves and dwarves are elves and that.

probably the most well done example. Ivalice races are all cool and all interresting.

Endless Legend kind of gets there, it does have dwarves and elves but they are significantly different from the norm.

I've debated the same thing. But in this day and age people label you a furry if you even own a pet.

well, it still has dwarves (although they aren't completely the same as stereotypical dwarves, being more obsessed with architecture than mining etc), but Agone has a lot of nonhuman playable races. the ogres are somewhat reminiscent of Orcs in that they have clans and are warlike, but other than that they are considerably culturally distinct.
Other than those there are:
Drakken (Shape shifting lizard people who live in the mountains and occasionally infiltrate villages to kidnap slaves)

Morgana (Blue skinned creatures known for being treacherous and power hungry, using their ability to magically cause people to fall in love with them to gain power, though this ability back fires. they can choose to change gender overnight at will, but are universally considered as bad news)

Pixies (Freakish people who murder small chidren and andimals larger than them using their bones as jewelry, and making bizare alchemical compounds, they can also predict the future so that their predictions always come true, though they are always the worst possible outcome.)

Minotaurs (surprisingly civilized, with their own secret society, as all Minotaurs on the surface world are runaways from their underground world, where their race is burdened with preventing demons from escaping the abyss)

Black fey (Immortal small fairy creatures who hibernate for 30 years at a time, forgetting their memories of their past life, gifted with the ability to speak to inanimate objects, and awaken their souls)

Medusa (although they have lost the ability to petrify long ago, but they still control a large trade empire and enslave other races using their supernatural beauty)


Spriggans (Goblin like creatures who are tied to the souls of cities and control mafia esque organizations controlling the businesses of the cities in which they live)


and Giants, 15ft tall giants
all these are playable in the game's system.

>Dark Souls (sort of)
It depends on your definition of high fantasy really

I made one that also avoided any sort of animal people or magical beings. All the races are human offshoots (Neanderthals), common humanoids (Blemmyes, Giants, Grey Aliens, maybe cyclopses) and visually impressive genetic disorders (midgets, marfan syndrome) The problem is that I'm not talented enough to do the setting justice because it's the sort that requires very good art and a very detailed and logical world to reach its full potential.

Most Final Fantasy

Talislanta just gives new names to the same old shit.

How about a fantasy setting with a completely original mythology that doesn't draw on anything else?

Use a random table.

that won't give you anything original

Not with that attitude.

Could such a thing even exist?

Yes. It would suck.

Possibly, but it'd be shouted down by grogs as "special snowflake bullshit" or some other nonsense.

Basically all sci-fi.

I'm having difficulty not parsing the one on the left as having a single monstrous eye.

one of the reasons fantasy works is because its designed in such a way that it feels congruent with folklore and myth. The most influential fantasy works draw heavily on ancient mythologies to build a world that seems both dreamlike and symbolic.
the ties to real world beliefs don't necessarily have to be strong, but without them a fantasy setting feels very artificial, sterile even.

Humans have a tendency to make very culturally resonant folklore and myths, and drawing upon those in a fantasy world makes it feel more real, which is the goal if you want your audience (in this case your players) to stay engaged in the world when things that are bizarre and impossible happen.

sci-fi gets away with it's shenanigans because its attempts to use realism and speculation to predict believable races with what we currently understand about our universe, but if it is a space opera (like star wars) thin it also has to draw on mythology to some extent in the way it's mystical elements work, or it begins to loose its audience.

was cavalier That Guy or was it the Dungeon Master?

Sounds like Hipstershit.

Does Planescape count?

There are still elves, dwarves, and orcs, but they take a backseat.


This is the level of discourse presented every time someone claims he wants something different than "Tolkien-Fantasy". As much as I like Ivalice lets not pretend that the races there are not just Stand-Ins for Elves, Dwarfs and Orcs.

Just finished one actually.
Bahomet: Virgin Soul

Had humans angels and demons. Might have been some other monstrous races too. But no elves.

He's the mage of the group.
And he's just a black cat with green eyes.

you realize this is mostly about aesethetics right?
I mean there are also a lot wierder races in Ivalice like the Bakamy and those weird bird people who realy arent compareable to any standard fantasy race.

but civilized races gonna be like civilized races. Theyll have some human elements hence they CAN be categorized into the tolkien equivalents if you so choose.

But realy thats mostly coincidential. The closest thing id say is Viera with elves, i give you that. But other than that? Bangaa are neither realy dwarves nor Orcs, just because they are the "fighter" race doesnt realy make them into one of those stereotypes.

You could argue Seeq are like Orcs but then again are they? THey are a strong race thats piglike and known to be assholes, ok but they are also mostly petty criminals and live in human cities it doesnt add up that well.

And then theres Nou Mou who are they supposed to be? they certainly lack the elegance of elves, they dont have any of the spunk that gnomes have.

I think you just equated any "Civilized" race that lives among humans who have one or two traits that are simmilar to a tolkien race to that tolkien race when in reality the difference is mostly coincidential and it exists because its a video Game setting in which the different races need to represent different mechanical characters.

From a setting development standpoint it also doesnt make sense to call em tolkien stand ins because actually they are stand ins for Star wars aliens.

At least, I don't think it had elves, dwarves or orcs, owing to everyone being furries.
It's apparently not a bad system in and of itself, but I couldn't attest to that.

Does Hyrule count?

>Guild Wars
Though dwarves do exist by the time the second game rolls around they're basically all gone having turned their entire race into stone and linked their consciousness in a last ditch effort to defeat The Great Destroyer.
In the second game they're only two, one of which is half a talking stone head that is worshiped by a group of primitive ratmen,