One thread, one edit edition
You know the drill.
One thread, one edit edition
You know the drill.
Fuck off, GW
I just got an order and it smells really bad. I mean like a very strong chemical smell. Is this normal?
From whom?
I put my first order in with Z right after CNY. Getting admech and officio assassinorum. If they are good casts then I'm going wait for fites of cyraxus and put in a huge FW order.
I want to get Sly Marbo and Creed from Z, but I always feel like I can get a better quantity from CCON, sales or not.
On CCON resin bits catalogue it lists some full unites, like the Tyranid hive tyrant, or Necron comander... are they really the whole thing or just bits? I dont understand this division (as not putting them on the 40k normal catalog)
I'm lazy and Z's email was the easiest to find so we'll see how it turns out. Reading reviews it seems like Z is stepping up his game because the other recasters' quality is better than his. I use recasts to try different units. If they are shit I only play at my friends house where no one cares.
Recaster buyers confirmed for being the devil
Also, I ordered from Z first because of the same reason. Wish us luck, user!
Also looking through different catalogs, Z is the only one with a full range of admech stuff so I'm stuck with him either way.
I buy usualy from Cheap n Fast. Not the best prices but the recast quality is better than FW. FW is a steal but most standard line stuff is only about 30-50% off. Still better than nothing as nothing ever goes on sale officially, but you could probably find real stuff for the same price on ebay. It is convenient to order from them though.
High quality recasts, best I've seen from recasters
Great deal for FW minis
He recasts metal models you can't find recasted by GW
Older metal models recasted into resin by him are as low as 1/3 the price of the real one
Don't have to hunt down an email and play email tag as he has a website
Free shipping if you buy 30 USD or more
Prices aren't amazing for some items
Takes a month plus to get them because Russia
Doesn't offer everything and is slow to get new casts
Tracking numbers he provides take a week or two to show status, concerned me the first time I bought from him
Only thing he provides for the products are a stock picture of the model ripped from GW/FW, so you don't exactly know what you're going to get fully until you receive it.
What about Sylvia?
Thanks for that, user!
Do they ever run any sales?
Sometimes he has some sales, but they're not up forever. I snagged 2 Taurox Primes for 46 dollars once. Rogal is on sale for something like 44 at the moment.
Apparently I didn't look close enough at their catalog
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got em
Which recasters do stuff other than GW? I know legion forge do kingdom death and infinty, but there have to be more...
Zanchui does Warmahordes. Cadwallon does Confrontation. Quite a few on Aliexpress do Infinity and Kingdom Death. Black Market Miniatures has a smattering of all of them.