Thread question:
>What is your spicy sideboard tech?
Current Modern Metagame
Thread question:
>What is your spicy sideboard tech?
Current Modern Metagame
Ban Lightning Bolt
t. mana dork
playing pic related
hating variance
brewing/tweaking some sort of aggressive blood moon deck
thread q got a pack rat as an additional wincon vs heavy disruption.
Wrath the spikes! Jace war now!
So is this the time to buy SoI and EM playable cards?
There's a good number of them I think, that appear to be near the all time low. Like:
Grim Flayer, Emrakul, Tamiyo, Thalia, Eldritch Evolution, Blessed Alliance, Nahiri, Traverse the Ulvenwald, Prized Amalgam...
What do you guys think? Some others worth the investment?
I dont think its so much as "are these good?" as it is "Do they have a deck to go into comfortably" or "these are great and all but can it beat tron?" (the deck there going into)
all those listed are playable, i meant to ask if around now would be the best time to get some of those.
and flayer, alliance, traverse, amalgam are already staples
How good is GW company in the new meta ? From what I can gather, BBE Jund and UWx control are going to be pretty dominant right now and both are good at shitting on creature based grindy decks.
The question is, does that render GW company unplayable ? It has a pretty good matchup against the rest of the field.
What's the most flexible Goryo's deck? The one with the least bad matchups?
the best goryos deck is BR grishoaldbrand. not flexible though. you just kill people t2~t4. sometimes t1.
cant have bad matchups with the opponent doesnt get to play
I've been speccing on tireless tracker. The price is already rising pretty quickly and I think it's a safe enough long term investment.
Lantern because I don't want friends
Tron like everyone and their mother
Affinity because I already have mox opals and I want to play aggro for a change
>guy brewing affinity already has opals
That's a first. Usually they get those last or not at all.
Been playing miracles, deck is fun but it's idk it's good, does fuck aggro thou
Is it wrong to scoop if you know there's no possible way you can win. Had some people give me shit today because I was playing burn and some dude had a deck where he could gain like 15+ easy when I have almost no cards in hand and the entire match up is just "Hope you draw more skull cracks than he draws the card that gains him life and hope you have the mana to win this war of two cards."
>Is it wrong to scoop if you know there's no possible way you can win.
Do people normally scoop if they think they have a chance?
>Do people normally scoop if they think they have a chance?
No but some people genuinely believe it's "unsportsmanlike" to scoop even when there's no chance you can win and just moving onto the next game. Said people almost never go to Grand Prixs.
Quite the opposite. It is wrong to drag out a game when you have no reasonable win conditions left, especially if its game one or two of a three game match. In a tournament you might even get accused of stalling if you play a game out with no reasonable means of winning.
Yeah I watch GPs for hours and 80% of matches end a turn before lethal with a scoop and handshake. Maybe it's the lack of a handshake that offends people?
modern sucks
It's fine
Your mother sucks!
Tibalt in the hollow one deck?
It already has better dig options turn 1 and turn 2
Tibalt will be forever bad.
Thinking about building esper death's shadow. I don't want to buy tarns
Is there any advantages it has over grixis? Or is it strictly worse?.
Its cheaper.
Souls I guess
Orzhov charm
Anguished unmaking?
Souls is really good also I don't own yarns, esper I hope is good them
Play Lightning Bolt.
So, did the Jace end up being as bad as we predicted?
I don't see him being played much. Of course the people who said he's overpowered are gonna say "well he's warping the meta to a point where people are tuning their decks so Jace isn't good!" which is a lie since Modern has gotten on meth for the past few years.
Yeah, I don't see what deck would play it. It's nothing like liliana you can just windmill slam on table as fast as possible. The worst case scenario of 3mana removal is way better than 4mana unsummon/brainstorm.
Used to say Liliana is as strong as Jace, but have started to think she is actually way stronger than Jace, at least in modern. (Legacy is different beast)
Now waiting for day when they ban the last storm piece and there will be no justification for preordain/ponder to be banned, while green is doing ancient stirrings.
From what I've seen tron still has 8% of the metagame played while everything else is 4-2% last I checked. If tron keeps showing up maybe they'll ban stirrings, which also stifles lantern control a bit, which would be semi reasonable since they have their own tutor in whir now. Maybe nothing will happen, which is very likely. Otherwise Jace is dead in the water while bloodbraid is attempting to bring jund back which is nice. Seems to be somewhat working at least.
They honestly, just need to release the floodgates on blue by unbanning ponder and preordain.
Whatever happened to death cloud decks?
Jace is good in UW control and basically any deck that can play it and then protect it
It's not format bending but still pretty good
It's better to concede as early as possible if you know you won't win, to hide information so they can't sideboard as well.
>you might even get accused of stalling
lol no
Anyone on Izzet Pyro here? Wondering about a semi matchup analysis, if anyone has one
Ban Noble Hierarch
Fuck off Maro
Ban Chalice of the Void, Gifts Ungiven, Street Wraith, Celestial Colonnade, Liliana of the Veil, Aether Vial, Dryad Arbor, and Snapcaster Mage.
t. aggro player
This is what leads to the classic "turn 1 3ball/chalice/moon, opp looks at hand and scoops" games in Legacy in Vintage
Ban all modern staples
It was printed in a starter deck. Not sure how much that’ll impact the potential peak.
What do you people think of my GDS SB?
>Celestial Colonnade
I'd rather let the U/W/x player finish the game than have it turn into Lantern while he tries to deck me.
>welcome to standard
Snapcaster mage will eventually eat it. One day they will print a 1 or 2 cmc instant or sorcery that will push him over the edge. He's one of those cards that just gets better as wizards prints more cards ala birthing pod and sfm.
The only thing that would beat Lightning Bolt for snappy value would be an instant speed cantrip ala Brainstorm, and there's no way we're getting anything better than Opt in that department.
start splashing blue for snappy. wotc will get really mad at it
Silly user, instants can't be broken. Not like artifacts.
Silly user.
What was printed after SFM that broke it
Yeah, that's what he said.
what's the new karn? i missed it
he looks blue
why is storm considered tier1 and a good portion of the meta, if it doesnt put up results anywhere?
Where was he shown?
booster art i think
55 Jtms 5 islands
strirrings looks for a specific thing, ponder looks for what you need at the moment
its not even close and I didn't even mention library stacking
>while green is doing ancient stirrings
so broken every green uses stirrings: jund, titanshift, abzan, company, elves, etc. Amiright?!
now let's try and think about ONE blue deck that wouldn't use ponder and/or preordain? Maybe merfolk, you got me there. Any other?
it's time to understand that your deck just folds to tron. nothin personnel kid