It's coming back today, lads.
Two hours.
Anyone else hyped?
All Guardsmen Party
Other urls found in this thread:
Oh shit, is it? I haven't been keeping up.
Website says it is.
Don't know anything more than that.
So no shit, there we were
Ah, right.
I don't use a lot of Veeky Forums.
My body is ready
I need it
Damn, that sucks.
Gonna be lit tho.
Fucking awesome, how long has it been? The last AGP thread I posted in seems like years ago.
7/30/2017, according to the site.
Hot damn. Consider me hyped.
Well, I wanted to go to bed early tonight, but... yeah, I'm not missing on this one.
One hour, lads.
It's already 2 AM in the morning here, but i cant resist.
I want to be here when it happens.
At least I'm just an hour ahead of him instead of 9.
I like the dedication, though.
Here, or separate thread?
I'm not the AGP OP, so a separate one unless the fucker notices me and decides to fuck with people.
Russia? 1 AM here.
UK reporting in, just gone midnight.
Insomnia has finally worked in my favour.
If it even happens, I'm not sure it will.
So what's the etiquette? Do we all shut up and wait for questions after? Do we react as it goes on? I've never been in one before.
Good question.
I have no idea.
You get fucking hyp.
React as you please, your responses aren't going to end up in the final cap anyways.
>All this cancer posting over what is a mediocre bit of writefaggotry pretending it's "lulz epic gameplay that totally happened!"
This is good advice.
Oi, I don't care it it's fake.
It's a good read.
It might well be fake, who gives a shit if it's a good story.
It being fictitious fiction doesn't change the fact it's entertaining fiction.
This fucker gets it.
Get off your high horse and pull the stick out of your ass.
Good stories are rare on Veeky Forums these days. Fake or not, AGP is one of the most entertaining.
Ah. Czech here.
Except it's not good. It's literally a collection of tropes and "le twists!" that a day one Redditor on r/writingprompts or on thought sounded great together and slapped 40k jargon onto. You put this story in any other setting and/or stop drinking the "we must defend all writefags!" kool-aid and you realize how fucking terrible it is. Hell, it's fitting that it's set in 40k, because 40kiddies are so desperate for content that they'll eat up raw shit and defend it until their dying breath.
Seriously, give ONE example, just one, of where the story was at any point "good" or "original."
The only one with a shit covered stick is you, user. Try using a clean utensil next time, or, you know, stop eating shit :^)
Good job. You successfully fulfilled the thread Contrarian Quota. We at Veeky Forums would like to thank you for your devotion to your tireless and certainly thankless pursuit of hating popular things.
Now kindly fuck off.
>No rebuttal
>P-Please fuck off
Nah. I think I'll stay here and in whatever shit thread your writefaggot shows up in and continue to point out how fucking stale the shit you're eat is.
>originality means it's something good!
It has characters that I enjoy and I like Shoggy's sense of humor - which are both subjective, granted. Something can be trope filled and still enjoyable.
I could envision those same character personalities as, say, Clones in Star Wars. I'd still probably enjoy them. Fuck that story is about the most interaction I've had with 40k.
>can't even spell
>dares talk about rebuttals
Yes, I for one AM well and truly desperate, 'cause most 40k content is SO MUCH WORSE than the AGP. The setting is complete and utter crap to begin with anyway, so I'll happily read something that actually has entertainment value.
Careful guys, fun is a buzzword.
You'll set him off.
That's the easiest thing you could have said to give him more to feed off of.
Stop feeding him.
Now I think I'll point out every time your precious little faggot misspells something too :^)
Fumbles is best boy
Here we go, lads.
Be on the look out.
Link it if you catch it first, I guess.
He'd probably welcome it like anybody who writes stuff, so thanks for helping out! People who catch those mistakes are important.
Yeah, been half-tempted to edit them myself and find a way to e-mail it to him.
He has an email in the FAQ
Oh shit.
Guess I'll be booting up Word later.
If you do enough you might be credited as an editor, even. He's always in need of those, apparently.
Get in here
Is anyone seriously retarded enough to actually believe a single word this remotely resembles any DH game ever played?
See and and It being real is irrelevant to it being entertaining.