post your dank Veeky Forums memes
Made saw played thread
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Template, whipping up one for one of my characters
I'll post mine that I made a while ago, again.
stories pls
The entire "setting" was a bit of a clusterfuck.
For my character, I made him from a custom oc donut steel race of super-powered elf-haters and even wrote up some cringy backstory for giggles. It was technically medieval high fantasy, but due to the complete lack of worldbuilding, I went ahead and made a not!Union soldier, but I spoke using an comedically thick southern accent. Despite having a rifle, I mostly ended up just lighting stuff on fire using the aforementioned superpower, fire projected in a sort of cone shape from the user.
The other members of the party were:
>A literal jew named "Oyvey t. Schlomo" with absolutely no combat ability and all his points in merchant stuff
>A beastfolk rabbitkin utilizing the weird science background and playing as the tf2 medic, complete with Crusader's Crossbow.
>A stereotypical chivalrous knight who didn't get the memo of what everyone was doing and basically played the straight man in our troupe of misfits
>A wanna-be wuxia monk who never actually punched anyone and instead just stabbed the shit out of them with a regular ol' spear
>A tremendous faggot who made a half-elf smart guy, but forgot he was fucking stupid IRL and ended up quitting 30 minutes in because he realized he couldn't fight for shit and the GM wasn't gonna switch his char at the last minute like he wanted (Everyone had their character looked over and approved in the previous couple weeks or so, he saw people were playing and demanded to be part of it despite having no real interest in TTRPGs)
I'll probably get around to making one that encompasses the entire party some day
Re-made this to be more accurate.
I bet that ended well.
Technically we're only a session in, but whatever.
>Playing Edge of the Empire for the first time
>Decide to make Smuggler/Gambler
>DM is a bit nervous because it's apparently a pretty powerful spec, but we've been playing together for a while so he allows it
>Neither he nor anyone else in the group is aware I played New Vegas for the first time a few months back
>First session starts, our characters meet each other on a space station/casino
>Everyone stares on in complete bewilderment as I begin speaking in exaggerated 50's Rat Pack slang
>Session continues, businessman hires us to track down a lost treasure ship from the Clone Wars
>Benn Geck, Gambler Extrodinarie, signs on with the rest so he can pay off his debts
>Businessman's droid, which has the treasure ship's coordinates in its memory banks, gets kidnapped by rival scavengers
>Through a series of poor rolls, only Benn and our party's Wookiee Hired Gun/Mauarder are left in the chase
>In a last-ditch maneuver, the Wookiee's player rolls to pick me up and toss me at the theives
>He succeeds well enough for Benn to land squarely on the hovercart the theives are carrying the droid
>Blast the thief pushing the cart in the face with a stun shot, KO'ing him in one hit
>Cart goes out of control and crashes through the window of an upscale restaurant
>Other players have to suffer through Benn bitching about his ruined suit for the rest of the session
10/10 would shake my charlies again
The character's death was the loss of the innocence of the party, so it was a very pivotal moment. Plus her ghost came back to help out in the end, so it was all good.
Anyone got that middle pic?
Here ya go
>burns stuff
Shouldn't your "what I played" picture have been William Tecumseh Sherman?
This was a 5e campaign in a homebrewed campaign setting that wasn't well defined at the start- I wrote myself a blank check for plot involvement by rolling a detective by slapping investigation on a LN War Cleric because it fit the missing holes in the party. Abadar seemed like a good fit despite being from pathfinder, and I hammed it up with a cheesy Dirty Harry voice to RP him. I stuck with the concept for the first few sessions, trying to arrest a ghost for cursing their child, asking a cambrion if they had a permit for their wings, and carrying out the party's quests in a fairly brutal way because the only other outspoken member was a CE assassin- thus the judge Dredd pic.
But Abadar is also a God of commerce and that came up more than I thought it would initially, such as when we rigged the dwarven kingsmoot to elect a pro-free trade monarch, invaded a hermit kingdom ruled by an elder brain, and when Spectre learned of a secret network of underground roads obviously he decided to use them for trade. Generally I used the expansion of commerce as justification for my Law & Order character helping the rest of the party topple 4 governments and generally act in a chaotic manner, culminating in selling the Vile Book of Darkness when our fighter unattuned it so he wouldn't lose his soul if he died, because the free market is the most efficient solution.
It was a fairly silly campaign at times, the DM is a big Pratchett fan, and in rolling with the jokes and expanding on the character I ended up playing a weird blend of Dirty Harry, Libertarian Memes, and Mr. Magoo, the last to justify not being the fun police for the assassin who snuck off to do CE things all the time.
Played both at the same time.
Eberron campaign.
Do bitches love cannons?
heck yeah!
Pathfinder Starjammer campaign with Psionics.
Don't know who the dude on the right is. What happened?
Not every paladin wants to retake the holy land
Laguna from FF8
He’s a complete goofball who constantly drops spaghetti around women and all he needs to go toe to toe with magic is a machine gun a some grenades.
Who's your main, faggot?
Has turned into a fun campaign though.
Not sure you needed to know to get it really. His character image shows plenty of personality on it's own.
Just super Saiyan.
That was a fun campaign. Shame it never concluded.
what do you mean "though"?
Of course it was fun, Dirty Pair is all about fun.
Hope you're dropping "ring-a-ding-ding!" at every opportunity possible
By all means, do explain.
Not them, but clearly she wants to be where the people are and be part of their world. Infatuated with the artifacts, culture, art, and allure of non orc civilization.
And how are things going for your follower of the Swoly Bible?
Too much swole not enough bible
Good times
The murders have exceeded realistic at this point
And that's how I became the Summer King.
the Sniping fighting style is fucking broken as all hell
>mfw I remembered this character was horribly burned as part of his Wizened schtick
>mfw I made this character before I ever saw Black Lagoon
Paladin of a war deity who dual wielded longswords.
My shitty ranger from a no magic campaign who got nerfed harder than anyone else because the dm sucks at balancing. My rolls were godlike and my roleplay was on point. My one and only fumble that campaign led directly to death. Man I loved that character.
I like this. Probably gonna steal
This thread shall live.
It's hard playing a smart scientist when you know nothing of science.
My character in the Magical Girl game I'm in went in a very odd direction that basically no-one was expecting.
Storytime? Please?
I believe this calls for a story.
Who is the last guy?
Joseph Joestar, the ruse trick man from JoJo's Bizarre Adventure
You too?
Paladins are fun
>Be me
>Bard just died in Level 5 5e game
>Replace him with an old man in a butler suit with a hand crossbow
>Human Battlemaster Fighter with Sharpshooter and Crossbow Expert
>DM expects wise old guy stereotype who gives expert commands on the battlefield; has him tied up as a prisoner to some cultists for introduction
>Busts out of prison by himself, warns party of the cultists' bad intentions, deals ridiculous damage to the enemy, and jumps through enemy wall of fire to escape when party needs to retreat
>One level later, take Mobile and have silly speed memes
>Party fights a Dragon Turtle; DM means for us to run away
>Each crossbow shot deals 16-21 damage, action surging to get 4 shots in a round, using mobile feat to kite
>CR 17 Dragon Turtle dies to level 6 party; Battlemaster deals 85% of the damage
And that's how he got fed.
So you played a highstrung beta manlet who lied a lot?
Every party needs proper air support
Died due to really bad luck, but we had already gotten into a very dangerous situation of our own accord. The pulping was very quick and sudden.
Postan my Deathwatch party.
BESM (3rd edition)
Can you post that sexy little bow lady?
sauce on left pic
not for research purposes
gonna just abuse the fuck out of my dick