Is there any way to keep troublesome SJWs out of a game WITHOUT turning it into a /pol/ shitfest?
Is there any way to keep troublesome SJWs out of a game WITHOUT turning it into a /pol/ shitfest?
That's a meaningless question without context.
Stop allowing retards into your game and you should be able to avoid both sides of the retardation spectrum.
Nice OP pic though, only reason I'm here.
No it isn't, you just said that to avoid thinking about it.
IRL or on the internet? Generally, being firm and having balls discourages these people from being too loud because they are only interested in feeding their own ego.
It really boils down to being able to effectively manage your group and that's much easier if you're a GM. Just tell you don't want them to bring IRL issues to the table and if they keep blabbering about "feminism", "tolerance" or other stupid nonsense, use a three strike rule.
Don't let anyone join the game if they can't do 10 pull ups.
Only play with people you know
You're already there, so no, apparently fucking not.
partly this
do things because they are good/fun rather than because of political ideology?
At least you're honest.
>If you don't want to smash the patriarchy you must be a NAZI!
I have the cure for your disease right here
If someone causes trouble, they get kicked.
There, now you've filtered out troublesome SJWs and troublesome /pol/tards. The SJWs and /pol/tards that can keep it in their pants can stay because they aren't bothering anyone.
This. No fatties allowed.
>taste in ARs this shit
I've never actually met anyone in real life I would categorize as an "SJW", but then I must not have the same standards for that kind of thing as other people who seem to see them everywhere. Regardless, it's not really something I'm worried about.
Simple really. According to statistics, 96 Veeky Forums users are murderers or serial killers. All we really need is like 5 of them to collaborate on a Zodiac Killer thing where they kill SJW Roleplayers via cutting off their clit or dick using extra-strength fishing line and two quality fishing reels, and letting them bleed out.
The fear factor and terrorism will drive normies our of the hobby, and Veeky Forums can go back to the golden, halcyon days of 2008. Better yet, WotC will feel responsible with their marketing strategy. Chaosium will redact their Lore, EVERYTHING WILL TURN OUT GREAT I PROMISE YOU! It'll be the ultimate form of Gatekeeping.
Quick, this thread is garbage, invent ways to kill people in as edgy a manner as possible.
Do you mean the people or the topics?
If it's the people, explain that they're not a good fit for the group, and ask them to leave.
If it's the topics, find a better way to approach them.
it's called telling them to fuck off and id they complain you mock them.
Don't play with shitheads?
You like evil baby killing assault rifles? You're probably a scared angry white man afraid of change has a small dick wrong side of history!
Just create some guidelines meant to keep hot political topics out of the game and surrounding OOC stuff. No swinging in favor of one side or another; just some house rules.
Get friends?
Well, yeah. But in the interest of fairness, some people who really want to play team up with randos. Still, best idea is just to stick to good friends. Don't play with anybody you wouldn't want to be stuck on a three hour car ride with.
just ask people if they're a feminist or white nationalist and exclude them on that basis
Just hang around people who aren't obnoxious.
If one of my players started rambling mid-game about gender, or said shit like jews and blacks need to be exterminated, I'd tell them to stop or kick them out.
Anyone who makes fun of /pol/ is a butthurt cuckold pissed off that trump is finally showing women their place. Women exist to be used and enjoyed by all men. They should never be allowed to say no and you can date them if you want. That would be a perfect society
this but sans sarcasm
Judging by this thread so far, no.
just enforce a no politics at the table rule. if they are actual sjws they won't be able to help themselves and then its "hit the road, jack!"
Sarcasm is a Jewish technique that I never use
The fact that this is said both with and without sarcasm on Veeky Forums is exactly why this board is dying.
You're very autistic
could use some more subtlety friend.
actually you are
actually you are
Subltey is nothing but liberal suberfuge
I actually thought you were being serious for a second. You totally got me
Ignoring them is a good start.
How will OP stop hanging around himself?
Tell them to leave.