Yeah, that's nice and all but have you considered a solution that is not murder?
Yeah, that's nice and all but have you considered a solution that is not murder?
>*roll to persuade*
>DM: They attack!
We did, but then everyone died.
No. Because murder works. Why would I consider a solution that wouldn't work?
I don't follow...
if murder doesn't solve all of your problems then you aren't applying it correctly.
yes, by gifting homemade food
the honey is laced with poison
I did. Then my character got the info on the targets ,said "fuck it" and asked for a grenade launcher with ClF3 in rounds.
One time, I was running an investigation with the rest of the party. We got to the castle belonging to a warlock, the target of our investigation. There was a spectator there, a minion of the warlock, and I talked to him about arranging a meeting with his master. Naturally, my party composed of a retard and two people who weren't paying attention thought we were fighting him. Killed the only lead we had, and I tried to contact the warlock through her patron. Ended up getting really pissy and giving us a balor instead of help. We were about level 6. We subsequently prayed to every single god we'd interacted with, and used every last bit of divine favor. These bastards forced me to pull off a miracle with all of my favor with Bahamut and fucking Tiamat, against all odds, simultaneously.
We're playing OSR, so it's either lucrative business ventures, or killing.
The first one tends to create more interesting stories.
Well the solution was originally just assault but then one thing led to another...
>ywn be lovingly dominated by a succubus while your friends ask you what kissing is while having sex with assigned partners every-
This is a weird show.
But how often do those lucrative business ventures lead to murder?
Yes, constantly. One of the few things I like about the english language is the vast amount of terms you have for "killing".
One of my parties tried to solve a territorial dispute, but we're all murderhobos besides the one paladin who has the social awareness of a fish (The game was not pitched with politics in mind).
It ended with us accidentally leading one of the groups into an ambush where they were slaughtered. And then the DM reminded us that the part wizard had a staff of mass teleport and this whole debacle could have been avoided if he'd looked at his inventory sheet.
>a solution that is not murder?
Guess you don't need us then
Almost always. That's what makes it so interesting.
Yes, but it's far less effective and the time wasted only gets more innocents killed as did the time it took for you to ask this question and for me to answer.
>Yeah, that's nice and all but have you considered a solution that is not murder?
You mean like rape? Because those aren't mutually exclusive.
But that's half the job title.
Which is worse, a party that applies murder to solve every problem or a party that tries to look for other solutions but everyone inevitably ends up dead anyway?
Realistically there's not much you can't solve with murder and any problems that crop up as a result can also be fixed by murdering it.
I'll take the party that leaves the right folk alive over the party that runs the risk of their moral higher road getting the wrong folk killed.
The current party I'm GMing for has all kinds of ways to solve a problem without murder:
Gifting them a perfidious artifact to they slowly turn mad and reviled, gifting them with services of a demon, so they slowly become a demon, using a morgana to force the morgana and the opposing individual to fall in love with magic against their will, using a satyr to turn them into a mindless slave after seducing them with magic and fading to black... ok... maybe these aren't that much better than murder...
>Yeah, that's nice and all but have you considered a solution that is not murder?
Not when you play shadowrun, there are no repercussions when all your enemies are dead
The only joy greater than killing your enemies is cucking your friends.
I mean, sure. But what if I WANT to fight God?
I watched the first episode of that crap and in was absolutely flat, boring, generic shonen mecha in every aspect from visual design to soundtrack.
Are you actually into that trash, my dudes?
>Are you actually into that trash, my dudes?
Death solves all problems. No man, no problem.
Started watching it yesterday. The first episode is blatant fanservice and double entendres.
The rest is mostly double entendres so far.
Also, I don't get the obsession with zero two; Ichigo is the obvious superior choice.
Tl;dr: it ain't bad, but I liked Kill la Kill more.
>Also, I don't get the obsession with zero two; Ichigo is the obvious superior choice.
Because murder does not work just as often as it does.
Maybe for you.
For everyone.
99.9% of people in human history who complained that violence didn't work are now dead. Clearly they did something wrong.
But 99.9% of the people who were proponents of violence are also dead.
There's something we're missing.
Same amount of people that were not opposed to violence throughout history are now dead too. They were probably gun supporters as well, look where that got them.
Because there's a naked girl in it. That's literally the reason.
100% of humanity will some day be dead
It's a good thing I have ascended mere humanity to become a samurai.
>100% of humanity will some day be dead
I don't have point in those
Invalid argument. Hardcore porn is everywhere, and even in anime fanservice is ubiquitous. To truly appeal to their audiences, fanservice needs to tingle both the boner in your pants and the boner in your heart.
lolwut? I don't care about that heart shit, I want only the tiddies.
>tfw a girl will never touch the boner in your heart
>or your pants
>or your butthole
>a girl
If you were less picky you might've had more luck.
>tingle both the boner in your pants and the boner in your heart.
>boner in your heart
>have you considered a solution that is not murder
But user that's gay.
It's a solution. You want your boner touched or not?
A lot of things we do are gay, user. Think about it:
-If you drink almond milk, you literally drink nut
-If you breathe, you breathe in air that's been inside of another man
-If you pray, you get on your knees for another man
-If you shower, you cover yourself in water. A man is 70% water so you're covering yourself in 70% man.
-If you're a human, you're part of the genus known as HOMO sapiens
Why stop here?
Yes, but I choose 'not murder' that every day in real life so it's boring.
>If you pray, you get on your knees for another man
Only if you're the kind of fag who prays to a male god.
>praying to a woman
Your softness disgusts me.
See, you can't win
>Not building up an immunity by consuming poison daily in small doses
Ichigo is bland and unwilling to admit her feelings
Sure, but murder is a whole lot easier and tends to get better results.
Yes, but I WANT to kill that guy. The objective is his death, and murder is the way that will bring me the most satisfaction.
Anytime murder creates problems those problems can also be murdered.
My player’s try to avoid murder as much as possible. Even when it’s the best option. They tend to play moralists
Yeah, that's nice and all but have you considered a solution that is not anime avatarfag shitposting?
>Going all the way to Australia just to get odorless poison
>not having connections to cut costs
Well in that game which I won't say the name but everyone already knows about, since you're rewarded with XP for killing stuff why the hell should I bother finding a solution that doesn't involve killing stuff?
>not praying to a gender-less entity
>being so weak and ineffectual you need to ask for help from an outside source
Of course i've considered the other options. None of them worked, so murder being the last solution is next on the list.
>not building up immunity to the poison you're using so you can poison both cups
Well, there's also genocide, obviously.
Yeah but it seems like every alternate solution I can come up with involves murder in some way. Killing in self-defense at the very least.
I don't think that means what you think it means.
>Run a game of DnD for some friends
>They murderhobo their way through everything, despite given a bit of reason to spare some of the goblins
>Oh well, they like murderhoboing, so I'll run a game with that in mind
>Have a fun DnD campaign full of murder and killing
>A year later convince them to play a sci fi game
>They refuse to murder people despite doing it throughout the fantasy campaign
>Go out of their way to avoid killing, even nearly botching jobs because of it
I don't understand.
>Playing using xp for killing instead of the DM just saying "you guys level up" at the end of important climaxes
What the fuck kind of degenerate game do you even play?
>Not outwitting your opponent by poisoning both cups with a poison even you don't have an immunity to
Joke's on you I wanna die
just so you know folks you can shoot yourself with smaller caliber bullets to build up a immunity to larger bullets
I think what you just asked was english, and I understand the individual words, but you are speaking gibberish.
The show OP's picture is from is really weird. There are giant robots piloted by child soldiers and it's like Pacific Rim, only instead of doing robot stuff, the pilots fuck, like the woman bends over and the guy's behind her, but they also don't know what kissing is and it's all mechanical, except for the MC, whose partner is the girl in the OP picture, who is a literal succubus that kills anyone that pilots with her more than three times, and MC's former partner, who is in love with her. The pilots also don't understand what kissing is and badger the MC to explain it.
enough internet for today
Our other options are seduction, deceit, and pestilence. Of the three, I favor pestilence, but I doubt the party will go along with it.
>being so arrogant you presume yourself the pinnacle of creation despite still being mortal
>not seeking to appease the hungering gods of the infinite void
It's not murder if the guards don't find out.
And the controls for the guys are located on the ass of the girl.
Sort of. They have ISO-9000 standard Gainax/Trigger mecha control levers on the girl's hips that the guys grab onto.
I'm sorry, I don't understand?
What's the name of this cartoon?
Adored in the Anglos.
Or was it Beloved in the Britain?
Darling in the Franxx
Darling in the FranXX.
They're not people, so it's not murder.
Murderous Chomps
wait that's the other weird terrible anime that everyone inexplicably likes.
>Veeky Forums catgirl
You're gonna need to explain this one too.
It's not a cat, it's a Honey Badger. You know that youtube video, The Crazy Nastyass Honey Badger?
That's what Killing Bites is!
Not a catgirl.
Take the over the top self-aware style of Kill La Kill. Now instead about slutty clothes, make it about human-animal hybrids made to fight to the death for rich people. Then make the animation stiff and bland because it's not made by Trigger.
And then smash it together with that one Wild Kratts episode about Honey Badgers and the Honey Badger meme.
Also, instead of the "don't lose your way" chord being played, girl in the pic repeats the corniest, edgiest catch phrase ever.
That's what Killing Bites is.
>That's what Killing Bites is!
>That's what Killing Bites is.
That had better not be the fucking catch phrase.
That's what "That's what Killing Bites is!" is.