>"Hear ye, hear ye! Attend to all! The Local Barroth population has grown too high due to the recent heavy rains during mating season. The death of many farmers have been recorded due to aggravated Barroths. The Duchy has given leave for hunters of all caliber participate in a cull of their numbers with rewards in gold. However, due to benefits of a Barroth population on crop yields, A hard limit is imposed. Five Barroths per hunting party. Hunting parties should register to the Royal Conservationist Lodge for further details. "
"Hear ye...
>farming in the desert
>"Alert! Alert! A train of Deviljihos has been sighted enroute! Hunting parties are required to waylay and distract them whilst the town evacuates. All Hunters, convene at the Hunting Lodge! All Hunters to the Hunting Lodge!"
>A train of Deviljhos
Abandon continent
I am probably hearing the town crier ring that one out as i am walking by with my hunting party in the middle of solving the issue.
They can live outside of a desert. And if there are too many they will attack outside of the desert. and yes, there are farms in the desert because people have to fucking live there.
Hey, somebody's gotta farm cactus and wheatstraw.
>a train of Dejiljhos... a train...
Lotta good shit in the desert in Monster Hunter.
More to the point, Barroth doesn't live in the desert, it lives in the outskirting savannah.
Nice Event though.
>Prevent the Deviljiho's from reaching Area X
>Points awarded for the number of Deviljiho's outside of Area X at timer's end
>Failure Conditions: Carted 4 times, or Y amount of Deviljiho's reaching Area X
Look, my man, the second I hear 'Deviljhos' as in plural, as in multiple Deviljhos, I am screaming and fleeing for the nearest ship off of this doomed rock.
>"Here ye here ye, A hitherto unknown breed of Elder Dragon has been spotted off the coast. We think it eats whales and other elder dragons. Pray to fuck it doesn't come this way"
Zorah is bigger
What sort of cool weapons and armor could you make out of Tarrasque materials?
Nah, fuck that. I'm going out there to kill it, eat it, and make it into a hat. Fucking watch me.
>not capture
LOSE-oh, wait. Elder Dragon. Right.
Don't Deviljhos try to eat each other if together for any extended period of time?
Yeah, a bigger bitch.
Deviljho try to eat anything that is within their proximity for any amount of time.
I'm assuming that this is just a Deviljho chasing another Deviljho chasing another Deviljho chasing another Deviljho chasing the most unlucky hunter on the planet.
Yeah, that's why it's a train. They're all eating each other in sequence.
So if we can just stop the first one...
Then you have multiple Deviljho converging on an area in which you are currently present.
Then the second Jiho is going to run forward eating the tail of the first Jiho, whilst the third Jiho runs forward eating the tail of the second Jiho, and so on.
I can take it
You're forgetting rule #1: You can't slow the Jho
I think if you had multiple speed run tier hunters you would be fine
Hey faggots, get off my landmass.
Remember, the murderpickle's first target will always be your butthole.
>Remember, the murderpickle's first target will always be your butthole.
I remember reading a japanese comic like that once. I was somewhat surprised the main character could fit it all in without dying.
Could the Guild sell access to Magnaros when he's moving through less-endangered areas?
>Put in a bid to be allowed to mine Magnaros.
>No guarantees that Beetleguize won't come and wreck your shit
It's Magdaros.
Also Magdaros is fucking nuclear and capable of spewing fire over his own back.
Also he's still an fucking active volcano.
>All activities are performed at the Hunter's own risk.
>The Hunting Guild takes no responsibility in the case of your death during the mining of an active, living, volcanoe.
So long as there's no more than four hunters on a standard quest, it's literally impossible for Hunters to die. Beasts such as Magdaros and Dah'ren Mohran naturally aren't standard quest material and thusly have a much higher cap.
I hope they do a size chart for MHW
Dalamadur is still the largest monster in the series, being rivaled by the Laviente (10 meters shorter) and the Zorah Magdaros (Likely heavier, though still much shorter).
What's funny is that there IS a Dalamadur in World, and it's fuckibg massive.
I wish there were more bug type monsters though. It's a shame really. A mega fuck huge beetle would be awesome.
Also, more fanged beast. Paolumu kind of looks like a bat but I want a giant bat like monster
Rumor has it that the Seltas Queen and Nerscylla are fairly high up on the list of monsters to be added. Crabs too.
I'm probably in the vast minority but I actually like Kecha Wacha and hope they bring him back. He'd fit so perfectly with the way he moves.
He was fun, man. He was 4th gen's Kut-Ku, there to show you that if you can't handle this gameplay you should stop now.
>tfw fighting Nerscylla with the max fire dmg Charge Blade
Counterin everything feels so fucking good
I remember hearing part of the reason they didn't include bug types in world is that their skeletons worked kind of wonkily with the engine. It wasn't quite built to handle that kind of creature model within its own physics, so they're having to figure out ways of making it work, which is why it's taking a while.
I'd bet we'd get bugs a couple expansions/updates in, but probably not the first one or two.
I kind of want them to bring back Gypceros if only to see the turf war that occurs when they meet. After all, Nercellya predates on Gypceros
I never thought of it like that but yeah I suppose He's a good measure of whether you can handle the game at all, he was certainly fustrating as a beginner
This is an excuse I can accept granted I realize that the DS game and world are like a billion miles apart so I couldn't even begin to imagine how you'd pull off Ataru Ka in World (let alone the crazy mecha bullshit she does)
all I want is nargacuga so I can get my kunoichi evasion armor set back
I hope Nerscylla is the first to show up when it does happen.
Same. I adored fighting those things, and I wore that armor all the way into G rank for that sweet capture alarm.
as long as it's not a train of khezu i'm cool
You'd know because they would chain roar and then triple thunderball you to death.
Always at least two roaring, the others some combo of electrocuting you or just...doing nothing in that Khezu-y way.
And yet this is one of the monsters Japan wants back the most. Fuckan Khezu.
>Khezu sniffs the air angrily
That's because it's the star of all their H doujins
>three khezu sniffing the air angrily
>four doing various electric attacks/bodyslams
>two screeching at nothing at all
>there isn't even a hunter nearby
> A nercellya stands by looking at the buffet
So here's something that never made sense to me. Shrouded Nerscylla eats khezu but Kezhu normally live in cold areas. The desert gets cold at night but you never see Khezu there even though Shrouded normally lives in the Desert and comes out at night.
Well, shrouded eat most Kezhus , the khezus doesn't become a problem for the people and therefore you don't hunt them
Maybe in the areas where Nerscylla live, the Khezu population is already under control
If the desert Khezu population is kept in check by the Shrouded Nersc, then there's not going to be any quests to go stop bothersome Khezu interrupting trade caravans or whatnot, and anyone who wants you to get one for other reasons will usually think of the local Very Cold Place as prime Khezu-hunting grounds rather than a desert when putting a quest up.
>Hear ye! Hear ye! Due to illegal hunting of Nerscylla, the desert's population of Khezu has exploded. The Hunting Guild has now declared and open season on Khezu within the Desert.
And then
>Quest Details - I can't sleep because of all the Khezu roaring at night! I didn't even know Khezu lived in the desert, but now they've started some sort of metal band! Please help!
Check this gold mine
>This might sound freaky, but I have a thing for spiders! Ahhh, those compound eyes, the hairy legs... Hey, don't judge me! I heard a giant spider was spotted in the Primal Forest? Lemme see it!
Maybe it's mating season and the first one is the only male?
Mh monsters never work outside of their own setting because unlike the avarage fantasy monster they actually have an ecology, they just stick like a sore thumb between retard elves and fucking owlbears
So what system would work good for a Mon hun game?
Might as well make your own
>not having an ecological foodchain in your settings
KDM. Going to have to homebrew a lot of your own shit though.
>Deviljiho is one of the few Monsters which reproduce through rape.
>Rape of the male by several females.
>The male is usually killed and eaten by the end. And some of the females too usually.
My setting does have that, i was talking in general
Mh inspired a fuck ton about my setting
Why is the pc version taking so long?
So they lay eggs because if not I picture their litters being similar to some species of shark where they cannabilise in the womb.
>bunch of dnd dragons run towards a city
>they just run between houses as if they were escaping
>people turn around
>fucking nergigante chasing them with his tounge out and chef hat on
>females raping males
Sorry to bust your femdom bubble but its physically impossible with that kind of body, could only work if males were the ones raping
Sony paid them to delay it
You've gotta be more imaginative.
Nergigante is a literal bitch. He literally makes no ecological sense with his "Anti-Elder dragon dust" when Elder Dragon's are not an ecological classification but the lack of an ecological classification.
I got to the line "we don't know what to classify it, so you know what that means. We classify it as an Elder Dragon!" And I just fucking lost my shit laughing. Aren't these supposed to be researchers and scientists?
Well, there is a reason behind the Elder Dragon title, as Elder Dragon's are literally bioweapons made to fuck humanities shit up.
So assigning every biological abomination designed to fuck shit up an Elder Dragon is sort of tradition.
It's why Nergigante makes no fucking sense. Because Elder Dragon's are not related to each other.
Kirin is not a long lost cousin of Shiggy Miggy. They're all just literal walking natural disasters.
WELP one more thing to sink my teeth into.
Never knew why they bigged Nergigante up so much in the story when he's basically a low tier Elder Dragon who fights things like Teo.
He'll be utterly raped by anything like Shageru Madala or Fatalis.
But then again Fatalis is the Satan of the MH universe.
To be fair, most Elder Dragons have more bizarre, near supernatural abilities compared to regular monsters. Maybe what it's doing is fucking with what allows them to do that?
Haven't played World yet though, so fuck if I know if something like that is mentioned.
Also, ANOTHER Magala-skeleton with dust? At least Gog was dripping tar everywhere instead of more dust/scales/etc. Still dripping things everywhere.
The issue is an Elder Dragon preying on other Elder Dragon's sounds like little timmy's OC and is basically Deviljho's shtick.
Deviljho evolved Dragon Breath to fuck over the only things that could stand in it's way, Nerg just sounds like they slapped Magala and Deviljho together into the most boring monster design ever.
I legitimately believe Monster Hunter is a cool as fuck setting that's ripe for story potential, even if the game's focus is more on the gameplay and the story is usually in the back seat (or in the case of quest descriptions, the false bottomed trunk).
Nerg would annihilate shagaru but thats like saying you can win a fight against a disabled kid, shagaru is a joke of an elder dragon
>still crying about nergigante
Dragon always sealed elements, nerg is the first monster to do it on other monsters
You know Shiggy has one of if not the highest damage output of any Elder Dragon bar Fatalis right?
He's just easy because 4U spends a great amount of time giving you practice for him.
Also, Nergigante doesn't seal elements, he literally has OC bitchpowers to make them weaker.
Because they needed to make the casualfest of Worlds seem special, hence the tons of rehashed ideas.
Deviljho's thing was just eating, we have no proof that it hunts dragons
>muh meaningless oc strawman
Nergigante only hunts weakened and old dragons and has been getting the shit kicked out of him by said dragons, have you not played the game?
>nu magala has one of the highest damage outputs behind fatalis
Oh yeah just like supernova and the dalamadur/gogmazios beam
Some creatures evolve to hunt specific things user, it's like crying that Spinosaurus had conical teeth
Did you whine this fucking hard when Brachydios introduced blast (or slime, same shit) because of muh oc powers
While he's got pure power going for him, he gives you so much damn time to avoid it all that it's kinda pointless. Any monster can be difficult if you don't know what you're doing, and Shaggy goes 'HEY LOOK I'M DOING SOMETHING BIG' for most his shit. The only thing that's actually difficult about him is the damn mines
I like Shaggy. He's got a cool design, being Rabies Cicada is neat, his gear is cool (and whispers sweet nothings into your ear), but he's not the most dangerous thing to fight.
Of course, he doesn't HAVE to fight most things. He's got the Frenzy to take care of that.
>You know Shiggy has one of if not the highest damage output of any Elder Dragon bar Fatalis right?
No he doesn't.
Anything not named Fatalis or having a one hit beam attack is simply not as Aggresive as Shiggy.
>Elder Dragon
>Specifically not an evolving species, are all literally un-natural hence the classification
>And here is Spiky Devil OC man, he evolved to eat other Elder Dragons :D:D:D:D
It's retarded.
Nergigante is basically just as magical as the other dragons but he uses his magical bullshit to keep the others from doing THEIR magical bullshit
>not an evolving species
Says fucking who? Your fanon fanfiction about "muh bioweapons"?
Elder dragons are classified as that because their abilities make no sense and they are a threat to everything
Shagaru "i'm just like gore but have half the moveset" magala spends more time sidestepping than hitting you
>Wants to discuss MonHun fluff
>Instantly calls shit "Fanfiction" that he doesn't agree with and did not enough research to know it.
Because we know most Monsters evolved from Wyvern Rex.
Except specifically Elder Dragons. Elder Dragons are walking natural Disasters left over from the Dragon Wars.
Half of them don't even eat.
Also heard that it's supposed to be more than just a port, so as long as I get mot really stuff to capture I'm golden.
It'll probably come with the DLC that came out between releases.
Which means Deviljho and I think Nercyllya, Seltas and the Super Crab Bros.
It's worrying a lack of G rank though.
>cries about people calling his fanfiction fanon
>no argument
Let me guess, you unironically think the EDW is canon right?
No, but considering the Dragon Wars is a legit thing in the MHW I don't know what you're trying to argue.
Or are you going to say Wyvern Rex is fanfiction too?