PDF Share Thread #142

It's Da Curated Archive™!
It Will Be The Best 3d6 Hours Of Your Gaming Career!

Please exhibit good manners. This thread will be automatically archived after a certain number of posts. More posts wasted on being rude means fewer posts available for sharing.

Go to the last thread if you haven't looked at it. There is lots of stuff, including filled requests posted directly to the board.
Files posted directly to Veeky Forums are not added to Da Archive, so go grab them now.
More archived threads can be found here: archive.4plebs.org/tg/search/subject/PDF share/

Grab your documents. Da Curated Archive, Da Archive, and Da Archive Annex comprise the collected efforts of countless contributing anons and are attatched to the first three posts.

Get comfortable and browse through the blasted things. Combined they are over 200 pages long! If you skim over the Personal Collections without looking you will miss 7,654 PDFs.

Remember, we are better than all of the rest of the horrible internet and good manners ALWAYS gets more results. Wise up or please go elsewhere.

Extra Special Thanks to the user Brigade who do ALL of the digging, loading, and posting.

Other urls found in this thread:


Please ONLY POST OPEN SOURCE PDFS DIRECTLY IN THIS THREAD. Link the others from elsewhere. Excessive infractions could cause TPTB to remove the ability to post any pdfs at all. Check for copyrights before you post anything directly.

Please be patient with the Irrepressible Urchins™ who request without looking first. They are always a regular feature here. They help bump the thread, and they want to look at something that's not porn. They might even read it. You don't have to answer them, although that also bumps the thread. I understand your frustration (they used to drive me crazy), but you don't kick a puppy for not being housebroken. If they upset you, punch a teddy bear or something.

Please give as much information as you can when you make a request. The more information you give (cover, a link to product, name of designer/writer/publisher) the more chances someone might recognize it and upload it.

Please post dead links and I will remove them to keep the archive up to date. Be specific - include a page number. There are dozens of copies of some PDFs.

Please be respectful and don't belittle others' requests because you dislike the game. Imagine the horrific RPGs I've run across; 'Dragon Dildo Warriors', ‘Cheeto Fingered Gods of Angst’, and 'We're All Little Girls (Frilly Dresses Are Mandatory At the Table)' spring to mind.

If you have a fancy pdf that has unwanted clutter on it, you can leave it with one of our resident Transmutation Wizards for cleaning here:
$nipli /donate
$nipli /CleanedByOkultek
$nipli /nergal-cleaners
Please don't drop the same file in more than one location.

CityofCarse is responsible for many recent scans from private collections. If you have a rare or obscure book, he may be willing to convert your dead tree into digital bits.
[email protected]

Okultek resides in the UK and may also be available for scanning.
[email protected]

Why 1337 5p34k?
A Paraphrased Message from TheWiz!:
To guard against rapid takedowns by bots, we suggest encoding links thusly:


The above link is easy to decode but does not show up as a working link to the lurking T-888's. Obfuscation becomes most important when filling requests. Posting a full link right out of a large Trove/Collection risks the whole thing. Just post a page reference for Da Archive or Da Annex, with a short instruction and let the document do the job of guarding the links.

|-|0\/\/ †0 1337 5|O34|

Some games draw more attention than others and will not be added to Da Archive. Please seek the following elsewhere:

Fall of Magic
A Sundered World (including the Dungeons and Delvers primer)
Microscope and Explorer
Ten Candles

Anything by:
Lame Mage Productions
Precis Intermedia/P!G

Still can't find what you're looking for? Anything might be available on IRC. Try it out!

server: irc.dejatoons.net
channel: #rpg-books
"@find GameYou'reLookingForGoesHere" should net you plenty of DCC responses to sift through.

Just do the text. If you use mIRC, you're going to have to go into your options and turn off the option that denies a whole bunch of file formats, as well as the check box that turns them on again after a couple of minutes (genius design there). HexChat is sometimes recommended above mIRC for this reason, and IceChat 9 has been touted as another easy alternative.

Example of finding things on IRC:

re El r4y4 k3ys

You could split the DVD - iso in 1gb or 500 mb parts (compression isnt really necessary, as the compression rate isn't that high and cost you only computing time). Add all parts to mega, the mega dl limit is 2gb at a time I believe but lasts a few hours only so one could collect the parts over a day or two, dl-managers like jdownloader would do that automatically - voila

To do so using WINRar works like this:

Open WinRAR window and navigate to the folder which your file is located in that WinRAR window.

Right click on your RAR file and select "Add files to archive" (alternatively you can press Alt+A).

In the opened window, give a new name to your to-be-split file (e.g. Archive_2.rar). Then, under "Compression Method", select "Store". Input your desired value inside "Split to volumes, bytes" box, click OK and you're done.

Would be great if that works out for you (and me) ;)

Requesting the following for Starfinder

Flip-Mat: Basic Terrain, Basic Starfield, Cantina, Starship, Urban Sprawl - paizo.com/store/starfinder/maps
Starfinder GM Screen - paizo.com/products/btpy9tmn?Starfinder-GM-Screen
Core Rulebook Pawn Collection - paizo.com/products/btpy9tml?Starfinder-Core-Rulebook-Pawn-Collection
Alien Archive Pawn Box - paizo.com/products/btpy9uji?Starfinder-Alien-Archive-Pawn-Box

3rd Party Publishers - all are available on rpgnow
Angry Golem Games
Distress Call - rpgnow.com/product/234169/Distress-Call

Frog God Games
Tome of Aliens Token Set - rpgnow.com/product/220795/Tome-of-Aliens-Token-Set

GM DemonMoose
Star RPG Alien Races Compilation [BUNDLE] - rpgnow.com/product/224180/Star-RPG-Alien-Races-Compilation-BUNDLE
Star RPG Bestiary Compilation 1 [BUNDLE] - rpgnow.com/product/222578/Star-RPG-Bestiary-Compilation-1-BUNDLE

Jazzy Bear Brown
Small Stations and Tiny Outposts - rpgnow.com/product/219222/Small-Stations-and-Tiny-Outposts

Looking for some help hunting down magazine issues for Signs & Portents;
Issues 15, 16, 17, 18, 20, 21, 22, 23, & 24.

They aren't in any troves I've looked through, they're not available for sale anywhere I can find, and they're not listed on the publishers page either.

Looking for the following D&D v3.0 edition 3rd Party Publisher from Fast Forward Entertainment (they were never released as PDF's);

Book of All Spells
Complete Monstrous Undead Compendium
Demon Wars Players Guide
Temple of the Troll God

Campaign Magazine 1-9
Games Unplugged 1-29

Looking for 5 role aids titles to (I hope) complete the collection
Blasted Land
Kobold Hall
MFGR 717-Shadows Of Evil
MFGR 750-A Portal To Adventure
MFGR 765-Blood & Steel

Thank you for any help in tracking these down!

This sounds like the best solution, the two problem folders are 1.54 and 2.63 GB, so you couldn't d/l the second one if mega has a 2GB d/l limit anyway.

Timewatch GM screen and resource book uploaded for cleaning.

I'll try this out. Will google how to do with 7zip and if not, redownload winrar, don't think ever reinstalled it after re-os.

This would be easier for me as well if I have to reup. Remember, I had it as a single iso rip to start with but realized could not download so I copied the directory from the DVD instead.

Will update in bit.

Dude, big name releases will get ripped eventually, and posted. Nobody's going to look at your list and say "oh, I've totally got that laying on my hard drive, I'll post it for him!" like it was some old obscure pdf they forgot about.
If it hasn't been posted, that's because it hasn't been bought and sent to the cleaners yet. Just wait, it'll show up. Spamming that giant list every thread is a waste.

Bah, just looked - I must have deleted the ISO after switching. I had 2 zips, one unzipped directory and the ISO all in my downloads directory taking a lot of space.

Not going to bother taking time to rip again. Will split the zip instead.

Started the compress/splitting at 500mb.

They should just add this post to the OP.

OK, it is uploading 1 of 9 but seems slow at 1.9 MB/s so will be a bit.

Should stop putting off renewing my cable and get gigabit, couple more channels AND pay less.

however long this is gonna take - this will easily be the share of the year (and its only feb!) You're an eternal champion, man (and who ever donated this) !!!

TimeWatch Game Master's Screen & Resource Book

/file/jszbm7 @ SS

Thank you, was looking for it for a few Request page incarnations. Decided to buy it two weeks ago, just opened it and put it up. Have yet to do more than look at some maps.

**Important** I put up a /GreyhawkDrop just for any Living Greyhawk / d20 Necromancer Games pdfs I didn't have in the /Greyhawk and /Necromancer troves.
--> BUT I AM NOT A CLEANER. I try to look at what gets put in that folder, but I only look by "sight" to catch obvious errors. if there is a hidden watermark - I will miss it.

If it needs cleaning, send to Mage, Carse, Okultek, Nergal, and the rest of the Masters.

Does anybody have a link to a roll20 trove?

Requesting On the Shoulders of Giants. Thanks in advance!

Looking for Zaibatsu

the Mighty Six links in the PDF are ded

I posted a D6 .zip on Neegal's vola with Mighty Six included. But just the main book.

Is there a trove of DeGenesis RPG?

Mythic D6, anyone have it?

Posting it once per thread isn't 'spamming the list'.

Telling me. or anyone else for that matter, to not post a request is a waste.

Maybe the Signs & Portents and FFE ones. :p

To the guy posting spanish rpgs in the nergals vola, good work!
Could you post the 3ed ragnarok pdf? It has been sended to kickstarters some days ago

Posting something that big every thread is spamming

does anyone happen to have QADD: Quick And Dirty Dungeons Deluxe! pretty please?

complaining about posting in every thread is spamming

defending spammers is spamming, and attacking people you claim are spammers is spamming.


Someone said in the last thread that they might have the following books:


- Heroes o' Gloom
- Knights With No Armor
- Shootout at the Circle-R Corral


- His Brother's Keeper

I'd like to re-request these files and remind the user who said he might have them to please share them if he really does have them lying around. I'm certain it'd be very appreciated not only by me, but by several other people around here. These are some of the very last few files still missing in the wild to complete the Deadlands Reloaded and Deadlands Noir collections. Many thanks in advance to that user or anyone else who feel like sharing these.

Well, I have sitting on this for a few months, after much frustration and putting it on the back burner, trying to splice together the parts of this to make the full maps, I got it done,,,

D&D Adventure Grid

SS & in the /WOTCTrove

Thank you CoC for the scan.

Fuck, sorry dude. Got kinda distracted and completely forgot.

Got all 4 and just sent them to Nergal. Enjoy, dude.

Cool - I'm not that guy but I am interested in the DLR stuff.

But I looked, did you mean this vola or another:

I can never keep track of which are current ones sometimes.

he meant nergal for cleaning

Oh, yeah. That would seem pretty obvious to anyone whose head is in the game. Mea Culpa.

No problem, dude. Thanks a whole bunch for the donations! Much appreciated! Can't wait to download them.

I don't want to ask for even more stuff right away, but I don't suppose you'd have the Stone and a Hard Place: The Tombstone Seven archetype pack as well, would you? That's another Deadlands Reloaded file that's been quite elusive for quite some time now around these parts.

Doing them right now. Stay tuned.


Deadlands donations

Deadlands Noir - His Brother's Keeper

Deadlands Reloaded - Knights with No Armor

Deadlands Reloaded - Heroes o' Gloom

Deadlands Reloaded - Shootout at the Circle-R Corral

You opinion is duly noted. I will take your advisement with all the due consideration it deserves.


Nope, still don't give a fuck about your opinion.

that's cos you are a selfish cunt who keeps spamming walls of stuff that get released anyway.

Thanks for the cleaning and sharing, Nergal! And big thanks again to the donor!

I'm in no way, shape or form complaining about free stuff here, but any idea why the cover to His Brother's Keeper is so much smaller in size than the rest of the pages? Was the original file like that or was that an accident during cleaning? Just a honest question, I'm still very thankful for these files.

that is the way I received it

Looking for Spores of the Sad Shrooms

Ok, cool. Thanks again!

Been gone a while, did anyone ever share 7th Sea: New World, or SW: Flash Gordon?

FG was shared, but I think it went down with the Febshares mega

Check Nergal.

It's in the /SaWo trove on snip

>Been gone a while, did anyone ever share 7th Sea: New World, or SW: Flash Gordon?

Yes and they both easy to find in Da Archive & Da Curated Archive. Like, under 60 seconds.

FG is in the /SaWo trove.

I pulled them straight from my DTRPG library, so it's probably just a design fuck-up.

Here's a large version of the cover:

Just replace the shitty cover with that one and you're good to go.

Exilium, Star Ascension, Anarchy or any open D6 rpg, please.

To the person asking about QADD: Quick and Dirty Dugeons Deluxe, I'm a very small independent game publisher. QADD Deluxe is on sale dirt cheap right now. I'd appreciate it if you just bought it.

Humble request for Eldritch Lairs by Kobold Press (5E)

Any recommendations for character-driven RPGs?

Ideally something I can either play solo or easily use with a GM emulator like Mythic.

Got The Tombstone Seven.

No Stone and a Hard Place, unfortunately. Currently 50% off at DTRPG though.


There are also two free supplements for Stone and a Hard Place on there btw.

0 experience with solo games, but check out /SoloTrove. Has a shitload of solo games.

I think it's at /SAWLa now.

I've posted in an older share thread, but has anyone got the 5e version of Valkyrie Hybrid Class? Would like to preview it before spending on it, if possible.

To MG Thanks, mate. I thought that the TSR Trove was for all things TSR, not just D&D. TSR had a hex and chit LotR game called Two Towers and Lankhmar was another H&C game. I ask because, you never know.

Thanks for the reply and for the image file!

Could you please share The Tombstone Seven, if it wouldn't be too much to ask?

I have the Stone and a Hard Place campaign. It's been liberated already and it's readily available in the /SaWo trove. The Tombstone Seven are archetypes specifically created to use in that campaign, and I believe it's actually the last Deadlands Reloaded file that has never been shared before. Other than the Tombstone Seven, I think the only files I've never seen out in the wild are the Doomtown Reloaded conversion PDF and a italian language exclusive called "Messico e Nuvole", but those are kinda niche.

Do we have the ACKS supplements? Everyone said to check nergal's vola, but apparently they aren't there anymore.

I'm the guy who's been asking for Mythic D6. I just uploaded the Fires of Amatsumara Worldbook/setting for D6 Space on Nergal's Vola. Enjoy!

Guild of Shadows Campaign Guide (SPQR Games)

Duel Master gamebooks

Uploaded to Nergal.

Already sent it to Nergal, my guy. I gotchu.

Yeah, some books are just a fucking bitch to find. I've been looking for certain books for years with no luck. Shit's annoying as hell.

Are DLR and DLN now complete btw?

5e Request

Cut to the Chase - WK3 Revenge of the Over-Kobold
M.T. Black - Bastion of the Frost Lord
M.T. Black - Horror in the House of Dagon
M.T. Black - The Clockwork Queen
The Iron Bastion: Rise of the Blood Watch
In Search of the Unknown - Realistic Maps
Curse of Xanathon - Realistic Maps
Castle Amber - Realistic Maps
White Plume Mountain - Realistic Maps
Caves of Chaos - Realistic Maps
The Forgotten Realms Atlas Project: Book One
The Forgotten Realms Atlas Project: Book Two
The Lost Tomb of the Dwarven Prince
The Beast of Bastion Bay
Class: Soulhunter

DDOPEN2017 Lost Temples of Lake Luo
CCC-BMG-22 PHLAN 2-1 Demagogue
CCC-BMG-23 PHLAN 2-2 Hatemaster
CCC-BMG-24 PHLAN 2-3 The Royal We
CCC-BLD 01-03 Bleeding Gate: Lineage

Thanks for yet another donation!

And yes, I believe that with your donations for the day, both the DLR and DLN collections are now complete. I'm not sure if every single file is in the Deadlands folder in the /SaWo trove, but I think it is. If there's anything missing in there, I'd be willing to fill the gaps. I think I finally have everything now.

Like I said before, there are still a couple of "niche" DLR files missing: The Doomtown to Deadlands Reloaded conversion PDF and a supplement that was only released in italian language called Messico e Nuvole. But I think that's it. There is also a new adventure for DLR in the current issue of Savage Worlds Explorer, but that one didn't get a separate PDF release yet. I believe it will soon enough, though.

Kindly requesting "Ambrosia - Manual". Thank you!

Sweet! Thanks so much!

Saw this on the other chan, thought I'd try requesting it here:
Victorious the RPG


Not a share, nor a game, and on a shitty platform, but...

check out plus.google.com/communities/116965157741523529510 for a hell of a lot of good writeups and discussion.

Humbly requesting the glorantha sourcebook!

MajiMonsters, page 93, is dead. Can anyone upload it again?

Why, you know where it is. Post the link that was there.

Where can I find FFG WH40k troove?

From a donor, and now on sendspace, and in Nergal's vola

Western City
Maelstrom, Maelstrom Domesday, Maelstrom Gothic
Storm and Sail (plus sheets)


Stuff gets shared, new stuff comes out, the cosmic cycle goes on...

Looking for any of these, TIA!

ICRPG Worlds
Primeval Thule (Savage Worlds)
The Art of Magic The Gathering Innistrad (or any of the others)
Source Code
Winter Eternal & Lands of Lunacy (1E/OSRIC)

Anyone have Crying hack?

Thanks to you you and the donor!

> knows exactly where to find this pdf
> requests this pdf

please wear a helmet when you leave the house. we worry.

user saw a request for this thing on another chan, and is now requesting the same thing here, in the hope that it will be shared on either chan. Try to keep up guys.


Deadlands Reloaded - The Tombstone Seven


Can you delete the latest post by Khaalis in the Vola? Posted too quick. Re-sent it to be cleaned.

My bad. Thought it was one of those "fetch me this thing" posts that show up every now and then.

He can take off the helmet now.

Can someone re-up Pendragon?

Have the entirety of Official DCC adventures up to #95, in request for any new official adventures, particularly a scan of the print-only, Dungeon Crawl Classic #92.5: Dread on Demon Crown Hill.


Misread your post. Just sent Victorious + all supplements to Nergal for cleaning.

Sorry for being a dick.

Coming right up in /r/nergal-underworld @ v0la

Has anybody used Epic isometric? is it good?

It's on Nergal's.


Try the 40k thread. they have a link to a pastebin with the troves.

Maybe I just need more coffee, but where are the D&D 3rd edition 3rd party items housed? They are no longer in the WOTC Trove that I can see.

Not that user, but wow, that's some apology!
Thank-you from me,

I don't think they ever were, there's just too much stuff. Better to ask for whatever you need and see if anyone has it. It's all out there somewhere.