Tieflings. Aasimar. Genasi. And the rest. Let's talk about the bastard children of the D&D multiverse. Do you like them? Dislike them? Ever find a use for them? What do wish would change about them? What do you add?
Planetouched Thread
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So, honest question; does anyone actually like the genasi? Why?
I like Tieflings.
I feel like they mainly get fleck because it's very hard to convincingly portray 'Evil' or atleast 'Evil tendencies' for the common neckbeard.
Everyone loves being the good guy it's often easiest to portray. It's hard to play a character that DERIVES from 'Evil'.
Read the Brimstone Angel's books. FUCK YISSS.
So, why do tieflings seem to be the favorite planetouched? Is it just because they were first? Or is it because there's inherently more to them than there is to aasimar and genasi?
>1. They were first
>2. They're the most interesting
>3. They're the most fuckable
Honestly, I constantly forget Genasi exist
Personally, I really wish that we could get Abyssal Genasi to come back. They were a really neat concept.
I mean, yeah, I'm not sure why "Cinder" is an "Evil Fire" and the Caustic element has a stupid name, but still, great theme.
I honestly really like genasi, even though I prefer how they are represented in Pathfinder rather than in D&D. Good for certain niches, like a fire genasi fighter seeing stronger enemies as a way to make his flame burn brighter, a brutal earth genasi druid living in earthquake areas, and so on.
Also I like all the little aesthetic thingies you can add to them. Air ones having hair and clothes moved by wind even when it's calm, water ones having eyes looking like ice, earth ones having stones and jewels emerging from their skin...
I like them but I make them uncommon to really add a cherry on top of a npc. I also let them be what they are, no tiefling paladins and what not. Sure I could use a human or an elf to play that sadistic noble quest giver that delights in hearing the gore drenched details of her dead foes but having horns grow out of her head sand smell faintly like brimstone really sets her in the mind of my players.
You know, tieflings were never Always Evil? Heck, even Cambions and Alu-Fiends had a strong chance to not be Evil, although admittedly only Cambions had a chance to be Good.
Did they ever do a "mutations table" like they did for Tieflings (Planewalker's Handbook) and Aasimar (Warriors of Heaven)? I've never seen one for Genasi, and that's pretty weird.
I don't think even Pathfinder has one for them...
I wish assimar were a little better handled. They waffle too hard on whether they should be good guys, & what powers they should have. I feel they they should be more "born champion"/demigod influenced. I'd play up the celestial angle with starlight eyes & golden rays.
That's honestly why I personally prefer Deva. Much stronger "set" to their fluff and a more well-defined identity than just "generically goody-good bastard kids of angels".
Yeah but greyshade Hindu immortals aren't great for playing golden crusaders
Is the problem the cosmetics or the underlying lore?
Both, though I do like devs I don't think they should replace assimar
Oh, I agree, I think there's room for them both, but I'd personally rather have Devas than Aasimar if I had to only have the one.
Fun fact; you know they actually slipped Aasimar back into 4e?
So, why are tieflings considered the sexy ones? Is it the Alu-Fiend references, or what?
I like elemental planetouched but Genasi were a faerun niche-race in 3rd and my group didn't do much with 4th. Fantasycraft put minor bloodline type stuff like that in feats instead of races on their own, and PF's got them working more off of various Djinn varieties rather than elements specifically, though it's an easy translation.
Personally I like the idea of becoming a part of something greater than yourself on a spiritual level rather than in the cog-wheel in the machine. Sacrificing a part of who or what you are in order to replace it with some facet of the world you respect, revere, love or fear sits well with me, especially if it lets you extend yourself out into the world as part of yourself in turn.
Elemental stuff is cool
Tieflings look evil, and evil is sexy. It doesn't help they get a Charisma bonus.
They never did, and it's a damn shame, if you ask me. They never made "alternate" races neither, like a Salamander-spawn Ifrit or a Xorn-born Oread and so on.
They have built in handle bars
they are basicly twi'leks but the head tails are hard
So tiefling have to be kind of evil?
I like the races overall, what I dislike is the type of players they normally attract who instead of making a character then slapping "oh they're also x race" it's "I'm x race and that is the sole interesting thing about me." I figured it might just be me or bad luck but even when I moved and found a new LGS to DM at, it was same shit different day. I will say not every single player I've had has been like that, just the majority to the point where it's annoying.
>loves being the good guy it's often easiest to portray
Not in my experience, most people think good guy= person who isn't a murderhobo and just so happens to do good things once in a while. An actual good guy any more is rare, because people don't want to be seen as boring, lawful stupid, stick in the mud, uptight etc. Everyone just plays a different shade of bland grey that does good from time to time.
>Have to
But they're half demons, so it makes sense for them to be inclined to demonic behaviors.
It's their tendency. To make an example, I once played a Tiefling Paladin that was honestly good, kind, and usually peaceful, but always got a bit twitchy and pic-related when smiting because of his demon blood and the brutal tendencies coming with that.
I like the *idea* of Genasi, but they don't seem to be executed very well.
I especially don't like 5E's take of humans with slightly different skin colors.
literally and unironicly who?
This. They're just boring. Elemental-touched people, on paper, seems like an amazing idea, but in execution they get a cantrip and nothing else. Half-elves are more interesting for Christ's sake.
I don't like tieflings, but it's nothing WotC did, and nothing necessarily wrong about the race. It's the fucking COMMUNITY that ruined them for me. Why did we have to make the half-demons all whores, Veeky Forums? There's nothing inherently sexual about them. Leave it to fucking Critical Role of all things to actually feature a nonsexualized tiefling character. I bet some people were pissed about it too.
Order of value
>Genasi: Versatile, not alignment heavy. More interesting options available
>Aasimar: utterly personal. They have less set-in-stone looks
>Tiefling: I detest that 4 and 5e have made them a full-blown race with its Own history and a unified look
In the misc category we have the nonhuman planetouched. I've got a soft spot for Tanarukk and a magical realm weakness for Fey'ri
Well, we haven't really done much of anything with half demons ever. They show up occasionally, but they're nowhere near as common as Tieflings.
Before tieflings we had cambions and alufiends, and they worked just fine. Funny that the actual spawn of succubi are sexualized less than blue-skinned goat folk.
5e seems to have really dropped the ball on vaguely supernatural (Or overtly supernatural) races as a whole. Just giving them spells was really lazy and means they kinda suck.
Tell me about it; the plain and simple truth of it is that, mechanically, in many areas? 5e SUCKS.
Don't get me wrong, it's actually traditional; have you seen what genasi had in previous editions? 1d4chan.org
But the worst part is that 4e actually gave them some pretty interesting ideas. Earth Genasi could create a localized earthquake that knocked people prone. Fire Genasi could react to being hit by blasting somebody with fire. Storm Genasi could charge up their thunder and lightning attacks. Water Genasi could momentarily turn into a wave of water to rush past obstacles. Wind Genasi could make spectacular flying leaps.
And that's not getting into some of the stuff that other genasi could do, like Voidsouls literally disappearing into Nowhere, Plaguesouls spewing toxic breath, or Magmasouls bursting into flames and using them to kill you if you struck them with fire.
...You know what? I really hate the 5e Genasi. Who'd be interested in seeing an attempt to make them work more like their 4e selves, under the mechanics of 5e?
Probably because Alu-Fiends really had nothing to distinguish them from succubi in terms of visuals. One bat-winged sexpot looks pretty much like another.
What do you mean "Who"? Who are the Genasi? Who are Stormsoul Genasi?
No. The reason being that creatures connected to one of the four classical elements just seem like a fourth of a larger, more complete category of beings. When ever I think of, for example fire elementals or Air Genasi, I just can't help but to compare them to the other elemental beings that they are analogous to, with the result of them appearing as deficient and unindependent of the others in a way.
>Leave it to fucking Critical Role of all things to actually feature a nonsexualized tiefling character.
>Is a discount Monara right down to the accent
>Talks about knowing all about dicks
>Mother lightly referenced as being at the least an escort
>Already obvious she wants that pickle in her donut
>Is played by the one with the dirtiest mind in the room
user I.......
The other tiefling, the boring one.
Oh shit Molly is a tiefling, he's just that uninteresting that I legit forgot he was a tiefling, my bad.
Seems reasonable, especially considering the Xanathar's racial feats that basically boil down to "get the racial power you had in 4e"
I'd touch those planes if you know what I mean
Not sure I follow
Those things can hardly be called planes with their curvature. I'd parallel transport my fingers around her tangent spaces though, if you know what I mean.