Why is your character cool?

Hey Dudes and Ladies, Cool-God here.

I ain't here to judge your life, you, or your sins, or whatever- that's some other divine chump's Job.

BUT I hear you are pretty cool. Tell me why! If you are cool enough I can pull some strings to let you hang out in cool-heaven for as long as you want- even you non-deaders if you want. -Or not if that's your style- that's cool.

I just want to hear about you.

Tell me why your current character is cool to YOU, Veeky Forums.

>tfw nobody has a character they consider cool

Because he's a fucking edgelord samurai made up of fifteen different failed ideas I haphazardly had and retroactively justified with whatever scenery-chewing DEEP THEMES I could come up with.

He's mostly known as a drunk failure who can't stop himself from duelling people (and losing). But I made him, so he's mine. But next time I'm gonna make a character who might conceivably have "life goals" and "motivations".
I don't think he's cool, but I think he's worth appreciating, in the same way a car crash can be impressive.

Because I made him.

because he provides an endless source of joy for the party, being the party mascot and dumb meathead.

It's also satisfying how simple the super-strength superpower kit is.

He's small, cute, and the party adores him despite the fact that he's disturbingly pragmatic and amoral due to his upbringing amongst barbaric savages who saw his nigh-endless regenerative capability as an excuse to stick him on the most brutal of battle-lines time and time again but damnit he's trying so hard to be a good person and not fuck things up so his new friends don't abandon him like everyone else does.


God is a fucking bitch. I fucked his gf and then punched him

my character is a paladin
he does paladin things
like smite evil and save people
because he's a paladin

He's a guy who's lived his life the way he wanted to. He's old, waiting for the end. Currently expected to die of old age mid campaign. It's interesting to play sometime whose point of view is one that I can hardly imagine.

Is that you, Varg?

Hey man, that ain't cool.
Fuck yeah dude.

My current character is cool to me because I made him with the idea that he won't be a seriuos character, but eventually ended up being an important asset of the party where his companions look at him for his experienced opionion

He's cool cause I keep doing suicidally stupid things in order to let him die like a badass and he keeps surviving. Now the party thinks he's unkillable.

Greek Inspired Paladin, fights The Undead, serves his Empire dutifully, and tries to be just and fair even when dealing with those smelly pagans, even if he doesn't like them.

Ended up being The Champion of the Pagan Queen, wielding the enchanted blade of her father, when the undead threat became so great, and aided in uniting the land to combat the avatar of an ancient evil, traversing to it's home plane to purge it once and for all. Fought in the light of the Angels he worshiped, battling the Avatar, while they faced off against the Evil Entity itself.

Probably the coolest moment I think he did is when the undead army in it's entirety marched out against the capital of the living. Paladin rode out alone on his horse to confront the leader of the horde, traded words with the foe, and declared not one of their kind would cross the bridge while he yet drew breath. Horde ended up dispersing.

Has he pleased you, lord?

He started as an serial killing antagonist NPC that my players thought was sympathetic enough to have one of them bust him out of prison. Now I'm playing him as a mentor to the PC that rescued him while he uses the PC to further his agenda... but is slowly coming to realize that not everyone is out to hurt him. He's on a redemption arc grand enough to pull me out of forever GM and into PCland.

And the guy is a 3'1", stumpy bard with a penchant for jaunty ballads, cutting japes and performance in general. Not a conventional kind of cool but I think he's great.

>dwarf shaman
>make friends with worms
>turns out there's giant Dune worms
>"Gee Bill, I could have sworn there was a human/cat-folk settlement here..."

>married a death dragon
>she likes to get into dragon fights, thinks its cute when he helps
>participated in like 5 kaiju-scale fights, killed 3 black dragons so far
>lost half an arm in one of the fights, so he replaced it with a dope mace.

>be a blacksmith too because no more things he hates left to fight
>recognized as best smith in the country
>royalty/nobles visiting our startup underground city just to ask him to make armor for them

>good news! rumors of dark elves, black dragons, and necromancers moving in the area
>currently making giant fighting statues
>a 40ft tall dwarf out of the anti-fey metal, with a giant scythe because dark elves are plotting shit
>2:1 scale model of his dragon wife out of silver because she really hates necromancers.
>it's going to be an anniversary present
>he doesn't know he's going to be a dad soon

Not the cool God, would totally get drinks with this guy

Fair warning, he's fairly grumpy. Means well, but hanging with pagans, you know?

My fighter guy started out as a blood and glory thirsty adventurer, looking out for money and the biggest baddest guy to fight. After some years and adventures later, he came to appreciate simpler things in life and understand that his actions might actually make things worse than they were, and after some years in retirement and marriage, he came back to the adventurer life because he knows he can't stand idle while there are still good deeds to be done and that injustice is afoot.
He also brings lots of gifts from his adventurers to his daughters.

Because she's rich enough to be considered eccentric instead of insane.

A scholar-blacksmith with a God(?)-gifted ability to intuitively understand whatever he touches. How it was made, how it functions, and the most powerful aspect of all: how it could be modified to suit his goals.

He has used this gift to make all manner of groundbreaking new technologies, but possibly the greatest of all has been to question how to reshape himself into another God/Eldritch being like the one that granted the gift.

Cross rogues, caffeine, and the PMMM character who can summon guns from nowhere, you have my character

This post is pathfinder and you should feel bad.

>Bianca Docletto Amaretto

I don't mean to talk shit about your character, user, but that name is almost as bad as "Ferrus Manus."

I'm italian and that name makes me cringe

I kill demons and doesn't afraid of anything.

Worst of all? She's basically Portugese.

>Tell me why your current character is cool to YOU, Veeky Forums.

I haven't got a current character, but my last character was cool to me because on his first session in the first fight he jumped on the magical equivalent of a hand grenade and lost an arm to save a bunch of civilians.

All my character are fucking cool as shit.
In list they are
> Gnoll Monk in arabian nights setting. His main tactic is charging you while laughing like an hysteric hyena before rippin off your jugular barehanded.
>human wizard who knows fucking everything and under a scholarly attitude hides UNLIMITED POWER
>a dwarf shieldbreaker who is a one-man fucking shieldwall made of steel and rape. He withstood the assault of three chaos warriors and came out on top without a single fucking scratch on him
>undead paladin who literally didn't allow death to prevent him from fulfilling his oath. He's dead, he's angry and he's on a mission for GOD to scour the world from the evil lich who killed him

Justice is ALWAYS cool.

>surfed a cyclone torpedo under the void-shields of a chaos fortress
>1v1'd a keeper of secrets
>drop-kicked a demon prince into party's firing range