Anyone here tried integrating battletech mechs and mechsheets into a generic system like gurps or fudge...

anyone here tried integrating battletech mechs and mechsheets into a generic system like gurps or fudge? battletech is awesome as a wargame, but as a role-playing game or a your-dudes game, it feels kind of lacking, especially since any custom group, regiment, or Merc group would and it's characters would have to be era-specific, which would make designing them feel kind of pointless, given that there are a crapton of different time periods with a crapton of differences, and also makes creating a generic/works no matter the era force impossible to make sense of/make interesting.

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If it's not an era where I can strip the weapons and armor off a Flea and bolt a clan light PPC and a pair of small pulse lasers onto it, it's not an era I have interest in.

so nothing before fedcom civil war, then?

Well, my first came was Battletech/Mechwarrior game MW4: Mercenaries, so that was the era I fell in love with.

>nyone here tried integrating battletech mechs and mechsheets into a generic system like gurps or fudge?

Doesn't Mechwarrior:RPG, have simplified RPG rules for playing in the btech universe?

>makes creating a generic/works no matter the era force
Introtech company of Star League designs can be used for basically everything from the Star League on, starting as a "this is a SLDF company" going to "these are a bunch of SLDF mechs that got dug up by [YET ANOTHER MERC GROUP FORMED AROUND A SLDF CACHE]".

But seriously though, part of the point is that 'your dudes' would end up era-specific by virtue of the fact that it's a historical, so 'I can't use my Reunification War SLDF force in the Clan Invasion' is a feature, not a bug.

GURPS works very well. Every mech will be built as a character with IQ 0, Controls, Payload, Machine, and Ablative DR. I've ran something with a general feel like Battletech before, and it worked well.

Best way to do heat is to make it an Energy Reserve that depletes instead of rising as you use weapons (innate attacks).

that and a time of war both do, but reason for the thread is because outside of playing classic battletech exclusively as a wargame and/or running scenarios, I'd do without the pre-established lore and setting, when running it as an ttrpg, and use custom or different fluff/setting. using gurps or d6-d6 fudge and running battlemechs as a separate combat system sounds fun. probably'll end up using battletroops scale, with fudge determining nom-combat/light combat, with a way to convert the fudge characters into the battletroops format, when the need arises.

that and vengeance were the shit.

not exactly what was meant. what was meant was the idea of taking the battletech mechsheets and making them work alongside a generic system, using conversion/etc. and if that has been interesting to do and play for anyone who has, or hypothetically if not.

Well if you want a super-simplified tabletop, use the battletech large scale rules, whatever they are called, where mechs get simplified stats.

Alpha Strike.

Just use the systems that already exist you double-autist

But they're supercrunchy autistic shit user


>using vehicle rules

But user, if you use Vehicles instead of Characters for your mechs you can't do cool shit like grappling or bites.

What's wrong with them? Assuming your Mecha has arms and teeth, why WOULDNT you be allowed to grapple and bite?

It's as if you've never played gurps before...

vehicles can't grapple, which is why they suck until a real vehicles book comes out.
Vehicles as characters is the only solution to actual fun gameplay.

Yes. I've run a BT RPG for about ten years, and for the last five of those used the Hero System. We all hated MW 3 so much that it killed the game for a year, and when we came back to it, we all settled on Hero because we knew it and what it could do.

When it comes to playing out the battles thuogh, it's classic BT and (recently, for large battles) Alpha Strike all the way. I see no point in reinventing the wheel there.

The closest I've done is Traveller for the pilots and the mechsheets for the vehicles/mechs. Worked really well.

Is there any actually okay mecha system?

Mekton Zeta is great.

>vehicles can't grapple
Why not? If the operator has controls and the vehicle has appendages, you shouldn't have an issue

>using HERO for Battletech

I'm quite jealous, my nigga

Haven't really tried it myself but this might be what you're looking for

Metacurrency mechanics aren't fun long term tbqh

That only works if the vehicle is a character, mechanically. Using spaceship rules is clunky as fuck for mecha.

skimming over this, it looks neat as hell. thanks, user.

I guess you could import the Battletech rules to Savage Worlds, combining it with the preexisting mech stuff. Don't know how that would go, but it's something worth thinking about.

So build them as vehicular characters

Holy fuck user

Wasn't there a mech game that used legos?

That's exactly what I'm saying, wants to run them as vehicles (a different ruleset) instead of as mechanical characters.