Warhammer 40k General /40kg/

Don't bother with the previous thread edition

>Tau confirmed




>Old Black Library Mega:


Other urls found in this thread:


First for Khorne


What chapter is EYE modeled after? Marines Malevolent? Loyalist Night Lords?

when will that new Cain novel release?

So we can all agree that cooties disqualify you from Terminator armour, right?

Something chaos-y I think, I mean the extra material is about the protag being a psychopath.

Keep that shit in the last thread.

Has anyone played with the GUO? Which options do you prefer to take?

This was.postes a day or two ago. Looking for pics of the back. So far nothing.

>Don't bother with the previous thread edition

With nothing interesting new for a while, and nothing announced to come, I'm not surprised.
I just wish it wasn't so shit.

I'm arriving at about 4000pts of space marines.

I have plenty of options for most situations. I'm thinking of adding some guard artillery and troops for area denial, maybe a few little support roles here and there.

Is this a bad idea?

Opponents tend to field a lot of crisis suits and terminators in games. Area denial has saved my ass countless times but it would be nice to let other units take care of that fore more points, and maybe add a little long range punch while they are at it.

Let's talk about resin sisters coming next week.

Come on, at least we discussed something instead of rehashing the same tired 1d4chan memes.

Go back. When thread changes, topic changes.

what have you completed Veeky Forums-wise today anons?

what extra material?

Will of Iron was a fun comic book.


What army is more fun? Dark Eldar, Thousand Sons, or Death Guard? Not looking to play soup with either. I just want to play a fun, semi-competitive, army that has good looking models.

Also open to anyone else who wants to suggest an army that fits all three of those criteria.

I've been working on some tactical marines for Horus Heresy.

When the fuck are we going to get plastic mark 4 assault marines? Please GW.

Don't know user, she looks pretty Veeky Forums to me

How do you make "your guys" groups for pretty specifically designed groups like Death Guard? AdMech and stuff has different rules for different forgeworlds, and lots of open interpretation, but Death Guard is a specific CSM group. How does one go about making it their own?

Garbiel we never have

Give them all names and write slashfics about them.

Reminder that because GW can't into scale, Space Marines are mathematically more insignificant than the Tau.

death guard isnt one big legion, they are a bunch of warbands roaming around, some are bigger then others, some work with other warbands or black legion spreading the joy of papa nurgle. you can basically do whatever you want with them as long as they go about spreading their papas blessing

every chaos legion has their own warbands that split off from the main legion for various reasons while still keeping the legion trait. i mean noone's gonna complain if you paint your death guard blue as long as they still play like death guard

Surprisingly good actually. I wish it didn't finish so abruptly. I hope they'll make a sequel. The end hints toward one anyway.

Dark Eldar are still an index army and will be for another month or two. Right now they are seriously mono build in less you go for mass spam of cheap bodies. Also, DE are there own soup as they have three factions contained in one army.

Death Guard can function on their own better than 1ksons.

My vote is DG

You can always make them generic "Nurgle chaos spess mehreens" too.

Breacher helmet, Stealthsuit legs, Fire Warrior torso w I want to say breacher shoulder pad as a chest piece, crisis suit sized fusion blaster, stealthsuit arms w/ ss shoulder pads.

Back just looks like a cut-in-half stealth suit backpack.

I guess someone was trying to kitbash the OOP XV-15s?

Honestly looks like an easy conversion. The back is just an XV25 jetpack stuck onto a Firewarrior torso.

Whats the difference from buying a model and a "bits kit" of the same model?

>tfw Death Guard opponent continously rolls 5s and 6s on his FNP rolls

Reminder that the old "Beret Boys" Stormtrooper models are way cooler than the new Tempestus stuff.

Tempestus scions were a mistake. The Kasrkin minis they replaced were also much better.

user did you thin your paints

I wanna read some fantasy. I've got Gaunts Ghost #1 and Horus Rising. Anything else I should get to start or should I just choose one, read it and move on to the next in the series? Also what do I read first?

By fantasy, I meant 40k. I'm a dumb dumb.

Is that good or bad?
I dont play the game.

Are you buying from recasters, user?

Has the new shoggy thread started yet?

I got my weapons on my hellions painted yesterday.
Just need to nuln them, and hit up some bronze, because the current all steel look is pretty bland. I did manage to edge highlight the blades, at least.

I just wish I got more than 2-4 hours a fortnight to paint :(

I'd say Dark Angels, honestly.

The Beast saga is bretty gud. Also, if you like comics, the one the autists on the other thread are still debating about is also great.

A psyker can only use a psychic power once per phase, including smite, but does this include units composed of multiple psykers? I'n asking because Zoanthropes would really benefit from being able to use smite twice.

Kasrkin were not stormtroopers. People just used their models for it, but in official publications the 3e stormtroopers remained THE stormtroopers.

Is ity possible to make a chapter that uses units from other chapters, such as a grey knight here, a dark angel there, etc?

We all know old Hammer is best Hammer.

"Embassy Siege" are officialy peak stormtrooper though.

>when your pteruges clips through your decorative wings kneecap skulls, giving them the appearance of horns

>Beast Saga
user pls


Jesus fucking christ I hate those discount fucking googly-glow-eyed fucks

user this is found within Dawn of War III World Builder, as in Within files of Dawn of War III the real Gabriel is Trapped inside a shit game

Go fast. Go murder-fuck. Go Drew Carey.

They want the jin-roh audience.

Kasrkin were a mistake. Regiments having stormtrooper knockoffs is the worst thing.

Why Do you think it's bad ? It has action, politics, and Ork wank (finally). Shit was dope. I wish we had the same large scale conflict in books featuring necrons. (invasion of Mars maybe ?)

None, the Secreta is based on the Inquisition. However, their higher ups, especially the Culters, seem to have Chaplain-like armor.


I think so. I'm actually asking for a friend. Who got into 40k by buying an old T'au army in 6th. It had some of the old stealth suits. Anyway, he has a box of firewarriors that's been sitting unbuilt. I showed him this and it's got him motivated. That an the new codex announcement.

Only named characters, any race.

nah, they're basically witch hunter tyrus expies

I still have no idea why people find khorne interesting

Daemon hosts are fucking cool

It's retarded but yes. You could use an Imperium soup list. You won't get any chapter tactics bonuses though.

What do you mean?

I wish there was a new daemonhost model to go with the Eisenhorn mini.

Stupid politics, I thought the character motivation and the about face into the beheading was terribly written. Also most the ork stuff (death star moons, diplomats, multiple "primarch orks") I find terrible. I like orks but this should've been much better.

Nevermind then, they are completely based on the Inquisition

I wonder how hard it would be to kitbash them, the Jians might be tougher.

What's the best novel to get into 40k?

Crisis shoulder pad for torso. I think you got everything else right.

Is that a girl or a trap?

The last thread has died, thank fuck.

It's extremely good. It simply ignores one inflicted one, whatever the source of said wound.

>Regiments having stormtrooper knockoffs is the worst thing.
You are wrong.

>I dont play the game.
Neither does like 60% of the thread.

arent deamonhosts an automatic blam if found out?

Me and my buddy played Guild Ball, and I'm nearly done with a Dropzone commission for a friend, and now I'm showing my friend how to paint

>tfw you're in the 40%

^ this

best stormtroopers.

Does the rpg count?



But is it "above avarge fit for the human species" ;)

Mein bruder.

Don't start this shit again.

>tfw 40%

Jian heavy armor faces remind me of admech faces, but I'm not sure what to do for converting the robe hoods to the brimmed hats, much less where you'd even find the hats in the first place.

Enforcer omnibus.

Literally ruins Grey Knights for me. I would be completely on board if this didn't look like ass.

Don't play them, or alternatively, play custodes instead

Soooooooooooo, how awful is this?

1998/2000pts Battalion Detachment. Super Heavy auxiliary
131pts Ahriman
127pts Exalted Sorcerer plasma pistol
127pts Exalted Sorcerer plasma pistol

472pts 10 Scarab Occult Terminators 2 Soulreaper cannon 2 Hellfyre missle rack

3 X 232pts 10 Rubric Marines soulreaper cannon 1 warpflamer

445pts Magnus the Red

So what model would this be a replacement for, anyway? It's in the warex-mini Ebay list, but I don't know how you would use this on tabletop. Friend suggested the little girl count as a thunder shield (one time use, of course).

Strange, because normally in a pareto distribution. We should have 10% doing 90% of the gaming, and 10% of those 10% doing 90% of the 90% of all gaming. 40% playing would be so odd.

So does everyone hope that wiht the 0-1 limitation on commanders, tau will get some sort of suit Lt +3/+3 cheaper with 1 fewer hard point and lower cost, and re-rolls for suit units?

Convert it to not suck, it's a hobby as well as a game.


I gotta say though, everyone taking the piss out of a sexist moron was a nice change of pace from usual /40kg/.

>Friend suggested the little girl count as a thunder shield (one time use, of course).

Will salamanders ever get a good book

>Enforcer omnibus.
Really? kek

termies bad