What can be done to stop the normalfag horde from ruining tabletop? With normalfags getting introduced via critical reddit and decade old Veeky Forums fabricated screencaps they'll flail around autistically every time they le epic 20 that on top of wanting to make the "whackiest" character concept and in the end they'll simply leave the hobby leaving it burnt to the ground
What can be done to stop the normalfag horde from ruining tabletop...
Other urls found in this thread:
Don’t play with people you don’t like
by teaching them to be good players instead of exactly conforming to the autistic neckbeard who can't socialize stereotype
>they'll flail around autistically every time they le epic 20 that on top of wanting to make the "whackiest" character concept
Careful before you talk shit user, you played exactly like this during your first game
1) stop being yourself. Seriously, no one like you or this persona you have. Stop it.
2) Run a Fantasy Campaign, hell, run Mines of Phandelver, but run it using Mythras or OSR games, or whatever you actually want to use, and don't specify which system you're using, and when you have players interview and tell them the system, 8/10 times they're fairly willing to go along with it. It's how I got a group of 5 for an OSR game from players at my FLGS.
Oh, and this only works when you're doing it not on Roll20. Roll20 is a containment site.
>What can be done to stop the normalfag horde from ruining tabletop?
We can start by kicking out the unwashed fa/tg/uys who use retarded terms like 'Normie' and RRRRREEEEEE! about it while soiling their 3 week old underwear.
Seriously OP - you can get treatment. And for the love of God! Bathe more than once every couple of months, you foul smelling cretin!
New blood is healthy for the hobby, I'm sorry you're so embittered that you can't see that. In any case just play with veterans, there's no need for you to let what other tables do affect you whatsoever.
>I unironically prefer nu-Veeky Forums to old, fun Veeky Forums
Don't like normies entering the hobby?
Get out of the lobby.
New players are generally better than about half of old players nowdays, brain-fossilized on their idiotic habits.
Straight up this. When you first start playing, you're a shit, and these new kids are also going to be shits.
Teach them to stop being shit.
Don't play 5e or Pathfinder.
It's sad. All the fun people met on /b/, made warhammer wednesdays a thing, got kicked out of /b/ to our own board (one of the few to ever get kicked out of /b/). We then had a hell of a time as a NSFW board with golden neckbeard, diamond in the rough pdf shares, more OC then any other board, and general mayhem and fun about our hobby.
Then, somehow, the autists took over, and the bulk of the quality OC producing folks left to their own image boards, solidifying the autists hold on Veeky Forums and making it into the 1984 only post on topic in generals nightmare it is today.
I miss old Veeky Forums, and op is a faggot for thinking that we should want to keep things the way they are now.
Seriously, why does no one ever set games in the 20's US outside of Call of Cthulu? It was such a fascinating time, like a proto-60's. Massive societal upheaval, bitchin' music, and they even had their own mini sexual revolution (much to the chagrin of the original feminists, who were a right bunch of stuck up Victorian bitches).
20's US is good and all but 20's France, Germany and Japan are even better
Also, Prohibition. How that got passed is crazy story in and of itself. tl;dr everyone who supported it (and we're talking a comically diverse coalition, everyone from Booker T. Washington to the KKK) had some ulterior motive that had nothing to do with booze.
Tell me more, user
I've been toying around with setting up a 1920's-esque fantasy setting for Veeky Forums to worldbuild together, based on that one thread a few weeks back talking about Liches wearing Zoot Suits and undead crime lords running speakeasies to escape the arcane magic prohibition.
But yeah, the 20's are rad as hell. I think the main reason people don't use them is because a lot of the time they seem to only know the surface level stuff (prohibition, flappers, swing music) and haven't really paid attention to any of the super interesting stuff you could use for campaigns like the bank robbers or the social upheaval.
I mean, unless you're worried about normies kicking down the door to your house and demanding to play Veeky Forums with you, I'm sure you'll be fine.
Just play with people you actually like and play the games you like. No one's going to come and burn your copy of 3.5
>pdf shares
I got banned from Veeky Forums for like two weeks for doing one of these once.
>But yeah, the 20's are rad as hell. I think the main reason people don't use them is because a lot of the time they seem to only know the surface level stuff (prohibition, flappers, swing music) and haven't really paid attention to any of the super interesting stuff you could use for campaigns like the bank robbers or the social upheaval.
You could teach them, though. Run a 20's gangster campaign with Ken Burns' Prohibition as a primer, then introduce them to all that as the game goes on
What kind of person is it that would ironically call regular people trying to get into their hobby "normalfags"? Does it come from self-loathing ("I'm not 'normal' and can never be, they need to let me have my hobby because I can't have the things they do")? Or is it smug self-superiority ("Those plebs can't possibly understand my hobby the way I do, they're doing it wrong and shouldn't be allowed to participate")?
Perhaps both?
Step One: Stop defining your personality based on one hobby you have.
Congratulations, you did it.
This. Or pic related. Normies can be trash if not taught well
I believe it started off as an aspie term and slowly got picked up in an ironic sense to describe the mainstream culture.
>what can be done?
they can pick up on what a supremely autistic faggot you are, avoid that sort of shit tier behavior, and improve the hobby by enjoying it and gradually getting better at it, two things you might consider doing yourself
Shit, I do sometimes. Pulp and noir set in the 20s is fucking awesome.
I don't play CoC, I just use Risus and tell the players to make at least semi-serious characters. Works fine.
It's a coping mechanism. He has no accomplishments to speak of, no social life, and no sense of identity outside his hobbies. That was fine for awhile, because he was a nerd! He played imaginary games with 2nd grade level math, that means he's an intellectual! You can't do that AND get laid, right? There's nothing wrong with him, he's just too smart for the normies to comprehend! But then RPGs got popular. People started playing them who had social lives, careers, even sex lives. The whole thing is unfathomable to him. It shakes him to the very core. His only recourse is to tell himself the current state of things isn't sustainable, that's it's all crashing down, like an evangelical Christian claiming the end is near because you aren't supposed to stone gay people to death anymore
In my experience it's usually the latter disguising the former. Shame, too- barring serious mental illness it's totally possible to have 'normie' fun and Veeky Forums- fun. I own thousands of dollars of game books and minis and toys and shit and in a couple of weeks I'm going on a road trip with a bunch of other dudes to visit historic sites and breweries all through New England.
for real dude, it's like the flailing sperglord version of horseshoe theory.
Not the other guy, but Grand Guignol, Berlin Modernist architecture, and commie street fights among other things. I think there was a chunk of Second Life dedicated to recreating/roleplaying 1920s Berlin for a while.
>ohh no! Too many people are playing muh game!
I would have done anything to play a table top rpg from middle school up until a few years ago, i begged my friends to play in high school and rarely convinced them. Then guess what? They all played in collage and didnt want to play with newbie scum like me because i was an outsider to them. Shit attitudes like this is fucking cancer and is worse then the few spurge lords who might gravitate our way. Get fucked OP.
Easy. Stop introducing "normies" to the hobby via DnD or, absolutely worse, Pathfinder/Starfinder. Staleness leads to more staleness, memes lead to more memes.
Basically its you/us who kill the hobby, not the normies. They only copy us to try to be hip. So we might as well set a better example.
They aren't going to come to your house and play there, user.
>their own image boards
Which image boards would those be?
old Veeky Forums died when the NaziMod permabanned 75% of the drawfags and writefags.
Then it got worse when pic related was in full swing a few months after moot presonally fired NaziMod
Part of my job is selling tabletop shit. If you're complaining about normies, you are part of the reason why many of the newer players of D&D are dimwitted or normies.
Design is something that evolves over time, and it's viciously competitive. Some areas, like mobas and cardgames, invest an enormous amount of effort into studying and testing what mechanics and design changes are good for the game. This happens because if a game is bad, the players notice. We live in an age where if a certain mechanic results in toxic gameplay, but increases your winrate by 1%, it will be rapidly discovered. This is mostly a problem with competitive games, but social gaming experiences can be hurt by bad mechanics as well. The point is that the smarter gamers are more and more aware of design than ever.
Now consider eating a steak, but knives and forks have never been invented, only spoons. Eating a steak would take a lot of effort, and it would require a specific technique. If somebody were to come along and invent forks and knives, these tools would completely trivialize steaks and make them easy to eat. The people that learned how to use the spoon would consider the fork "dumbed down" and continue to use the spoon. Now consider what happens when a new person is introduced to steaks. If the old guard thinks spoons are better, but the new consumer has no prior bias, they are going to take one look at the fork and knife, one look at the spoon, and conclude that steak eaters are fucking morons and lose interest. Everybody that didn't reach this conclusion would also be a moron. The community, now including the older players and the new players, would all congratulate each other on how smart they are for using a spoon. This is how the RPG community selectively filters for low intelligence.
Social deduction games, cooperative games, and competitive games have all evolved a lot. It's really just RPGs that are utterly stifled by a collective dunning-kruger complex.
>Careful before you talk shit user, you played exactly like this during your first game
No I didn't. I never made a wacky character concept, I just wanted to play an elf ranger and have fantasy adventures and imagine I was in Lord of the Rings. I didn't get excited at a natural 20 any more than a natural 19, I figured either one would succeed if I rolled that high. I didn't act obnoxious, I didn't act like I knew shit, because I didn't. I was far more cautious and intelligent than the new players I play with nowadays. No, I didn't act like a fucking retard.
>I never made a wacky character concept, I just wanted to play an elf ranger and have fantasy adventures and imagine I was in Lord of the Rings.
Aren't you glad you get to play with people that have greater creativity than you did?
I can't tell if you're projecting and strawmanning, or just strawmanning. Either way, it's retarded and makes you look like a retard. People who have gotten laid have always played RPGs. For fucks sake most of the original players were married, you dumb mong. No, what's happened is that RPGs have begun to be advertised to the kind of people who shouldn't play them: boring, vapid, unimaginative normoniggers whose lives are defined by mass media consumption, and who treat everything like a joke. These people are trash, they contribute nothing, they are obnoxious, they do nothing but imitate, they don't even roleplay half the time. This has nothing to do with them getting laid. I've known guys who were amazing players who had gfs and I've known loads of shitty autistic Skyrim players who contributed nothing to the hobby.
>playing a dwarf cleric worshipping the god of beer, is creative
Yeah this is why the hobby is going to shit. Also you sure you'd rather GM for a meme character than a normal everyday ranger?
>dwarf cleric worshiping the god of beer
You could've made up any shit special snowflake character concept for your point, why'd you pick one that's unironically good?
yup. I sent Moot an e-mail after the mod deleted a 40k model showcase thread.
I mean, fucking shit.
The problem isn't the simplification and streamlining of mechanics, it's that they refuse to do anything with it to make the game better. They insist on keeping it simple for normalfucks. So in your example, they invent the knife and fork, but then make a really shitty steak to eat with them, so there's not much point to playing it, even though it's easy to play.
5e has great game rules, but terrible character rules.
It's fucking stupid.
If Lord of the Rings had had a dwarf worshiping the god of beer, it would have been completely fucking retarded.
Do you care about having a good story at all or do you just play for "fun" i.e. cheap laughs for you and your fellow bearded fucks pound the table and spill your beer and wake up your wife's baby in the next room.
>everybody is as retarded as me
Good players are born, not made.
>If Lord of the Rings had had a dwarf worshiping the god of beer, it would have been completely fucking retarded.
Maybe, maybe not. But you're not writing The Lord of the Rings, you're playing make believe with your friends.
If you want to take your shit super seriously then more power to you, but that's not the end all be all (nor was it ever.) People partaking in their hobbies for fun is a pretty reasonable pursuit.
I feel sorry for your players, or more likely your fellow players seeing as you're obviously not an experienced GM and you're trying to paint yourself as the "good" player.
I've GM'd for Tumblrites, spec-ed kids, delinquents, neckbeards and forty-something legal advisors.
Good players are made, not born.
Because rule comprehension, acting talent and whatever kind of absurd hurdle the neo-roleplayers have made for themselves now is insignificant in the greater scope of things.
How talented my players have been in the short term has had nothing to do with how they actually play a few months down the line.
PSA from a perma-GM to all players out there who create a hurdle like that for themselves - "you need to have acting experience", "I'm just not that kind of person", "if you don't have charisma you can't play".
The only thing you need is willingness to play.
When the rules are laid in front of you, you read them and try to understand.
Remember what the GM tells you about the setting and the plot and act according to it. If you're told something by the GM, don't get mad or offended - you can't communicate telepathically - but fix it.
>muh story
>if my players fuck around and have a good time, I can't export my campaign into a believable work of fiction
>what's the point?
Write a book or play a game, don't try to do both you dolt.
Solid advice here
If you think that RPGs haven't evolved you must not have looked much past Pathfinder. Of course, a big chunk of the community didn't and has kneejerk reactions to anything that doesn't work like the first game they played. But that doesn't mean the games aren't out there.
>playing a dwarf cleric worshipping the god of beer, is creative
Yeah, it's almost like the Greek, Roman, Norse, Egyptian, Hindu, Shinto, West African, East African, Incan, Mayan, and Sumerian pantheons didn't all have personified gods of alcohol.
>Do you care about having a good story at all or do you just play for "fun"
You can have both you know.
>5e has great game rules, but terrible character rules.
What rules are you talking about in particular?
Build yourself a bridge and get over it, loser.
I had a 20's (or possibly 40's? I dunno, they were kind of a mis-mash of everything from about 1920 to 1950) inspired character in a space-game once. Personality got defined by me using "See?" at the end of one of my sentences, then it kind of stuck after some fantastic dice rolls to dance to the electro-swing the DM was using as background music, and seduce the local "dame" into giving us the vault combination of the place we were raiding. From then on the personality of being a kind of "man out of time" with a bend to that era kind of stuck. It was a good time.
>Normies ruining my safe space
>do you just play for "fun"
It's almost like these are called "games" or something...
Fucking eat a tide pod, you stupid bitch.
I really, really want one of you 'normie-crusaders' to post a video of you actually playing the game 'properly'.
I mean if it's so important to see the 'correct' way to play pretend then show us it since you're the superior gamers.
My pic is the expected response.
How about you fuck off?
Completely the opposite. 5e's good point is that character classes are quite versatile and malleable, and the subclass system does a great job of letting you put your own spin on the character archetypes. Alignment philosophy is uninhibiting, Paladin Oaths and Cleric Deities are as strict or as loose as you want. I honestly can't complain as far as character creation itself goes.
But gameplay just isn't where it's supposed to be. It's not nearly deadly enough and favors the players too much, to the point that it's recommended method of actually maintaining difficulty is throwing more combats at players in between long rests, which is ridiculous considering that 5e tries to sell itself as a Roleplay, not Rollplay system, and the average campaign session manages around 1-2 combats, if even that.
Furthermore, the disparity between Character classes and NPC Stats is ridiculous. There's no official method of figuring out how much EXP you should give, or how difficult, a 5th level wizard is going to be. Instead they have a shaky at best formula attempting to convert between Monster and Class abilities.
Also, the rules limit you to a very narrow segment of the Heroic Fantasy Genre, so you can forget running Dark Sun or Greyhawk without using the optional "accountancy" rules to the game by virtue of tedium.
I love 5e man, it's fun to be a character in, but fuck DM-ing the thing past 5th level. Given the choice between the OSR game I'm currently running and running any 5e game, there's just no contest.
I guess the most important thing is to inform the players what they're getting into before playing. Tell what the style of your campaign is going to be. You can describe roughly the setting so they get a vibe of where things are going to be. Then, tell them what style of DMing you do. Explain them you're going to put a veto on characters that don't fit the campaign (this includes modifying character backgrounds and not allowing dumb names). Finally, explain them that the game is your setting and that SJW, feminist, LGBT, MeToo bullshit might not apply. Kick out everyone who starts arguing.
>It's not nearly deadly enough and favors the players too much, to the point that it's recommended method of actually maintaining difficulty is throwing more combats at players in between long rests, which is ridiculous considering that 5e tries to sell itself as a Roleplay, not Rollplay system, and the average campaign session manages around 1-2 combats, if even that.
I've had 2 PCs hit zero hp running adventure league games in situations where they basically had zero agency. One of those was the starter adventure where a single goblin knocked a player unconscious in the first encounter before he got an action. What is supposed to be deadly?
It's a fad and will die out eventually. It's not really going to affect you much other than new releases pandering towards normie tastes, but as a conciliation you get to enjoy the spite of watching companies that have abandoned their fanbase to chase new money collapse once the hordes move on to the next thing.
I'm guessing that was at a very low-tier of play. As I said later, past fifth level, Combat Balance according to the system becomes a joke.
There've been unlikeable cunts playing games since forever - that's basically what 20% of the threads on Veeky Forums are about, and always has been.
Tell me how new people joining the hobby makes that worse.
Because neither the companies producing the games nor the hipster-bearded numales playing the "only inclusive, non-racist games out there" have any understanding of what makes the game better, want to change or want to admit they've fucked up.
And you say a peep about the companies squeezing new fans for money at the expense of the game, or companies and neo-players being actively hostile against older players who don't play the natural-20-worshipping Wheaton-cult random romps, tracking them down on social media, framing them for harassment and ruining their social lives for not having the allotted ration of Tumblr-cutted trans-dragon goblins.
Have you tried not playing dnD?
I've had more fun playing with normies than self proclaimed "veterans"
Jesus, I have a player that does the exact opposite of everything you just described. He did for years. We don't play with him anymore.
Wondering what system your OSR game is, out of curiousity?
I would rather play with half-normies than with autistic sperglords. In fact, I feel like a more naive aproach to the game often makes it way more interesting and creative.
Hey Hey! I made that poster!
Glad to see you made it through the purges user, but sadly our board is a battered wasteland compared to the paradise (with occasional spam) it used to be.
>I didn't get excited at a natural 20 any more than a natural 19,
Then you have no concept of fun, or adventure, or DnD.
Except I didn’t, yes it feels nice to get a good roll but I’m not going to make an ass out of myself by screeching and slapping my wrist against the table. All of my characters fit the setting in a serious manner and I expect everyone else to do the same
>All of my characters fit the setting in a serious manner and I expect everyone else to do the same
Be a GM then. You can enforce all the rules you want, and see if players want to join your games.
I do GM, this may come as a surprise to you user but not every group is filled with mouth breathers and nu male normalfags like yours is
yes, this board has never recovered from the loss of all those loli/shota/elf wut do threads
>loli/shota/elf wut do threads
you know those still exist right? All you did was lose the good content.
litteraly nothing of value was lost. take your nostalgia glasses off
holy shit you are autistic
NSFW photo in link
Old Veeky Forums created great content like that.
>oh yeah? well ur autistic lol
You tried I guess
>Old Veeky Forums created great content like that.
Be the change you want to see in the world.
not even the guy you are arguing with but
>guy tells you to enforce rules as a gm
>call him a soyboy
you definitely are autistic
why do spergs always whine about "LE OC" Veeky Forums isn't a group of writers
i wasnt even the guy he was arguing with
because they saw a Le ebin Veeky Forumsscreencap on Reddit and now talk about old-tg as they were actually on this board and as if it wasn't just mostly shitposting and Loli mage quest #274
>talk about old-tg as they were actually on this board and as if it wasn't just mostly shitposting and Loli mage quest #274
Oh there was shitposting, and loli mage quests, but you know what, you let in some of that crap, and occasionally it spits out a diamond. It was fun, we had fun. Now, if you aren't on topic, it gets deleted. Nofunpolice patrol and enforce. You end up with an echo chamber, which sure, some people might get a kick out of, but the innovative spark is gone.
Yes I do, fuckwit.
I have every bit as much a concept of "fun" as you do.
Fun is a meaningless buzzword anyway. It actually is.
"This game is fun".. that is the most boring and meaningless declarative statement ever. It tells me nothing. It is not interesting. "Fun" can mean just as much shallow joking laughter that is soulless and pointless, as fulfilling enjoyment that comes from the collaborative creative experience that a TTRPG can be.
You just want the former, though, because you are a worthless pleb.
>getting mad because hes right
Thought as much.
Yeah and they were all dumb as hell. You think a cleric of Priapus is a good idea for a campaign too?
>you're playing make believe with your friends.
Yeah and it's fucking stupid if you add a ton of jokes to it. I never claimed to be writing lord of the rings, nigger, stop forcing that "if you don't laugh at nat20 jokes, you're a railroading DM trying to force a novel" false dichotomy on me. I've run more games than you'll ever be a part of.
See above. Fucking. Idiot.
You can, but it depends on your definition of fun.
It's almost like the amount of time and dedication required to play an RPG far outweighs the benefits of simply getting cheap "fun" out of it. And yes I play RPGs for fun but you and I have very different definitions of that I can assure you. For one, mine doesn't involve autistic nu male laughter at your nat20 to seduce the guard captain, or whatever the fuck.
>Yeah and it's fucking stupid if you add a ton of jokes to it
God forbid adventurers laugh. Shit, we could be in the middle of combat in afghanistan, and something shitty would happen, and we'd laugh and joke about it because the alternative would be to curl up in a ball of shell shock. Jokes happen and evolve naturally, if you think life is serious and no jokes are allowed, then I just feel bad for you man.
>I never claimed to be writing lord of the rings, nigger
Ah, /pol/tard, figured as much.
>What can be done to stop the normalfag horde from ruining tabletop?
you are an Idiot AND an elitist and you should be ashamed of yourself.
Not that dude, but aren't you reaching a bit much? People here use nigger like a comma, probably just because they can.
You just have to deal with it. As a hobby we're stuck between a grognard and a hard place.