What would a Lost and the Damned Regiment based around U.S. southerner culture look like? How could you put a redneck spin on the devotees of each of the four gods, and what type of combat doctrine and equipment do you think they'd use? The concept hit me while I was brainstorming for a campaign of Dark Heresy, and it's interesting enough I'd like to get your collective opinions on it.
Hick Heretics?
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I mean, IRL yokels are all basically Chaos Undivided
Many are violent and easily angered. Domestic abuse runs rampant in the trailer park, on top of their habit of shooting anyone who wanders too close to their moonshine stills
Incest and drug abuse
The guy with six teeth will probably be accused of bogarting them from the rest of his kin
Welfare fraud isn't strictly the purview of negroes and spics. You'd be surprised how good white trash losers are at manipulating the government into giving them money. Plus they're very likely to try pressing charges over everything because they know they can potentially land a cash settlement. It's that same kind of low cunning you would find in Skaven.
Khorne: Texas
Nurgle: the Carolinas. "Flesh alive and tear 'em!"
Slaanesh: Florida
Tzeentch: Virginia, especially Fairfax County and Arlington.
If you've read the novel Fire Caste, the IG regiment in that one is based on the Confederate military.
US Southerner here. Heretics based on our white trash would probably be seperatists or rebels who reject the imperium because tax is theft and they ain't got no right to take my guns. What i'm saying is, their violent revolution would be over vague idea's of liberty (typically the liberty to do something stupid and backwards).
Potential chaos corruption should come from strange and idiosyncratic practices - like, they should worship the Emperor, but in perverse and proscribed ways steeped in superstition, ways that involve snake handling and blood letting, and that involve local spirits and superstitions that obviously smack of chaos to anyone who isn't a local but seem perfectly natural to them.
Combat wise they'd be excellent at asymmetrical warfare, navigating the wilderness or underhive, launching raids and then melting back into the woodwork - the South has waged war like this since the revolution. Combat vehicles would be limited to inventively modified civilian and industrial equipment with heavy weapons welded onto it - technicals and other NSTV's. Pyschological and shock warfare would be used, such as enemies being skinned and crucified, children burned, etc.
Organizationally they would be disorganized, revolving around several complimentary but not necessarily 100% allied militia's, each with their own agenda besides 'Tha underhive shall rise!'. This lack of cooperation makes rooting them out incredibly difficult, though it also limits their ability to unite without an outside figure to beat them into a cohesive fighting force.
Equipment should be basic but robust. Many of them should be former guard or PDF and likely still have their service rifles, other equipment, and training.
The Confederates of old were quite different than the methed-up bubbas who claim their legacy. Literally the American version of skinheads who claim to be sons of the HRE
Depends on what level you mean. On the level of the individual soldier, not really - the confederacy was mostly a volunteer force of poor and less educated.
At the leadership level, most definitely, as the leadership and generals of the confederacy were the finest in the United States at the time and had been educated at the best military universities. This is one of the reasons for their strong initial success, the Confederates were led by men with experience, talent, and education who were able to consistently beat the Union in the field via outmaneuvering, reconnaissance, and robustness of morale (volunteer army vs conscription)
Rabid militia cult, extreme anti-government vibes as they see the local authority as soft and decadent. Brutal practices combined with clumsy nods to actual military tactics or equipment.
Preppers, stockpilers. "End of the world" endurance folks. All their stockpiles are rotten and pestilent, but they'll still sit on them, waiting for the end. You might make a good addition.
Incesty family clan, devoted to their heritage and ancestry. Obsessed with producing the perfect offspring. Deeply secretive about the source of the "perfection" in their bloodline- none of their excesses are visible outwardly.
Viciously opposed to change, digging their heels in at any supposed infraction of the way things "used to be." Deeply envious of the past, always want to return to an idyllic version of their life that never actually existed. Hate outsiders and "carpetbaggers" who offend that sensibility by bringing values that don't conform to the fantasy past.
>On the level of the individual soldier, not really - the confederacy was mostly a volunteer force of poor and less educated.
And the Union Army was mostly a conscript force of illiterate potato munchers
>Viciously opposed to change
Well yeah, the change now is bad change. The way things used to be were great- but the way things used to be is always changing. One guy's interpretation of the amazing past is totally different to another's, but they all agree the current situation is the worst it's ever been.
But Tzeentch is the embodiment of Change, why would rednecks obsessed with preserving the past follow him instead of Nurgle, the incarnation of stagnation? I think you might have the deities' portfolios backward.
It's Tzeentch-style historical retcon. They think they're opposing change, while in reality they're trying to change things back to a past that only exist in their imagination.
That's actually a very Tzeentch way of fucking people.
They're preserving an ever-changing, idealized version of the past. The past they want never existed in the first place, it's an illusion sustained only by their fervent belief that it's true.
They worship deity-like figures from their world, assigning them traits that they appreciate and turning on them the next day as those traits become forbidden. Policy changes to suit the immediate whims of the group, stances may flip to polar opposites as members interpret their differing ideas of the perfect, inaccessible past.
Dissatisfaction remains the only constant among a constant headlong rush on a random heading, always grasping at something that was only ever a lie to begin with. That's the big joke- you can't go back to that nostalgic past. It never existed.
Ah I see what you're saying, that's a pretty nifty idea.
Don't be too impressed, he's just repeating the same argument we have about 2008 Veeky Forums
Also, are we gonna roll this up or what?
Can I get a d100?
Rolled 26 (1d100)
Eh, sure. I don't know whether or not we should integrate Space Marines though, I feel like that somehow clashes with the core concept, if that makes any sense.
Aw fuck yeah, they've got a new Origins table? That's nice, that's really nice.finna
>Isolated colony: After the 900th call to the Administratum for help against those Xenos raiders it was decided that perhaps the Imperium just wasn't worth helping out.
Well, that's perfect if nothing else. "Fuck the Imperium, it's not worth our time."
Can I get a d100 for Chaos alignment?
Rolled 64 (1d100)
Normally I dislike Nurgle, but heretical rednecks would be a great spin on his family aspect.
>big gubmint isn't listening to us
Sweet mother of mercy, it's perfect
Oh shit, we Slaanesh now. How do we reconcile that with hillbilly's typically traditional morals? Maybe they're really, really into incest and hard drugs?
A veneer of morality, down-home wholesomeness, and chastity over drugs, decadence, awful music, and banging farm animals. Like how the devil always wears a lovely white suit in movies- beauty disguising rot underneath.
OK, so these rednecks are an Isolated Colony that rebelled against the Imperium, and they're worshipers of Slaanesh on-top of being violent secessionists. Someone gimme a 1d100 for blessings of the gods.
We're talking about hicks here, not college students who think the 70s were the enlightened pinnacle of American culture. Or was it the 80s? Or the 90s?
Whatever, there definitely was a time when America was free love and drugs man and everyone hugged each other and got along before mean old big business suddenly ruined everything instead of having been in charge since forever.
M8, subtlety is not the south 'merican's style, I think if this redneck colony went straight Slaanesh, they'd be unabashedly open and blunt about it, with a major "come n' take it" attitude. An idea, they have NO limits on any vice or deviancy whatsoever, incest, bestiality, they're fine with it, but the instant someone so much as implies anything homosexual, they're out, because that's just too far. Militantly straight Slaaneshi.
Rolled 68 (1d100)
Moonshine, meth, shitty tatoos and incest
Yeah but there's this weird hypocritical sense of purity. Largest adult superstore ads next to a full page complaining that people wank too much and don't pray enough.
Warband structure is automatically 1-25:
>Very few Marines, extremely reliant upon cultists
So the only real difference is which deity they're directing their prayers to? Kek but seriously though,
Moderate blessings. Gimme another 1d100 to see what they are.
>a gorillion mismatched hillbilly cultists
>one Chaos Marine painted like the General Lee
Rolled 57 (1d100)
Speaking of which, have you seen the Austin Chronicle? The lack of self-awareness is astounding, even if it's left rather than right leaning.
Rolled 72 (1d100)
Not complaining, but how come?
Fuck yeah. Bonus points if it's a massive dreadnought.
Deadly Protrusions. I was almost expecting heightened senses, but this is interesting too. Maybe horns or spines? Roll 1d100 for their headquarters.
Rolled 34 (1d100)
I'm hoping for fleet-based.
Warp Storm. Alright, I'm going to assume we're somewhere on the ass-end of the Eye in the galactic backwater. Since we've already decided on Warband Structure, roll 1d100 for recruitment methods, aside from rapid breeding, of course.
Rolled 2 (1d100)
>Uses cultists within the war band who show the appropriate fervor and potential for a Champion of Chaos.
This details turning cultists into marines, which isn't something this warband has any need to do, so, reroll and give me another 1d100 for Combat Doctrine.
being 1 of those dumb redneck fucks id love to play this just for the theme but i only play 5e and Adnd
Rolled 4 (1d100)
Rolled 15 (1d100)
>perfect, pristine, Southern folk that are actually Chaos Cultists
>literally every one of them has a small pair of devil horns sprouting from their head.
Shit, meant give me a 1d10 for combat doctrine.
I know that feel bro.
You've both got me flabbergasted. Reroll again, please.
Rolled 9 (1d10)
I know, right? It's great.
Terror is their Combat Doctrine, which means their tactics and strategy revolve around scaring and demoralizing the ever-loving fuck out of whoever they're fighting. Nice. One more 1d100 for their Champion, and one more for their Deed of Legend.
That's a fuckton of cross burning, isn't it? Except the crosses have actual people strapped to them.
Rolled 69 (1d100)
Did we just make the hillbillies from Outlast 2?
They're bringing back the rebel yell!
>Champion of Chaos (Ex. Possessed, Aspiring, Plague, Skull)
Rolled 11 (1d100)
Whoops, forgot the Deed of Legend
Rolled 10 (1d10)
>The Champion single-handedly wiped out the warband of a rival Chaos God (reroll if the Chapter is unaligned, Undivided, or following a lesser deity).
Dreadnought E. Lee is a badass, but you already knew that.
> Not making it a posessed Kataphract called Robot E. Lee...
You had one job...
I would actually like to propose a backstory for Dreadnought E. Lee that might make things interesting.
He's not actually a champion of Slaanesh, He's technically a Chaos Undivided champion, but it's more accurate to say he's a Tzeentchian/Khornate champion.
See, Khorne wanted him to be his champion, but Southern values and all that made him loyal to the people he's leading.
So, what does Khorne do? Send an Army to wipe out this warband we've made.
Lee, being the badass that he is, and through some Creed-tier tactics and a fury beyond even what any Khornate at that battle showed, he wiped out everyone, with minimal help and casualty from. The people. The action and tactical superiority impressed Tzeentch that he Gave Lee his blessings, and Khornate, could not help but respect Lee's loyalty and honor, and begrudgingly gave his blessing.
Now Khorne throws warbands at this cult every so often because it's the technically one of the best fights he's ever had against Slaanesh.
Slaanesh pretends not to know, but secretly views the whole thing as Khorne being masturbatory. Tzeentch keeps Lee in his back pocket as another pawn on the chessboard.
Too Sue-ish?
So, what else do we need to these guys besides a proper name for them and for Dreadnought E. Lee? I was thinking we could use the IG table's Homeworld tables to figure out exaclty where we originated in our warp storm, and then maybe roll up some of their naturally occuring nightmare wildlife with the creature feature tables. After all, it's not a proper redneck regiment without nightmare gators or death-hogs.
>muh meth, muh slavery and muh incest
Literally none of you have been south of the mason-dixon line. A fitting theme for chaos southrons would be loyalty to their own planet above any chaos god, and as such would most likely fall under chaos undivided. They saw the Imperium's tithes and regulations as an oppressive force and decided to secede to form their own confederation of planets. After some robed boys offered deals and handshakes, the Southron systems suddenly gained a lot of manpower and weaponry. Sure, the men are born half-goat and the weapons whisper to you, but if anything can stand up to the imperium it's a chaos backed faction.
Another thing of note would be poor regulation of equipment standardization. Every planet has their own make of lasgun, their own flak armor patterns and their own tank specifications. If you're lucky they can get a uniform in matching colors.
Where did that picture of a redneck Eldar go? I feel like it belongs here for some reason.
The confederacy's troops were no better, but at least they could hit the broad side of a barn.
Lost causer detected
The point of Chaos is that it's twisted and evil, and it follows a heretical redneck regiment would be twisted and evil compared to a loyalist regiment. And in the context, that implies meth, incest, n' human barbecue, fanatical patriotism notwithstanding.
I imagine there'd be a shitload of jury-rigged weapons, pillaged and repurposed vehicles, and brutally "innovative" tech-heresy going on.
>Slaanesh: Florida
We aren't that bad.
Warband Results
> Isolated Colony
> Followers of Slaanesh
> Moderate Blessings
> Deadly Protrusions
> Little to no Marines
> Recruits from Cultists
> Terror Combat Doctrine
Alrighty, how're we gonna fluff this?
...said Slaanesh
Arent Slaanesh and Florida both commonly associated with serpents? A sign of corruption, I'd wager.
This all kind of screams Lovecraftian New England Backwaters to me.
>Horns is their Innsmouth look.
>Staunch Family values... except for the monthly Orgy of Slaanesh that plays out like a bad retelling of The Aristocrats.
>They justify it as repopulation and ensuring the next generation, but if that were really the case, why is so much sodomy and the family dog involved?
>Overall a seemingly nice place... until you refuse the Kool Aid.
I don't even need to post it, you know what I'm on about.
>be a backwards pioneer community with a barebones imperium sponsored government concentrated in the few bigger cities
>muh taxes muh gubament muh emprah is saviour I have a personal relationship with the Emperor of Man
>never notice your worshipping is getting kinda weird
>people are slamming drugs, fucking their next of kin
>organize raids to beat up these fucking offworlders
>as time goes by your starting to burn them sometimes
>some guys take skulls home but whatever dont tread on me man they shouldn't have trespassed
Jesus its perfect. Someone please write some writefaggotry about this. I don't want to sully something this good myself
This is hilarious, but what about them going on the warpath? Maybe their homeworld was purged n' scourged for HERESY and now they're fanatically bent on spilling the Imperium's blood in payment for the death of their kinfolk n' homeworld. There are few things more dangerous than a hick hell-bent on avenging a wronged family member, if you multiplied that by a thousand thousand times and threw in Slaaneshi Heresy, the reckoning would be absolutely terrifying.
Desu, I live in a trailer park. nothing like being woken up at 2 in the morning by some dude on bathsalts putting bullets into his ceiling to 'hit them spiders' or spending the after noon watching two drunken men fighting over something or other (air conditioner condensor coil, stolen of course) ending in a gaggle of their children clashing against the other in a bid to help 'pappy'.
I'm just sitting here, gun by my comuter as I wait for some jack ass to stop revving his engine so I can take a nap in peace
>Slaanesh: Florida
Slaanesh is definitely San Francisco.
Sorry, man, you pretty much are. We're creating chaos memes in the vein of southern state stereotypes... who else was going to be Slaanesh? Nobody else is even close.
Sure, if we were doing a chaos-as-coastal-elites thread. Here you go:
Slaanesh: San Francisco (LA also works)
Nurgle: New Jersey (take your pick: Newark or Camden)
Khorne: Chicago
Tzeentch: New York City
Nurgle is San Francisco as well since the streets are actually flooded with human feces.
At this point there is just a nascent Eye of Terror slowly building in the Castro.