>ruins your setting and game and all the work and money that went into it
Ruins your setting and game and all the work and money that went into it
Other urls found in this thread:
At least we have the total war series.
This. I'm happy with just vidya. Granted, I was just passively interested in the setting and only followed it through books and vidya.
>Age of Sigmar comes out
>get doorkicked by the GW police
>burn all my books
>stomp all my minis
>make me repeat "What is a tomb king?" 50 times
Times are tough now that Warhammer Fantasy is illegal and all the books and models were destroyed.
Fuck you, I play Chaos Dwarfs.
I'm almost thankful for End Times in a way.
GW fucked up. Real bad. We all know how bad it was. But they moved on. Made Shits of Shitmar, forever leaving Fantasy in the past.
Meaning it's safe from them doing anything further. They fucked it up sooner rather than later.
End Times' shitsmeared glory is that you can ignore it, go back to the original stuff, and feel safe that GW will never ever touch it again.
Admittedly it will still suck when they do the same thing to 40k, but all the same, it means the old stuff is safeguarded and the new stuff can be easily ignored.
It was a mighty fine idea desu
it was just done to the wrong Warhammer
Over two years later. Still assblasted.
Stay salty my friends.
>shitposts about the End Times more than two years after it happened
I've never been angry about age of sigmar, just... disappointed. The core concept actually has a lot of potential, and a kind of post apocalyptic warhammer fantasy could have been great. Seeing how the factions evolve after the end times is actually kind of interesting. As a once-welf player, idly going on the GW website and seeing the models now listed as sylvaneth and wanderers piqued my interest.
The problem is that the writing just doesn't live up to the potential. When I read the actual lore about the WE and Sylvans I was horribly let down, and lost all interest.
Similarly: Stormcast. Resurrected heroes of antiquity brought back to fight in a ragnarok-esque war has so much potential, but they're basically just fantasy marines.
And pic related
Yeah I mean it's not like it becomes harder to get new players into a game that is "out of production" or something.
This. Age of Simar is a better game and in a better spot than fantasy ever was.
I literally can't field old rules or units anymore because the fucking store owners and all the other fucks are under legal threat to keep that shit out.
I love this image and I love you
Could someone explain this "The end times" shitstorm to a newfag, why is it bad?
imagine you have been enjoying a really good series for the past, 5 seasons, or books and in the final book, it becomes obvious the writer got bored so rather then finish the original story they go "The bad guys suddenly win, thanks for coming"
>so rather then finish the original story they go "The bad guys suddenly win, thanks for coming"
Holy shit that sucks.
So thats it? The Empire is defeated? Chaos wins?
End Times was the 'send off' Games Workshop gave to their long running Warhammer Fantasy Battles game. Warhammer Fantasy Battles had historically been unique for it's dark fantasy setting, being the precursor to Warhammer 40k (obviously), and having a large and consistent cast of characters whose story was told over a living narrative, decided in part by organized tournaments and battles.
However, End Times was more or less done in such a way that they could perminantly and firmly close the book on Fantasy, completly stamping it out for the launch of their upcoming successor game, age of Sigmar. The process was clumsy and messy - tournament results were ignored or forced by GW in order to pursue the narrative THEY wanted, and the accompanying novels killed off fan favorite characters in rapid succession and forced some incredibly strained plot turns and character decisions. In essence, everyone acted out of character and it was a huge, bloody spectacle - all for no other reason it turned out than to completely squat the setting after getting as much last minute dosh out of it as possible.
With the way characters had been treated, when it became clear WHFB was dead, and with the reveal of Age of Sigmar which was a decidedly different product in design and tone, people were upset.
It's a little more complicated and belabored than that, but yes. At the last minute their very last chance shot at stopping the end of days fails when Mannfred von Carstein knifes Balthasar Gelt in the back, in the middle of a ritual which would have banished Chaos and saved the world. Mannfreds motivation for doing this is out of spite for being used as a puppet by Nagash and by fate
The resulting backlash forms a black hole that swallows and obliterates the entire world. Sigmar himself is flung through eternity clinging to a chunk of the planet, and some of the more ascended souls survive a transistion into the next world, but Chaos wins. And then wins again later
Making a bad situation worse, Age of Sigmar itself when launched was... really just not finished (and arguably still isn't), and the way they launched it was just bizzare. First, they released rules for all the armies from WHFB for how they would function in the new game because WHAT NO OF COURSE YOUR PURCHASES AREN'T INVALIDATED YOU CAN STILL USE ALL YOUR OLD MODELS THEY'RE JUST UHHH DIFFERENT NOW
The problem was, beyond a few light hearted tweaks (such as rules that literally gave you on table benefits for having a bigger mustache, or screeching WAAAGH at the start of your turn), it was mostly just 8e rules re-tweaked for AoS' smaller scale, round based set up. Oh, and no point values. For anything. No really, you were expected to just kind of show up, and field as many dudes as you wanted. Oh, and all the models for those totally still supported 8e WHFB races? They are no longer for sale. Also all your named heroes are generic lords.
Needless to say people were confused. Frightened. Angry.
Thats when we got our first look at the first new race of AoS, the games poster child, that which would dominate pretty much every release the game has gotten in the years since it's official launch. The Sigmari- I mean, the Stormcast Eternals.
Look like anything you might be familiar with?
A brief wave of excitement was had at the notion that these fellows might in fact be spooky thunder ghosts trapped in suits of armor fighting like super magical robots or Thousand Son's Rubrics. Sadly this turned out not to be the case, they're just dudes in armor. Totally superhuman dudes with names like - ok one second let me get to the wiki
Andricus Stoneheart
Marellus Lionheart
Taltus Strongarm
Tarkus youtu.be
Tegrus of the Sainted Eye
Thostos Bladestorm
Tornus the Redeemed
Tychus Beastbane
And many more!
So, yeah, immediate comparisons were draw to the Space Marines. The way it was all handled soured the grogs on Age of Sigmar greatly. The god awful lore and setting information didn't help.
And that is why everyone you love is dead.
For what its worth I liked the new dwarf stuff that eventually came out, I am perfectly okay with how over the top it was
>but Chaos wins. And then wins again later.
This is some BULLSHIET, does the Empire of Men, at least, get a break in AoS?
>and having a large and consistent cast of characters whose story was told over a living narrative, decided in part by organized tournaments and battles
Holy shit, I never knew that some of the outcomes were decided by tournaments. That's cool as fuck.
And now I'm sad that it got purged. Anything else do that sort of thing, like W40K? That's a really, really interesting concept to me.
The Empire of Man doesn't *exist* in AoS
Empire of Men, no, but humanity in general is doing alright
>Totally superhuman dudes with names like - ok one second let me get to the wiki
>Andricus Stoneheart
>Marellus Lionheart
>Taltus Strongarm
>Tarkus youtu.be
>Tegrus of the Sainted Eye
>Thostos Bladestorm
>Tornus the Redeemed
>Tychus Beastbane
>And many more!
And these guys are such compelling characters that they bringing back even more WHFB characters like Gotrek for the fans to enjoy!
Wait,Stormcasts *aren't* thunderghosts? I'm not really into AoS but that's why I thought they were cool in the first place. I thought they were sort of daemons of order bound to snazzy golden armor
The setting has glimmers of potential but it's all sort of buried under how lacking in self awareness and any sort of depth it all is.
Things I like:
Dwarves value gold because it is literally the blood of their god and gives them super powers
Sky Dwarves mine gold out of clouds and fucking huff it like a drug
'Benevolent' Ghoul Lords rule Kingdoms of delusional cannibals who think they're all knights
WH40k does it from time to time
Legends of Wulin is a card game but is famous for doing this.
>Holy shit, I never knew that some of the outcomes were decided by tournaments
During the Storm of Chaos event the writers were all geared up to have Archaeon the Everchosen win. However, wins and votes for Grimgor, the Ork Warboss, flooded their offices and vastly outstripped him. They were forced to write Grimgor, Ork Shithead, defeating Archaeon high lord edgemaster of all chaos in a duel. By kicking him in the balls and headbutting him.
No, thats what I thought too but they're flesh and blood underneath. They just get remade when they die. Supposedly they slowly lose emotions and memories during this process.
Lizardmen are supposed to be Demons of Order, though in practice all that's changed is that their obsidian weapons have been replaced with weapons made of the black void between stars
EoM went out last, at least.
But that's to be expected, the writer probably got bitched on by everyone to make them at least hold out.
But every other race and nation got jobbed so hard its fucking infuriating.
>The setting has glimmers of potential but it's all sort of buried under how lacking in self awareness and any sort of depth it all is
Yeah, theres a lot of neat concepts in there but they're all so underdeveloped. I like the Beastclaw Raider stuff as well
it makes me sad, it all just makes me so sad
>EoM went out last, at least.
Actually Brettonia was the last man standing and was still fighting when the world ended
>But every other race and nation got jobbed so hard its fucking infuriating.
Who do you think jobbed hardest? I think Bretonnia. At least Tomb Kings had Settra being cool
From what I skimmed on the various wikis after getting into Total War Warhammer Grimgor's victory didn't seem that weird. Granted those were summaries.
>Who do you think jobbed hardest?
Who's excited for vermintide 2?
>The Empire of Man doesn't *exist* in AoS
>but humanity in general is doing alright
>But every other race and nation got jobbed so hard its fucking infuriating.
Are there novels depicting the end or something that i can read?
There's a whole series of novels
Stopped playing the beta till the prelaunch wipe on the 28th so I wouldn't burn myself out
>They were forced to write Grimgor, Ork Shithead, defeating Archaeon high lord edgemaster of all chaos in a duel. By kicking him in the balls and headbutting him.
Actually grimgor lost, hard. But he was noted to have started the fight with the kick to the gubbins and then "headbutted him trough his helmet"
He still died like a bitch and orks were removed.
Yeah nah, one of the big funs was playing the story and the characters, I really, really don't want that ruined for me so I can "max the meta" or whatever autists do for a fucking co-op game.
you're thinking of round 2, and Archaeon still needed to use demons
>He still died like a bitch and orks were removed.
Care to explain? The only things I know about Warhammer lore are the scraps I glean from Veeky Forums and wikis.
I always consider Kislev part of the Empire for all intents and purposes
I don't know what you are talking about, but he is talking about storm of chaos and orcs were definitely not removed and grimgor definitely didn't die in storm of chaos.
>£0.01p GW online credit has been added to your account
While we're on the AoS subject, I remember when I was reading up on it a while back one of the things I did like was that humanity and friends were actually being written as having a chance to win over chaos in the long run, at least as a possibility. Is that still the case or is it sliding back to lolChaoswins?
>I always consider Kislev part of the Empire for all intents and purposes
Why did GW suddenly become so bad at naming things? I don't get it.
That's nothing, they had to intentionally misspell things so they can be able to put a ™ on them
Archaon is literally the most powerful being in all reality in AoS.
You know its true
Is Archaon someone's self insert? I mean what the fuck
this. Though I always wondered what was wrong with their existing name for things?
Asur = High Elves
Druchii = Dark Elves
Urk = Orks
Grobii = Goblins
These were existing words in the Lexicon, and unlike Malekith, they weren't stolen from Open Source or Comics.
>The setting has glimmers of potential
Such as..?
For me, what really irks me is that even if you were to ignore the axing of WHFB, ignore the fluff altogether, and try to just judge AOS as a game on its own merits, it simply falls flat.
The launch itself was botched as mentioned, with the game releasing with no point values, and numerous characters having "fourth-wall" abilities. Stuff like pretending to be schizophrenic if you fielded Konrad Von Carstein, insulting your opponent if you were an Elf, or attempting to bribe your opponent out-of-game with Greasus Goldtooth. ("Fine, I'll set you up with my sister. Do I get my +1 now?")
Even after the General's Handbook came out and added points to the system, it was still a mess; summoning as a whole became functionally irrelevant, since summoning was now tied to "Reinforcement Points." Simply put, you could spend points for having an army on the table now, or to spend the equivalent amount of points to summon; the problem being most summoners also had a point premium attached to them so you might as well just buy more of the unit you wanted anyway.
Likewise, although many spells were powerful, it added "The Rule of One," which was a fancy way of saying any given spell could only be attempted to be cast once per turn, so if you wanted to duplicate/redundancy/for your game to scale? Tough luck.
Those are just dumb names, do we want to talk about the "Myphitic Blight-hauler"? It's not even a real world, they just misspelt "mephitic" so they were able to trademark it
basically those 3 things I mentioned
I also like the reversed dichotomy, it's about ascendant forces of order invading the realms of Chaos, rather than a decaying realm of order being invaded by ascendant chaos
Worst besides all of this (as well as silliness like Mortal Wounds [and ignore-Mortal Wounds creep], flat to-hit/to-wound dice, splitting "full" armies into "mini-subfactions" based on product catalog, etc), is the turn structure of AOS. See, although WHFB and AOS were both "I take my turn, you take your turn," WHFB had a few factors to offset this; units had a choice of reaction versus being charged, while defending against magic was a balancing act of "Let spell through, attempt to dispel, burn a scroll."
By contrast, in AOS, you for the most part stick your thumb up your rear until it's time for the Assault Phase, that is assuming your opponent didn't take a melee deathstar or so to nuke your infantry in a singular melee activation. But the real icing on the proverbial shit-twinkie is that you roll to see who activates in each *game* turn.
So on Turn 1, I could go first then you go second, only for you to go first on turn 2, in effect getting "two" turns in a row. Given how such a situation is 50-50 each time you play, as well as the massive swing for having two turns in a row or not, this takes agency away from the players and easily makes it where the game itself decides who wins.
And that itself is a cardinal sin in designing a wargame, because why bother playing at that point?
>(cool kind not gay kind)
my favourite part of everyone one of these
Same can go with Dawi, it's instantly recognizable and, kinda, original As far as I know at least while Duradin sounds like something from LotR
>basically those 3 things I mentioned
Reverse Iron Dwarves (who also seeking the blood of the god) from WoW, shitty steampunk dwarves (or autognomes from spelljammer) and very lazy (because they still using old VC models) Souls reference is what makes setting interesting?
>Admittedly it will still suck when they do the same thing to 40k,
They already have. They learned their lesson from the initial reaction to AoS and are approaching the AoSification of 40k in a more subtle fashion,but all the same beats are there:
> rebranding to trademarkable names
>sustained saturation releases of the game's posterchild 'goodguys',
>poorly thought out rule set that encourages simplified play, to the point that most 8th ed games are now 'both players cram as many plastic toys as possible onto each side of the table in a conga line and roll buckets off dice until one of you runs out of figures'
>dogshit nufluff that reads like it was written by a12 year old
I could counter every point you make as proof you didn't play AoS AND didn't play WHFB, but it sounds like you literally read a gripe list and reposted it.
It's especially true of the two turn thing, which reeks of autism.
Also naming lizard man after a furry hentai artist was great
Hello Slav-fag.
Salty guardsman player detected. Remove pie plate
>It's especially true of the two turn thing, which reeks of autism.
Oh boy, a lot of wargamers knew that double turn system sucks, because it was most cancerous thing in LoTR, but of course, you never played it.
>It's especially true of the two turn thing, which reeks of autism
>The single most fatal flaw of a 4 page ruleset with some patching to make it minimally playable
>Pointing it out is autism
>Because it was the most cancerous thing in LotR
>Fatal flaw
No it wasn't. People like you just get your autism riled up by out of sequence events. You know you don't get an extra turn by going first right?
Literally all the turn sequence shuffle does is make you plan 2 turns ahead as standard instead of 1.
>chaos Dwarfs
don't you mean Kaotik Duardin, or some shit?
>Literally all the turn sequence shuffle does is make you plan 2 turns ahead as standard instead of 1.
Lol no, this system just forcing you to play most safest way and gives you another reason to build shooting list instead of melee.
Is that why the top lists are combined arms lists?
"Shooting lists" are not strong in AoS at all. otherwise gunline Freeguild or Dispossesed would win tourneys.
>People like you just get your autism riled up by out of sequence events.
Creative trolling, but I think you know full well that isn't the issue.
The issue is of course someone getting two uninterrupted turns to move, shoot and assault with his entire army, the first person getting to do so gaining a vast upper hand.
>You can plan for getting stomped on for two turns!
Yes, I read that warhammer community article too. It wasn't true then either.
>Forces you to play the most safest way
>One of the top winning list is literally drowning players in Bloodletters.
>Tourneys for an unfinished game
And you're calling us autists?
>Is that why the top lists are combined arms lists?
Nope, because of artificial objectives.
>"Shooting lists" are not strong in AoS at all. otherwise gunline Freeguild or Dispossesed would win tourneys.
Yeah it's totally not like SCE, Sylvaneth and Tzeench shooting-magic was ever a thing
I already know all of this and still I love your telling of it.
Work on your English Slavfag.
>I-It's an unfinished game because I say so.
The Meta is healthy and fine as is, with several different tactics.
Literally combined arms lists, You know shit like Vanguard wing isn't a shooty army right?
2 turn rounds are literally a nonissue.
If you plan for them you can even turn them into an advantage like Vanguard wing often does.
>Literally combined arms lists,
Yeah where most of the kills made by Longstrike Raptors and Kurnouthhunter spam.
>most popular video games are set in the End Times
That's lies. Orcs scored lower than Chaos so it made no sense for Orcs to appear in the finale.
Also Grimgor didn't defeat Archaon in a duel. He sucker punched him just asa he was finishing an exhausting life and death struggle with Huss and Valten.
Don't you get tired of lying?
>you can even turn them into an advantage like Vanguard wing often does.
Yeah it's so perfectly balanced that you chose one of the most OP-armies to show it.
>Shooting units get kills
You'd have a bit more ground to stand on if that was actually the case and shit like Ironjawz didn't exist.
>Don't you get tired of lying?
>Gav Thorpe is still buttblasted
Hello, psychosis-fag.
Most of the time they exist in the shadow of savage orcs shooting lists
Vanguard wing are one of the easiest armies to showcase turning an enemies two turn into an advantage for you.
Basically enemy army that can redeploy can make a double turn into a fucking retarded idea.
>bad english
>Constant greentext with splitting base text
>Extremely far reaching Wow analogies.
Sorry, stop acting like Slavfag?
Wait what
The removal of pieplates is part of what made guard much stronger. d6 or 2d6 attacks vs a blob of 50 conscripts isn't exactly effective, especially when your opponent has several blobs.
Kunnin' rukk hasn't been viable over Ironjawz in like a fucking year man.
Ironjawz are one of the top tier armies and range from really good to the literal based based on how well you Waaaaagh.
Are you a cunt? Gav Thorpe was the guy who wrote Storm of Chaos's ending. How does it feel to be a newfag?