What's the best table top podcast and why is it The Adventure Zone?
What's the best table top podcast and why is it The Adventure Zone?
I would respectfully disagree.
The Unexpectables are much more fun than taz.
I like both though.
tax gets hard to listen too after Griffin finds out that inter-galactic enemies are impossible to fight in the dnd combat style.
other than that, the boys (+dad) are funny and entertaining people, so their fetish for lgbt is largely glossed over by the pure entertainment.
"fetish for lgbt" you need to get out more friend.
But he's right
Would you have preferred "desperate progressive pandering?"
Because I honestly want Griffin punched anytime he says "latinx"
>blonde white taako
Balance started off really well, Rockport and Petals were the best arcs. After Crystal Kingdom the quality started to dive sharply and Lost Century was terrible.
Commitment was unlistenably bad.
Amnesty was bad outside of Justin and Client's characters. Literally nothing the players did actually mattered to what Griffin was going to have happen.
The Dust setup involved gems like Justin saying he had to play a white character because said character was a dick and therefore it would be racist otherwise. Unless everyone is raving about it in a few weeks I'll just skip out on this one.
TAZ is fine, but it's not a bunch of Aussies making a long series of bad decisions
more like TUMBLRZONE
>they made the orc babe a lesbian lizardfucker
>The Dust setup involved gems like Justin saying he had to play a white character because said character was a dick and therefore it would be racist otherwise.
This was the first time something they said has pissed me off. Like... seriously Justin? "I cant play an unpleasant nonwhite character because it'd be problematic"? Are you fucking kidding me? I know theyve been shit on for more innocent things than that ("you cant make taako green because he also has a pointy joise and people will think hes a jew caricature!!") but this was totally unprompted from him.
Basically the show itself is decent, but the fanbase is rabid and toxic as fuck and the boys are spending more and more time having to preemptively placate them.
It's possible that he was saying that I'm reference to the unpleasant fanbase they're saddled with, and not as something he actually believes, but that's just a different kind of messed up.
Get out.
>audience pandering
>goofy tone that manages to be both jarring when it comes to drama and not very funny at all
Maybe I just don't like tabletop podcasts in general, it feels kinda forced.
It's film reroll.
Roll For Initiative and our very own Panzerfunk
>Because I honestly want Griffin punched anytime he says "latinx"
I've never met an actual hispanic person that uses that.
t. grew up around a bunch of Hondurans
I dropped after CC so I basically agree with everything here.
Griffin needs to learn that GMing =/= Writing.
Honestly I enjoyed it the most when they were just screwing around, so I switched over to MBMBaM for that good McElroy content.
I dropped it when they had that ooc episode where they stated that they changed Taco's sister's name because fans might have decided in their head Cannon that taco was Hispanic and having her also be named after a Mexican food product would be problematic, oh also Griffin decided she's trans. It's a shame because it's a good show, but the virtue signaling got to be 2much4me. Also the people who are saying that they're merely placating fans and don't believe what they're saying obviously don't listen to mbmbam, half of the cast works for Kotaku for ffs.
I shill it every time podcasts come up, but here I go again. You all should check out Ken and Robin talk about stuff. Two intelligent industry professionals brainstorm campaign ideas and give advice. The show is mostly GM centric but it's still an interesting listen for players. It's also the only podcast that I know of that has an opposing non liberal viewpoint.
Literally none of them work for Kotaku lmao
My nigga. Andy is the best and Peter needs a muzzle but overall their chemistry is on point
I agree that the name change was stupid, but literally who gives a fuck she's trans. It's brought up exactly once, for 5 seconds and then dropped and never mentioned again. I didn't realize she was trans until somebody started complaining about it
Also Griffin and Justin work at Polygon, not Kotaku
>Nothing but homophobes and racists in this thread
I don't know what I expected
I'm mixed race, and I find everything said here to be less annoying than your post.
>Nothing but homophobes and racists in this thread
Urealms live will always be my favorite, but it may just because of nostalgia for some of robs older works
fantastico best waifu
I think they meant Polygon.Griffin and Justin both work (worked?) for them iirc. I agree about the virtue signalling. We get it guys, you're progressive, you don't have to harp on it all the time. Make your characters whatever they are and just do the story. This is why if I ever get famous for anything and somehow have fans I will literally never ever listen to them about anything. If they don't like it go elsewhere, I'm not gonna read your four page diatribe hatemail.
Did i mishear or did Griffin not want his werewolf character to look beastly because he didnt want people to think he thinks mexicans are monsters.
Honestly I found the first episode unbearable to listen to do to annoying voices.
>"I don't want to portray a PoC or ethnic person as a bad parent/big monster, that's gross and problematic "
>"But I'm fine with playing a white guy as a bad father and an evil business man, cause it's likely."
Fuck TAZ, I'm sick of their constant pandering, it would be fine if they just played what they wanted, bit every character concept they make is backed by "I don't want to be problematic" I'm fucking done. I'll stick with MBMBAM but I ain't dealing with this tumblrite wankfest anymore.
How can you even manage that
My GF listens to these fucks and they all sound like faggot castrati, like, if every /pol/ soyboy cuck nu-male beta stereotype actually had a voice, it would fucking sound like these cock-garbling fagsucks. Do they legitimately have like some kind of hereditary condition where their balls havent dropped?
Wow great critique.
>in addition to pandering to an ideology I find hilariously weak and deserving of nothing but ridicule, these purveyors of AUDIO BASED MEDIA have voices so unpleasant, and on-air demeanours so asinine, that I can't listen to them
Wow, you sound like a tremendous faggot. I legitimately wonder if you aren't the kind of tranny SJW cocklicker these fairies grasp so hard for.
You have to go back
>implying the McElroy brothers aren't obnoxiously left leaning
They're the kind of people who treat non-white and no-straight people with kid gloves because they don't want to offend them in any way. Libs are disgustingly racist.
And I actually like their shows
>broad shoulders
>no tits
I hope you know that when you talk like this, everyone else in this thread can tell that you're an insecure manlet.
>le projecting
Wow, where'd you pick that up? Genderqueer African Women's Studies 101?
And yet, he doesn't deny it.
Question: do people generally ridicule accusations they feel are accurate?
At this point you're just coming across as an idiot in addition to being a rump-waving SJW tranny faggot.
Because it's literal nonsense to a Spanish-speaker. It sounds good when you're a degenerate leftist, though, who can't be bothered with actual change so they Critical Theory every idea into oblivion.
Acquisitions Incorporated was great but it's quickly gone downhill, especially now that Scott is gone.
Keep at it with the namecalling, honey. It's cute that you think anyone on this board cares about your /pol/ memes.
Not gonna lie, you do sound like a tumblrtard. Other guy ain't much better though
That's because Hondurans would understand how Spanish fucking works, and how it is fundamentally a gendered language, without English's millennia of removing gender from every noun it can.
Funny how someone who complains so much about SJWs gets triggered so easily by a single word.
You don't understand, I'm happy that all of my assumptions about the fag can so be easily confirmed
That's an exclamation of triumph. Being the SJW faggot that you are, I'm not surprised your all-consuming victim complex led you to believe it was some kind of personal attack
You forgot
>T-rex arms
...but, all people are trash and the likelyhood of a person being garbage is assured regardless of sexuality, identity, ethnicity, faith, or nation.
Going back to "fag"? What is this, Veeky Forums in 2005? Finally run out of words that /pol/ taught you?
And sweetie, if you don't mean those words as a "personal attack", how come you don't like it when I say them around your mother?
>Thinking it's suddenly inappropriate to call people a faggot on Veeky Forums
I like Acquisitions Inc, more the C Team than the main lineup.
fuck you fucking shill nigger and your constant TAZ dicklet sucking threads
best podcast is Dungeon Delve - Acquisitions Incorporated. Chris Perkins is god tier, most others are shit
Yeah, Acq Inc is great and has inspired me to try and make a stream/podcast.
It's just unoriginal, desu
It always seems like in shows like these they focus way too much on making it a show for the audience than playing a game for themselves, which paradoxically makes for an awful listening experience.
i think its just their personalities. if you listen to the really early mbmbam stuff you can see it happening week to week; they say some offensive things, but they walk it back later after talking to fans or learning more (e.g. furries and other fetishists.)
i actually respect it, most "celebrities", well most people really, just seem to get an opinion and stick to it, no matter how stupid or offensive it is. the mcelroys actually seem to care, and want to learn and change. they probably went overboard with the tumblr stuff, but to be fair if you're getting death threats for making a barely offensive joke, its hard not to overreact.
the culture and race stuff is tricky, they get criticized for not making the show more accessible to non straight white people, but also for "appropriation", because they're 4 fucking straight white guys who know they're walking on thin ice any time they pretend to not be. they care about their fans, but its possible they care too much.
People losing their shit over TAZ being progressive is why they do it. To keep people like you away, toxic motherfuckers. If you don't like it, then don't listen. They have plenty of listeners.
With that said, I had to stop because Griffin is a terrible DM and doesn't even let the system he's using affect his pristine story.
The Gauntlet has a couple of good shows.
Does anyone know any good ones where they play FFG Star Wars or HERO?
I've been listening to TAZ up until the crabmonster attack during the train ride. The McElroys are pretty funny but it's not really capturing my attention. Does it "get better"?
By listening I mean reading the transcripts, I'm ESL and *actually* listening to a podcast slowly makes my brain overheat.
When you think about it, saying people of color can't be dickheads is kinda fucked up. Putting people on a pedestal and forcing high standards on them is a form of dehumanization, one that's much more subtle than plain racism...
C team are pretty good.
I stick mostly to shadowrun though, which has a much smaller market.
I much prefer corporate sins to mirrorshades, sure, but corporate sins has a LOT of interaction with twitch, which bugs me. Meanwhile, arcology podcast has less of that, but they can't keep a cast consistent for more than two episodes in a row, which bothers me.
I gotta say though, it's the fucking magic casters that are always my huge favorite in anything I watch.
K'thriss and his cheerful self destruction and search for ever more tentacles warms my heart. Mordehai's antisocial awkwardness and large scale ecoterrorism to prevent having to say hello to neighbors make me smile. Strix's blind panic and endless suffering in a horrible world always draws interest.
I don't even think I prefer the wizard archetype when it comes to stories, but damn, there have been some good ones in game podcasts.
God, fuck the way Griffin DMs. Just write a book fucker, you've got enough traction to do that now.
As much as I love the McElroys and the characters they played, Griffin's DM style really started to rub me the wrong way after a while. The epilogue was 10/10 though.
I really enjoy High Rollers as well. With the notable exceptions of early Jiutou, Worthless, and the bland rogue from Uncharted Territory I forgot the name of, most of the characters are really fun and the worldbuilding's good. Mark is actually a really good DM too, and he succeeds where Griffin fails by having lesbians and minorities in the game without it feeling awkward or forced.
It might be the reading thing, sorry to say. Their comedy is very much based around playing off each other and making each other laugh. I can't imagine it's as good in print.
yeah, they work for polygon which is worse
well I think thats the point, its mentioned she's trans once for 5 seconds and is never mentioned again so it might as well not have even been mentioned. Its fucking Chekhov's gun, not to mention this is a fantasy world where things like polymorph, girdles of sex-change and potions exist so why the fuck would anyone who is not dirt poor have gender dysphoria? even common laborers make a silver a day and would be able to afford a one time potion eventually.
I think this was far more my issue with the show than anything else. I am all for keeping players on track but that fucking railroad man.
I listened to Critical Hit and AqInc years ago.
Give him ever so slightly a break, in that his reasoning was 'evil industrialists tend to be old white guys'. Given the setting, and the fact that he's not wrong, he's really not all that wrong.
That said, i'm right there with anyone getting in line to punch Griffin anytime he says 'Latinx', as most of the latinos i know would beat the shit out of me for using the phrase.
I can understand liking the main party from the first game, but the rest of there games have been so dull, and the characters kind of garbage. As far as I can tell they four of them aren't really good at making interesting characters out the gate, they make gimmick characters (which kind of makes sense, they are trying to be comedians) but all these one shot games really emphasis they are not good at creating interesting characters. I mean, shit, there super hero characters were so fucking dull
>An asshole scientist lady who can shape shift a little
>A Hulk stand in, but for Amazon fetishists, and generic "BIG STRONG PERSON IS NOT SMART"
>Some fucking parkour kid with a WACKY personality
The problem is that he reasoned it at all, for me at least. He could have said "im going to be an old white guy whose a bad parent and an evil business man" but instead he said "I wanna play a character who is a bad parent, and it would be problematic and gross to play a PoC in that role, and he's an evil business man, so it's more likely he's a white guy"
It's some horse shit is what it is. It's the same shit back in Clint's game where he said "no one wants to see a bunch of white cis straight men having adventures, that's boring"
Obviously the best podcast is the ODAMcast
please listen I'm begging you
Campaign is great if you like comedy and hate plot advancement.
Crit Juice is probably my favorite one just off sheer stupidity. It's also incredibly hilarious, so, there.
I don't even know how I'm supposed to fucking pronounce it.
>4 straight dudes creating/fawning over lesbian and trans characters
sounds like a fetish to me
I'm going to bet you're a man unironically using "honey". Your parents must be so proud.
Their problem is that they unironically believe this shit. One of them has a podcast with his wife where she unironically refers to "people with vaginas" and "people with penises" in anything regarding sex. It's sad.
>Four white soyboys pandering to rabid progressives, trying to be funny and with cringey DM fanfic tier writing.
Let's discuss the merit of this art form
>Actually funny show not trying to be serious play, but be entertaining
>Also Griffin and Justin work at Polygon, not Kotaku
Implying this isn't immeasurably worse
I cant stand that all these podcasts are actual plays. I want to listen to people talk about their gm'ing or other meta aspects of tabletop. If its not my group, in my game, I dont care for recordings of others.
can anyone recommend some good podcasts about rpgs that arnt actual plays.
Ken and Robin Talk about stuff
Roleplaying public radio (sporadic schedule)
Miskatonic University podcast
The Unspeakable Oath (dead)
Fear the boot
System Mastery
They aren't hard to find.
It's one of my favorites. Jerry needs to work on not turning every character into some sort of smart arse philosopher, and Kate and Amy need to learn to shut the fuck up for more that 90 seconds every now and then and let Ryan and Kris actually spread their wings a little, but it's still leagues ahead of most other dnd shows in terms of quality and integrity of tone.
I'm not the other guy, but quite honestly the way you write is cringe-inducing
>Ken and Robin Talk about stuff
Oh shit, that's Kenneth Hite. He guested on Blurry Photos a few times. Knowledgeable guy.
Are there any actual play podcasts that aren't full of stupid SJW shit anymore?
I just want to listen to cool adventures without having people force their stupid politics on me. I get enough of that in real life, I need a break.
Remember that time that people were upset that the person with a name that sounds like taco wasn't fantasy-mexican? Remember when these people called OTHERS racist? Remember when the McElroys, rather than dismiss or ignore these rapid death-threat sending children, apologised and ritually whipped themself publicly for their sins?
>Hear all sorts of good shit about Stolen Century or whatever when it finished
>Check it out
>"Okay now your sister is trans and blah blah blah"
>"Oh okay what are her pronouns I would never dare to accidentally misgender an imaginary character I'm just now finding out about"
I tried going back and starting from the beginning but you can only listen to level 1 characters spent fifteen turns killing a goblin so many times.
I'll stick with Acq Inc C-Team. It's a bit obnoxious that there isn't a single hetero "relationship" in the entire storyline but at least it doesn't come up every half hour. Plus the main lesbian relationship is pretty endearing. Regardless it started off with some engaging quests and the overarching storyline is coherent and interesting.
D&D is for nerds.
It's a bunch of Australians, every player is a different flavour of That Guy, the GM is That GM, but somehow it's hilarious because they're all fucking with each other all the time. Give a listen to Last Queen of Bluebeach or Northern Bounty to see if you like it.
Also Plumbing the Death Star by the same group is fantastic too.
Is she the doctor? Because it may be easier to just use that terminology now than risk triggering some kook's pronoun fetish.
I just generally get the most rediculously megacuck vibes off the whole lot of them.
Damn you look hungry. Have a (you).
This podcast sounds like something that should be avoided at all costs. Right/wrong?