>Outsider update
>no thread
Outsider updated!
It begins
came here to post this
Well, now it's really awkward. They'll probably make space elf hybrids by accident too
Oh look, it's the fetish shit nobody cares about.
I care...
Did Arioch lose his job or something? We haven't had this many pages so close together for ages.
Anyway, I guess the degeneracy begins.
I think that game he was working on came out a bit ago so now he has more time.
Beryl a slut! Slooooot!
Is Arioch still interested in blue elfs snu-snu? It's been so many years.
Is hot sex with aliens really something you grow out of?
Beryl is probably an elven permavirgin. It's our captain who's the slut, giving it up to this warrior platoon.
Calling it now. The Umiak find the empty shuttle floating in space and get a confirmation of Jardins existence and by extension importance from it. Probably by genetic material left behind.
>genetic material left behind.
Beryl is a milf. They all are. Every Loroi that finishes their Mad Max style school years gets a mating encounter.
Fireblade is the virgin, since she grew up in a warzone.
No active military Loroi is a virgin, they get pregers as a matter of course before going on active duty.
Just like in our militaries. Before women go on active duty, they get pregnant.
Hype for the romance to start.
But I'm on the Tempo train, baby.
>oh, this bitch shook his hand, did she?
>well I'll fucking show her
>prepare to guard your garden captain
Just think. If this was a normal webcomic, it would have BEGUN a decade ago.
>"Grab onto something!"
>Beryl grabs for Alex's dick
Beryl a CUTIE.
What else is new?
If it is, I'd prefer to die young.
Why is "Expend" "Commander" and "Fish" in italics there? That seems like really strange words to emphasize....
>don't want this
>don't like this
>nobody likes this
>post here anyway
Just relax user, just enjoy it.
Well, that escalated quickly.
"Gab on to something!"
Stop giving ambiguous orders! What did you expect!? The poor science nerd is geared to a "Jump!"/"How high!?" reflex when the voice of command barks like that.
The way Loroi sexual dimorphism is, sitting in a males lap is probably super deviant. Figures that's what Beryl is up for, the weirdo pervert.
I still think you should get a dishonorable discharge if you pull that shit.
Someones getting a discharge.
Sound in space? I'm disappoint.
Wouldn't the shuttle dock inside the frigate? They have hangars. It seems to me that the only difference with the initial plan is that Spiral and Talon are staying with them now. as it should be
Filthy slut.
>Filthy slut.
Think through your post, user.
>Wouldn't the shuttle dock inside the frigate? They have hangars. It seems to me that the only difference with the initial plan is that Spiral and Talon are staying with them now.
Actual *orders* to have to have the xeno all to herself just turned into a match against a Senpai/Kouhai tag team. Within moments, she grasped the implications and made her move. Beryl is a genius, and she means to win this thing.
All those faces she made and now this. Christ that bitch is thirsty.
She's also seen him naked.
>Sound in space? I'm disappoint.
The people inside the shuttle can almost certainly hear the engines switching to full bore.
True, but that onomatopoeia accompanies a panel set outside the ship. To work it would have to be on the previous panel, or at least on the gutter.
And then, realizing that I was arguing about the smallest possible detail, I understood that I had finally become a true neckbeard. Bear witness to my ascension, fa/tg/uys.
It’s only fair that he sees her naked, too!
What makes this comic more Veeky Forums related then any other comic? Why do people post this here?
This is not being a police fag I'm just wondering what makes it worth posting here.
She also mentioned he's bigger than Loroi males
/co/ apparently despises webcomics, so the rare good one gets posted here.
The only reason it's probably allowed is because it's SPACE and has SEXY BLU ALIENS and rarely people take or sperg about settings and and the like.
Mostly it's really just because a lot of guys around here are having fun reading it but also because of the crazy amount of lore behind it.
Also official GURPS sheets.
But frankly Veeky Forums storytimes are an honored tradition, and I've never seen a thread purged here, no matter the comic.
Worldbuilding, Veeky Forums material, GURPS shit.
It's an onomatopoeia, but it's illustrating the electromagnetic emissions of the plasma drives, not an atmospheric vibration.
Any spacefaring, intelligent species should be familiar with the literary convention of depicting EM emissions in graphical format!
Blue skinned elves are a rare treat
Then it's an ideophone. Onomatopoeia are used only for sound.
You have a crude grasp, at best, of void combat graphical novels.
While there is no sound outside the craft there certainly is inside of it.
Jesus christ Beryl is thirsty
Didn't the author clarify he meant in terms of height/shoulder width rather than penis size?
Apparently Loroi males are about as well-equipped as human men, so they're an entire gender of hung twinks.
>/co/ apparently despises webcomics
Except Unsounded, which Veeky Forums never talks about despite it being way more up our alley.
I think it might be because people have tried and failed to homebrew spellwright rules.
>bad reputation
Don't pay attention to that guy. He's always in theses thread talking shit about us.
Teahouse was fine too. While it lasted.
The bad reputation is for being a genocidal loroi.
If you want something kinky, wait for Tempos sheet. She has super precise telepathy.
"Prefers dark, humid places"
Also, "Early Maturation" and "Age: 14"
>54yo for a species that is adult at 9
>Hyper magic skills
She's space Baba Yaga.
TSOALR ended and nothing replaced it. Outsider is the best we could do.
Listen here you bug-eyed freak, I'm in my fourth cycle in Orbital Engineering and don't need to be lectured on picture-books from a species that didn't even develop artificial gravity on their own.
>Tempo is "very beautiful" for 15 points
>Fireblade "beautiful" for 10
>Worst waifu is only "attractive" for 3 character points
It's canon!
That always perplexex. Based on art, I'd have reversed that.
>I must have a thing for lean sleep-deprived geeks
>Except Unsounded,
And gunnerkrig court, kill six billion demons, nedroid, various others
It could be cultural differences. Beryl is less attractive by Loroi but humans are inclined to disagree.
Or maybe Loroi just prefer MILFs.
Ok so memes aside
What are the actual odds he gets to fuck the elf. Is the author writing a romance? Or is this all just... Incidental/tease? I don't expect porn, but are we all just over reading?
Beryl > Tempo > Fireblade
Realistically, mind melding is a pretty big deal for Loroi, and it happens during sex too. I don't think someone would be able to get over the uncanny valley factor of not having that.
I'd suspect that Tempo has the blue-blooded, sophisticated thing going for her. Fireblade is exotic and dangerous, and Beryl the girl-next-door with a frumpy haircut who won't take her glasses off until Act 4.
Loroi usually get up to 300 years or so.
Tempo is one of the few Loroi that was born before the war in peacetime, served during all that time and is still alive.
>prefers dark, humid places
Oh, I have just the spot for her "culinary tastes".
>Falls asleep anywhere
She better fall asleep in his lap.
I don't know if I can handle this new posting speed
So, apparently the author drew some inspiration from pic. Did anyone play it? How is it?
>Is the author writing a romance?
He started the comic in 2001, when his hormones were in full swing. I think he has calmed a bit by now, and is more interested in the autistic modelling of spaceships, DEEP LORE, and interstellar politics.
Unlikely, she just took a nap 10 minutes earlier.
DEEP LORE is not a new development, there was always more background info available than actual story
Gorm engine tuners really added something to the tactical dimension at the pre-strikefighter techlevel- the problem was you just couldn't bring a force to decisive battle unless they decided to hold a warppoint.
It's ok, as far as pre-ISW3 goes.
I'm getting this vibe that their thought-speak that he can't hear is full of fighting right now over this.
Sometimes I wish Outsider was genderbent, and it was about ensign Kirkland and her valiant blue alien hunks. Just to see "We read it only for the hard sci-fi lore, it's not gay".
>100 pts character
>14 skill in guns
This really bugs me. Also her IQ of 16, which basically makes her a prestigious university professor. Though that's more acceptable since she's a main character in a cartoon and is pretty clever.
She's noted as being a particular genius too, to be fair.
Does the hooman have a character sheet by the way?
I wonder if he plays Aurora.
14 in guns is cheap and effective. No doubt useful in their war, too.
She doesn't look like much of a diplomat either, she's easy to read and has no relevant skills.
Fighting over Beryl sitting in his lap, or *getting* to sit in his lap?
Yes but when you are making character sheets for real characters and not min-maxing, 14 skill in gun doesn't make sense for someone who isn't a storm trooper.
She's a scientist, not an US marine.
It's mostly the fact that she's both a 100 pts character and has a very high competency in a skill she shouldn't be training that is bothering me. If she was a higher value point character, I'd just accept it as part of the fiction. It's the effort to both give her a "realistic" point value and an unrealistic combat competency that bothers me.
Master of Orion snapped up a lot of the people who played old fleet tabletop games, and Outsider is basically a MoO fancomic about a human that gets picked up by Elerians. Some of the people it appeals to -really- want to avoid going anywhere near capeshit, Cartoon Network shit, Disney/Pixar shit, et cetera.
You're not wrong, but that's why people post it here instead of there.
Elves and beards are Veeky Forums material.
I don't think Jardin has a released sheet yet, and if he does, I've missed it somehow.
Beryl is actually a science officer, not a diplomat.
Tempo is the diplomat.
Loroi are a warrior society, and are currently at war. It probably changes the skillset one learns, compared to human society.
This. Beryl's presence is almost certainly a deliberate distraction on Tempo's part. Gregarious and intelligent as she is, it's likely to make Jardin let his guard down more, and give information he shouldn't necessarily share.
Or, put tritely: good elf, bad elf.
Beryl also has eidetic memory. Having her shadow Jardin is a given.
Like giving them Earth's position via sun distance.