Or get thicc?
Can Eldars get fat?
Other urls found in this thread:
okay listen to me fuckhead
they can't get fat
stop fucking up all your depictions of Lelith by gibing her a chubby face or fat rolls or a low-cut bikini
eldar chicks look like Annie Lennox and Jamie Lee Curtis circa 1985
the miniature is more fappable than your bullshit, get some taste in women and stop reading that disgusting "elf can't into diet" manga
Ignoring your bait and speaking according to lore: no.
Eldar can't get fat because their bodies don't store any
as usual, thiccposters are cancer. More news at 11
Nope. Xernology states that there is no fat in their bodies, and while you shouldn't believe Xenology on everything, it's the best we get and it aligns well with any depiction we got of this race.
Somebody /thread me.
I think their bodies are way more efficient so it would be very hard for an Eldar to get fat. Plus they have much better self control than humans.
Where’s his benis?
They can if you use Biomancy on them
Warhammer 40k is a family friendly franchise, there are no dicks on anything.
Too much fat in it, had to go
If that's suppose to be it's pelvis why is it shaped like that?
removed so it wouldn't drop the morale of those looking at the picture.
Why don't you capture Eldar and test your theories?
Because Eldar are not real and the only way to "test" that "theory" is to look at actual lore.
Everything is real and if its not you can make it...just need a bit of time is all...
Well, that is shitposting.
I am still saving it.
Since there is no actual lore on this matter what lore would you prefer to create yourself?
>Since there is no actual lore on this matter
Read the thread.
> thicc
Yes, they can!
> fat
No, they cannot!
The removed front section of his chest has been placed or folded down in a way that just happens to cover his groin.
Opened up chest, fine, flaccid dead penis, NOPE.
Xenology is a BL book. While it's a fun read and many people like it doesn't set anything in stone. If that guy wants Eldar to use superxenofat or other way to store energy instead it's up to him.
then what are eldar boobs made of?
I will never get the logic of this argument. He's asking us. He's not talking about his dudes. He's asking us about the general lore. Not even if it would be okay for his dudes to be fat. I doubt he veen collects Eldar. And as dubious as Xenology is, it's still a source and it doesn't contradict anything non-BL.
He asks about the lore and the lore says no.
>I will never get the logic of this argument
It's very simple. Whatever he decides to write on the matter will probably be in line with anything non-BL as well. If he likes unofficial lore provided by Xenology he can use it, if he doesn't he is free to write his own and pursue his creativity.
>DE gene modification that makes them fat
>-1 movement speed
>+1 toughness
He decides nothing because this threads is not about his own creativity project. He asked a general lore question. The general lore says no. And Xenology is not unofficial lore, it just has to be taken with a grain of salt. But as long as it doesn't conflict with any army book or anything deemed more "official" it's okay to use it as a reference.
If in this thread he asked if he can paint his own dudes fat I would say that's stupid, but that he's allowed to do with his dude whatever he wants.
seen a lot of gore but this bothers me
dissecting perfection is the definition of myopia
they even have his soul and do not know it
this is why when my eldar take the field i do everything i can not to lose a single living eldar
and i play guardians
>I will never get the logic of this argument. He's asking us. He's not talking about his dudes. He's asking us about the general lore.
Incorrect. OP is having a thread on Veeky Forums about chubby anime girls. Not sure why you think the purpose of this thread is related to the text in OP's post.
>And Xenology is not unofficial lore
Oh, the denial.
The only source for it we have right now says 'no' but this source can be safely disregarded and overwritten if he wants to.
No, but you can ignore it and do as you please
Yes they can be really thicc BRAPHOGS hehe xD
Hopes and dreams, duh
Salty milk and spirit stones
>and overwritten if he wants to
Yeah, and he surely has more authority on this matter than the author of Xenology.
Eldars can't get fat, but if it's your fetish and you're not afraid to commit heresy then you could get Callidus to shapeshift into fat Eldar.
They have just as much authority but BL has way more publicity.
Not the same user, but because I say that Orks reproduce like mammals, you have to take it as canon because I have the same authority as BL?
Hey guys! Orks reproduce like mammals! Anyone who disagrees is a fag!
>I say that Orks reproduce like mammals
Ork xeno cycle is described in the official codex with some Magos Biologis musing on his ideas about the whole Ork society originating from the same Orkoid spore. IIRC he was later executed for his ideas about Ork superiority.
>OP is having a thread on Veeky Forums about chubby anime girls.
And how is that a bad thing?
He didn't say it was a bad thing. I wouldn't consider that Lelith 'chubby', she has nice hips for Eldar girl
fuckin copied and pasta'd
>OP is having a thread on Veeky Forums about chubby anime girls
Are you deliberately this stupid?
Codices trump BL lore, and the DE codex mentiones haemonculi not having any fat as one of their many body modifications, which would imply regular eldar still have bodyfat (otherwise there'd be no need to specifically point out haemonculi don't have any). Plus, female eldar clearly have breasts.
I don't think eldar biology really lets them get fat under normal circumstances, though. They're described as having very fast metabolism, so they'd probably have to eat a lot more than humans would to gain weight.
That being said, the Path of DE books feature a haemonculus character noted as being fat, but haemonculi being masters of body modification, they're not really an indication what is normally possible for eldar (he probably just made himself look fat because he liked the look), as well as a very brief appearance of a thicc female archon.
>Plus, female eldar clearly have breasts
Of course that is true, but you shouldn't post armor that may even have a male under it to illustrate this.
There not male when they wear the armor.
In their mind maybe, but they don't suddenly change sex. Please no tranny bullshit.
big banshee tits in my face
More likely just to be Banshee screeching in your face.
That is the quality of posts you can expect from a thread like this.
What does Eldar milk taste like?
Coins and almond
>oh look, another immature shitpost
This place is a fucking dumpsterfire
They get delicious all the same.
Possibly, but they're still inferior to the Imperium's gothiccness - which we know from the occasional Sister and quite a few imperial nobles and Guard higher-ups is DEFINITELY a thing.
Can't go wrong with gothicc.
Too bad Xenology is noncanon now and the author himself is apparently embarrassed by some of it?
>I'll reply to this thread: that will definitely teach OP not to make lame threads!
How's that working out for you?
Good enough for you to reply to him.
>Somebody /thread me
lurk more
I've got so many (You)s to give out that I can even spare another.
DE would probably be the only subfaction with fatties.
Craftworlders are all about stringent way of life with their paths, while the Exodite, Arlequin or Corsair way of life doesn't lead to obesity.
On the other hand, DE get pregnant just to show that they can afford it. An archon getting fat because he doesn't fear not being at peak performance would be a true mark of decadence.
Technically, he doesn't /thread his own post, so it checks out.
Technically correct, the best kind of correct there is.
First post best post.
People who waifu eldar should have a god damn cactus showed trough their urethras.
Eldar Witchblades are super fucking sexy.
I'd want a sword like that far more than some crappy and gay katana.
Don't you dare mock based tits in face poster
I still remember of those Eldar disguised as Guardsmen and no one noticing it because the eldar height ranges are the same as a normal human, and because most guardman never saw one without their helmets in Gaunt's trilogy
Also, I think this: Dark Eldar does treatment to keep their bodies fit and without body fat via implants and more to increase their combat experience, and because of the good ol sodomy(like wyches raping men to their dry deaths or women becoming cockholm slaves).
Normal Eldar normally doesn't care but their metabolism is so damn good that they aren't obese fucks, or sodomists with Implants, plus training. Also They normally use warp fuckery to disguise as human due to armor shenanigans.
Plus Geedubs threw the entire "eldar body looking alien and Xenology" out of the Window with Yvraine and Later Lelith and Eldrad Art, also BFG corsairs.
i can imagine a Xenology: Revision Edition coming out later thanks to BobbyG
Making eldar look like humanized fap bait is just good marketing. GW knows what sells
>I still remember of those Eldar disguised as Guardsmen and no one noticing it
What fucking bullshit is this, even if those Eldar were for some reason not all taller than humans, which they usually are, and don't look like complete ayys; the moment they move just one inch everyone must have realized that those aren't humans.
Are you seriously saying that Annie Lennox isn't your waifu, you dumb asshole?
the tallest and common eldar male would be something akin to yao ming or shaq, the eldar aren't fucking astartes sized people.
2meter tall xeno would be suspicious as fuck but nothing that can be fooled around it, females would still be shorter, with a few exceptions like Banshees or highly trained farseers and warlocks.
Big Eldar tits or big Sororitas tits right in your face?
>suddenly the idea of a Eldar chick having the same size and a more fit body of Nicole Kidman wouldn't be a bad idea
Yeah, that's completely besides my point.
>females would still be shorter
Are they really?
big poofy t'au diaperbutts
right in my face
does that display average height of both species, or is that two manlets talking to two lanklets
Learn to punctuate and capitalize. You type like a phonefaggot.
Some of them probably did during the fall.
If it's the incident in the first or second Gaunt book, the Eldar used telepathy to disguise themselves. They're actually wearing their normal armor, iirc, one of Gaunt's men sees the Dire Avenger as just a really tall dude with bright red hair. I think the Eldar use their telepathic fuckery to help Gaunt and his dudes kill a much larger Chaos force too.
Since Eldar males regularly go over seven feet in height, I think it shows average height.
get in line
>Annie Lennox
>are you from terra my friend, because you look Irish with that hair
>i can imagine a Xenology: Revision Edition coming out later thanks to BobbyG
Can't wait for Rawbutt's thesis on female Eldar genitalia and reproduction, with some tasteful Yvraine nudes accompanying it.
Yeah it was psychic whatever to make the ghosts think they were fighting for their home planet during its invasion. The glamour wasn't perfect, since the young guy thought they sounded weird, and the crazy sniper saw who they really were through his scope.
not, they are biologically incapable of producing fat
We still using noncanon sources here?
why do you want her to be chubby, user
What the fuck do you think breasts are?
Because he has a fetish and he doesn't care about what he inserts it into.
It's Eldar, not 'Eldars', you fucking third word illiterate. And no, they can't. Fap to something else.
thaaaat's more like it
the hairline's a bit too high though
don't Eldar have creepy entirely black eyes?
>and said eldar bears a striking resemblance to Liv tyler in facial structure and everything
yep pretty much this
fig 3:h
Sometimes they do, sometimes they don't.
>eldrad looks like Hugo Weaving, in face head structure and everything