Red elemental blast
Masters 25 Spoilers
Blue elemental Blast
can't wait to see the preorderfags being fucked beyond belief by this shitty set
Some already spoiled.
shut up retard
Thalia reprint boys
called it, easy
>really dislike the M25 set symbol
>really really love the bigass Dark Ascension watermark
>not Steve Argyle
>not using WMCQ Thalia best Thalia
They keep fucking reprinting the cards I'm trying to sell ffs
the autist cries out in "T I S M" as he spergs at you
Sucks to be you.
I hope reprints arent close to one per set. This isnt exactly the alliances card I wanted to see.
Fucking sweet.
Oh, I did just realize this was a downshift to common and thats cool.
God damn it; another niv-mizzet reprint
called them too
>sold all my chalices a few months back
I thought everyone said sexy girls were gone from Magic.
they've altered the story and she's a drag queen now, so it's cool
what do you expect from us, goy?
Tereses art is better imo but the old art had her with huge honkin' tits so its technically less sexy.
Heh, the price will plateau.
(((mythic))), thanks (((maro)))
Fuck, that BM is beautiful. Really like the symbol and centered text.
AGAIN ?????
This is the best looking version of Blood Moon.
>Chalice reprint
Oh nice. I need a set f-
This is why I don't even bother.
so... no price change. got it. snapcaster all over again.
>Nearly every mythic spoiled so far is fluffy jank
Wizards I...
the dark set symbol is aesthetic as fuck
Yeah, I thought this was the make or break year for wotc? not really an exciting start.
>blood MOON
>symbol is a MOON
Muslims like
really liking your pepes /pol/bro, care to post more?
sure bro
>tfw they reprint comet storm again
Post some rare ones, sexy boi.
>Goten and Trunks
>turns into Teen Gohan
finn detected
only apus ?
Can someone please explain that flavor text?
>Brainlets too dumb to join the Izzet League
Half of the solution is basic maths, the other half is basic logic
Nobody here is going to actually BUY these packs are they. Paying 10 dollars for draft/edh fodder seems like obvious bait, after how Wizards have fucked us with every other "gift" set meant
>cute li'l moon in the text box
That's pretty kawaii
>The Dark is my favorite set ever
>knew from the start the card they'd pick would be Blood Moon
>doesn't hit me til just now how amazing it would look with the set symbol watermark
Now all I want is the original Avacyn with AVR watermark and original Elspeth and I'm happy.
>pay 10 shekels
>open a niv-mizzlet
Holy fuck
i...its ok... i.... i got a foil giant growth....
Oh hey I may actually buy a single now.
He looks so happy that he got reprinted
T W O H U N D R E D A N D T W E N T Y D O L L A R S E A C H (before this spoiler)
literally 0 demand for the card, it will only tank the p3k prices down, but even in leg none is playing imperial painter anymore
I'm really happy that they're printing this version of Azusa's art; I wanted one for ages.
p3k prices will never tank, how new are you?
>$220 per copy is 0 demand in literally every format combined
yea, sure bud
It's used in certian death and taxes builds.
Don't they use whitey recruiter now?
lol you clearly don't know what you are talking about
well since he's getting a reprint this will give them the excuse to bring back magus of the moon too.
>Rarity shifting a fucking uncommon all the way up to Mythic to "protect muh investors"
I can't think of a bigger middle finger WotC could have given constructed players.
true, but you fail to take into account the human stupidity and greed factor. more than likely, the price will remain at around 150-200 dollars because people will speculatively assume it's worth that much even though no one wants any
>what is extreme scarcity
>literally 0 demand for the card
its a legacy staple
Cool that those two cards are here but the art is bland as fuck.
But that version is complete crap, user.
Fuck yes.
>p3k print run was very low
>most print runs went to Asia and Australia
You are the mistaken one bud.
By that logic, Misfortune's Gain should be $200+ as well, and not the 40 cents it is.
It's both scarcity and enormous demand that drives the price.
>I don't use it therefor everyone else also never uses it
Le happy chinese man
Sundering titan also spoiled
>artifact creature on the packaging is this instead of based Platinum Emperion
wow, I thought they where going "all out"
>posting worst girl
why would you do this?
No one uses it in legacy anymore, the top ban killed painter, and aluren and d+t play recruiter of the guard because white is a better color than red in aluren, and fetching based on toughness is better in d+t.
So yes it is no longer relevant to any competitive format, probably fine in edh.
We've been at war for twenty years, let's not do this on Veeky Forums
It isn't used nearly enough to be a staple, you fucking retard.
>not the old art
i can't speak for all edh players but i can't imagine edh players want it that much either. edh players either own expensive cards or they don't. people very rarely buy a fucking imperial recruiter for their grenzo token chaos.dck because it's a meme format and it's not worth spending that much on it.
holy shit go fuck yourself already. It will be used in d&t again for magus of the moon you nigger, shut up and wait for more spoilers.
did you honestly expect a 200$ card to be reprinted at uncommon?