Masters 25 edition.
Masters 25 edition.
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No REB/BEB 5ever edition.
Feel bad for the newcomers. REB/BEB would be great to have online because the competitive players would keep to Hydro/Pyro for the corner case interactions, keeping REB/BEB prices low for newcomers looking for a taste of the format.
What's the difference?
I hate that flavor text
Hydro/Pyro have "Destroy target permanent if it is red/blue" and "Counter target spell if it is red/blue". BEB/REB say "Destroy target reb/blue permanent" and "Counter target red/blue spell". There are some corner cases where Hydro/Pyro becomes marginally better/worse, such as flagbearers that force hydro/pyro to target them since they can target nonred and nonblue spells and have no effect while REB/BEB MUST target the color-specific cards and nothing else; and Kiln Fiend where sometimes you want to pyro/hydro your own spells nonred/nonblue to get additional triggers off Kiln Fiend. You wouldn't be able to do this with REB/BEB.
Boros Prowess
Madness Random Discard R/X
Dilegent Farmhand / Muscle Burst Big Infect
Is it possible to play this card without getting memed on? I had to remove it from my deck.
What do you mean? It's doing great in my Boros build, it's one of the best finishers. It isn't as explosive as Klin Fiend, but it gains you tons of life that helps a lot when you're racing.
Why can't WotC just reprint Gorilla Shaman so I finally can own it in foil?
a foil pauper deck is truly perverse
Which is why I am going for a full foil affinity deck.
How about this beast?
Have any recommendations for a GB aggro midrange?
Was thinking:
x4 Putrid Leech
x4 Vault Skirge
x4 Rancor
>Boros Prowess
List? I play White Heroic and needs more flavors of "Fuck your shuit up with one weenie".
Would this even work in a madness deck? You don't get to choose what to discard, so it's really bad to play for 4 mana, unless you have a hand full of Basking Rootwallas.
worse gathan riders imo
Don't worry bros, I got your back.
His image was very relevant to what he meant.
Buy a japanese version.
Interesting inclusion of the Library of Leng. Could Lightning Axe be useful in a build like that, or would it be too clunky since it cannot hit the opponent?
Lightning Axe could definetly be on the list, a cheap discard enabler would fit very well.
You can replace Tormenting Voice or other enabler.
I really like Sonic Burst tho, 5 damage is one hell of a finisher with 5/5 Beaters.
Other than special printings, Dark Rit has literally *always* been a common. Please learn your history.
Yeah, you're right. It's just that i never see people playing it, but it must be because there's not a lot of payoffs. Huh.
I wish Vampire Nighthawk was a common.
You reminded me i wanted to brew BG zombie saccing. What's the guy called that drains or pings the opponent if you sac something?
I think it's because Pauper doesn't have anything to do with the mana, generally speaking. There's not a black-based combo deck that wants to go fast. You could probably run a suicide black aggro deck though, the pieces probably exist, and that deck would want Dark Rit because speed brings victory and victory is life.
It sees play in Combo decks like 1 land Spy and Mono Black Aggro.
1 turn kill reanimator uses it
Man I wish it was the Masques art.
It's a great card but doesn't have a great home. Here's a list that uses it to great effect
Me too.
Look up Ugandan Knuckles.
Mono-Red Burn. The current list:
4x Chain Lightning
4x Lava Spike
4x Lightning Bolt
3x Needle Drop
4x Shard Volley
4x Flame Rift
4x Keldon Marauder
3x Searing Blaze
4x Rift Bolt
2x Fireblast
4x Spark Elemental
1x Searing Blaze
3x Smash to Smithereens
3x Molten Rain
3x Curse of the Pierced Heart
2x Relic of Progenitus
3x Red Elemental Blast
Working on a Mono-White Soldier-Tribal deck Current list:
4x Elite Vanguard
4x Thraben Inspector
4x War Falcon
4x Kor Skyfisher
4x Raise the Alarm
4x Veteran Armorsmith
4x Porcelain Legion
4x Veteran Swordsmith
4x Azorius Arrester
3x Oppressive Rays
3x Fragmentize
3x Mana Tithe
3x Order of Leitbur
1x Dust to Dust
3x Holy Light
2x Thraben Standard Bearer
Consider Ballynock Banneret, Legion Conquistador, Icatian Javalliner and Standard Bearer for Sideboard.
I can't believe I forgot about Standard Bearer. I actually had Icatian Javalliner's in the side, but I'm trying out a few new cards so I cut them for now, but they will probably get put back in.
I tried Banneret but it seemed a bit underwhelming, though that was before I had the Arresters and Porclain Legions, so it might be worth another try. Conquistador seems kind of bad in this deck, though. I'm almost all creatures, I don't worry about running out of them.
You'll need more and better removal.
Ballynock Banneret allows you to chain more creatures, Conquistador is draw and goes wide, specially if helped by Banneret and the Smiths.
>Pillage common
Ha Ha, Time for 'No Land 4 U'
What else do you think will get downgraded to common?
They just downgraded Ivy Elemental last set so maybe Endless One?
Endless One is a recent rare, they wouldn't bump it down two rarities.
It's a bulk rare. 63 cents on TCGplayer presently.
I don't really think they'd do it it was just something that popped in my head when thinking about what got downshifted in Iconic. But while a flexible X drop is fine for green it's probably not fine in colorless for draft at common. I could see it being printed at uncommon though.
Vampire Nighthawk and Monastery Swiftspear.
Nighthawk would be sweet.
Burn does NOT need Swiftspear.
>Downgraded to common
Honestly, they should just reprint Homelands at common. Ok, everything except the Enchant Worlds and Sengir himself. Everthing else is basically fine, and there's some really neat cards in there for play at a Pauper level.
It would be hilarious. Pauper gets an entire plane to itself.
Mono Red Stax
Nothing else
Pillage will b e a nice addition to my deck.
Honestly not sure if it's even really playable in stax. How often do you have 3 mana?
I'll give it a try at the very least. Landing 2 Borderposts makes the extra step to 3 mana pretty easy but you definitely got a point.
Less-risky Bogles/Auras
UR or just U stuff (Delver/Deep Hours)
fug, does this hurt domain? dont know how popular land destruction is. i run stuff like wild nacal and matca rioters that get big for cheap. not my only way to get big timmy damage in, i got aura gnarlet and multicolor +x/-x enchantments that can double as sorcery speed removal.
Nope. It can't replace Gorilla Shaman, Ancient Grudge, etc. Only people who hate Tron will play it, and they won't side it in against anything else except affinity.
ah okay, cause i run 1 of each non forest basic.
think it might be a good idea to buy up stuff like wild nacals? i dont think itll get much cheaper than a buck and theres always modern for it to go up if pauper flops. pic related secret tech, ez 4/5 and even get bigger if your ballsy and leave fetches out.
I forgot about Steppe Lynx since right before caw blade was a thing in standard, dat nostalgia
i got into magic around that block, i had a starter deck i turn into a domain deck that was mostly green ramp with splashes of other colors. after all these years turned the idea into a even better pauper deck.
basic plan is low cmc that gets big, pump it with spells/auras, auras also function as removal in a pinch, go for the big trample win. whats great is how flexible it is, i can splash in goodstuffs in the deck and sideboard. for sides right now i have nacalt savage, nacalt savage, and goblin outlander for ez wins with duress and mana leak for protection/control. now i need to find a lcs that plays pauper.
BG Aristokrats
Shit art
Shit watermark symbol
>MFW making a meme token polymorph deck for casual play
Nigga, you using my Mono Red Stax deck on TappedOut? I haven't seen anyone else refer to anything in pauper as "stax" except my brew.
the best art
Guay for black cards? more like Gay
An interaction i've seen come up before, albeit not in pauper, is stealing things with Dack Fayden.
BG Aggro Aristocrats
Mono Blue delver
Nothing, really, fun format is fun.
Nothing yet. Got back into mtg due to pauper after 10 years of hiatus.
Had some UB stables and ordered cards to try out UB control, MBC, B Zombies and UB Zubera aristocrats
Staples being bought out in all online stores in my country. Having to pay eu shipping and SEPA fees.
Different user, but do you mean this?
I just saw it yesterday and got interested. How does it perform?
i want cirno to bully me
That is my alt account, which I haven't updated in ages. The updated version is here
It works well, especially game one since people tend to keep 2-land hands or play bounce lands. You have to try sneak in a suspended Keldon Halberdier or Borderpost before you can start destroying lands.
>Elves are a problem because it is a bullshit autopilot deck that can live on a single land and still play 3 spells a turn yes, I'm mad.
>Affinity gets bitched out after sideboarding.
>Any Delver/Teachings is good as well, because they are cut off mana to cast broken shit like Mulldrifter and Gush. You just have to Harvest Pyre a single Angler and they are done.
>Surprisingly tron does ok against it.
The deck is a lot of fun and produces a lot of salt from metacucks.
MonoW getting new toys
Soon I can make an entire deck of 2/1 creatures for white mana!
yep, completely flat writing
Welcome home old Friend. It’s been awhile.
> Playing: Mono-Blue Delver
> Brewing: Riverwinder Reanimator
> Hating: Orzhov Pestilence.
Post spooky swamps and islands for my reanimator deck. I'm heavily considering the Ajani vs Bolas ones because they're cool looking, but I'm open to suggestions.
go full unhinged lands
My friends.
>can finally build mono B control
>don't have the swamps I had in mind
Land autism is a real problem, guys.
Look look
Boys this will be fun.
Finally good art
Now this is playing Pauper.
>soldier list
>no Gempalm Avenger, an uncounterable first striking boost that replaces itself
step up your game boi
if you asked me
-3 electrickery/+3 sparksmith
-3 borderpost/+3 mycosynth Wellspring
-1 looting/-1 Borderpost/-2 Halberdier/+4 Sweatworks Brawler
Postin my br meltdown aggro
// 60 Maindeck
// 8 Artifact
4 Ichor Wellspring
4 Mycosynth Wellspring
// 16 Creature
4 Atog
3 Disciple of the Vault
1 Krark-Clan Shaman
4 Myr Servitor
2 Perilous Myr
2 Gurmag Angler
// 7 Instant
4 Galvanic Blast
3 Staggershock
// 20 Land
4 Great Furnace
9 Mountain
3 Swamp
4 Vault of Whispers
// 9 Sorcery
4 Faithless Looting
2 Kuldotha Rebirth
1 Flame Slash
2 Unearth
// 15 Sideboard
// 3 Artifact
SB: 1 Nihil Spellbomb
SB: 2 Scale of Chiss-Goria
// 5 Creature
SB: 2 Krark-Clan Shaman
SB: 3 Gorilla Shaman
// 7 Instant
SB: 3 Diabolic Edict
SB: 4 Pyroblast
all of these suggestions are awful
I want to play this but I fear Echoing Truth.
not really, supporting your gameplan on playing borderpost to somehow avoid Tremble is what I'd call awful. I mean Atog could eat them late, but the guy will get 2 for 1 too often with crack the earths and lootings, there is no control in the deck and maining electrickery is idiotic. Sparksmith would at least help him vs creature decks more than electrickery, wellspring would give his landlight deck some reach and wheat for looting, and Brawlers are most likely faster than halberdiers, although they might need equipment to truly shine. All in all, woudn't be afraid of that guy's deck too much, maybe with a landlight hand he could secure a suprise win.
Mono black control runs this right?
MBC has a 3cc drops abundance, and they are pretty much more expensive slivers at this point. Still I believe in the meme potential.
LGS rarely has them in stock and starcitygames isn't getting my money ever again.
Boy i hope this gets a black aggro deck going
There's no way to play multiple of them quicker
C'mon Masters 25, we need Thrumming Stone at common lol.
Patriarch's Bidding is a good option to downshift too
no way that can be common
Errata-ing the tron lands to be legendary would fix a lot of the problems with the tron deck being unfun to play against.
I'd still be up for banning Flicker or Capsize, too, but seems much less likely.
What did SCG do?
Try TCG?
Got my $500+ order blatantly wrong and refused to give me a refund. Last time I ever did business with them. I will admit that I do like their playmat and sleeve arts though.
Seconding. But they kind of have to do the whole plane.
Homelands LOOKS like a plane where everyone is fucking poor.
I love the attention to detail that some old cards had. Very nice.
That's a perfect example of what I mean, too. As slow as pauper is, that would be acceptable mana fixing for splash colors, especially since it doesn't enter tapped even though it only makes colorless by itself. Too bad it's an uncommon by default and to terrible to ever be reprinted as anything but a joke.
They'd be playable if every activation cost 1 less but as is each and every one is strictly worse than Unknown Shores.
Does anyone have a good aggro deck that isn't elves? Just getting back into magic and I don't want to think all that hard. (Pic is me.)