Final Fantasy TCG

You have 30 seconds to explain why you aren’t plaything this masterpiece of a TCG.
Also what decks are you brewing, testing, and/or taking to your LGS or Crystal Cup qualifier?

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Can I play a FFVI era Moogle deck and conga line my opponent into the ground?

Don’t know about the conga line. But they have tones of utility type moogle into the job search bar and see for yourself

This is the current list I’m running

Reason to not play it? Inconsistent art styles. Reusing art assets is lazy.

Lazy, perhaps. But is there any art made for the game you could point to as truly bad art?

>You have 30 seconds to explain why you aren’t plaything this masterpiece of a TCG.
I am a limitedfag, does this game have draft or something?

Final Fantasy has not been good since it left the NES. The occasional passable spinoff does not justify the franchise's continued existence.

Yes, but the base rules are slightly modified so that you can play your cards (bit tricky when normally you have 6 different elements but and 2 others the can produce different elements) long story short; yes, any candy makes any color, and you draft from 4 packs

You need other people to play a game, user.

The card stock would beg to differ

FF Art is always good, just wish there was more consistency in the card's presentation. I have similar issues with Yugioh.

I think this is less a problem with newer titles though where there is plenty of art to pull from. Not so much the early FFs.

Yeah this pretty much.
I've got plenty of cards and enjoy the FFTCG news and the cup events they've got...but there's zero support in nearby stores for events and stuff.

but i do, user. and the stores around me have consistent tournys.

u dumb af bruh

Yo fuck you

Sell me on it, my dude. You can't just call it a masterpiece of a TCG without explaining why you think that.

Because it plays like the worst of both worlds between MtG and Weiß Schwarz and looks like crap with its lazy and inconsistent artwork.

never knew this was a game, but i loved the shit out of ff3 back in the day, its what got me on the road to being a Veeky Forums browser

The art is truly the biggest problem with the game. All they had to do was hire fucking artists rather than reuse old assets and it would've been great. Fan artists would love to work for shit like this.

Can you explain what you mean by the worst of both?

Well as far as play, it’s like magic as far as turn structure and when you have priority and what and when you can do things. Combat is like yu-gi-ho where each forward (creature) get its own attack vs all at once. The biggest things are you draw 2 cards perturn and you discard a card to make 2 Crystal Points (mana) of the discarded card’s element (color), dulling (tapping) a backup produces only 1, of the backup’s element unless otherwise stated, but can be dulled again when they activate (untap) during the beginning of your turn. In a average game you will see most all parts of your deck so what ever your playing. You never really have to worry about flooding or the inverse, just wondering what would be the least worst thing to discard. I tell you that to tell you the games makes what cards you keep and discard very important as well as and with the max hand size being 5 the game encourages you to interact and progress the game rarely having board stalls. Fast, strategic, and interactive is what this game is

Exactly this.

I have a demo deck, but know nobody that plays it. The LGS had sign-up sheets for it, but only got like 5 people so they dropped it.

I honestly didn't know it was a thing. Plus, I never have much luck with card games anyway.

ditto to this, nothing makes me avoid a new tcg like the plague like reusing assets.

Where's the rules

this desu

Doot doot doo, waiting for rules

I'm waiting to buy the FFXIV deck, maybe the FFXII deck as well.

Also there is a small but somewhat growing community in my city so that's nice, they're gonna have a prerelease so should be cool.

>Final Fantasy has not been good since it left the NES
>Final Fantasy V
>Not good
Yo, kill yourself, guy.

>You have 30 seconds to explain why you aren’t plaything this masterpiece of a TCG.
I didn’t know it existed until I opened this thread.

only a google search away

We could do that for ourselves, thanks. We want the Veeky Forums goer to actually show their enthusiasm and perspective on the game they want us to play, with a rundown that's tailored for an audience that probably knows M:TG and YGO inside out.

reference any questions that you have left over i'll be glad to answer

I don't play TCGs anymore. They're shit and designed to just suck all your money up before you get anything you want.

Also, you can't play a wide cast of characters and can't play a deck full of just the same character, from what I can tell. What's the point in a fanservice game? Sure, I could engage in the mechanics and figure out a Snow/Rydia/whatever deck, but there are lots of other TCGs I could play if I was interested in the mechanics.

not true, cloud nice is a deck that works really well. while any combination of cards wont work; that's true for any tcg game. but in some cases having +9 of a character isn't unheard of

Unless I misremember the rules, you can't play more than one copy of a character in battle at the same time. There is occasionally a very cheap version which has an ability to search for a higher-cost version of itself (possibly replace, it's been awhile) but most of the time, those extra copies are only useful if your first one dies or to use the extra-special attack which requires another copy of the character.

You'll also be putting in a lot of unrelated support characters as well, but those are effectively situational lands in the game.

While it is true that you cannot play more then one of a character unless there is the three card symbol by it’s name. It dose not stop decks that focus on more of a singular character from being good, competitively viable even. It is more of a I want to limitbreak and be badass kind of play style, but I’ve seen cloud and prish do well and I’m sure lighting might be coming up with opus V coming out

How much FF Tactics Advance stuff is there? Enough for a deck?

Im still waiting for more ff6 stuff and a marketplace where building a foil deck doesnt require you to order from 30 differend people

>You have 30 seconds to explain why you aren’t plaything this masterpiece of a TCG.
Waiting on a VIII starter set.

Not that user, and I love FF5. Would you have been okay with his comment if it was "has not been good since it left Nintendo systems"?

Because I predicted that I'd die within two or three years after release and sure enough, stores are only carrying leftovers anymore and some of them are selling them at 80% off.

Bumping for interest

the only reason i would ever play this game is if you could build a competitive deck out of the cards from a handful of titles because i dont give a hoot about 70% of this

You could iirc.

You can with FFIX they have some pretty good synergies and some of the best stand alone cards in the game

Thanks for point that out. That's exactly the sort of post that gets lost in a thread.

I just didn't want to type it out again

Yeah. I mean, if had just done that it'd have been fine, plus with a proper rules link in de post.

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