Arms and armour thread. These are always fun.
>favourite period and region for armour?
>favourite melee weapons?
>favourite ranged weapons?
>light or heavy armour?
>favourite systems or vidya for indulging in arms and armour autism?
Arms and armour thread. These are always fun
Other urls found in this thread:
Love me some 1944 field coats.
Melee: Mosin Bayonet
Ranged: Mosin
Light or Heavy: T-34 is best at medium
Phoenix Command.
15-16th century armor Italy-Southern Germany
Hand crossbow
Riddle of Steel
>high middle ages/early rennisance eastern and southern europe, love me some turkic inspired designs and sallets
>heavy sabres, boar spears, longswords and axes
>love me some crossbows and compound bows, in terms of firearms I've always loved the Galil's design as well as old bolt actions rifles too
>medium, leaning heavy
>WFRP 2e, Song of Swords, Mount and Blade, Kingdom Come: Deliverance is also fairly in depth and fun
I also have a question. What was the intended purpose behind full face mail aventails or coifs? They look intimidating also cool as fuck but I'd assume they're for protection against light slashes or stab wounds, since they wouldn't be much good against any blunt weaponry or most polearms.
>16th century Europe
>There's nothing about this kind of stuff anywhere, help me
mail is easier to breathe through, less condensation, etc
16th germany
messer/various polearms
half/threequarter plate
dunno, didn't found a favorite so far
>17-18th century
>horseman's pick
>don't play any that would qualify
>Thread questions
Mid 15th-century; fuckin love me some sallets
Gimme them halberds
Do ballistae count?
Heavy, because it's a status symbol as much as it is being a medieval tank
Dark Souls, Monster Hunter, and Witcher 3, because if you aren't playing for fashion you aren't playing at all. On the same topic, I dream of a game that lets you apply different temper, materials, and paints to pieces of armor so you can REALLY get into the nitty-gritty of mixing and matching.
why not an svt? there were plenty by the end of the war.
Forgot to attach pic and then forgot to say that I attached pic.
>There's nothing about this kind of stuff anywhere, help me
Mordhau is good with it for the sheer variety available, unfortunately it has basically no effect on gameplay and is just Fashion Souls: Chivalry Edition
Too bad I can't actually, you know, play it.
>he didn't get in the alpha
I'm sorry user
mosin is shit, probably the worst of the common WWI/II bolt actions
Mosin is pretty good for a beginner's gun, easy to use and fairly inexpensive. K98k has its upsides too, but my heart will always belong to the Lee-Enfield, it's just so fucking smooth.
Anyone have something I could steal that would make for a cool elven heavy infantry force?
>picture just skips 300 years of technological development
>favorite armor
Lorica plumata/squamata-style scale armor or plate+mail and a pig-faced bascinet depending on mood
>favorite weapon
Arming swords/spathas, bastard swords, halberds, bec de corbins, and lochaber axes depending on the mood I'm in
>favorite ranged weapon
>light or heavy
>favorite system or vidya
That's the tough one, because I've had a hard time finding a good RPG system for it. Not a fan of Riddle of Steel.
Usually I'll just go with an AD&D retroclone and leave the actual fighting techniques up to flavor description.
Also what's the consensus on scale vs. chain armor? Is one better than the other or are they roughly equal in effectiveness?
>see filename
>men's armour
Is there any other type?
Yes, German armour. :^)
To be fair development of armour changed a lot up until the 17th century, and was kind of static until the development of modern bullet resistant materials such as ceramics and kevlar. Of course there are a few particularly strange variations, such at the attempts at personal body armour during the first world war, but they never really took off.
Horse armor or dog armor
Of course, I'm an idiot.
Are there any examples of dog armour, actually? Haven't seen any.
a few.
Also don't forget elephant armour
>favourite period and region for armour?
Late Antiquity - Rome and the Successor Kingdoms
>favourite melee weapons?
Spear and shield, gotta revive the hoplite my dude.
>favourite ranged weapons?
Throwing dart/javelin
>light or heavy armour?
>favourite systems or vidya for indulging in arms and armour autism?
We're on Veeky Forums, no one actually plays games here.
>favourite period and region for armour?
my favourite period (which doesn't have much armour used) is probably the Germanic Tribes who fought against rome. However armour was extremely rare then. I love migration era spangenhelms and hauberks, and 12th century mail and gambeson.
>favourite melee weapons?
Spear, Hexagonal Germanic shield, migration era sword, dane axes, halberds and bardiches. Polearms are top tier
>favourite ranged weapons?
All kinds of self bows, i don't like composite bows at all. Crossbows and early firearms are comfy.
>light or heavy armour?
>favourite systems or vidya for indulging in arms and armour autism?
Total war, mainly attila(and warhammer total war for the empire aesthetics).
>Love me some 1944 field coats.
Those are called telogreiki (singular: telogreika). The one in that picture is actually the 1941 pattern. There isn't actually a 1944 pattern, as far as I know.
16th-17th Century
Swiss saber
Wheel-lock rifle
-Can't decide between classical era greek hoplites, crusade era millitary orders or mid/late middle ages plate armour.
-Spear/sword and shield or big ol' pole hammers
-Any gun that is chunky and futuristic looking
-Curently M&B (haven't tried KCD yet)
There's always Mount&Blades.
>favourite period and region for armour?
Bronze Age for the fact that everyone is still figuring armor out as a concept.
>favourite melee weapons?
Khepesh, spears in general. Bronze axes as well.
>favourite ranged weapons?
Early guns. From handegonnes to Georgian flintlocks, I love it all.
>light or heavy armour?
Depends on how hot it is.
>favourite systems or vidya for indulging in arms and armour autism?
I'm not too far into it but Kingdom Come is blowing me away with its combat system so far. Just the first person animations for shield use put it above and beyond anything I've played.
Not really armour, but I really like the hats and uniforms of the 1700s.
>running through cuman fucking shits with a bastard sword and taking their swords to sell off in town
feels good man
I just finished the opening section so my swing stolen sword is gone, but I'm looking forward to giving axemanship a go. May also see how two-handing works out, but I suspect the answer is not well.
>favourite period and region for armour?
Not either, but I really like tube-and-yoke-style armour.
It's so old it, it's been in use all over Europe and the near East and it's a pattern that's been applied to all types of armour and almost all materials.
>favourite melee weapons?
16th century continental complex hilt swords
>favourite ranged weapons?
Javelines, probably.
>light or heavy armour?
Technology is ramping up so fast. I wonder what soldiers will be wearing when I’m old?
>inb4 robots do all the fighting
How horrifying
How is that little shoulder shield thing under 1250 called? Don't recall seeing it anywhere else..
*pings your path*
Ailettes. They actually date from the late 1200s rather than c.1250 and were pretty flimsy. The primary use was to display heraldry rather than provide protection as a kind of proto-pauldron.
Thanks, very much appreciated!
Car armor.
You have pretty much excellent taste in every category.
Fucking India, man
I'm a brainlet when it comes to history.
I like non-plate armors for low fantasy/low level characters, and ridiculous dark souls looking ass armor sets for high fantasy/high level armors.
Fight me.
those are 1800 uniforms though
We all know you can't fight.
>fairly inexpensive
You're several years out of date with your /k/ memes, they haven't been $100 a pop in years.
>>favourite period and region for armour?
I'd say 14th century Europe (UK, Germany, France, Switzerland, Austria, Italy, Poland) due to the variety of armor and weapons available.
>>favourite melee weapons?
Bastard sword and halberd.
>>favourite ranged weapons?
British longbow.
>>light or heavy armour?
Heavy armor.
>>favourite systems or vidya for indulging in arms and armour autism?
BRP is my go to system for medieval games, but it doesn't feature much in term of weapon & armor autism.
>1944 field coats
>post 39-41 pattern telogreikasy
stop being entry level plebey amateur historian, your choices are shit and supported by superfiscal thought
>ridiculous dark souls looking ass armor sets for high fantasy/high level armors
But not all DS sets are all that ridiculous. Hell most sets are pretty fucking realistic as far as high fantasy armor goes.
*teleports behind you*
*fucks u in the ass*
Heh, fight that.
That's very true, I was more referring to shit like this.
Gothic armor
>favourite melee weapon
Farmer's Flail no doubt
>Favourite ranged weapons
Arquebus, the ones you still have to use a stand for
>light or heavy armour
can't decide
>favourite system or vidya for indulging in arms and armour autism
My GM made a system that's good with that
>That's very true, I was more referring to shit like this.
I get what you're trying to say, but DS is a bad example for what you're saying since the majority of its armor sets are pretty tame and the "ridiculous" stuff can be counted on one hand.
but the type of ridiculous that DS has, really only DS has
That's not even remotely true.
1) Three way tie of: 11th and 12th century Mediterranean / Late Roman to 7th century / 5th century BC to 1st century BC.
2) Spear, halberd, glaive
3) Composite bow. Various gats.
4) Common rank and file armor over elites, so generally light/medium over heavy.
5) Total warru and butterlord/warbund.
somebody really loves his freedom sticks.
Mine gun is studded with peach bunnies, your argument invalid.
really? I got one for about 100 bucks here in Bongistan which is only around 120 dollars
Remember kids, this is what a semi-automatic clockwork revolver looks like IRL. Refer to this whenever the topic of steampunk comes up.
>shoulder stock goes up
>clip goes up too
Assaultest of assault weapons.
Thanks, user.
Not sure if assault weapon
Bronze age rocks.
Post-bronze collapse setting would rock, ruins of bronze civilisations tie nicely to old tried "dungeon delving" trope.
Early bolters now.
just gonna dump some armour
1. Anything between 500s and 900s really, Northern Europe in general, British Isles in particular
2.Not really true to the period, but I like longswords and can't help it. I always anachronistically include it in my settings. Well, Tolkien did the same. But in case of of truly period-appropiate weapon, a winged spear
3. Your standard, straight bow
4. Light to medium. Anything from a sleevless, waist long byrnie to elbow-knee hauberk. I love chainmail. Though, lamellar armor is cool as well.
5. None, really. I play The One Ring for Dark Ages feel among other things, but its abstract, light system with little weapon/armor autism involved
It's funny how for all it's crazy shit, Warhammer Fantasy still manages to be one of the most subdued and reasonable settings when it comes to human armour.
>inb4 someone implies norscans are human
Help me kit out the mercenaries at our party's keep.
At the moment I'm thinking-
>Chainmail Armor (Yeah I know it's not technically a thing historically), based off Creighton's suit before getting torn to shreds
>1 Shield, in the style of a tall but thin Pavise
>1 Shortsword
>1 Light Crossbow, drilling soldiers to be effective with these being important- in a setting where flying monsters are a very real threat having accurate bowmen is critical, and learning to shoot a crossbow is much easier than a shortbow or longbow
>20 bolts
>Spears and Pikes are stored somewhere they can be quickly grabbed if needed, however unless they are on gate duty usually aren't carried, as the focus will be more on bowmen
These are all Keep Property- if they want to purchase their own gear (or purchase the gear they already use) they are more than welcome to, (And at a discount if they have it made in-keep, or it's the gear they usually use anyways) however when off duty it's to be returned to the armory for upkeep and maintenance, ensuring that all the gear is in optimal shape regardless of soldiers slacking.
Those have a very cool mechanism
Kinda makes me wonder why I've never heard of any other guns using a watch spring.
Mate, isn't that a suit of armour designed souley for jousting tournaments?
Some Chinese minority's armour.