Would you recommend Burning Wheel?
Would you recommend Burning Wheel?
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I wouldn't wish it on my worsted enemy.
Oh God no.
I also want to try this system.
It’s looks perfect for a heavy narrative, low magic campaign.
Is that shit?
>Would you recommend Burning Wheel?
It wasn't for me.
It's considerably more rules heavy than games like D&D or GURPS, and many of the mechanics have a kind of clunky feel to them. As if this works well if everyone is 100% tuned in on the philosophy behind them, knows the rules by heart etc. but falls apart if you try it with anyone who haven't spend the last few weeks reading up on the rules, assorted forums and what have you.
The setting is Tolkien. Pure and simple, no pretension otherwise. The non-human characters are designed to be better than humans at everything, and to have inbuilt tragic flaws that are eventually their undoing.
Yes, i love it's systems of progression and goals and i've been playing it two years non stop
burning what now
ugg not understand
Yes I would, if you have a group willing to engage with its systems
Is it one of those "Love It or Hate It " systems?
judging by this thread, yes
Yes. It's too crunchy for me personally, but I'm a rules light faggot, and even so, I found it pretty cool anyway.
Because I never read it nor know what it's good for.
I would, but I like RP. In fact... bout to run one this week. I have a campaign laid out and since DM's don't have to prepare quite as much, it ends up being fun for us to just act as the facilitator.
Why did I laugh at this ?
Absolutely. My favorite system.
D-does anyone wanna play it
Yeah, it's my favorite system, even though I rarely get to play it.
I'm going to try and do something political and dark. Only thing that is still a niggle is the circles shit. Being able to do that just about anywhere. It is my first time DM'ing, but hope the tone of the game is conveyed.
What is your concern about Circles? Its one of my favorite features
Being far way from civilization and just getting into contact with someone to get shit.
Yes, I'm doing that with it right now, and it works very well. It's also not that complicated.
re: circles, don't worry about it. Remember that you can only request a circles roll if you share a setting. Unless they also share a life-path with the person they're trying to circles up, it'll be incredibly hard for them to succeed. Most of the time, Circles is the players handing you a blank cheque saying 'this person has something I need right now, and they HATE me for some reason.'
The best part is where the players need something from their failed circles-connection a second, or third time.
to clarify, 'right here, right now in the middle of trouble' gives a flat +2 Obstacle on it's own...
so unless they players are trying to meet someone who a) shares a lifepath with them, b) is of the same social standing, c) the players don't care if this person likes them or not (specific disposition being +1 ob), d) has no special knowledge or skills....
... then summoning them to the middle of the desert with a circles roll would be incredibly difficult- obstacle 5+ at least.
... and even then, it's still the GM's prerogative to simply deny the roll, if the intent is invalid.
You're underestimating the difficulty of Circles rolls for "Get out of jail free cards". The mechanic (and the whole game) is very well balanced.
It's not a video game, you can jus tell them that there is literally no way they can contact someone in the middle of nowhere.
what timezone, what days you free?
EST, and Tuesdays, Thursdays, and sundays are easiest but not necessarily only times.
the atlantic ocean would be more convenient if it were less wide
Is it more rules heavy than Shadowrun?
I honestly don't see it being rules intensive past the character creation, if you don't use the subsystems. From the players perspective it's like 99% single simple or opposed roll with naming forks.
Depends on what you are looking for.
Burning Wheel probably has the best character creation system I know as it makes the player make decisions that automatically build character. It achieves this by making the more interesting options (from an RP perspective) cheaper to get.
It treates social interaction with the same gravity as other systems do combat. If you want your RP to actually matter stat wise, it is miles and miles ahead of what e.g D&D does. Success makes your character grow, but so does failure, but maybe in a different direction.
It is built on the philosophy that certain kinds of metagaming are helping a game, not ruining it.
The combat mechanics are terrifyingly lethal, really makes people think twice wether they want to risk their health or try to work things out with other means.
It's not an easily understood system. Someone upthread called it clunky, and it really is. You need dedicated players for this.
It doesn't have an inbuilt setting (the basics are vaguely inspired by Tolkien, Wizards of Earthsea and a few other assorted fantasy series). For some people this is a deal breaker.
In my experience it is a lot harder to GM than D&D, but also more fun, if you have a group that's really comfy with the mechanics.
Excellent post but
>reddit spacing
Not him, but I'll never get this reddit spacing meme. I've been spacing posts like this on Veeky Forums since way before reddit was even a thing, then a couple years ago suddenly the site is on a crusade against reddit and even the spacing of posts is used as basis to judge an argument.
its just muh sekrit club
Maybe. I've never played BW but I have played Mouse Guard (which is good) and a session of Torchbearer (which sucked). From reading BW though, it's an interesting system and I think it could create some neat stories.
Reddit strips single newlines from posts. You have to double your newlines to get them to appear in your comments. The "Reddit Spacing" meme is just kinda pointing out that a user is typing like they're more used to reddit than Veeky Forums. The *point*, of course, being to identify them as an outsider, and reinforce the "Veeky Forums > reddit" meme. in other words, what said.
Start running and don't stop till you hit ocean. Then swim.
>Veeky Forums > reddit
It's a meme but this doesn't mean it's wrong. Go to r/rpg if you want to see how garbage it is.
Yeah, the core dice mechanic is a trick to wrap your head around but overall the system is no more complicated than D&D
Ain't more easier to read a lengthy post if it has spacing between new lines than one big block of text?
Pretty excited to DM this for the first time. It's hard to grok for a little bit, but I feel it's exactly what I wanted.
>I think I would encourage people to use more fight instances
The game is very RP oriented, but if your characters have fighting builds, they should definitely be put to use and not fall to the wayside due to lots of RP.
If anyone has a good campaign set up, please record it. I personally don't care if you're using nigger or bitching about kikes, but it would be good to have some good BW campaigns on youtube, bitchute or whatever the kids are using now-a-days. I'm personally running a gritty gothic low magic campaign and have already help make one of the new players a very interesting character. Solely from my previously written lore and him looking at lifepaths.
it like uncle grok take fire-branch and do fire-dance
It all sounds like it would greatly benefit from some software aids to automate some of the mechanics, is there anything like that in existence?
Roll20 has character sheets for BW that help you automate character creation and you can roll right from your sheet.
If a tabletop game needs a computer to be even remotely playable, it's not worth touching.
Which is the case with BW
But user, who reads posts? This is not a site for that!
Oh, didn't expect it to be on R20, I should have checked first.
Burning wheel is one of the best equipped systems for genuine political intrigue, so if you're not including that in your game you're playing yourself
for ez chargen (Tick off setting - Enforce lifepath requirements, Enforce point limits to get full lifepaths/traits list)
Here is a fantastic hour-long video that explains why the game is one of the best P&P RPGs ever made.
Warning: Not for ADHD brainlets