Ever been in a campaign with anons from Veeky Forums? How was your experience?
Ever been in a campaign with anons from Veeky Forums? How was your experience?
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Most of them have been terrible. One of them introduced me to one of my best friends who I've been gaming with consistently ever since.
Once, never fucking again.
Yes, back when Veeky Forums was good, we had this thread called planesandmercs. I've known that group of twenty some people for ten years, and it is by far the best internet bond we ever made.
A few times. Normally, characters would be created and then the GM would disappear without a trace, but I remember once that I was going to help test CATastrophe, which was taking place on a private Myth-Weavers forum. I got my character set up and everything was ready to go, and then nothing happened. Literally zero activity on the forum for thirty days straight. I left and never looked back.
I did get into one game that actually started, though, and it was fantastic. Loved every second of it. Unfortunately, real life stepped up and bent our GM over the sink, so he wasn't able to run it anymore and we had to abruptly end it. It was sad, but the memories are good.
What if everything you ever wanted... CAME! FROM! THE COLDWAR!? Firestorm... COLDWAR EDITION! *vroom*
For those who missed some of the best OC to come out of Veeky Forums ever.
once from a gamefidnder thread over skype. hardly anybody but myself and the DM seemed to be paying any attention at all. one or two guys that couldn't stop referencing Veeky Forums memes and making lol randum jokes. and one guy playing a cat girl
pretty shit desu
More than enough to know to never do it again.
>first game, DnD
>everyone, literally every single one of them, had protagonist syndrome
>speaking over each other, user starts/is in the middle of/finishes a discussion/action that the other(s) didnt like and suddenly get "So I walk in at this time-" faggotry
>Second try, 40k Rogue Trader
>everyone is trying to out lore-penis the next
>Actually you shouldnt be able to do x because y
>actually y is fine because of [citation]
>well ACTUALLY that was old lore and retconned by [other citation]
>well AHKSHUALLY, regardless of all that a situation in this example shows that isnt the case 100% of the time so fuck you
>third times the charm, Pathfinder
>everyone is all over the fucking place on the moral spectrum
>cant agree to anything
>everyone justifying their inability to be with the group because it's "in-character"
Bunch of faggots, the lot of you.
Start at the beginning.
Currently in one with an user I met through Veeky Forums and a couple of his and our friends. It's been super fun so far, though had a bit of a slow and rocky start. It takes a while for people to get comfortable playing with strangers I think.
drama and lesbians
every time
We tried, but one of the dudes had to leave due to his sister passing away. We talked a bit on discord later but after a bit he stopped showing up completely.
If you're still on here dude, I hope everything's alright.
>Ever been in a campaign with anons from Veeky Forums?
>*notices there's no Game Finder thread*
For the entire time I was playing Dark Heresy, it was with people on the suptg IRC channel. So, heavy user presence.
It was pretty fucking great, and some of the best games I've ever been in in my life - with the exception of an incredibly rail road heavy game, but even that had some super interesting characters compared to what I've seen in person from folk.
I found a group to play FFG Star Wars with on a gamefinder thread almost a year ago. They're pretty fun to chat with and meme with, and we're currently playing a 2e game.
how do i avoid the redditors in gamefinder threads?
You stop being a faggot and judging people over petty bullshit.
Yes, It actually went very well. Sadly the DM had life things happen so we had to stop.
All the people I play with IRL post on Veeky Forums or at least frequent the board even though they don't post a lot.
So yes, but not in the sense that I found the group by playing with anonymous faggots. I started playing with people I knew IRL and they all turned out to be anonymous faggots.
This is a sign.
The best part about that, is that even in 2010, we had people on Veeky Forums bitching that an indie homebrew RPG/tabletop game wasn't Veeky Forums related. At that time, they could be ignored.
Now, threads like those would get deleted while wat do threads thrive. And that makes me sad.
It was pretty fun. Kinda lewd.
It’s what got me into loli, actually.
Sup reddit
I met a bunch of amazing players on /mlp/
Any given 40k thread on Veeky Forums should have told you that playing with fa/tg/uys in a 40k game would be cancer
Somebody in my current group browses Veeky Forums, although I didn't meet him here.
He's a pretty good GM, can improvise really well, but as a player he has a strong urge to challenge the GM's authority. We sometimes have minor chuckles about Veeky Forums culture and obscure Veeky Forums meme at the table.
I can relate to that, I'm the group's forever GM, and, I suspect as a consquence, the rare occasion when I get to play I find it difficult to accept GM rulings that I would not have done
Can confirm, I'm a PermaDM by choice and any time I get nostalgic and try to be a player I usually have a good time until I see the GM make a ruling that is absolutely, pants on head antisocial and stupid and I get pretty challenging.
This. I find the idea of playing a 40k campaign with the people I see arguing 40k canon on this board revolting.
Amen to this. If they're open about Veeky Forums they're not people you want to be around. In my case, the guy was highly antagonistic to everyone else and pretty obnoxious oog as well.
Then again, the game likely would have been mediocre even without him, given only he and I talked at all, but he wasn't helping it. I left after one session
I had a long term group (many campaigns over 5 years) that I met in a quest related irc channel. There wasn't anything wrong with them, it just naturally petered out over time as people drifted away. Also played a campaign with some randos and that went alright.
>If they're open about Veeky Forums they're not people you want to be around.
Why was rule 1 every abandoned. Why.
The first game was just awful, JoJo and Bix Snood spouting ultra memers the lot of them. I got kicked from the game because I didn't understand their jokes or the grim dark game they wanted.
The second group I've been playing with for over 6 months now in an ongoing campaign. I wish two of the players would participate a little more (they do their best so I have no ill will towards them) and I'm constantly fretting about being in the spotlight too much, but we seem to mesh well together. I'm very thankful to have met them. Thanks Frojin.
My last 3-4 groups have all been from Veeky Forums and gamefinder.
No complaints except that they always fell apart, often due to my own fault if I was DM'ing, but sometimes the players would just quit and interest would fall apart. Sad but not terrible.
I’m in a couple of Persona games with people from Veeky Forums. Both of them are pretty great but like any international group scheduling is a pain in the arse.
Honestly I spied on their Fallout games for a time, because Fallout tickles all my pleasure centers, and found they pulled that shit off really fucking well most of the time. Surprised me.
They were all pretty alright; no different to picking up randoms from anywhere else, honestly. Some were a little cringey, some were pretty damn good, most fell somewhere in between and were fine once we all found each other's rhythm.
Hmm. Now where have I read this before?
Nice trips
I've learned to never play with a furry ever again, that and D&D autists.
I used to play with Wastelandwarrior and a few other fa/tg/uys/ca/tg/irls. Lots of fun despite the fact I had to play at godawful strange hours due to being Australian. I stopped doing online gaming mostly because of that timezone differential and have had 1-2 games going IRL on average since.
playing online is worse than not playing at all
I've been in a couple games with Veeky Forums and they were all awful. Almost everyone I've gamed with through Veeky Forums has been a dysfunctional Salvadore Dali-esque mockery of a human being. Just as a few examples:
>that guy playing a lamia in a Pathfinder game who he described as swallowing whole every enemy we defeated
>that guy playing a half-Japanese martial artist who thought he was a Shonen Protagonist in the middle of an otherwise normal American West game
>that guy who forgot his mic was on and started rubbing one out in the middle of a session
>that guy with a piss fetish who would describe his character wetting herself in fear at the beginning of combat
>that guy who wanted to play a loli, complete with ecchi character art, in an otherwise serious sword'n'sorcery game
>that guy who would constantly drag /pol/ shit into the 40k game and got mad and called everyone a libtard when he was asked to stop
I've been in two games with people from Veeky Forums. The first was good (and spilled over into playing different games like Blood Bowl with the same people) and the second was awful and short-lived.
I'm currently in a game with people from Veeky Forums. It's pretty good.
>playing Pathfinder
Honestly, what did you expect?
I should mention that the games are Dark Heresy, Star Wars D20, and D&D 4e respectively.
Makes sense that Veeky Forums would love 4e, they used to have a general for it.
Because newfags and offsiters got too populous.
>Things that never happened.
Because after getting that on twice, you kept trying.
I don't know about any 4e general, but the game is from the Dominions general.
I ran a game for a number of people, all but one of whom I met on Veeky Forums and that one I met on /x/.
A few years later, one of the players I met on Veeky Forums is a good friend, and I'm in a game he's running with other people, some of whom are from Veeky Forums.
We get along well, laugh a lot, have some good role-playing, and generally people manage to have interesting characters without having absurd "doesn't-fit-into-the-setting" bullshit going on.
To be fair that is exactly how shit transpires here. Why would people with poor social skills not carry that iver into real life?
Never had much luck playing with anons from any board. Mostly just shitty players and flakes than anything totally awful.
Now on the weird flip side the two times I've bought things from anons have been fantastic. Bought some user's Planescape monster manual collection and another's FAG I'll get around to building you someday Baselard with zero issues.
Go back.
I was in a game with 2hufag. You couldn't pay me to play with him again.
I played with him once.
Played with Edward/Drawde too.
I'm pretty sure my DM is user because he's a turbo autist and understands internet culture but he could also just be a plebbitor.
People here flake too often sadly I have no one irl to play with so I just have to put up with it
It's honestly been okay as far as Pathfinder campaigns go. It's still running. The big issue has been scheduling, really.
How bad is he in person?
Legitimate, unironic autist. Basically throws a quie tantrum if things don't go his way, will force the DM to run the game 'his' way if he can, more or less. It's probably worse than what you're thinking of, he honestly made me loathe the game.
Does no one ever call him out on his shit or try to kick him from the game?
The DM was a puss who cowtowed to him. It wasn't a Veeky Forums ran game, ironically. Someone else invited him into the game.
They have not been very good to say the least. The best ones were the ones that flaked out after a session or two and refused to reply to any PMs. I would look elsewhere for recruiting people, preferably in real life.
Several. Hell, my regular crew is 50% fa/tg/uys.
Never had a problem. All good players, well mannered and cool. I think because they are all paranoid about being "that guys", they end up self moderating.
I'm in a game like this right now with a Veeky Forumstg/ group. It's been going on consistently every week for over a year and it's pretty good.
I was in one before, it was hilarious and a bit of a mess but ended too early. Still quite memorable overall.
Veeky Forums is quality.
Veeky Forums is fun.
My very first P&P experience was a zombie-themed game (which I can't remember the name of) over Skype with some anons from a gamefinder thread.
I ghosted after the first session because the other players were a guy and his GF and the girl had no personality outside of "I love my boyfriend" and it was a very rocky first experience.
I don't remember the GM or player's names, but if you fellas are reading this I'd like to apologize. Ghosting is a shit thing to do and I really should have said something.
I invited one to my game but it fell apart before he got to join.
Sorry, Shuffle. Your character was pretty cool.