What's a good name for a type of magic that focuses on fucking with luck other than something dumb like tychemancy?

What's a good name for a type of magic that focuses on fucking with luck other than something dumb like tychemancy?


>a tarot

Fate weaving?

Hexing. That's what the goddamn word was made for, you illiterate little prick.


Hocus Pocus?

Probabilism or something, if it's approached in a mathematical manner. It wouldn't just be some "lol luck fuck you logic" magic, but more a kind of logic that tips the odds in your favor. Making a 1 in a million shot a 99 in 100 shot or something. A probabilist would be the kind of person who makes entirely crazy, seemingly irrational decisions that more often than not seem to work out anyway. They'd have one weakness though: probability itself. 99/100 will never become 100/100 so they can still fail. It's just incredibly unlikely.

Ironically enough, the only thing that could beat such a luck mage is... bad luck!

That does carry the implication of being strictly curses, I think. At least nowadays, I don't know the history. OP might want a term that encompasses creating both bad luck and good luck.


Yes and no. In traditional folklore a hex is something that affects your fortune for good or bad, but because there can't be good without bad the person who is blessed to be fortunate will ultimatedly suffer greatly and the person who is cursed to be unfortunate will ultimatedly be vindicated.

4e had a Luckbender archetype for sorcerers that did something similar. Otherwise... the only thing that comes to mind is Huckster.



Rota Fortunae

In Unknown Armies there is a form of magic called Entropomancy, which is effectively what you describe.

Fortunamancy seems obvious

I imagine luck magic would work something like this.

What does the red "Altered Probability" represent, in terms of dice rolling?

Luck Magic? Fate Magic?

Looks like a +5

Talecrafting. You aren't warping their luck so much as giving them a destiny.

Not OP, but I feel like fate and luck aren't the same thing.

Just be a cleric of Murphy, and all your problems will be solved.

Murphy said: "If there is a wrong way to do something, then someone will do it that way". It's a mock of optimism regarding people's performance as a group, not pure inevitable nihilism.

Casus-ism or suchlike. This would more strongly relate to manipulating the chance of things, or the events themselves.

In terms of mechanics, fucking with luck is the most boring thing you can do

I prefer keeping it simple and calling it fate magic, luck magic, or hexing.

But what about critical hits? Rerolls? Causing enemies to have critical failures? Random spellcasting like a wildmage, using a few 'luck buffs' to try and control things to at least positive results?

Gypsy magic.

It's literally just Sorcery.