>System Preferred
>Times Available (with timezone!)
>Method of Play (Skype, IRC, roll20, etc)
>Contact Info
>Additional Notes
Gamefinder/Game Finder Thread
Other urls found in this thread:
Any body looking for games?
Please stop with these threads. Just take a week off or something.
>>System Preferred
Warhammer fantasy 2nd, Pathfinder, D&D 5e
>>Times Available (with timezone!)
All of sunday, Monday except 5:30pm to 8pm(EST)
>>Method of Play (Skype, IRC, roll20, etc)
Skype or discord I don't like text games, and roll20 or whatever
>>Contact Info
skype: girwasx
Discord: SeanDouglass#6912
email: [email protected]
>>Additional Notes
even though those are my preferred systems I'm up for anything fantasy, just not to into sci-fi or the likes, oh and heres a free pimp knight art
>System Preferred
Old-School OSR (Swords and Wizardry Light the most likely)
>Times Available (with timezone!)
Likely Tuesday afternoons, CST but I'm negotiable
>Method of Play (Skype, IRC, roll20, etc)
Discord will definitely be our method for communicating, not sure if I want to mess with voice or anything. It's all on the table though, and if enough players want to play a certain way I am all ears.
>Contact Info
>Additional Notes
I'm a newbie to tabletop role-playing games. I found it difficult finding a general dungeon crawl for fun, so I decided to make one.
Asking a somewhat relevant question here since you fags don't have a /sqt/ or /qtddtot/:
What are the pros and cons of different d&d editions?
I'm looking to into d&d again, only version I ever played with was 3.5 years ago. I'm probably going to play electronically somehow, maybe roll20 if it's any good. No idea how the new versions are different from 3.5 and if I should bother learning them. Electronic copies of materials must be free because poorfag.
Yes. Post-Apoc zombie stuff or space-based scifi.
PDF share thread has all books forever. 5e is for faggots, 4e is fucking awful and it's like an MMO, Pathfinder is not!3.5 except a weird mix of worse and better. Fantasy Craft is garbage, and every other RPG is dead. Basically, don't fucking play D&D.
Don't play D&D.
Just don't.
It will cause you to form bad habits and you will never break them without at least a decade of suffering... and even then, it will require you to be a particularly introspective and enlightened soul to break through.
Use some other system like GURPS instead.
If you are so fucking stupid that you insist on playing D&D, then use Pathfinder. Not D&D.
Bump so this thread will be up tommrrow.
I've never even heard of most of those other systems you mentioned. What do you mean, bad habits?
I'm not a Veeky Forumsfag, I just remember enjoying d&d version 3.5 in high school and came here to see how to go about picking it up again. Didn't even know most of these options existed. I thought I was asking a much simpler question than I really was I guess.
I'll look into them but they have to be free and newbie friendly, the people I'll be playing with have probably rarely if ever played any tabletop RPG either.
And while I'm at it--is roll20 any good? I'd like to save on the hassle of all the paper and dice.
Take the 'don't play D&D' screeching with a grain of salt, it's alright, it's a gateway RPG for better and for worse.
Generally speaking 5e is rather simple to get into and pathfinder is when a bunch of 3.5 enthusiasts decide to make 3.5 but better (succeeding in certain aspects and failing in others), if you want to play D&D it's basically a choice between 5e, 3.5e or pathfinder.
If you've played a long time ago and you are not really 'proficient' in TTRPGs I'd say go ahead and try out 5e.
You know what? Fuck it, fuck it all.
>System Preferred
Any. See below.
>Times Set (with timezone!)
Fridays 5-10pm GMT, the hours can be wiggled a bit, but the day is mostly set
>Method of Play (Skype, IRC, roll20, etc)
roll20, discord, whatever
>Voice or text
I don't care as long as everyone can agree on it
>Contact Info/Discord Room Link
@Rian#5861 on discord or here, whatev
>Additional Notes
I'll run a few sessions of whatever the fuck you want, as long as you can get 2-3 more peple who can agree on what we play, and can show up in time consistently. If things go smoothly we can play even longer than that.
If it's a new system, give me time to get used to it. The more books, the more complex the more time I need of course.
Are you familiar with Dungeon fantasy or GURPS in general? I'm looking for a fantasy game, either low or high.
Bad roleplaying habits, from what I've gathered. People I know mostly complain about murderhobos and minmaxers who don't engage with their characters or the story.
Sent a request.
How's that the RPG system's fault? Isn't that just bad roleplaying in general that players should know better than to do?
I was afraid someone might ask for GURPS, as I only know it on a very surface level and never tried it.
Sure I could run it, but it would be a big learning curve, and don't expect anything outside of the Basic Set.
I'm unfamilliar with Dungeon fantasy, but I could look it up sure.
If I had to pick something fantasy, I would try to make any kind of worldbuilding that would make it different from generic tolkein that roll20 crawls with. I presonally love planar adventures.
It's like kids and parents. You have new people coming into the hobby, the "kids", and then you have the "parents" which is the group they join and the system they use. It forms their habits, their preconceptions, etc. You're right, at the end of the day the system is innocent, but DnD has the largest community, and is pretty accommodating to poor roleplayers. You can totally have a good game of DnD, just expect to have to separate the wheat from the chaff.
Ok. In my case then it doesn't really matter, I'm going to be playing with the same IRL friends regardless. It sounds like d&d is more accessible to people who are new to TTGs from what people have said?
And I guess it's narrowed down to 5e or Pathfinder, and I gotta admit I'm slightly biased towards Pathfinder just because I have played 3.5e before. What kind of changes did they make in 5e that would make it worth switching over?
>It sounds like d&d is more accessible to people who are new to TTGs from what people have said?
Not the same guy, but I guess?
It only requires you to learn what die to roll, and to keep your abilities in mind. Like in a videogame, so very accessible indeed.
But at the same time it can really shirk the roleplaying aspect. Like you don't need any imagination, you just pick a race and class and play yourself endlessly, almost like in an mmo.
Which isn't that bad mind you, but it could be difficult mindset to get out of.
Because it is a game of Dungeons and Dragons.
The dragon might be demons, or skeletons, but they are almost always monsters to fight with.
The Dungeon might be the citadel of a king, or the alleys of a metropolis, but it is alway dungeoncrawling.
If you ever want to get out of the dungeons, and do other things than fighting monsters, it is less than ideal.
Not trying to dissuade you from D&D, you just have to be aware of it's limits.
That's kind of what I'm looking for. I think if you have a good group dynamic you don't really need the game to spell out the roleplaying, it should happen organically.
What do other systems have that encourage roleplaying more?
This guy has good advice.
D&D (including Pathfinder) is vanilla, dungeon-crawling fantasy. If that's what you and your players are expecting, then you'll find it accessible.
Is your group into 40k? Check out Dark Heresy. Star Wars? Edge of the Empire.
Lovecraft? Call of Cthulhu.
Basically, try to pick a setting that engages them and gets their minds running with character ideas. D&D can do that. But it often carries so much baggage that players are conditioned to treat it as more of a "game" than "narrative."
If there's a setting that YOU as GM are particularly interested in, sell them on that before you even mention the rules.
Well almost all of them that aren't universal systems that meant to encompass everything. But they all encourage playing a role in the world they describe in. Which is good enough to plant the seeds I guess.
D&D's limits are, what other systems do better:
>people will think too much within it's alignments
personalities are usually more complex than that
But it doesn't actively supresses roleplaying, people who are into it still can do it.
>it only has 2-3 social skills, so anything with socialisation, or intrique, has to be kept pretty limited
it is fine, as long as players don't keep insisting to use high Diplomacy as brainwashing, and high Bluff as reality-warping
>The setting and theme is meant to be medieval, or high fantasy, but always fantasy, with swords, wizards, and dungeons.
It is okay as long as you don't try to make a Digimon game with D&D, use Digimon for that. Or try to play Star Wars, use Star Wars for that. Or try to play SCP, use Delta Green for that, or try to play superheroes. etc etc etc.
>It sounds like d&d is more accessible to people who are new to TTGs from what people have said?
This really isn't true if dealing with a blank slate, but people familiar with online MMO's or similar games will probably find the ideas easy to grasp.
It's a matter of what people are into going in to the game really and choosing a game that suits them, as really most games do a good job of explaining how to play.
GM or Player, experience with both, though never online before. Probably GM, though.
I really want to play burning wheel again, an irl group played twice and I loved it though I guess I was the only one
est, flexible
respond if anyone's interested.
What's Burning Wheel like?
Probably smoking hot
>System Preferred
>Times Set (with timezone!)
To be decided with the players, but as a baseline my own times are 4PM-9PM GMT with Mon-Wed and Friday free.
>Method of Play (Skype, IRC, roll20, etc)
To be decided with the players, probably at least a whiteboard of some kind is needed to keep track of dice and index cards.
>Voice or text
This depends. If we want to do like one-session quick games, Voice OOC at the very least is mandatory, but for longer PBP style games it's probably not.
>Contact Info/Discord Room Link
>Additional Notes
Looking for 3-4 participants to play Fiasco with.
If you didn't know, Fiasco is a GM-less narrative improv game about people with powerful ambition and poor impulse control, centering around their parts in cascading disasters where lives and reputations are lost and painful wisdom is gained. Think movies like Blood Simple, Burn After Reading and Fargo.
Players play their characters in scenes during their turn, where they can either choose to establish the scene and let the others choose their fate, or vice versa. It's a weird game for weird people and can be played in quick bursts or slow intricate narratives.
Don't be prepared to win.
Any games you anons wanted to play but never found an ad for? I've always been curious about Dungeons the Dragoning myself.
I'd kill for a decent Dresden Files RPG game. Never seen one here, despite how much Veeky Forums seems to love the series.
So, how common or uncommon is it for people to do mutual solo games here? Because I'm willing to run Exalted or L5R, but I also really want to play Pendragon or Exalted, and for some reason I've been toying with the idea of solo games and I kinda like the idea. Not that I'd turn down a normal game of Exalted or, particularly, Pendragon, mind you.
I'm into it. What's your Discord?
3e has more of everything including the bad, 5e has less of everything including the good. 2e and earlier are clusterfucks beloved by grognards who think the fun they had with their friends when they were kids was because of the system they were playing instead of in spite of it. 4e was an attempt to make D&D more video game-like, entirely defeating the purpose of a tabletop roleplaying game.
Oh, wow, wasn't expecting such a quick response. Well, before that, couple things I should probably clarify
1.) Are you okay with Text?
2.) Do Tuesdays and Wednesdays work for you?
Forgot to add, I'm EST, so I'd be working on an EST schedule.
Yes and yes.
Wild Talents
>Times Set (with timezone!)
(This isn't set in stone) Thursday 6:30pm EST
>Method of Play
>Voice or text
Text only, VC will be available for ooc but I (the GM) won't be in it.
>Contact Info/Discord Room Link
Just PM me
>Additional Notes
Based off of the Wild Cards book series but no knowledge is required.
Players will have the option to play as either Winners or Lucky Losers, with some benefits granted to those who choose the latter. The campaign is meant to be street tier and players who attempt to make characters above that 'weight class' will be denied like the faggots they are. The only character requirement is that they are willing to be convinced to become a vigilante, even if their motivations are purely self-involved.
Also: This is my first time on Wild Talents at all, let alone as a GM, strap in for retardation
Cont for setting desc.
After the second World War a German bioweapon dubbed ‘Roulette’ by the media contaminated the world's water supply, though nobody knows how. Roulette was designed by the Nazis in a bid to create super soldiers but there's a catch, it never worked as it should.
For the majority of the infected population, it does nothing at all. For those it does react to, it isn’t instantaneous; the virus lays dormant only to activate in response to extreme stress. Most of the people who undergo the activation die in their own special way, these are the people who lost the Roulette, the Losers.
Roughly a quarter of the activated population make up what the media has dubbed 'the Lucky Losers', they survived the virus but have been left as freaks and mutants. The last handful make up those who've received the intended boon, they gained abilities. This group of people are split into two camps, the larger of the two are the Flukes, people who’s powers have left them with in-built party tricks and not much else. The smaller portion are the Winners, people with real-life superpowers.
No matter what someone gets from the Roulette, from Loser to Winner, they never meet the exact fate as someone else. There are no constants.
It's the late 50's and the Red Scare is running at full power, the US has placed extreme limitations on the people that have survived the Roulette. Winners and Flukes are expected to expose themselves to the gov’t as soon as they can and not doing so is a federal crime. Registered people lose voting rights, are places on a public ‘blacklist’ and they can be drafted into the gov’t service on a moment's notice. Not all Winners are willing to go gently, however. Starting with NYC's guardian angel who dubbed himself the Watcher, there's a new movement among Winners to take up the role of masked vigilantes, fighting against both the government and the criminal underbelly of America.
Because I'm retarded and forgot, Discord ID is AnHero#5885
So what IRC servers are around for playing on? I know suptg has one. I just want to keep a few around in case I ever get the time and motivation for a one shot.
Roll20 is just a virtual tabletop. It's a web-hosted browser-based virtual tabletop.
Pathfinder and D&D3.5 are free since they're both under the Open Game License now. The RULES are free and available via one of the SRDs around the internet, but Paizo's setting / worldbuilding / adventure content is what they sell for money... not like you can't yo ho ho and a bottle of rum it anyway.
There's a lot to say on the topic. Suffice to say that D&D flavors aren't *bad* if you're a good and experienced roleplayer, but they are bad if you aren't.
Use a different system and don't allow the munchkin culture to ever take root or you'll regret it.
Go download GURPS Lite from SJG. It's free and simple and small and you can expand it indefinitely.
Roleplaying do NOT "just happen" organically or otherwise.
It does not. Just... no. It doesn't.
If you are gonna play D&D and just *expect* that your group will roleplay, you will be disappointed every time. For starters, the system has nothing to support roleplay at all, and that's before we get into talking about the ruleset's cultural history.
>Roleplaying do NOT "just happen" organically or otherwise.
If you have players who are actually interested in the roleplaying side of things, yes it will.
I guess I'm still kind of in the dark about what kind of roleplay you're talking about. What kind of roleplay can a system make that people can't?
My only experience with d&d or any other tabletop RPG is of me and a bunch of other dipshit high school kids playing 3.5e. We'd start dungeon crawling and then just kind of flesh out the story ourselves using the dice and rules as a framework. Personalities, interpersonal drama, difficulties with outside factions due to characters' actions, etc. would all just kind of happen as people got into the role of how they thought their character would act.
Is that not what you're talking about?
>roll20 is just a virtual tabletop
I know that. I do use Google before asking questions.
What I meant is, is it a good one, worth taking the time to learn rather than just using paper, or is there something better out there I should use instead? (bearing in mind I'm a poorfag)
>System Preferred
Far Trek
>Times Available (with timezone!)
Mon-Thurs 9:30PMCST start time
>Method of Play (Skype, IRC, roll20, etc)
>Contact Info
sirnewty#3562 on discord
>Additional Notes
First time running Far Trek, really interested in the system.
Also looking for people who will be active members on our server, we run various SDL games as well.
That's one way to do it, but most people prefer to come to the table with a character whose story before the events of the game is already defined. They're looking for a narrative right from the start.
>What I meant is, is it a good one, worth taking the time to learn rather than just using paper, or is there something better out there I should use instead? (bearing in mind I'm a poorfag)
If you can get an irl pen-and-paper game going that's preferable to Roll20 but if you're going to be playing digitally roll 20 helps if only to make sure all of the players can look at the same thing for references and that nobody cheats on dice rolls.
Yeah, but do you need the system to force you to do that? I just kind of assumed that people come up with backstories for their characters even if they're not officially written down anywhere. That could even help the game as you could have backstory elements that you didn't tell anyone but the DM until they become relevant later.
For example, I was thinking of making a character who seems to be a pretty generic Pelor cleric, but is hiding from the team that he's really a cleric of the death god (Nerull right?) in disguise, and has a pretty complete gritty backstory about how he was turned against the Pelor church due to a corrupt bishop killing someone close to him for blowing the whistle on his corruption, and is now driven by a massive vendetta which the party won't learn about until the DM decides to bring it into the story somehow, or just until he happens to fail a skill check for disguise or something and gets exposed.
Can you even do shit like that in a system that makes you put it all down on paper ahead of time?
>not Superworld
"Oh, there's a mind-bending puzzling requiring intimate knowledge of obscure and arcane lore to have a prayer of solving? Let me just go ahead and ignore the fact my combat-optimized orc barbarian has 5/5/5 int/wis/cha and is literally illiterate and has never seen a book before in his life and just go ahead and say that I solve the puzzle by punching it because there aren't any rules that say I can't or shouldn't!"
A simplistic roll against a DC with Diplomacy, Bluff and Intimidate does not depict the complexities and degrees of success / failure that social interactions actually have. And that's before we discuss the limitations of the Knowledge skill(s) (do you really have access to the only library on the planet from which you could learn this thing just because you have a Knowledge score of +20?).
Just as some really abstract examples.
Roleplay requires arbitration just as much as any other obstacle or dramatic feat. "Mother May I" is not a roleplaying game.
I just want a game of Eclipse Phase where I don't have to constantly egocast.
There are other VTs around, but they aren't as easy to get a group organized for. MapTools is probably a superior VT, but it hasn't got any centralized community or LFM tools. Fantasy Grounds looks pretty... but it fucking sucks for reasons beyond the scope of a GameFinder thread.
Really? You should move your discussion to a new thread because it's polluting this one.
Different guy here, but I'd be down for Exalted.
>A simplistic roll against a DC with Diplomacy, Bluff and Intimidate does not depict the complexities and degrees of success / failure that social interactions actually have
Which is why they're opposed tests, not simple tzests, and there's situational and circumstantial modifiers.
> And that's before we discuss the limitations of the Knowledge skill(s) (do you really have access to the only library on the planet from which you could learn this thing just because you have a Knowledge score of +20?).
No, but knowledge rolls aren't binary "You know everything/You know nothing" affairs but provide more information based on - wait for it - degrees of success, set at various DCs. If a piece of information can literally only be found in one library no ones accessed for ages then none of the tiers contain the knowledge, but a high success might provide knowledge about the library in question, its history, associations or even location and tell you where to find the knowledge.
You're just bad at mechanics.
>a game of Eclipse Phase where I don't have to constantly egocast.
Literally the biggest issue with the system and especially intended means of play (i.e. firewall agent) compared to where character generation resources actually go and matter.
Any successful campaign I've had was either highly localized or travelled in meatform.
Yep, 100% agree.
Wouldn't that just be up to a non-retarded DM to say "no, that wouldn't work, idiot!" Isn't that why you have a DM, to moderate and keep everything halfassed realistic?
Of course, you need the players to be somewhat cooperative too, but if the players and DM are both making a good faith effort to have decent roleplay that kind of shit shouldn't happen.
>you should move your discussion
I'd have loved to, if your board had a damn /sqt/ like every other interest board does.
Besides, I had no idea it would be this deep. I thought it would be a simple "yeah, X edition is better for X reason, roll20 is good/sucks balls and here's why, the end. I didn't mean to hijack a thread, honest.
I said inspired by WC not literally WC
Your house rules are not "the mechanics".
>hay guise, what's the objectively best dessert pastry and why?
>Gee I didn't know it wasn't just a simple answer!
Not like anyone uses this thread for anything. Besides, keeps it from getting archived.
To be fair, I was getting answers to a question I didn't ask. I was asking a pretty targeted question about different d&d versions and I got wrapped up in a discussion of entire TTRPG systems I'd never even heard of.
So more like
>Hey guys which is better an apple turnover or a cherry one?
and I got
>They're both objectively shit and cinnamon rolls are better, here's 1000 reasons why that is!
and then the whole thing devolves into an argument about which one is more conducive to better table manners or some fucking thing and I'm still left scratching my head over which damn turnover I want
I want to play L5R with you GMing, that would be rad.
Post contact info and we can talk too.
OD&D is a tightly focused dungeon crawler (as are all editions up until 2e), but it leaves a lot unsaid, and is almost an art form to interpret.
Holmes Basic is a three-level easy to use intro to OD&D and AD&D 1e, not intended as a full game all the way through to mighty conqueror levels.
B/X is a simple D&D that runs up to middle-high power levels.
BECMI is the successor to B/X, and runs into very high power and eventual godhood.
Rule Compendium is pretty much restated BECMI.
Holmes through RC use race-as-class, so elves are always fighter-mages, dwarves are always fighters, etc.
AD&D 1e is Holmes and B/X's more complex, larger-item-and-spell-list having brother. No race-as-class here, just Jack Vance impressions.
2e is 1e with the funny language and some of the more obscure rules removed or made optional. Moving towards general fantastic adventures from the "raid dungeons to gain money and power to claim your own territory" model of the older editions, which clashes a bit with some of the rules assumptions. XP for Gold says it's an optional rule, but it'll take a long time to level up if you don't use either it or the roleplaying bonus XP rules.
3.X is a character building game with attached roleplaying elements. Back to dungeoneering, but in a more Diablo style instead of the "avoid combat as much as possible while stealing everything that isn't nailed down" style of the earlier editions. At least it's got unified mechanics, as opposed to the agglomeration of rules that created the older editions.
4e is a tactical combat boardgame/SRPG with attached roleplaying elements. Very good at what it does, but may not have the feel you like.
5e is supposed to be a happy mixture of 2e, 3e, and 4e. Debate about how well it does that.
Any ERP games recruiting?
>System Preferred
Rogue Trader or any 40krpg, D&D 5e, Palladium
>Times Available
after 7 pm Hawaii/Pacific time on weekdays, 4 pm HPT on weekends
>Method of Play
Roll20, Discord
>Contact Info
Discord: Eärendil#9067
Brand new player, but really want to learn the basics
House rules? You mean the rules as they're printed in the book, with knowledges citing DCs and what they reveal for every topic/faction/whatever presented in various sourcebooks? Or the fact that social skills legitimately have skills you roll in opposition to them?
Do you just now know what the fuck you're talking about maybe?
Rogue Trader is honestly possibly the least newcomer friendly 40k RPG because every position is a position of leadership and several have conflicts of interests and conflicting allegiances between the RT Dynasty and the Machine Cult/Navigator Houses/Astropaths, etc.
what's the easiest to learn?
>System Preferred
Pathfinder + Path of War (and PoW Expanded)
>Times Available (with timezone!)
Wednesdays at 9pm EST
>Method of Play (Skype, IRC, roll20, etc)
Roll20 for maps, character sheets, handouts, etc + Discord for voice
>Contact Info
Discord @ Parseth#4481
>Additional Notes
Running the AP Reign of Winter. Need one more player. First game will be March 7th.
One player is going Zealot (PoW Expanded), another is going back and forth on whether or not to run a Druid or Hunter while the last player is not sure what they want to play just yet.
Any ideas yet? I'd love WHF.
Don't mind him, basically what said.
Usually Veeky Forums is not afraid to make threads for short-sounding questions that don't fit into any of the generals.
Veeky Forums likes to discuss things in-depth, even if the OP sounds shallow.
or shitpost in depth, usually both
Well out of the armada of people who swamped me, a group whom asked me to run a WHF chaos campaign have organized themselves before everyone and won out.
Alright, sorry for the delay. Some shot came up that kept me busy and I only just remembered to check back here.
Eddie#6158 on Discord, shoot me a friend request and I'll get back to you when I'm done with classes. Assuming you and the other guy haven't worked something out those days already, in which case, my fault for taking so long to reply.
bump, looking for one more player
I will not let this thread die without going into triple digits!
Bumping this, still need one player!
Player (preferred)
>System Preferred (In order of most interested/familiar to least interested/familiar)
D&D 5E, Savage Worlds, TBZ, EoTE, Ryuutama, Dungeon World, Pathfinder
>Times Available (with timezone!)
Any time Monday or Tuesday PST.
>Method of Play (Skype, IRC, roll20, etc)
>Contact Info
discord : Liris#0001
>Additional Notes
Even a solo campaign would be cool. I'm generally not interested in GMing except for small groups, around 2-3 players max.
It's a fascinating swiss watch of a game with a somewhat convoluted but very fun character creation system, well-implemented metagame reward cycle, and it takes as much care with social mechanics as it does combat. It's honestly awesome but kinda tough to explain. I recommend downloading Burning Wheel Gold from the pdf thread (and buy the book if you like it, like I did) and just try making a character for fun. If you're hooked, you'll love the game. If it bores you, you probably won't.
Is a solo campaign of DnD even feasible?
not really. y'know what game is good for solo games though? Burning Wheel
What's Burning Wheel?
my fav system
I'm pretty sure its that mad max esque game.
op of that finder post. Yes it's feasible, if you're creative enough in the game and don't focus on wargames for every style of encounter.
>System Preferred
D&D 5e, WoD, PTO
>Times Available (with timezone!)
Mon/Tu/Sat/Sun from noon until midnight, and Friday from 8 PM until mightnight.
>Method of Play (Skype, IRC, roll20, etc)
Prefer roll20/discord but I'll take anything except skype.
>Contact Info
>Additional Notes
I'm forever GM and my group is on a hiatus for the semester so I just wanna be a player for a bit.
....not at all
We're on page 10 anyhow so I'm gonna do some multi-bump-posting.
BUY MY GAME, user.
gonna bump my own post again, just looking for 1 more person.
here's all the PDFs for the game, the core book is FT RULES NA ed.pdf
does anyone play burning wheel or would like to learn
If you're offering to teach and run, I don't see why not.
Neat! You can get a copy in the pdf thread here, I have a physical copy (though haven't bought the codex yet). What I usually recommend first is looking at character creation (or character burning, as they call it). How it's done is choosing a series of "lifepaths" that describe your characters history, each imbuing unique skills, traits, and stats. It's kinda odd at first but intuitive once you get it.
The reason I start with this is because the kooky char. creation is pretty emblematic of the whole quirky system. If you like it, you'll like BW. If you don't, you probably won't.
Hit me up at Nine#0495 with questions and whatnot, I also have some pre-built character examples if you want.
Burning Wheel Gold is the most up to date one right? Do I need anything else besides that?
Nope, Gold is all you need. The Codex is also there as a supplemental, but its wholly optional, and is mostly just advice on how to run Burning Wheel well, ideas for running it, and extra material on how to make it your own. That said its a fun read.
Ifi had access to the 40krp rulebooks i would do one of those, but i am up for d&d on discord