Warcraft Lore and RPG Discussion

Alignment Chart edition.

Discuss the lore and story of the Warcraft franchise and its application in and around traditional games.

>Document compendium: Contains official (ex-canon) DnD 3.x variants and a fan made DnD 5e version! Also contains the official Warcraft Chronicles volumes 1 and 2.

>Previous thread:

I'm wary of that lawful evil choice. It doesn't really add up to me.

Lordaeronians are over-zealous, stuck-up-their-own-ass nobleshits who had no right to lead the Alliance.
Stromics are ancestor-worshiping primitives pretending that they're relevant in the modern age.
Alteraci are Azeroth's worst scum, valuing nothing but wealth and their own skins. They'd join the Horde if they thought it would net them some coin.
Gilneans are genocidal maniacs who sulked and built a wall when they were told they couldn't exterminate all orcs.
Dalaranians are magic-loving shitlords who are indirectly responsible for everything bad that happened to Azeroth after the Sundering.
Stormwindians are irrelevant Southerners that hasn't seen competent leadership throughout the entirety of their existence.
Kul Tirans are obese sea-worshiping cunts that slaughtered the previous inhabitants of their island but still claim that they were the persecuted ones.

Humans a shit.


What's the best nation, and why was it Theramore?

Because Theramore was the future. A future without petty RvB bullshit. A future that now lies in ruins.

Repeat after me:
Azeroth will be free.

Like father, like son. And vise-versa.

They had peace with the Horde, but took over the old Northwatch base to make sure the Horde couldn't attack them by land?

The future Theramore represented eroded slowly, before crashing down into rubble.

Really, even without Garrosh, Jaina screwed Theramore in the long run the moment she decided not to dismantle Northwatch.

TG related question, for avoiding how stupid modern lore has gotten.

What do you all think the merits are of running a campaign on ancient pre-elf Azeroth?

Trolls and Jagalars and Titanforged only?

Even if Northwatch was dismantled, Varian would have ordered something to be built so they can launch strikes deeper into Horde territory to aid the elves. Theramore isn't a good staging point as the swamp around it is terrible for marching and transporting wagons.

Post the best race choice for each class from a thematic stand point

>Human Death Knight
>Orc Warrior
>Draenei Paladin
>Troll Shaman
>Dwarf Hunter
>Undead Rogue
>Pandaren Monk
>Night Elf Demon Hunter
>Night Elf Druid
>Blood Elf Warlock
>Gnome Mage
>Draenei Priest

She screwed Theramore she stopped being a neutral port

Which 2 races would create the most interesting hybrids?

Aqir too, and whichever other race ancient enough to dig up. Maybe some Mogu-shaped races as well.

Being completely passive seems like a less than ideal move, but she should have been stricter with disciplining the Northwatch garrison for being too trigger happy with their cannons. (Fuse happy?)

It gets weird how unsupervised Northwatch seemed to be despite Jaina teleporting fucking everywhere.

Oh, and maybe some early proto-Tauren.

We can't even tell if the other races are even capable of half breeds. Only ones we have are orcs mixed with ogres, draenei, and maybe humans.

I say maybe because it's never brought up in game.

>Orc Death Knight
>Human Warrior
>Dwarf Paladin
>Troll Hunter
>Tauren Shaman
>Night Elf Demon Hunter
>Night Elf Druid
>Undead Rogue
>Pandaren Monk
>Draenei Priest
>Gnome Mage
>Blood Elf Warlock

Yours is close to mine, so good taste, user.

nah you've pretty much got it

Yaungol are proto-tauren. Yak people before cow people.

>reading for ants

>ctrl+scroll in

Lightforged and Void Elves.

I wanted to avoid doubling up races but Night Elves and Draenei work too perfectly for more than one class each.

But humans were the first ones on Azeroth to make up Light worship, they should also be priests and paladins.

i'd probably say humans are the definitive paladins, while draenei work better as priests.

Veeky Forums

Seems boring. When you have humans trolls create a contrast with them because they're more tribal etc. But maybe you're some sort of lore/writing genius who'll be able to present this set of cultures in a captivating way, IDK.

I dunno, I always preferred Draenei paladins. Yeah I guess Humans fit the classic image better but Draenei have a far more interesting take on it.

True, though I heard the Mogu meddled with them a bit.
Well, this would be the glory day of the trolls, when they really wouldn't have been all that tribal. Even the lesser empires would probably stand more impressive than Zul'drak, as the Drakkari were the most savage of Trolls. They were even exiled for it once.

They and the Mogu would be the civilized races. The warlike fleshcursed titan-forged would be the primitive tribals.

It's crazy how much shit Northwatch would pull even back in vanilla with Jaina never so much as wagging a finger at them.

They just get their powers from wind chimes.

Humans had nothing but faith.

Not anymore!

Well now everything is fucked up. It's either sun magic, light magic, naruu magic, well magic.

Well, now, humans learned about the Light from Naaru whispers.

>Gnome Mage
Absolutely disgusting.

>Human Deathknight
>Human Warrior
>Human Paladin
>Inhuman Shaman
>Human Hunter
>Human Rogue
>Human Monk
>Treacherous Elf Demon Hunter
>Inhuman Druid
>Human Warlock
>Human Mage
>Human Priest

>Human Death Knight
>Orc Warrior
>Human Paladin
>Tauren Shaman
>Dwarf Hunter
>Undead Rogue
>Pandaren Monk
>Night Elf Demon Hunter
>Night Elf Druid
>Orc Warlock
>Blood Elf Mage
>Draenei Priest

I just realized why Quillboar are on Kul Tiras. The Zandalar mentioned the Kul Tirans are known for slavery, and they've been to Kalimdor before.

The Quillboar plot could be a slave uprising.

I don't believe in classes.
Classes aren't real.

That actually makes sense

That'd redeem the whole thing. So there's no way that can be right.

If aliens can breed together, even nature spirits and elementals can breed. then I think it's safe to say anything can breed with anything.

>Trolls calling anyone out on slavery

It's not necessarily a callout. Just an observation.

There's precedent for humans using slave labor.

The Zandalar don't use slaves and believe themselves superior to anyone who does.

Didn't the zandalari enslave the goblins?

Is that really the case? I hope it's not. I want Zandalari to be brutal as possible.

They're seizing the means of production and imprisoning the kulaks.

So it's said. But even if that's the case, that was many thousands of years ago. While they were allied with the Mogu, they actually looked down on them for keeping slaves and that attitude seems to have continued on as it's mentioned by quite a few characters. It's one of the reasons they see themselves as superior to the Gurubashi, who came up with mindslaving magics.

It's the case. They'll send you on a murder spree through the enclaves of "lesser tribes" for acting up, but they don't keep slaves.

>that was many thousands of years ago
No it wasn't.
According to the chronicles the goblins only overthrew the zandalari 100 years before the first war.

Then that doesn't really add up. They were quite proud of not using slaves back in the time of the Mogu, and they're still depicted as quite proud of not using slaves.

Well that's fine then. I just don't want them to be Lawful Good

Their definition of Lawful Good has been confirmed to be a T-Rex.

Nelves used to be so badass...

Nobody cares what you want.

I wouldn't think they're against slavery for any moral reason. Rather, that it shows the weakness of your people if you can't do your own work and become too lazy and complacent.

Warcraft feels so tiny.
Can I remedy this by saying every domain in control by a kingdom is essentially 98% wilderness because they're too vast to abslutely control?

It's tiny for game reasons. in an rpg it'd obviously be bigger

How many Lordaeron humans do you think are left? Theramore fucking exploded and killed most of its inhabitants that didn't evacuate, the Scarlet Crusade is completely fucked and dead too, the Argent Crusade was raped on the Broken Shore, while Hillsbrad was gangbanged into submission by the Forsaken and all it's inhabitants killed or raised. We know tons died outside the Greymane wall, the Scarlet Crusade slaughtered many remaining villages left standing and whoever is left seems to be old farts now. Even then to begin with, it was said the majority fled with Jania, and very, very few actually came to Stormwind.

So now I think if the Alliance did try to retake Lordaeron (like in BFA) what do they even have to claim? There's very, very few Lordaeron humans left, they're all dead, certainly not enough to repopulate the ruined hellhole that was their kingdom. What more Stormwind loves to echo Lordaeron with some of it's symbols, yet at this point it's like Byzantine / Holy Roman Empire mimicking Rome. Their culture is gone, anything Stormwind tried to bring back would just be their idea of Lordaeron and it's customs much like we're seeing with Stromgarde in BFA.

At this point you have to wonder if a conquest of Lordaeron would even be worth it beyond dealing with a threat, it must cost a fortune, let alone a project to try and reclaim / clean the place up.

>in an rpg it'd obviously be bigger
you'd think so, but seeing how much power projection the Alliance and Horde have...

>At this point you have to wonder if a conquest of Lordaeron would even be worth it

Nothing is more valuable than land.

I like to imagine that because each nation was yet strong enough to build and maintain an army in Kalimdor before the battle of Hyjal, they're strong enough to establish their own settlements independent from Theramore.

Land that's blighted, plagued, haunted and heavily contested and fought over by numerous factions. The bits that were considered lush fertile farmlands are occupied by what's left of the neutral Argent Crusade / Silver Hand group.

I just did some digging and while I can't get any concrete numbers, nothing goes higher than an area of 1000 Sq Mi for ALL of WoW, including draenor and such

I mean you don't need any numbers to see how easily navies, air ships, and troops and their supplies to build settlements are deployed across the world.

Getting the Forsaken/Horde out of the Eastern Kingdoms should be a high priority, considering the horrors they have committed against their neighbours.

Digging even deeper that's an EGREGIOUSLY large number and the EK and Kalimdor are both at around 6X11 Km, meaning that the whole game world, including expansion areas, is probably below 55 sq mi

Honestly, after Mac'Aree, I'm going with Draenei Mage.

Wait, I though Northwatch was garrisoned by Kul’Tiras troops until the 4th war broke out.

Swap out both Draenei Paladin for a human and Gnome Mage for a human/blood elf and you’re gold.

Theramore took over northwatch from Kul'Tiras after Daelin died.

Kul Tiras kept some forces in the ruins of their base on Durotar though.

Ah, makes sense.

you can still roleplay a 10000 year old female (male) badass warden in cathedral square

Given that the entire surviving population of Stormwind spent most of a generation welcomed with open arms by Lordaeron, I'd be willing to bet that seeing any flag other than Lordaeron's flying over Lordaeron gets them PLATINUM MAD. They've probably got some weird psychological thing about "when we were at our weakest, Lordaeron helped us reclaim our land, and now we can return the favor!", or something along those lines.

And at the very least not having to worry about Stromgarde, Gilneas, Aerie Peak, or what's left of Old Dalaran getting PLAGUED.COM would be nice.

I do wonder how the Argents/Silver Hand will play out in the long run. "The Sovereign Military Order of the Silver Hand" doesn't really seem like an angle Blizzard would go for. Like, do they start reconstructing cities? Do they rule directly, or appoint people? Do they invite back living survivors, or even Forsaken ones? Other races entirely? How do they administer the territory? Transitioning form armed force to nation is a weird process.

Huh. Apparently Bwonsamdi can be found standing directly in front of the Golden Throne on Zuldazar if you're dead, always watching King Rastakhan.

*20 year old "noble" human paladins scoff at you*

And the way he tells Rezan that he'll be seeing him is rather concerning. Even if Rezan's soul is freed, he'll be dead. And the dead are Bwonsamdi's domain. Getting Rastakhan and Rezan together will only allow him to grow stronger. Now comes the time for Death to wear the crown and rule over the land and all its spirits.


I already have a warrior, but I think I'll level a Zandalari warrior as an alt now so I can play a T-Rex worshipping tyrant. Plus I already have those troll plate sets from TBC in my mog catalog and they'd look perfect

I was excited for new BfA lore until I found out that half of the Zanchuli Council are apparently working for Azshara for some dumb fuck reason, and the reason Zandalari can't be paladins as an allied race is because Zul permanently kills Rezan or some shit.
Literally drained all my desire to get into this.

Maybe they could become a theocracy?
Warcraft doesn't really have much variation in governments.
It's all either tribal tyranny or kingdoms.

>working for Azshara
With, not for.

You probably didn't care all that much if you reason is sperging out over a race not getting one class.

Don't feel too bad, it's the same shit on Kul Tiras. The designated evil noble house,
the Ashvanes, is 100% on board with Azshara, and there's no way those Sea Priests aren't blatantly involved in Void shit. So, y'know, at least both factions are getting the same amount of garbage.

It’s ok. I lost all interested when High Elves didn’t become a thing. Although that was more a straw that broke the camels back than the sole cause.

Void Elves might be shit, but High Elves are equally shit. Blood Elves but with blue eyes is not interesting.

Now all he has to do is offer Sylvanas a chance at immortality in exchange for rights to the souls of 'her people.'

I care a lot actually. I didn't think I'd care all that much, but it seems such a waste to put so much world building into something and then just rip it apart at the end of a quest chain.

It's like Golden wants to do shades of grey but then the dev team is like "uhm how do we program subtlety lmao???"

And that’s just like your opinion man. I’m posting in a lore thread so it should be apparent that I’m interested in wow lore and factor that in to whatever race I play. I find the High Elves far more interesting than the (former) crack addicts and their super ice addict cousins. And the fact that blizzard continued to show them as part of the alliance for years was a massive cocktease

They're equally shit, but they wouldn't have come out of left field like this. Shit, how hard would it be to have a little plot about Alleria and Vereesa rallying the remaining High Elves?

Why the fuck is Zul chillin' with Rastakhan? hasn't zul been trying to fuck the horde like 3 seperate times now?

As above, so below. Death shall rule all lands. And as its worship spreads, so shall his power increase.

from what i can understand from spoilers,
zul has been working for azshara since the cataclysm (why, no one knows), and was probably responsible for zandalar's flooding

don't get me started on how this really doesn't connect to how Zul was supposed to be leading his people from the flooding and the whole thing with MoP and the writings about how Zul was a criminal and not desired by Rastakhan

>Shades of grey

The woman has no grasp on subtlety. She's not a good writer.

I unironically want Metzen back.

>hasn't zul been trying to fuck the horde like 3 seperate times now?

Not really, and the Horde are only there because they saved the Princess, the King doesn't need to get rid of his advisers on the Horde's account.