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Are there any canon Legend (6) Rank Fera in any of the published books?
>What are interesting &largely unknown bits of trivia/lore you know about oWOD/CofD?
In D.C By Night, it specifically gives Secret A+ rating as the follows: You know the secret of the Prince. Dorian Adams' description of character is that he masquerades as a lunatic precisely because he knows the Prince's secret. His Secret Rating is only A. How the fuck does he know who the Prince really is?
Margrave and Jonas Albrecht, Black Tooth is probably Rank 6
Lucifer was looking at porn when the Fallen escaped the abyss
If the first Archduke (with exception of perhaps Kupala) was summoned in Sumer during the rule of Sargon circa 2334–2284 BC, and the Baali have existed and worshipped "demons" since at least the Second City (founded after the Deluge, placed at ~6500 BC), what were the demons that the Baali paid homage to?
Wendel Delburton did nothing wrong.
Monday Meeting Notes have been released.
Dammit, Signs of Sorcery is *still* in development.
If and when it's finally released, it better be the best supplement ever to have been produced for WW.
Count Fucking Dracula could be a Promethean
>and even after spending all your 5 background dots
Mages get 7 starting Background dots.
Sure it will.
But we'll all be dead.
So fuck that shit.
>Dammit, Signs of Sorcery is *still* in development.
You know nothing of pain. Be grateful your book won't be coming out with an outdated Dodge stat in it.
>Signs of Sorcery is *still* in development
This shithole needs memes
So what are the two OP paths for mages?
Anyone here by chance played a HtV group like the one from John Carpenter's Vampires?
Whoops, forgot my image.
Here's a statted Legend.
>not even replacing "Demiurge" with "Wyrm"
>a single werewolf decides to dedicate half his time to hunting Hunters
>There are no more Hunters left in the World of Darkness
>vampires and other monstrosities overrun the cities
good job
>10 Glass Walker Theurges asks Pattern Spiders to deal with the Vampires in the city
>There are no more Vampires left in the cities of the World of Darkness
>what were the demons that the Baali paid homage to?
The Children of Night, who they believe dreamed up the other kinds of demons. The Children don't seem to exist, yet The Well sorcery (based off ritualistic placations of the Children) controls DtF demons all the same.
They're the Neverborn, user.
Is the best way to deal with beings that are extremely obvious and extremely vulnerable for half the day, REALLY to just have a bunch of raving lunatics roaming free committing random acts of terrorism?
Unlikely. The Neverborn aren't burned by sunlight and aren't located in the skinlands.
Can someone post the Aeon Kickstarter manuscript preview #5?
That "Ashur" they allegedly dug up where they built the eponymous city was obviously implied to be an antediluvian Cainite who held some sort of arcane knowledge, not one of the Children.
(And no wonder Ashur was mixed up with Cappadocius, if Ashur was a great necromancer who managed to learn about the Neverborn.)
A request a full hour after the post went up on the Kickstarter? Weaksauce, man. Weaksauce.
No wait, I see now that it WAS implied to be one of the fucking Sleepers. I hate this lore.
There's a very generous user who's been responding to manuscript preview requests almost immediately.
Asking as soon as possible can't hurt.
>I hate this lore
See, I've always liked the Children of Night lore and was thrilled to see them using touches of it in v20 as well.
Owod isn't supposed to fit together neat and tidily
I disagree, there are enough fucking categories of mythical beings that you don't need to complicate things even more.
Only if you take other game lines into account.
>There are at least 5 different Umbra/Dreamings that are shaped by human fantasy alone, not including the material realm.
Never realized they went up that soon before I woke up
Is there any point in Mage in permanently trying to transcend human limitations? Can you make yourself permanently smarter? Never need sleep? Run like a gazelle?
Is there anything worth changing permanently that isn't better done with just a spell?
>The Children of Night, who they believe dreamed up the other kinds of demons. The Children don't seem to exist, yet The Well sorcery (based off ritualistic placations of the Children) controls DtF demons all the same.
It really does seem like an oversight that doesn't account for the extended universe; the Kraina of the Well was supposedly the first Kraina developed by the Eldest, and it allows one to summon the "Earthbound" but Earthbound haven't escaped the Abyss before 2334–2284 BC; when they did, it was a big deal in the Abyss; demons there were noted to notice his fellows starting to disappear.
As far as nwod is concerned, ephemera (as in creatures using ephemera like stats) are something I dearly like. My next chronicle is going to almost totally center on ephemera and ephemera like creatures (such as the unholy rape train that are strix), as they're just plain vastly stronger than PC types, but also more numerous and almost never restrained by morality.
Ephemeral critters are to the playable monster types, what those monster types are to humans: unseen, unknown, nearly unstoppable, with tastes that range from unspeakable to incomprehensible.
But how many separate Twilight categories are there? Ghost, spirit, goetic/astral (I assume this is the same), qashmal/Principle, angelic/God Machine... anything else?
The extended universe is a fan creation, so its obvious why the devs don't take it into account, rather like expecting Mage errata to cover interaction with Princess.
Just because it by default targets DtF expies doesn't mean it necessarily only works on those demons.
Then don't use DtF expies when you very clearly don't mean them to be the same thing, more notably demons in VtM being able to enthrall vampires but demons in DtF cannot
Not sure what your point is, mine is that as The Well is explicitly intended for the Children yet works on the v20 core demons that are clearly DtF ones that repudiate the notion they're affiliated with the Children, that The Well works with whichever kind of demons the ST uses.
That's a shame, turning into a pillar of fire in a suit would be pretty awesome.
As always, user, your generosity is most appreciated.
You can still do that but you question was about doing something permanently.
Where my Hunterfags at?
Are you ever gonna say anything remotely intelligent or lively about hunter, or just tune in every day and go "lol hunter?"
>Is the best way to deal with beings that are extremely obvious and extremely vulnerable for half the day, REALLY to just have a bunch of raving lunatics roaming free committing random acts of terrorism?
Can love bloom between vampire and hunter?
>Can love bloom
Does majesty count as love? Because it shouldn't.
Absolutely. Pretty much everything that sees certain vampires are gonna fall madly in love with it (at least until a mage begins incinerating the entire crowd because he feels his mana getting drained away and he has to make sure).
In fact I'd even wager the majority of vampire hunters wind up as the devoted, doting, adoring pets of vampires.
Do you wanna have a Hunter discussion? Because last few times I've tried getting this general to talk Hunter it's always "Heh, well MY character could kill your whole cell"
I'm down to talk legit Hunter if you are though. One thing I've found myself doing is not bothering to use other splat supernaturals, unlike most other games of Hunter I played. It's also a good way to keep veteran players on their toes. Been looking into a bunch of mythologies for vampire-like creatures to use. The players can't work use the same old fire and stakes that they're used to using on Kindred.
The hallmark of a good Hunter ST is making sure that your players never stop coming up with new strategies and solutions on the fly.
I wasn't talking about one-sided love though.
And honestly, if I was, it'd be far more hilarious if a vamp fell in love with a hunter and then just kept trying to prove how they were meant to be together in a series of comedic situations.
Being enthralled, charmed, awed, addicted, swooning, wanton, and third stage blood bonded probably counts.
I can't BELIEVE that the hunters in my game didn't take either a high Resolve + Composure or even the stuff necessarily for Moral Support, even after I said its perfectly normal for a mortal to fall to Integrity 1 after one bad night.
Fortunately for them, the super charming vampire doesn't really *do* anything beyond that and is mostly just a red herring NPC but I have a feeling it will make the players go fucking nuts that they're enthralled by her.
In the non sarcastic sense, yes, a vampire x hunter two way relationship is perfectly plausible. Vampires are totally dependent on humans afterall.
There are any number of ways it could happen. Even if a hunter is otherwise adamantly opposed to vampires, if they are bf/gf with a cell mate, and they are nonconsensually turned, they may very well stick with them and carry on like nothing has happened.
Similarly, many hunters might get their start for revenge on someone that turned their loved one.
>Because last few times I've tried getting this general to talk Hunter it's always "Heh, well MY character could kill your whole cell"
stuff like the judge edge called Balance is pretty absurd tho.
>Similarly, many hunters might get their start for revenge on someone that turned their loved one.
That reminds me of this.
Usually people are talking Vigil, mostly because it's hard to compare Vigil and Reckoning Hunters.
Balance is pretty hilarious I'll admit, never ran Reckoning but I love it purely for the salt it's created.
I rather like strix for this purpose; they progress like Kindred of the East (zombie like cannibals, blood drinking, breath drinking, etc.) and typically are vulnerable to everything BUT sunlight. While the PCs will *see* strix early on (mostly with TFV goggles seeing that they're in Twilight eating minor ghosts and spirits), they probably won't instantly be able to tell that 99% of the vampires in the chronicle are in fact strix and thus vulnerable to all classic vampire weaknesses BUT the ones kindred are weak to.
Almost the entire game will center around figuring out banes, or at least they will if they're smart (if not, they will probably simply brute force through situations and make things 10x as hard). I think even DtD demons can, with glitches, have banes, and I think non heroes can use anathema placed by heroes.
You've got a cell that's lacking in the resolve+composure department?
Oh boy, they're in for a wild ride. Pretty much every Hunter needs Resolve/Composure, and Wits if they want to be competent at their job.
Do you have music playing while you play? What kind?
Careless whsiper is playing for 100% of all my sessions
Anything from Cryo Chamber for setting a dark ambientance, really
In owod combat is so insanely clunky (up to 4 rolls per attack and multiple attacks), and noncombat stuff is so vague, that I think you basically want 1 PC to be an Innocent with Radiate (6 dots of mercy iirc) to render the party unhittable each scene, even by magick and nonvisual sensory creatures, and everyone else to also jack up Mercy so they can get Respire, and breath-drain all hostile monsters forever.
Yes. I also gave everyone a total of 14 total attribute+ability dots for free because they were complaining about not enough xp and then said "is there anythiiiing~ else you want?"
The first session, they will get enough Munin serum and know what it is (they're TFV) to undo the first session's worth of Breaking Points (if they think to use it on themselves), and I will probably make sure there's gotta be some way to afford Moral Support by the end of the first session, but am not gonna spell it out or verbally encourage it. Likewise if they request a reshuffling of stats, that can be arranged too.
They're not gonna wind up tortured/dead/etc. but they are going to wind up frequently charmed, confused, etc.
Do you need to use any temporary trait to activate Edges in oWOD? What about the fact that Radiate only lasts a few turns and you might be caught unprotected during the interval it takes to reactivate it? Or that it only adds difficulty rather than completely negate it, if you had only three/four successes you can still be potentially hit; for supernaturals that can lower their difficulties (pretty much anything, vampires, demons, mages) this is hardly that broken as to make you "unhittable"
Well, you can always increase your intelligence to above 5 dots and then rewrite your pattern to prevent pattern bleed with Life 4.
Some Bygones are able to eat paradox, even Permanent Paradox, so you have to jump through a lot of hoops beforehand.
>Progenitor superbug, Verbena bloodline curse, etc.
>literally no non-Mage supernaturals left and the normies don't even notice
I've literally never had a problem with Radiate not saving the day, I've only ever seen hunters die or be inconvenienced in situations where there was no one there to use it or they didn't have time.
Edges are usually free. Hell, its in your best interests to unleash a gambled conviction edge at the first sign of combat -- depending on the chronicle, of course. In the Hunter games I've ran and played, most monsters were exactly like PCs, made as PCs, same level of organization and planning as PCs (paranoid but not lots of friends), etc., or even were PCs. In certain situations its conceivable the PCs must hide their imbued powers, but then again, the slightest tap puts a PC in the hospital for months, so... its largely edges for combat or nothing.
>this is hardly that broken as to make you "unhittable"
15+ dice at diff 6 means meaning nobody can really do anything for a very long time -- and that's just what the Innocent does. If there's a Defender or Judge present, they are likely to go from "can't do offensive actions" to "can't do anything whatsoever." Granted, if the average of 7 or so rounds going by of a totally one sided fight were not enough.
If you haven't won by then, your big fat unmodified Radiate dice pool will probably do enough and hopefully your friends will have Warded Burdened and Balanced everything anyway.
I somewhat envision the ideal Reckoning chronicle as one in which combat is futile enough that its more talking, investigating, and either launching a one sided beat down or getting monsters to behave themselves.
>What are Garou
This is actually really fucking cool. Why exactly has not a single one of them done this yet?
>15+ dice at diff 6 means meaning nobody can really do anything for a very long time
I don't really know that much about Hunters but how could a hunter get +15 dice for a pool? What do his attributes consist of?
>I somewhat envision the ideal Reckoning chronicle as one in which combat is futile enough that its more talking, investigating, and either launching a one sided beat down or getting monsters to behave themselves.
Only works if in your chronicle you only select a well defined sample of antagonists that don't do distant combat;
>I don't really know that much about Hunters but how could a hunter get +15 dice for a pool? What do his attributes consist of?
Stamina 5, Mercy 6 (minimum for Radiate), Conviction 4. So it will often be higher than 15.
>Only works if in your chronicle you only select a well defined sample of antagonists that don't do distant combat;
Yes... hunters can be killed by surprise fusillade of snipers. Radiate has nothing to do with range, however.
While the ST can certainly have "snipers fall, everyone dies" (actually works for most splats) the hunter chronicles I've ran and played in mostly cared to make the antagonists as similar as possible to the play experience of our past, monster focused chronicles; so ferocious packs of sabbat or werewolves, not so much SURPRISE 20 SNIPERS.
Because it's a fucking made up game and if you do that there's no world to play in, you dumb fucking cunt.
Because "the Big Bad is attempting a massive sorcerous/SCIENTIFIC undertaking to exterminate you" is a storyline, not something that should really be put in a metaplot book somewhere.
>2e was announced over two years ago
>at the rate they release books it might be another year
Who else /Geist/ here?
Not Fera
I'm pretty stoked about ghosts & geists, not sure about sin eaters themselves.
Black Tooth's a Simba, but I have no idea where his stats would be found or if they were ever listed, so I can't back the other user up on him being a Legend.
Man, that cell seems a bit spoiled. I hope they can learn from their mistakes, but Hunter isn't the most forgiving system unless your antagonists really don't want to kill the Hunters.
>Man, that cell seems a bit spoiled.
Its a prequel to help my friend who wants to ST a chronicle (who wants an apocalypse themed one) learn and understand the ropes of 2e as well as to understand nwod in terms beyond playable splat vs playable splat, they're still essentially almost all going to die by about 2 months, but I'm going to make sure that at no point can anyone say they didn't have oodles of opportunities to avoid it.
That's fine, then. I've generally found Hunters have this weird tendency to survive shit they shouldn't have survived, and die to shit they shouldn't have died to.
They'll blast the crap out of your super dangerous werewolf pack, only to lose 2 people to the harmless changeling you were gonna use as a plot hook.
You think they made biotech fuck toys in Aeon? I can't ask on the forums where people can see me but I need help expanding my magical realm here
I need pictures, pictures of Angels and Demons !
Are we talking Judaeochristian or Fortean/Biomechanical?
Biomechanical please
If there is a technology, and it is applicable to sexual pleasure, you can bet your ass someone will develop such an application.
ok. when I return I will post the ones I'm gonna use in my nwod game (although they're not always clearly angelic/demonic so much as things that fit to me in dtd/gmc)
Aren't Judaeochristian angels as described in the bible like a fucking acid trip?
Not sure how or why they turned into dudes with wings.
>ywn shitpost on
Better off probably not doing that. Remember that one crippled guy from HtR who kept pining after his vampirefu after she quite literally pulled off his legs?
And no merits/flaws. And copypasted text from the 2e core book everywhere, including grammar errors. And no statblocks at all.
Ayylmao, incidentally if you mention this on the forums or comments you get banned.
>Onyx Path
Sounds a lot like m20 to me. Are there a bunch of charts that aren't explained anywhere in the rules too? That were copy pasted and aren't original except to say fuck you to the reader?