>just bought a computer with an i7 8th gen processor and 8GB of ram
>exchanges still lag when I have multiple exchanges open
Just bought a computer with an i7 8th gen processor and 8GB of ram
Dude my computer from 2011 has 16gigs of ram. Upgrade your RAM then you should have improvement. Also, make sure you have a SSD hard drive for max loading speeds.
>8GB of ram
>no dedicated GPU
You should have unironically bought an 8-core AMD. Also enjoy your Rowhammer LOL
it has a 1050
its a surface book and I didnt want to shell out another 500 bucks
it doesnt even come close to using all the ram thats what fucking bugs me (only 50%)
I guess ill have to purchase a dedicated tower if I want to day trade, hoped the stuff in the OP would be enough
Don't bother, even my OC 7600k and gtx 1080 with 32gb ram lags on exchanges
Whats a good amount of DDR4 RAM? Would 16GB be enough?
My RAM is 3200Mhz btw
thank you user, I knew I wasn't crazy when I saw ram usage at 50% with 4 exchanges open
I'm guessing it's because browsers are properly mutli-threaded
Binance has a native program for trading BTW. Should be way better.
Don't forget to patch your computer due the new critical intel hack. It's either a -30% performance or ransomware/monero miner open season.
Happy new year user :^)
an actual exe? or is it through the browser? Trading view doesn't lag so im 100% sure its due tohow browsers handle cores/memory
I just bought it so it should be bundled with the updates on startup right?
>I just bought it so it should be bundled with the updates on startup right?
LOL no
>an actual exe?
Yes, I'll try to find a link because I couldn't google for it.
do I have to manually install the update?
no computer can fix shitty code my friend
Here: support.binance.com
No clue if it actually works well tho.
You could have put the money in crypto and doubled it literally today.
Instead you put it in a shiny PC and halved it if not more. The PC will be outdated or in the trash in 3 years while your coin could x100 by the end of this year.
You are the eternal millenial normie.
If you have win10 it will probably do it on its own. In any case double-check it manually and make extra sure you get it if you are going to use that computer for financial stuff. I shouldn't laugh but schadenfreude and all those lower human impulses overtook me. I was this close to buying a new rig last month and I would have taken the hit too, so I kind of feel you.
thank you user, ill check it out
I'm not even mad about a 30% decrease in performance since im used to a i7 3rd gen, I just wish they had it on an auto update
I spent $2000 on a laptop because I made $20,000 over the last week and im tired of a laggy computer that makes me miss pivotal moments
not everybody is poor like you
>tfw made enough money in crypto that the whole intel debacle doesn't even phase me
>tfw its not even done I literally made enough to cover the computer cost within an hour
it's been a good run lads, glad I found this board,I love you all. Have a nice day user and thanks for the tips.
desu though worst case scenario I would've returned it and not bought anything since AMD doesnt put processors in any decent laptop
You're welcome. By the way, unless you really need mobility, you should have built a desktop PC. MS Surfaces are expensive.
You are poor, if you're not rich enough to retire for life already then you're poor. And if you keep skimming off your earnings to waste on useless shit then you'll stay poor. I know you aren't that rich because then you wouldn't be whining about your laptop and would have bought an even better one without caring already.
>not using chrome
>buying an intel CPU right before the major vulnerability is announced
you dun goofed user
>MS Surfaces are expensive.
desu I had money to drop and I liked the mobility since im still in university and like the tablet mode for when I read books
I'm going to build/buy a desktop for dedicated trading anyway, probably the surface desk
a 25% increase in price on $2000 is significant to buy extra ram when it doesn't even use the extra ram, I have not lost my mind. spending money super carelessly is how you lose all your money
8GB ram is not enough. My 9 year old mac has that much.
32GB of RAM
>probably the surface desk
NO. Build your own. Go to /g/. You can do a much better job and it's not mentally nor labor intensive.
add one more 8 gb ram stick m8
You'll be fine, i lag too when an insane amount of volume is trading. Not much you can do about it, guess it's badly optimized
Don't fall for the AMD cucks, their cpus are shit for gaming and stuff that matters.
I should user, thank you for the advice.I guess the money is already getting to my head
cant add ram to the surface book, thank you for your input though user. I'll still get a desktop setup anyway
I just hoped I be able to hook the book to multiple screens to use as a desktop when im home, guess thats not a strategy GG
A good laptop is an investment too you fucking retard. How else would he trade?
>their cpus are shit for gaming
How much of a babby are you? GTFO
Also OP is running several exchanges at once, on modern browsers which either multithread or spawn a process for each tab. Guess what having 1 core per exchange would do you fucking mongoloid.
can always upgrade
It's not even about money, the surface studio has trash non-upgradeable laptop hardware. It can barely keep up with it's high res display.
I have 4 -5 exchanges open at a time daily on advanced mode with binance
And i use a 6 core 6 thread cpu 8th gen Intel cpu
It runs perfect fine you mong , don't fall for the extra core meme by AMD
If you have extra cores, but they are shitty weak cores then it doesn't mean SHIT
4 pro foot ball players on your team, or 8 high school faggots? This is the comparison with Intel and AMD
Enjoy losing 30% performance.
I'm selling some eth and hopping onto threadripper this weekend.
You're agreeing with me. You have more cores than threads. OP's CPU is likely i7-6600U which is 2 cores (and 4 threads but that doens't matter for, say, chrome which makes 1 process per tab). Also your comparison reveals that you don't know about scheduling. You can reply and have the last word if you want, bye.