Ratfolk a shit, post Rabbitfolk instead.
Ratfolk a shit, post Rabbitfolk instead
Dissuade me from using th Cursed Humans from Odin Sphere as my Rabbitpeople stand-in
Why is "cursed people turn into rabbits" a thing in japan?
Dunno but I like it
Probably a myrhology/folklore thing, sorta how we have 'witches turn people to frogs'
>t. knows nothing about japan
_ _____ ____ ____ _____
Is it a thing outside of Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past?
I don't know but it's basically what the halflings in my setting are.
It's probably just a vague meme
I don't really care which beastfolk is the best but I have lots of pics.
a world of ratfolk and rabbitfolk that are in never ending trench warfare
ILR please go
I want savage buns. Give them to me.
Rabbits are weak, timid, preyed on by just about everything but at the same time they're cute and docile and common pets across many classes which makes them easy to sympathize with among a wide audience.
I fucking hate you because that was actually clever.
Ratfolk taste like filth
Rabbitfolk are delicious
Beastfolk a shit, post gobbos instead
game was actually good, writing was laughable though
I have a setting where ratfolk & rabbitfolk co-exist somewhat uncertainly.
Actually, in all seriousness, how do you "handle" the rabbit's association with lust when it comes to rabbitfolk? Is it all just spurious rumor? Or is there some truth to the stories?
Do the Shin'hare count?
It depends. Do they face an hostile environment ridden with predators so that most of their young die before reaching maturity?
a best
Actually, they were driven underground by a coalition of races due to their aggressive expansion and attempts to subjugate coyote shamans to learn how to control the weather. Now they joined an alliance dedicated to the conquest of the surface world.
A big part of their racial deck strategy is spawning lots of expendable minion tokens, so I guess they have the "most of their young die early" angle going for them.
They're a race with a Manifest Destiny meets Survival Of The Group creed so strong that "drown the enemy in our own dead" is literally their go-to combat habit, they practice blood magic, necromancy and fertility magic to better exploit their numbers, they literally breed children by the hundreds just to kill them at birth in blood magic rites used to create enchanted arms & armor for their nobles, they skin and eat other races, and they were generally such awful people that the other races banded together to drive them into the setting equivalent of the Underdark - so now they want vengeance in addition to believing they NEED to kill all other races.
All your special snowflake furfag races are shit. You should all kill yourselves
does she breathe with her skin?
>how do you "handle" the rabbit's association with lust when it comes to rabbitfolk?
I'd take a note from Zootopia. They breed a lot, yeah, but it's never explicitly said they fuck a lot.
hehe. "Buns."
these aren't new. Rabbtis have been murderhobos long enough to have a tradition about them now.
Long ago, the great Frith made the world. He made all the stars, and the world lived among the stars.
Frith made all the animals and birds and, at first, made them all the same.
Now, among the animals was El-ahrairah, the Prince of Rabbits. He had many friends, and they all ate grass together. After a time, the rabbits wandered everywhere, multiplied, eating as they went.
Then, Frith said to El-ahrairah: "Prince Rabbit, if you cannot control your people, I shall find ways to control them."
But El-ahrairah would not listen, and said to Frith: "My people are the strongest in the world."
This angered Frith, so he determined to get the better of El-ahrairah. He gave a present to every animal and bird, making each one different from the rest. When the fox came, and others like the dog and cat, the hawk and weasel, to each of them, Frith gave a desire to hunt and slay the children of El-ahrairah.
El-ahrairah knew that Frith was too clever for him, and he was frightened. He had never before seen the Black Rabbit of Death.
"My friend," said Frith, "have you seen El-ahrairah? For I wish to give him a gift."
"...No, I have not seen him."
So, Frith said, "Come out, and I will bless you instead."
"No, I cannot. I am busy. The fox and weasel are coming. If you want to bless me, you will have to bless my bottom. "
"Very well. Be it so."
And El-ahrairah's tail grew shining white, and flashed like a star. And his back legs grew long and powerful. He tore across the hill, faster than any creature in the world.
"All the world will be your enemy, Prince with a Thousand Enemies. And whenever they catch you, they will kill you. But first, they must catch you, digger, listener, runner. Prince with the swift warning. Be cunning and full of tricks, and your people will never be destroyed."
Fucking love Watership Down
The rabbitfolk threat is why we have vore in the setting
> Rabbitfolk
Bunnygirls it is.
>mfw I want tough underdog badass Watership Down-style rabbit people but it's all fur shit and anime girls with bunny ears
>anime girls with bunny ears
> Implying that's a bad thing
I have some anime boys with bunny ears, though...
I kind of want to see what a fantasy artist would do with something like pic related.
>Veeky Forums: we're /d/ but with clothes on
I want my pet bunny to come back.
Clothed lewds are objectively better than nudes.
Clothes, but barely any armor. What a disappointment.
Also too humanlike.
Vieras are just whores as this pic shows
yes, even the white mage
or with nudity implied off-screen
Healsluts are healsluts, no matter the species.
Veeky Forums's barely worth coming to except for the generals anymore, what did you expect?
None of these people actually play tabletop games, they just need to find shit to masturbate to literally anywhere but the places meant to find stuff to masturbate to.
gotchu senpai
not true Healsluts don't have Holy
you try and push around a White Mage and you get fucked up
Holyshit this. I don't care that people want monstergirls/boys/whatever in their games but ffs this thread specifically talked about beastfolk.
Can we have a little love for ducks?
I can't help that I like glorantha ok
N-no reason at all.
Definitely not a transformation fetish thing. Definitely.
Speaking of buns, you think it possible to play a game in a Zootopia-like setting where characters can vary wildly in size.
agreed they're definitely better eating.
Alright, sell me on Rabbitfolk.
I see ratfolk and think 'scrappy survivor' and it totally works for me, I see rabbitfolk and think 'goofy ass furry thing'
Same kind of feeling I get when seeing hobbits as the action hero, just this kind of vague displeasure.
Anyone can be scrappy if you want it enough.
Have you seen watership down? Bunnyfolk can be vicious little bastards when they need to be.
>I see ratfolk and think 'scrappy survivor' and it totally works for me, I see rabbitfolk and think 'goofy ass furry thing'
See .
>"All the world will be your enemy, Prince with a Thousand Enemies. And whenever they catch you, they will kill you. But first they must catch you, digger, listener, runner, Prince with the swift warning. Be cunning and full of tricks, and your people will never be destroyed."
Rabbits are the ultimate survivors- always in danger, always looking over their shoulders, because their existence is one where everything in the world is out to get them.
Ironclaw and WoD's Changing Breeds sort of does this. The results are not balanced at all, really, so it's up to the GM to figure out how an elephant and a gerbil will contribute in an adventure, as opposed to the rules isolating some sort of specialization for each.
For all of the hate its various art gets, Ironclaw had some bitchin pieces for the racial section itself.
That's actually pretty solid, but the question remains...
Is this the kind of race that you build a setting around, or one that can coexist within the standard fantasy lineup.
This is secretly a furry thread[spoiler/]
user please.
Rabbits are for furry exclusively.
The second question is the only meaningful one. The answer is, not if you just shove it in. If you give them the same respect you give knife-ears, then I think so.
Then again, neither can dragonborn or demon-spawn that look like strippers, so...
I've played a couple of Ironclaw games before. I was actually a little disappointed that there were gifts for over-sized and tall characters, but none for undersized.
>Is this the kind of race that you build a setting around, or one that can coexist within the standard fantasy lineup
In the Watership Down case, obviously the former. You can make rabbits their own race if it's, say, Redwall or something, but "bipedal humanoid with rabbit head" just straight-up does not work in a standard fantasy setting unless you're a furry.
You could tool them into something a little better than that, though. I'd make them quadrupedal but able walk on two legs optionally, like a bear. They run/hop around on all fours and rear up when they want to manipulate something. "Combat stance" is both back legs and one hand on the ground while the second hand holds the weapon.
No love for best Rabbit?
You're too late user, I already did it in my setting.
I hate to ask, but sauce?
Fantasy rabbits are well defined...
But what about Spacebuns?
If this isn't a real game I'm going to be very disappointed.
No, it was an excuse for me to dump anime bunnygirls.