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02/27/18(Tue)03:11:16 No.58196094
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>Unearthed Arcana: Into The Wild

>5e Trove
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>Previously, on /5eg/
What percentage of rogues are the non-criminal kind, spies and the like? I'm asking cause I've never seen them.

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I'm curious, would a disguise kit or Disguise Self actually disguise a humanoid praying mantis at all?

>What percentage of rogues are the non-criminal kind, spies and the like? I'm asking cause I've never seen them.

This is pretty much EVERY Rogue and half the Bards I've played. Then again I play with a group where evil or criminal characters are frowned upon or outright banned due to how much the clash with the heroic tone of our game.

Also theify rogues are overdone as fuck done.

>Then again I play with a group where evil or criminal characters are frowned upon or outright banned due to how much the clash with the heroic tone of our game
But the most fun you can have with an evil character is having them be forced to work with heroic people to overcome a greater threat. The bantz, the bickering, the grudging respect over time, saving each others' asses when you least expect it, the mutual promise that things will back to the way they were next time when it's all over...

I don't know if anyone remembers Fivegears' Drama Cards for 4e, but today I published an updated version for 5e that has more effects and is easier to use.

Too bad it doesn't actually work like this in real life. Usually someone just becomes a That Guy and tries to kill another player in their sleep over something stupidly petty and pretty soon everyone hates eachother and nobody is having fun.

I'm sorry you've played with people who never stopped being 14.

It's more that they act pragmatically in-character rather than trying to force tired overdone anime tropes that don't make sense.

Can I fix a lute with carpentry tool proficiency or is it more of a woodcarving thing?

Disguise Self definitely, just keep in mind that you only LOOK different, your physical stature remains the same below the illusion.

Yes, trying to kill your allies over something petty instead of keeping them alive while you need them is the pragmatic thing to do in this situation, and those tropes sure aren't older than the medium of animation itself.

So I want to play a Half-Orc Haruspex. Basically she will divine the fates through the entrails of fallen foes.

How should I build this character?

I don't know but I'm already madly in love with her.

Oh, I can work with this.

Is a frost giant and three trolls a match for a level 5-6 party of four? Characters are a lore bard, life cleric, bladesinger wizard, and fey chainlock. They're going to be interrupting the ritual to create a frost giant everlasting one before it can finish eating the troll.

Inquisitive Rogue is played like detective.

GM's call, really.
I'd allow it to be rolled at disadvantage since it's a related but not identical craft.

That is very clearly four Trolls.

Speaking of which, it depends on how you do it. That encounter setup is a little dull since it's mostly open space. You could do to throw in some columns or ruins in that big open area to give it a little bit more flair, give the stealthy types places to hide, etc.
That'll also give you the leeway to add another troll or two, since the players will have more maneuvering space to get creative.

Oh, I almost forgot--if you're talking about using a Frost Giant in a real fight at all, you'll stomp a level 5-6 party of four.
A single Frost Giant would be a solid fight all on his own. If you throw in trolls as well your party is dead.

My advice is with the caveat that trolls are fighting and some part of this ritual means the Frost Giant can't fight.

Yes, especially when the enemy is distracted with no field advantage. Unless the party is low on resource.

These characters look great if they really look like their Pocket Men, tell me more about them.

The one on the giant hand is in the process of being eaten, so it won't actually be participating in the fight. Adding more ruins sounds good, and I planned on having the frost giant continuing trying to eat the troll unless they do any sort of significant damage to it. They already beat one frost giant (this is SKT, they just finished the attack on Bryn Shander). I also planned on having the troll up on the ridge chuck rotten meat/offal/shit bomb type stuff with a low damage/low con save or be poisoned.

Thank me later.

They're a traveling band of performing adventurers.
The salazzle is a lizardfolk life cleric of Semuanya who banged his way into exile when his village found out he was the father of basically every child.

The lurantis is a half-drow warlock who escaped his family in Gauntlegrym when the dwarves took it back, was taken in by the fey of Neverwinter Wood.

The whismur is a gnome bard, a harper, and the one who got them all together to perform.

The hitmontop is the bladesinger moon elf, he has a massive justice boner and keeps trying to 1v1 things bigger than him. He wanted his magic missile to look like himself in the Superman flight pose, fist forward, flying into his enemies.


>Cut-out tokens instead of Devin's

>I'm asking cause I've never seen them.
Because like the sneaky purple orks and ninjas, you are not supposed to.

I played a noble who acted like a Dex fighter. It wasn't until level 5, where the party caught on that something was wrong, because I didn't get an extra attack. They just thought I rolled well on my expertise checks.

>Moon Druid
>SS Fighter
>GWM Barbarian
>Lore Bard
>Keep getting magic longswords none of us care about.
I mean, the Lore Bard has great on demand damage, but... I find it kinda dumb that the Lord Bard literally has a +2 longswords with +1 against non-humanoids, and 2d6 bonus force damage on each hit at level fucking 7, and the rest of us has nothing.

My OotA Rogue was a Neutral Good Thief who did treasure hunting and shared his riches with the misfortunate.
Too bad he died in the second session.

Talk to your DM about it.

Our party's rogue is more of a duelist and a diplomat, a swashbuckler/battlemaster who won immortality in a divine contest of wits.

>GM keeps telling us to do fancy descriptions and not be boring
>Every time we do, he asks to to roll an ability check, and if it fails his arbitrary DC, we get fucked over by trying to not be stale
It doesn't even matter I it is mundane shit, like
>My 18 strength Paladin in full plate charges through the room, kicking aside the chair in his way, swinging his longsword at the enemy
>GM: okay, roll athletics
>Okay, total of 9
>You stumble over the chair, halve your movement. Oh, you can't reach your enemy now, too bad :^)
Kill yourself you little shit. I was adding flair, and could gain absolutely nothing from that action. I could just have casually moved around the chair, but I tried this because you keep complaing we aren't being"descriptive" or"engaging" enough. This is why. Fuck being descriptive if we are just given a lose/neutral at best outcome for doing so.

If any of you fuckers do this, i hope your players slap your shitface. This isn't even a ThatGM, this is worse.

presumably you have had this conversation with your actual GM?

Your DM is bad and you should drop him.

Babaus have the following ability:

>Weakening Gaze. The babau targets one creature that it can see within 20 feet of it. The target must make a DC 13 Constitution saving throw. On a failed save, the target deals only half damage with weapon attacks that use Strength for 1 minute. The target can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a success.

How does this affect spells like Holy Weapon or similar? Does it halve the radiant damage as well?

Yes, and he just tells us to not roll poorly on those rolls. Fucking retard.

I primarily GM, but found another group where I could be the player. That was a mistake, apparently. I will just go back to GMing to avoid these autistic retards.

One of my players accepted a proposal from the BBEG of the last arcs. Long story short the villain has now possessed the player as a sort of wraith similar to Shadow of Mirror I guess. My intentions are to give him a few abilities similar in scope to a feat that he can use, the more he uses them the higher the DC becomes to resist the influence of the wraith. Eventually having the wraith try to take complete control.

What are some fun abilities I could give him without breaking anything? I was thinking something like:

1. Advantage/proficiency on Charisma saving throws
2. One per long rest he can ignore resistances to a damage type of his choice.
3. Giving him some sort of Eldritch sight for the ethereal.
4. Making it harder/impossible to read his mind.

Maybe 2 of the above? Looking for idea's. Feel free to ask questions if more info on the situation is needed.

*Shadow of Mordor

Damn phone posting sucks.

Since most FR-fags hang here, is it OKif I hijack for a 3.5-related question?

Are there any 3.5 resources for a Lathander-focused character outside of the regular books, such as Dragon Magazine?

Yeah that's bullshit. If that's the case, his monsters should also be rolling these checks.

Oh, that orc leapt over the table to get to you? Roll a dex check asshole.

Question, can Locate Object find an item currently merged into the beast form of a Wild Shaped druid?

>Avoid these autistic retards
Good luck m8.

Merged into? No.
Afaik it gets transported to a pocket dimension/Feywild.

>How to balance Intellect:

Written/visual material now comes in the following tiers:
>A tier: difficult riddles, scientific journals, complicated magic rituals, intricate alchemical processes, etc.
>B tier: riddles, complicated instructions, average books on magic & alchemy, etc.
>C tier: simple riddles that even a child could figure out, instructions, most fiction books, average instructions, cooking books
>D tier: brainlet proof instructions, tabloids, things that can be easily expressed in ESL beginner tier English
>E tier: spelling books for first graders in elementary schools, can understand the context/story of simple picture books
>F tier: you can recognize what's drawn on simple pictures/drawings (i.e. stickman drawing = person)

12+ INT
Your character can comprehend all written material (the higher the int, the less time it takes, exponentially). Needs time for A, understands all of B & below instantly.
Your character can understand all but the most complicated written works. 10 represents the average IQ. Needs time for B, understands all of C & below instantly.
Pleb tier, just below average. Needs twice as long for B, normal time for C, instantly understands D & below.
Your character can't even express all thoughts properly, simpleton tier. Needs double time for C, normal time for D, understands E & F instantly.
4-5 INT
Your character can only talk in short caveman sentences ("me ooga, you booga") and can't read at all. Needs double time for D, normal time E, understands F instantly.
1-3 INT
Your cannot speak or read any of the languages he knows, he can just scream like a chimp. Needs normal time for F.

>How to balance Strength:

All armor needs STR to use.

- Heavy Armor -
Full Plate 16 STR
Splint 15 STR
Chain Mail 14 STR
Ring Mail 13 STR
- Medium Armor -
Half-Plate 14 STR
Breastplate 13 STR
Chain Mail 12 STR
Hide Armor 11 STR
- Light Armor -
Stud's Leather Armor 10 STR
Leather Armor 8 STR
Padded Armor 6 STR

Sounds right, thanks.

Dexterity is way weaker than strength.

>Dem quints
Still, no.
That doesn't balance INT, and barely balances STR

Is it though?

Benefits of STR
>Athletics Checks
>Strength Checks
>Heavy Armour
>Non-Finesse Weapons
>Encumbrance Rules
Benefits of DEX
>Acrobatics Checks
>Dexterity Checks
>Sleight of Hand Checks
>Stealth Checks
>Ranged/Finesse Weapons
>Dex-Based Armor - No Stealth Disadvantage
>Initiative Bonus

>12+ is a genius
try 20+ lmao

I can handle them when I GM. Not so much when I am a player and have to put up with a mentally disabled GM

Rolled 6, 6, 4, 5, 1, 6, 3, 2 = 33 (8d6)

>Dexterity is way weaker than strength.

Not every item should be tailor made for the party, making you compromise for power is a dm tool. The barbarian can 2 hand that long sword just fine, over specializing is a risk that shouldn't always pay off.

Not a genius. An A tier book could range anywhere from 10 hours to 10 months for a 12 inter. It would take 1 hour to 1 week for an 18 inter.

I feel a lot of the INT dumpers would feel humiliated by the fact that their character is literally useless when it comes to solving an ultra important quest riddled. Literally seething if the DM gives bonus XP to the guy who solved it only.

Usually riddles are solved not by rolling INT, rather the players actually thinking about the puzzle.
Unless you're one of those chuds who plays it as they can't solve the riddle unless they hit a DC.

Quick /5eg/, I'm building a chess encounter and need monsters that represent:

>King [Something CR 8-9]
>Knight [I already know this will be a Gorgon (CR 5)]
>Pawn [Something CR 3]

If redcaps aren't your cr3 pawns you are doing it wrong.

>Usually riddles are solved not by rolling INT, rather the players actually thinking about the puzzle.
That's literally metagaming though.

I say if you don't have a character who hits the threshold for the riddle (A/B/C tier) you cannot solve the riddle, even if the player knows the answer. Likewise, if the party is filled with high int characters, but the players are all a bunch of dumdums, the DM should just tell the solution to the players if they can't solve it.

Kinda like the Riddling Mr. Skeletal in Planet Escape: Tournament.

Solving the riddle is basically just a bonus thing the players can do.

>King [Something CR 8-9]
TRex (Rex = King in Latin)

or just use all the humanoid statblocks in VGtM

What happens if on advantage or disadvantage I roll two the same numbers on a roll? I saw it happening again in recent critical role, where they rolled two "11".

What if I roll 1 and 20 on adv/disadv roll?

How would you stat him? Battlemaster? Scout?

You take the higher if it's advantage and the lower if its disadvantage, if it's the same you take the number.


Some kind of tanar'ri.

I'm already chaotic evil...

Solid Snake is an Assassin/Fighter.
Naked Snake is a Ranger.
Venom Snake is a Doppelganger.

a demon with hunter's mark

This is like something a robot would ask.

Then what would you suggest for instrument repair? There are no more related tool proficiencies than those two.


Not him but maybe the instrument proficiency and tinkerer's tools if it's a complex one, perhaps smithing and woodworking if you want to take into account the materiel

Tinker's tools.
I'd allow someone proficient in an instrument know how to fix or at least easily find someone to help fix.

>That DM
Literally killing the fun for the players.
You just taught your players not to think. Good job. You are the problem with RPGs.

I don't give a fuck if it's "oh no, they're too fucking stupid" unrealistic. Its a game, meant for everyone to have fun. If it does happen that the int dump player manages to solve it, pass it off as the retard saying something random and succeeding, because that's a trope. By the same standard, a bunch of nerds failing to solve the puzzle is classic overthinking.


How can I keep a mage from casting in jail but not have him tied up constantly so he can feed himself and use the toilet?

Literally why antimagic field exists.


I'm a level 3 druid.

Invent a magical bracelet that disables casting when worn and can't be removed without remove curse or something.

I probably should have mentioned I'm a PC level 3 druid not the DM.

You only have social options then. Congratulations on running into a problem that can't be solved with violence.

Or you can charm person, but that only lasts an hour and would aggravate the situation.

Cut off their tongue and hands.

And here, in two posts, we have covered the entire scope of all D&D players.

How do you deal with level 1 pcs begging for “better gear” when they already bought their “best in slot” equipment (studded leather, chain mail, reasonably priced things for level 1s)

I read something about weapon quirks with useless cantrips but is that really the best way to go about it?

Just blinding them would prevent most spells as they couldn't see their targets.

Tell them to fuck off and play Diablo or something.

Charm person is the spell he keeps trying to use on me. So far I've dodged it by a successful save the first time and wildshaping before going into his sight after that. Speaking of violence, I did consider knocking his ass out and cutting out his tongue. Once he's more compliant I think i can restore it with lesser restoration but didn't want to maim him.

I'm seriously trying to not murderhobo.

What could I use to blind him short of cutting out his eyes? I really don't want to cut this guy up.

Sigil confirmed

Cutting out their eyes is slightly less brutal i suppose.
Doesn't seem totally foolproof though.

items chosen the merge poof into non-existance

Jeremy joked that they go to the feywild and there's a vault hidden in the feywild filled with gear from druids who are currently in wildshape form that a BBEG could learn of and steal your shit whilst your transformed.

>entitled peasants
They are literally no stronger or experienced than the average person at level one. Tell them to earn it. Watch as they try to go explore dungeons while you get to sadistically punish them.

Where do you guys steal ideas and inspiration from?
Personally I just scoop it up from anywhere be it movies, books, stories, songs, other DMs and random pictures or shit I see when I walk around

All of the mythology. They're tried and true entertainment. Make sure it's obscure so your players have no idea that they are reenacting tales from the age of heroes.

Or City of Brass

What would be a good dc for a puzzle where the party’s bow user has to shoot a flaming arrow at a brazier to light it from 100ft away at a platform 10ft above him?


>you can't cast spells with no somatic component in armor you aren't proficient in

How is the Ancestral Guardian Barbarian?