Warhammer 40k General /40kg/

Girl On Girl edition

>Tau leaks and Genestealers in Necromunda rules
This is a gross natfka link, so if someone has an imgur album or some shit, speak up.

>Duncan still smiling despite his diagnosis


>Old Black Library Mega:


Other urls found in this thread:


First for please don't drop rocks on us.

I hope the next IA is Sisters vs Deldar.

That'd be pretty fucking dope,

The fuck is that Dark eldar warrior on the right even doing?

>Duncan still smiling despite his diagnosis

What? Is Duncan ok?


That shit is even more retarded than helmetless terminators.

Shielding his eyes to block out that winged thot.

*blocks your path*

New Cain novel releasing any day now.

Stabbing the downed-but-still-shooting sister with his spikey gun?

>this is your girlfriend for tonight

So are imperial gravity weapons based on salvaged necron tech? Pic related.

Bouta stab that sister in the face

dumb tau getting into melee range

In for Space Cowboys.

Iz me Waaagh here?

Ground control to Cadia...

*laughs at you in Pulse Pistol*

What are you working on Veeky Forums?

I'm waiting on the varnish to dry, so I can start putting the weathering powders on.

>Same colour so has to be related!

This isn't kindergarten user.
That plasma is depicted being blue also doesn't mean that they use ground up Tau as ammo.

Thoughts Guys?

+++ Taghmata/1500/[A] (Warhammer 40,000 8th Edition) [77 PL, 1500pts] +++ ++ Battalion Detachment +3CP (Imperium - Adeptus Mechanicus) [53 PL, 997pts] ++ + Uncategorised + Archeotech Specialist (1 Relic) Archeotech Specialist (2 Relics) Forge World: Graia + HQ [14 PL, 284pts] + Tech-Priest Dominus [7 PL, 139pts]: Omnissian Axe, Phosphor Serpenta [6pts], The Cerebral Techno-Mitre, Volkite Blaster [8pts] . . Warlord: Emotionless Clarity Tech-Priest Dominus [7 PL, 145pts]: Eradication Ray [14pts], Omnissian Axe, Phosphor Serpenta [6pts] + Troops [18 PL, 293pts] + Skitarii Rangers [4 PL, 90pts] . . 2x Ranger (Transuranic Arquebus) [66pts]: 2x Transuranic arquebus [50pts] . . Ranger Alpha [8pts]: Galvanic rifle . . 2x Skitarii Ranger [16pts] Skitarii Vanguards [7 PL, 104pts]: Enhanced data-tether [9pts], 9x Skitarii Vanguard [81pts] . . Vanguard Alpha [14pts]: Arc maul [5pts], Radium Carbine Skitarii Vanguards [7 PL, 99pts]: Enhanced data-tether [9pts], 9x Skitarii Vanguard [81pts] . . Vanguard Alpha [9pts]: Radium Carbine + Heavy Support [21 PL, 420pts] + Onager Dunecrawler [7 PL, 140pts]: Broad Spectrum Data-tether . . Neutron laser & cognis heavy Stubber [50pts]: Cognis heavy stubber [5pts], Neutron Laser [45pts] Onager Dunecrawler [7 PL, 140pts]: Broad Spectrum Data-tether . . Neutron laser & cognis heavy Stubber [50pts]: Cognis heavy stubber [5pts], Neutron Laser [45pts] Onager Dunecrawler [7 PL, 140pts]: Broad Spectrum Data-tether . . Neutron laser & cognis heavy Stubber [50pts]: Cognis heavy stubber [5pts], Neutron Laser [45pts] ++ Super-Heavy Auxiliary Detachment (Imperium - Questor Mechanicus / Questor Imperialis) [24 PL, 503pts] ++ + Lord of War [24 PL, 503pts] + Knight Paladin [24 PL, 503pts]: Heavy stubber [4pts], Heavy stubber [4pts], Questor Imperialis, Rapid-fire battle cannon [100pts], Reaper chainsword [30pts], Stormspear rocket pod [45pts] Created with BattleScribe (battlescribe.net)


Try again idiot

Jesus Christ what did formating so to my list?
OK a quick rundown:
2 Domini
1*3 destroyers with Plasma
2*10 barebones vanguard
1*5 Rangers with 2 arquebi
3 onagers with Lasers
A Paladin with ssrp

>I'm a stupid cock loving faggot and can't see design queues beyond the color green

It's also funny that you mention plasma and Tau as an argument against this, since Tau pulse weaponry is stated to be plasma tech, so yes, it is the same tech base as imperial (and eldar) plasma. Fag.

Was that so fucking hard? Christ people are lazy

Or it could be the green energy in addition to a common shape factor for Necron weapons, as well as the segmented metallic barrels that are common on Necron weapons.

Grow a brain, user.

Youre probably in the wrong place to complain about lazyness user

Should I buy a squad of possessed to go with my death guard army?
Im essientially building an army thats just a massive amount of plague marines and have the fuckers slog it accross the board.

Imperials like to think that all of their tech is human, or is some variation of something that came from purely human innovations during the DAoT.

But all the evidence points to Humans stealing xenos tech on the regular.

The big Humanity is the Purest Form in the Galaxy movement wasn't until after the DAoT when the Emperor used xenophobia to unit humanity under his rule (again), so it stands to reason that a big, friendly, star trekky open and diplomatic civilization like the one that existed during the DAoT would have openly traded with xenos. They would have shared ideas and technology, and a lot of tech would have been a culmination of cooperation.

And since a lot of Imp Tech hails from that time frame, even if some of it got fucked up in the mean time, Space Marines are still using technology of xenos origin to prove their human superiority across the cosmos.

And then you have shit like pic related, where the admech literally teleported to a planet surface in the middle of battle, stole tau tech, and then fucked right off. Fast forward a few years and poof. Imperial Ion cannons, Primaris Crisis Marines, and grav tanks that look like boxier versions of Hammerheads.

I need to finish off my second Talos and my Haemonculus

>implying Tau tech isn’t just reverse engineer Imperial tech

Which faction does GW hate more? Orks or Necrons?

Orks by far. Necrons have at least had occasionally competitive rules in the last twenty years.

Forgot the pic.


Big Boyz mobs right in your face



>all those useless vitamins
Looks like you drank to koolaid, boss.

Yeah, I saw that the other night and was kinda taken aback.

In the fluff for grav-weapons, it states they're based on DAoT designs that, even at the time, techpriests hardly understood. They're apparently based on designs from deep within the vaults of Mars, and the mechanicus isn't too keen on sharing more than that. On top of that, Necrons have gravity weapons present in the game/fluff, so taking that all together, it seems likely some reverse engineering took place.

Battalion -1000 SoB (997)

Cannoness Ardent Blade + Inferno
Cannoness Combi-Flamer + Evicerator


SoB x5 combi-melta melta x2
SoB x5 Combi-melta melta x2
SoB x5 combi-flamer HFlamer flamer

Seraphim x5 4 melta pistols

Retributers x10 Storm Bolter HBolter x4

Immolator Flamers and Stormbolter
Immolator Flamers and Stormbolter
Immolator Flamers and Stormbolter

This is basically my go-to, and for 2000 it's the same core with some shit shuffled around.

I can understand some for particular cases, but that many is just retarded

>Multivitamins and Fiber are useless

Enjoy tearing your asshole apart when you shit, user.

>no Dominions
>no Repressors
At least use 1 to actually kill a priority multi wound target turn 1.

I do

So the relic The Emperor's Benediction says that you can target an enemy character even if that character is not the closest enemy unit.

But if you shoot a pistol in combat, you can only target the closest enemy unit.

So if I have my commissar in close combat, can he use the Emperor's Benediction to target a character, even if that character isn't the closest enemy unit?

as long as the character is in combat, then i believe so.

individual wargear rules supersede generic ones

No? I don't need it, and it would break my battalion anyway because I'd have to drop an immolator+troop and then some.

Looks good so far. Nice color choices.

>not just eating oats and vegies

But those Necrons are armed with gauss and tesla weapons, which harness magnetic and electrical forces, respectively.

I'm no science man, but I think gravity is different from those two forces.

It literally says, "Unless you are within 1" of an enemy unit.

So you can still shoot your pistol in combat during the shooting phase, but you actually can't target a character with it at all if you're in combat, even if you're only in combat with that character.

>using a battalion when outrider exist
>using BSS when Dominion exist
Battalions are for 1500 or more

Half a year...

He's holding up pretty good, considering.

Yet they share design elements with each other, despite being wholly different weapons themselves.


I'm his doctor, he has 1 month

Hubba wubba

*Hears somebody sneeze*

Can we start some tag like #NoMoreTopknots ?
This shit is ridiculous


Battalions are good at any level

The list could go on. Top knots are the least of the issue

With SoB? Not really outside of re-roll and the martyrdom thing when losing a character hardly. The need for CP is not that great at 1000 points. 1500+ go for it

Thats actually an older one but the new one is a similar colour scheme, just with a flesh tone instead of the purple skin.

They're a lot of fun to paint though

Why give it a head when the driver can just sit up straight and look over the cupola?

But those similarities look to simply be a coincidental result due to those weapons being large enough to necessitate the need for a design that makes it easier to carry across the battlefield. Like the minigun from Predator - the thing is big enough that you can't just carry it around like a rifle and fire it from the shoulder. That would probably be a bit unwieldy, even for post-human super soldiers and ancient death bots.

>3 lasergers

Overkill much at ~1,5k idiot

The smaller the head, the bigger the chest looks.

I really like Drukhari models, however, the fluff gets in the way of me playing them. I'm an Ork ti'll the day I die. Still, nice work on that Talos. Keep it up!

Because >gw

It's like a basketball hoop, except for grenades!

gravity weapons were a thing in RT, they just brought them back.

And? It's not like GW hasn't retconned things thousands of times in the past.

they are easier to enforce than what you have written

if you find the written passage that retcons it let me know

Tau? AdMech? Necron?

Space Marines

It's the Lion's codpiece


Writefags that actually applied for BL don't forget to tune in Thursday 16:00 for "top tips on making sure your submission to the Black Library gets noticed"

AFAIK, the only canon instance of Tau taking human tech is their original warp drive, which they developed based on a crashed human spaceship (which, for a species that had no idea that the warp even existed, is pretty damn impressive).

who the fuck cares

these rumor engine pictures are always pointless. Theres literally 0 way to know what it is until they release the models anywhere from a month to a year and a half later

But I like all the sarcastic nonsensical guesses to them.

Looking for Eldar tips. I’ve never played as them and only ever played against them once, yet I’ve been in the hobby since 5th. Flipping through the codex, Biel-tan and Iyanden caught my eye as Aspect Warriors and Wraiths are sick. Am I right to assume the Biel-tan chapter tactic fucking blows? Also, what’s the merit of taking a spiritseer over an Autarch? Autarch gives reroll bubble from a safer distance, while the spiritseer has magical powers. I’m assuming I’d bring a Farseer so I’m not worried too hard about spellcasting.

Any tips you guys wanna throw my way? So far, I’m looking at building the SC box as D-scythes (the flamer one), then undecided on wraithlord and warwalker. Maybe missile launchers for everyone, then a ghostglaive?

>this repressor-loving autist
Just fuck off with your out of production meme tanks already.


admech that copied tau tech

Probs that baby Knightlet.

Who cares, they never turn out any fun, we forget about them for 6 months until it’s a tiny detail you couldn’t guess on a model or it’s fucking terrain. The only good one was cawl’s keys, the rest have been pointless

Jesus user, don’t ever become a school teacher. Wanna extrapolate? I assume you mean steer clear of Falcons and Wave Serpents?

>can’t kitbash from a rhino kit

>but you actually can't target a character with it at all if you're in combat, even if you're only in combat with that character.
That's incorrect. The ability to target a character is irrelevant to the rest of the profile.
If the nearest enemy unit (which you'd be within 1" of) happens to be a Character they can be shot at since that weapon is a Pistol weapon which are allowed to be shot at while within 1" of the enemy, and you can shoot at characters if they are the nearest visible enemy unit to the shooter. Combine both of those and you can shoot at the character with that weapon.

>get in loser we're going shopping

Take Dark Reapers until forever happens and then try to squeeze in a few more. If you have leftover points, take as many hemlocks as you can.

Collect Guard. 100% Topknot Free.

Does anyone have the new Eisenhorn ebook?

Even lotr has retarded rules (mostly as of late) and that has concistently been GWs most solid system.

>Also, what’s the merit of taking a spiritseer over an Autarch? Autarch gives reroll bubble from a safer distance, while the spiritseer has magical powers. I’m assuming I’d bring a Farseer so I’m not worried too hard about spellcasting.
Spiritseers (and Warlocks) have a different psychic discipline from Farseers, because Eldar are special snowflakes like that. You'll probably want to bring both. Farseers are a lot more expensive and have stronger and harder to cast powers while Spiritseers and Warlocks are best taken in bulk so you can really pile on the buffs. Spiritseers are slightly more expensive (45 pts to 35) than Warlocks, but they're a fair bit tougher, can use Smite (Warlocks get a gimped version) and have a Wraith-buffing ability (albeit situational).

However, while the weapon profile allows you to target characters who are not the closest, it ironically disallows targeting characters if you're in combat. GW bad at rulze.