Magic the Gathering Spoilers for Masters 25. Honestly looking pretty good right now minus that fucking commander reprint
MTG Spoiler Thread
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Thank god
Tfw building a niv-mizzet commander deck
I'm so happy, Hulk Flash is a thing in M25 Limited. It's so dumb, it's like how you can force reanimator every EMA draft.
Sweet, glad I held off on getting those.
Oh shit, nice
Rishadan Port isn't that good, fight me.
Is it me or is this set looking shit?
Its good on green multi-mana per land decks.
more like decks that play AEther vial.
It's good in poopy pants doodoo head decks.
>Savannah Lions at common
They actually did it, huh.
>that flavour text
to be fair some of the other flavor text on past versions are just as bad
its how you beat maze of ith
>thinking mythic is gonna put a dent in its cost
don't forget
>downshifting a rare to a common
Yeah, because a 1cmc vanilla 2/1 is something we need in a rare slot.
At least give it the justice of uncommon.
>user doesn't play Pauper
This is the work of Satan more than anything.
You know what this set needs to show off Magic’s history? (See pic related)
Why even print this then ? It's not gonna affect it's price in any way and all it's gonna do is ruin draft pods that open one.
They had three choices here,
>reprinting it at rare, making the price drop and the set shit to draft
>reprinting it at mythic, making the price unchanged and the set sometimes shit to draft.
>Not reprinting it.
They went for the worst possible option for everyone here.
Holy shit, get this one and a pious evangel out at the same time and you autowin the game
Why was mox diamond reprinted even tho it is on RL?
>Wanted to build burn
>This and Blyat Moon happens
>not misdirection
>not even force of will
Gotta give some false hope to the goyim!
It's a common, you fucking doofus.
You'd be fucking complaining no matter what rarity they made it
So they print a shit common instead of a good card yes I can see that
If you expected force of will at common you are literally brain dead
It isn't an MTGO set, my friend.
>Blood Moon not original art
They cant use a lot of old art because of royalties
Couldn't they try to strike a new deal?
Why bother when you can pay a new artist less for less effort.
We wiz willbenders?
we wuz evrythang nigga we all fuk wypipo
>Exclusively played on MTGO
You should leave your hole more than once a year
Ayo hol up, imma counter dat foo
They made promos a loophole at first
You dont undestand my message. I never said fow needed to be common lmao
It has been reprinted once
wat? how?
rats niggers
When ya boi Tyrone bust outta the hood and go "ayyo sike bitch we stealin yo spell now #blacklivesmatter punk ass bitch"
Common Relentless. Gonna be fun drafting rats.
so innocent
>I bought a playset last week
oh boy I can't wait to open that
How is Rats a card suited for draft? you need too much of them for them to be any good.
squeak squeak motherfuckers
Ink-Ass reprint when?
Hilarious and original
>tfw rats are my favourite tribe
I'm fucking hard
You have to be 18 to use this site.
>to celebrate in a fitting manner and actually honor your legacy.
The old BM art is horrible, I'm glad they choose the newer one which is furthemore quite good on itself without comparing it to the abomination from DRK
Well, Conflux is a good card to celebrate Magic
>5 colors
>Literally a set
>Literally a relatively major event in MTG story
>Alara is one of the most popular block
Option 4:
>banned in modern
fucking finally
>pauper Relentless Rats
oh boy I'm brewing this meme
>he doesn't enjoy casual jokes
Reddit is one click away bub
>enjoying stale memes repeated in /pol/ infinitely
>not making fresh, original memes on a stereotype that has so much negative stuff associated with it that there is a slur for each letter of the alphabet used against it
If it's not funny then don't laugh you dumb fuck, you don't need to update the thread about your real time reactions, we don't care.
Go away, Mark, don't you have a blog to write PR shit on?
Lol, does Wizards have Veeky Forums janitors on its payroll too?
This set is ultra disappointing for Modern. There's only what, Eidolon, Vendilion, Chalice, Thalia, Jace and Bridge? And the only ones that really needed a pricecut are all mythic. What a big scam.
I want WotC to stop glowing in the dark. Nah mean?
all the modern masters sets had super expensive cards in the mythic slot
but yeah, every set would be better for reprints if WotC didn't obsess over draft experience
>does Wizards have Veeky Forums janitors on its payroll too?
Yes. Try talking about psyops in gaming, CIA and Skull and Bones at Hasbro or Mossad's attempts to dumb down western intellectual pursuits by infiltrating gaming companies. Your post wont usually last long.
>does Wizards have Veeky Forums janitors on its payroll too?
>implying they get payed
What does everyone think of the spoilers so far?
Except that they did that for mm1 and it was still a blast. They just decided to print a lot more chaff for some reason. Probably as an attempt to make sure that speculators don't just gobble up all the product, but they already fixed that in mm2 by having a way higher print run
>Try shitposting. Your post won't usually last long
Decent, a few rare duds, but I'm going to draft it. I'm waiting for more uncommon and common downshifts
Again, fuck off WOTC, nobody here likes you.
Fella, at least read a history book or something.
I'm gonna buy two boxes and sit on them, otherwise just two drafts, because fuck some of these reveals. I do want an Imperial Recruiter but because of how high the normal printing is, it probably won't go any lower than I'd like it to be, because I'm just gonna use it for fucking EDH but I don't wanna pay out the ass for something that is:
1) Only played in Painter and even then I don't know if that deck is played due to 4C Control in Legacy right now
2) Only high in the first place due to Painter and a very small print run.
3) The fact that it's mythic and not rare like it's white shifted sibling card.
Amazing choices so far, like almost everything WotC does.
Fuck that, I'm hoping for Marrow-gnawer
Better than IMA, but that's not a high bar. Literally every game store I've been to has STACKS of sealed IMA boxes