Warhammer 40k General /40kg/

Your Dudes Are NPCs edition

>Tau leaks and Genestealers in Necromunda rules
This is a gross natfka link, so if someone has an imgur album or some shit, speak up.

>Duncan still smiling despite his diagnosis


>Old Black Library Mega:


Other urls found in this thread:


First for Ceri getting slammed on WarhammerTv

Duncan confirmed baneposter


The one involving a marine trapped in an Iron Warriors world where his shit was broken down and ‘re-constructed’ sans harmful biohazard is waste to create a ‘food paste’.
How do nids deal with bolter intercessors?


Warhammertv is a live thing?

Did anyone clip it? I’m at work with no WiFi so I can’t watch the stream.

Duncan's wearing a Nurgle shirt and laughing at your stupid memes about his health.

If I buy some Tau stuff now will it be btfo into irrelevance when the new whatever drops?

They have a twitch.



I didn't think to, I wish I did now

Duncan is fine


I don't know what else I expected.

Khorne waifu for me please!
She is exactly my type.

progress on my Custodes.

What are you dickheads doing this week?

Where the fuck can I find another one of these fucking things? I could almost buy half of another box for the prices I'm seeing.

Mentally preparing before I start working on my fire raptor kit. It is so much fucking work.

Same thing I do every week, fapping until I build up the motivation to do literally anything followed by giving up and walking into the LGS with grey models.

Nick cucked Ceri kek

On the bright side, grav cannons are now selling for chips.

Buy a box of Hellblasters and wing it?

Why? The heavy grav cannons on kataphrons are great

Really? They're terribad on marines now.

I'm pretty sure they're still one of the absolute premier Marine guns, AP-3 Heavy Bolters with Damage D3 are pretty crazy even for the price.

30" Heavy 5 S5 AP-3 D1 if they have a 3+ save or better then D D3, its rad

Buy more boxes and sell the rest.

I will be assembling my first custodes squad soon. atm I'm working on their marble bases. I've decided to do the next ones in multiple pieces rather than one big piece.

Uhh, dude, I think the graham cracker goes on the outside...

Aren't they heavy enough that they'd crack any marble they stood on?

*blocks your path*


You're going to Hell, user

You hear an unnatural zephr

Truly a game for grown men. Lots of laughs in this stream though

It's the rubble beneath the marble. I'll be putting sand on the empty spots to make it more obvious.
Space marble, my man.
It might actually be able to support their weight, I wouldn't know.

>plastic models you absolutely need to finish your army are still unavailable and don't ever get restocked
When will this injustice end?

Plz no bully ceri


>liking GW's disgusting trap

Try finding fleshborer hives for your flying hive tyrant

>implying the Tau Commander has any negatives

Ceri is a girl(female)

>Craftworlds, Harlequins and Corsairs get meltaguns/pistols
>DE get d3 damage blasters and blast pistols for the same point cost

Just how in the fuck can anyone write rules like that? I mean for fuck sake, this isn't even funny/

>letting your trap paranoia getting this out of hand

Ceri literally just killed herself in the stream, thanks mate

>the guy with double apples

Is it frowned upon to say the weapon I have on my model is actually another weapon?

In casual, check with your opponent
In competitive, yes

>nurglings have been out of stock since at least september

Most thigns in the Tau index have nowhere to go but up. Don't stock up on 6 Commanders and you'll be fine.


There's always the Start Collecting box. I've had decent luck selling/trading the plague drones to AoS players to recoup some of it.

Is Duncan getting married ? Have we planned a gift ?

Pictures of this girl for the lazy?

That's out of stock too.

Oh fug

Just don't buy multiples of the same kit and you should be fine.

Just asked in chat, I wound if they're respond


Hey fellas just finished some elite jumpy boys and my blood Angels space hulk terminators. I was wondering if anyone has had any use with mephistion red in a can. Also should I paint the termies as BA's or as my Exorcists?

Yes that's a girl user, that's just how British women look.

How funny are people likely to get at a fully GW IG army, except for Anvil heads on infantry models?


New VR Warhammer 40k game announced that takes place during the Betrayal at Calth


Yeah I don't believe you and I'd rather not lose my sanity by trying to rationalize that there are women that look like that.
I'm much happier thinking about relentless warfare in the year 40,000.

And it is already confirmed for being absolute irredeemable shit.

Warhammer gals got finished by the way, really glad yall like it though!

Hey I didn't say it looked good.

And thisn

You, why doesn’t every ig army just spam company commanders? Also what weapons do you usually give to hellhounds? I kind of like the devildog with mm.

I use the canned mephiston for my BA and haven't had any issues

>best girl didn't made it
Shit chart

Malal a cute.

Why do you think GW female faces suck, this is considered an 8 in england.

>Death korp of krieg

>no scion girl

Can Imperial Knight pilots fight outside of their Knights? Since the new Armigers look about the right size I'm tempted to grab a couple Knight Scion models, do some greenstuff work and have one crouching on the arm of his steed Titanfall style and one standing on his seat looking out the hatch, then one normal one so I can do a proper Lance of three.

>Duncan is fine
Apart from the syphilis he caught from drowning in nerd clunge

So many waifus, so little time

>legacy marine proportions


Can confirm that I see middle-aged women like this in small town clubs every weekend

So how are Tzaangor Enlightened anons?

What is this supposed to be?

I furiously shitpost about marauders in space

Pretty good, can't really go wrong with a unit of 9 if you're already playing TS.

Hollow bird bones.

So like chaos cultists? We already have those.

Wait so all of this is you? I thought it was some dank new meme I'd missed out on but no it's just user procrastinating from painting his dudes again

He is trying to take the credit, but it was actually all me.



Are Hellblasters a good source of anti-tank/heavy infantry for vanilla marines?.

Nay, for it was I!

I couldn't get (you)s before this so you can't fool me shithead

It was all me, James.

As long as a knight scion hasnt gone through the process of fully merging with the knight, yes. Though the scions arent much without their suits but you could certainly do a titanfall thing with your armigers.

You can't stop the finnish shitpost, at least send an edit I didn't make.

Don't be a poorfag, just buy another box

Honestly, cultist kits are shit and I'm too poor to kitbash them.

i want to fuck the emperors meaty thighs

Fuck you, I like cultists.

It's not that they don't look cool, they're just not what I want, and the cultist kits are really fucking old and lack customization.