what we doing here wealth growers? grabbing some more? watching it ride up? getting frustrated with sidewaysness? sitting comfy?
What we doing here wealth growers? grabbing some more? watching it ride up? getting frustrated with sidewaysness...
Other urls found in this thread:
I'm not so comfy cause im down some money and that fucking tweet has me worried but its been going sideways so thats better than down
Feeling comfy. Though about selling, but I got in at $0.08 so I really have nothing to lose at this point
I Just sold all mine for KCS. Will definitely earn me more in the long run
watching chinese magic
Moon in 5-6 hours
not selling until at least 20 cents
Bought 90k at 110 eth, not worried
Kek approves
bought 120k at 0.0002
lmao'ing at the pathetic FUD that's been going on here
Be patient user. Look at BNTY. It was going sideways for a week and is not picking up traction. Kucoin has low volume, therefore whales artificially depress coin prices to accumulate. This happens on all new Kucoin coins. Have patience; it will rise.
going on a little run right now
Sold when my buddy explained to me that AI is a meme that people throw money at that no one has figured out how to bring to mass market. Larger companies with billions of dollars can afford to pay Google 100M+ to run some trainers on their hardware because it's Google, but the chinks play a different game. They want to cater to a low brow type of AI in the hopes they can create a market for it because that's exactly what decentralized AI/computing is. Cloud Computing and data centers are more centralized which has all sorts of advantages and cost is a big one. Decentralizing computing/AI is a step backwards. The gimmick in this case is that they can make it "70% cheaper", but so far no one can explain how. Couple this with the fact that decentralizing it makes it likely to take longer do make the same computations and it just seems like it will be the chink-tech version of computing like a flea market is for shopping. It won't be something an enterprise level company will buy, but some of them may want to invest in in the hopes that they can somehow sell it so someone. So far there aren't any products that have a use for something like this and it may not come for 10 more years or so when IoT is actually more than just a buzzword. Meanwhile Ether will be 15k lol.
your buddy is an idiot
Fuck these Whales and their sell walls
I was verbatim thinking the same thing
we are moving anons
Kucoin app won't work for me, can we get some play by play?
It's up to 152, but there are some massive fucking sell walls at 158, 159
DBC has big potentional in China. don't have weak hands anons:
Trading sideways and being held down by whales, this is a good sign, just hold.
I think its going to take the huobi listing to get the whales off this unfortunately
Hopefully that'll be within the next week or so
Those walls are gonna get bought (I hope).
I sold all my ETH for DBC about an hour and a half ago. Might have been a little to early, but I think this is the dip. Don't know if I messed up considering the development in ETH right now.
We need to pimp this shit on reddit to help with these god damn sell walls
He's actually a Google wagecuck that works here in Austin. I'll take his knowledge of AI over yours.
sold XRP/XLM/TRX for this coin on 12/31
instant regret
Nice try, Schlomo. I'm on to you. Your bullshit was almost believable except you're forgetting that Google themselves are using decentralized AI. It's the future.
but my frieeeeeend saaaaaaaaaays
Chinks will give us a free 100x
Seeing Golem at almost 1B marketcap, I will take an already existing business, a team that won an AI contest in China, Gobi and GSR over the US-centered opinion of your young dev friend
Don't tell me you actually bought a coin called "Deep Brain". Have been laughing for the past 5 minutes that there even is a coin called "deep brain chain", let alone the fact that people actually bought it.
Good for you, faggot.
Sitting in DBC, VEN, MCO
Feeling good. VEN is offsetting my impatience with DBC so I'm happily holding.
whats so funny about being a poorpinkjack watching other people get rich?
dunno, i can't undestand this coin, my brain isn't deep enough
Will be $1.25 by the time NEO conference rolls around on the 31st. HODL!
Sarcastic fuck boy. Your brain is obviously deep enough to understand everyone investing is a tard, right?
Trying to calm down.
But when i see those bumps and dips i want to trade and make more.
do you have any clue what kind of market cap that would be?
we are going to lose everything. we could be 100x on some other shitcoin instead
this coin is hitting $1 easy
This coin uses smart contracts to prevent AI from becoming self aware. This is from their fucking whitepaper.
Come with me if you want to live.
sold all my LINK for this coin, instant regret as well. Not even sure if I can get back to my LINK stack without taking some loss.
which is fucking retarded
Yeah that's below 2b market cap. Not totally insane
whales keeping the price low is a good sign r-right? it's because they want to accumulate at low price because they think that it's mooning soon, r-right guys?
lol you're an idiot. Google has trillions of dollars of unrealized market potential in the data they have. Of course they are going to "test" a way to make money from it. They can afford to do this because they are rich as fuck. Google Fiber for example actually loses money for them because they are only charging $70 a month for 1G lol, but by doing so they force other shit providers (like AT&T and Comcast) that charge $60 for 60 Mb to come down in order to compete so there is a payoff. There is a reason why Google Fiber is only in 2 neighborhoods here and a few places in Kansas City and it's not because they are getting rich from it. You have no idea how business works or you wouldn't get elated over a headline. That's normie-think that I only expect from simple Redditors.
The amount of fear you get from /biz is the exact opposite emotional maturity you won't hear from smart chink investors. Trust the chink, follow the money. This is a chinese coin, don't even bother listening to fud whitey and fud pajeet. Biz roundeye seriously know nothing.
What is this braindead 80 IQ response? Get out of here brainlet.
You're not getting our bags.
DBC isn't an existing business; Deep Brain is. Shill harder. People throw money at a thing for a variety of reasons one of them is that AI is a buzzword, but every AI firm is losing money just like Tesla and anyone researching dark matter.
Did you even go to college? Do you realize that research is a sinkhole for donations from every company on Earth? They do this hoping to get dividends in something marketable or maybe even some college loan having future wage-cucking. You can't "sell" decentralized AI because no one is buying it. Only enterprise companies are using it at all and it's for research. It's not marketable unlike something like Stellar or Cripple that they claim can actually be used for transactions by normies.
Heres the deal
The whales know how much buying interest there is in this
WE don't
We can get an idea from the deepbrainchain reddit page......
Ok here we go 2000 subscribers in one week
What do you think is going to happen?
people here are talking about 1 billion market cap
Im more inclined to believe it will definately hit 5 billion before the end of the year
My opinion thats why
Exponential growth, dont listen to the fud around here AI is a new unproven field once it starts to take off growth will be exponential
nobody knows where ai will take us but heres a pro tip: dont sell
The industrial revolution is over 100 years old and was built on human labor
AI is a few years old hell the computer tech age is only a few decades old
This is the kind of shill response I would expect from an idiot.
lot of idiots go there, lot of idiots don't. not an argument
You're saying AI is a buzzword when AI and Machine Learning are the two biggest growers in the Software Industry.
You're an absolute fucking brainlet FUDder. You're not getting our bags.
I don’t believe in the tech but I believe in the hype. It will generate enough interest to make me money and that’s all I care about. See you fags at the end of January smell you later
so are you guys dumping some when it hits huobi? i went to check out huobi and when I started the account sign up process it asked for my country. Didnt see america but maybe im just blind and a brainlet
comfy hodling here, feels good.
never though all these years on Veeky Forums would actually make me money one day
"Hurr Durr AI is a buzzword , skynet isn't real stop living it your fantasy world"
>boomer brainlets
If I leave it for a year will I make some back?
Blockchain is also a buzzword. You are literally making money from shit that has no use at all.
The irony.
Nice strawman, brainlet. Salty nocoiner, I take it?
DeepBrain Chain (DBC) Will be Listed on Huobi After Successful Launch on Kucoin, Lbank
strap in fellas
let's see
I'm on mobile and the page is fucked up, could someone copypaste it here, please?
Built on the intersection of AI and blockchain technology, the platform will enable users create their own AI products via its decentralized system.
DeepBrain Chain (DBC) is the world’s first decentralized computing platform leveraging blockchain technology for AI solutions. The project’s goal is to help AI businesses overcome the main industrial problems – data privacy and high computing costs.
The project is launched by the China-based team with more than ten years of experience in the AI industry. By combining the blockchain technology and artificial intelligence, DeepBrain Chain (DBC) wants to become a global leader in AI platforms.
According to a blog post by the blockchain researcher, Kevin Choi, the project holds great promise given more businesses would be using AI in the years to come. When building computing power for their products, he noted, AI enterprises have to spend large part of their budget on acquiring and maintaining high performance hardware. But with DeepBrain Chain, they will be able to cut hardware costs and focus on product development and technological research instead.
Unlike existing AI platforms, DeepBrain Chain offers important advantages that will surely attract AI businesses and individuals who would also benefit from using the system. DeepBrain Chain is now optimized on CUDA GPU and plans to support the current mainstream deep learning framework, including TensorFlow, Caffe, and CNTK. In the future, it is also going to introduce a trading platform for AI data, AI models, AI applications, AI containers, and AI algorithms.
The platform’s token, DeepBrain Coin, has already been launched on such major exchanges as Kucoin and Lbank. According to the company’s website, the token will also become available on Huobi after January 1. According to data from CoinMarketCap, DBC is currently valued at $0,13 per coin.
After the listing of tokens, trading will be allowed for 7 days a week, 24 hours a day. The company warns of potential risks and high volatility of digital assets, as the price of tokens is not limited and depends on policy, events, and market demand.
During the first day of the listing on Huobi, there will be a number of presenting activities. They include Airdrop, which will present DBS for completing certain tasks or for trading on the first day. Besides, according to the rank of most active users in consecutive 7 days, top 15 will be rewarded.
Official website: huobi.pro
When the activity is on, investors, who have topped up BTC or ETH on the KuCoin exchange, can take part in following activities, depending on the net top-up amount.
Top up 0.05BTC or 1.5ETH, 300 DBC presented.
Top up 0.25BTC or 7.5ETH, 1000 DBC presented.
The rewards amount is limited. The official team will count the net top-up amount after the activity, and presents will be given to users’ account in three workdays.
Official website: kucoin.com
Activity theme: NEO.DBC for red packets and even Porsche
The rules:
More than 20 NEO for single transaction, an opportunity to draw a lottery presented
More than 60,000 DBC for single transaction, an opportunity to draw a lottery presented
Great gifts will be offered for those with the largest daily and total transaction volumes.
Official website: Lbank.info
>According to the company’s website, the token will also become available on Huobi after January 1.
that's all it says, brainlet
why did I buy this shit coin
KuCoin my dude
And if you want to use my referral code 1v3M5 I'd appreciate it
OP is a part of a pump and dump discord. This is a pump and dump scheme from the get go. DO NOT FALL FOR IT
discord = BmwhT57
Check that discord for yourself...
dude gtfo