I'm up 300% this week Veeky Forums hold me. When do I pull out? I'm in
ETH, XRP, REQ, XLM, BNTY, ICX. I'm scared tell me it will be ok and moon forever
I'm up 300% this week Veeky Forums hold me. When do I pull out? I'm in
ETH, XRP, REQ, XLM, BNTY, ICX. I'm scared tell me it will be ok and moon forever
only 300%?
I'm up 400% this week. 1300% since November.
>no ITC
You won't survive 2018. Captcha confirms
Listen to me you son of a bitch.
Do you have enough to buy a lambo? No? Then hodl on like you're on a plane 10,000 ft up in the air and some drunken Chinaman has opened the door.
But what if XRP flips BTC causing a massive BTC selloff crashing all my alts
try being 900% up on xrp alone....
Sell your BNTY it's a shitcoin and ETH ((eventually))
user the flippening is coming and we're all going to take a substantial hit that will take months to recover.
It will be the toughest hold. But the most vital one.
Go all in VEN, you will triple it again tomorrow.
Then buy ENG and REQ.
Pull out and go all in on CND while you still can, noobie
Why not cash out now and buy the crash then?
All-in on VeChain
drop into somthing that gives cash back like kucoin or neo
Second CND, EZ 300% next week
Shut up faggot
Pull out of XRP imo. It’s probably about as high as it’s going to go for now. It’s market cap is second to BTC so it probably won’t grow too much more. I say buy the XRB dip while you can.
look, im going to be real with you. soon, things are going to go down, and we will experience a market correction. all of your coins will probably go down by about 20-30%. and, like the idiot you are, you will probably panic and "pull out" your profits to take what you can. then eventully they will start soaring again, but it will be too late for you because you sold everything. this is why you will stay poor forever
check out KCS
I don't wanna pull out of XRP before it hits normiebase
If I don't get out before it drops 10% then I usually hold because I figured I missed my sell window so it's best to wait for the next ath