What kinf of training do the Guardsmen get, anyway? Is it professional army training...

What kinf of training do the Guardsmen get, anyway? Is it professional army training, but Grimdark or do they just give a 5 minute lecture how to use their guns and then send them off to die?

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Depends on the Regiment

They get their world's PDF training and afterwards they train for their war zone and instructured on imperial order while being inside the spaceship. Of course this emans a highly connected world have a better understanding of the military workings of the Imperial Guard while Feral Warrior only get trained t ofollow orders and how to use modern weaponary.

So lets say a bog standart Cadian Regiment vs some random ass regiment from some unimportant planet?

Cadians probably get a full Spartan training, their training begins even before birth, gene-scanning, brutal military education, total obedience and unbreakable discipline, all wraped up under religous fanaticism.

Random regiment from Civilized World Trivia get a military training comparable to the military training of Nazi Germany or Soviet Russia but with a more religous tone.

The Guardsmen in Fifteen Hours mostly seem to get grimdark professional training, and they're from some nowhere agri-world.

depends on the planet and what sort of regiment is being conscripted.

It's safe to say that if a serious aggressive invasion happens that citizens would be pressed into service fast and given basic instructions on how to fire their rifles and who to follow in a charge.

Meanwhile, some worlds would groom their conscription tithes from birth,ensuring that they bring their planet fame and honor in their sacrifice.

Whatever you need for your story m8, the setting is big enough to have whatever is necessary
Look at our world today and compare the military and paramilitary training of different places (or the lack thereof) and realize that this is one singular world while the imperium has innumerable worlds

Depends on the planet their from. The imperial guard is like the FBI to the Planetary Defense Forces local sheriff's department. the Guard usually try to recruit from the best of the PDFs in their jurisdiction, usually whoever qualified for special forces on the planet so the average guardsmen is more well trained then most civilized planets armies (just in comparison to superhuman soldiers and retarded mega death aliens it doesn't look that way), they then likely receive specific drills related to their theatre of operations within the guard. outside of recruiting from planets, the guard receives much of its special forces from segmentum/galactic stage academies in the case of stormtroopers who are basically trained from childhood.

thats how it goes for any guard thats from the modernised parts of the imperium. other areas are more ramshackle PDF units (where "defence force" consists of whatever mad max raiders the imperium could herd) simply thrown at the enemy

Fifteen Hours?

>After four months of basic training and seven weeks of Planetary transportation, seventeen year old Guardsman Arvin Larn of 6th Company, Jumael 14th Volunteers, embarks on his first campaign fighting against a rebel uprising. However, due to an error in communication, Trooper Larn finds himself fighting on the wrong planet in the wrong war zone at the city of Broucheroc; a city contested for over a decade by the small Imperial force of the 902nd Vardan Rifles Regiment against millions of Orks. Unfortunately, Larn is running out of time. The life expectancy of a replacement guardsman at the front lines is calculated at fifteen hours. Larn must rely upon all of his ability, his luck, and his faith in the Emperor to survive against the odds if he wishes to see the next day.


Let's say it's a random world like a backwater imperial world similar to Earth with a population of 6M. Now let's say it's for a crusade.Ok we got the setup.

The administratum will contact the planet governor and tell it it needs to pay it's tithe in blood and that a general/commissar or high ranking officer will overseer the operation.

The governor will scramble to post recruiting stations all over the planet and advertisement. He will of course put his political enemies to mandatory recruitment. All these recruits around 2 to 3 thousands will temporally join the PDF and be trained by it.
Let's say the PDF number is around 12k.

The imperial guard officer will arrive then see the bunch of incompetent idiots doing bad jobs. let's say he was ordered to get 2 full divisions or around 20k soldiers.

He takes control of the planet momentarily with his retinue. Start a real recruitment drive takes criminals, tribe people of the planet if there is any, even woman if the need arises. If that is not enough he recruits involuntarily anyone fit in a lottery. The PDF number raises to 26k. He takes 20k, with all the original PDF.

He and his retinue trains them into imperial guard doctrine during warp travel. Which can take from 6 months to a whole year, hopefully. Munitorum will have provided everyone with a basic kit, regiment uniforms, vehicles as needed and regiments banner made by the ig high ranking officer. At this time too regiment colonels, captains, lt and other officers will be picked.

They then arrive at a planet let's say under siege by chaos and begin deployment to relief the ig forces and be tested by fire.

On the first month or week, depending on the situation, probably 10k will die. After that you will be left with 10k skilled soldiers. By the end of the war on the planet if successful only around 2k to 4k will be alive but they will be hard ass veteran ig capable of effectively fighting that specific chaos force.

Pic unrelated

i think you messed up your numbers 6M should be 6B and do you really think an entire panets defence is only 12k are not including leadership and support?

(((((((Backwater planet))))))

Planet is Similar to Earth in biosphere


Emperor bless you user
Or whatever deity you prefer - I don't judge

why are there only 6 million people on it then, did they colonize it last week?

And about defence yes usually planet governors are lazy fucks and if the planet doesn't have a immediate threat he will spend as less money on the PDF as possible.

i miss read this
>similar to Earth with a population of 6M
I thought you said
it had an earth like population my bad

Agriworlds, planets not on trade routes, planet size or other reasons. There isn't hive worlds every parsec in fact most imperial worlds are sparsely populated but the populated ones can get to almost a trillion. But usually this ones have a standing imperial army. I wanted to talk about one that doesn't have one

>Or whatever deity you prefer - I don't judge
The Great Undivided bless you.

What's the average popultion size of a common imperial world? 10B?


To the firing line, the both of you.

See this

The Truth will set you free. Embrace the primordial exaltation.

>Random litterally who planet
they get trained like our soldiers do, plus specialist training for their future warzone while in travel to the front, the soldiers are either volunteers from the PDF or conscripted. An example of the volunteer kind is Elysia, where they have to do at least a pair of tour of duty before being able to join the guard

The Imperial Tithe dictates they should send 10% of a world's forces for the Guard. Since these regiments valor on the field is monitored and reflects on the governor of their homeworld they are usually the best they got. They are also trained on their transport ship on their way to whatever front they are going to die at.
Of course primitive worlds will get a bit more training. If a broadsword is the pinnacle of military technology for you, it does take some time to learn how to use Guard comms and weaponry.

Also this:

If Earth was an Imperial world our Guard Tithe would probably be USMC their equivalent and above.

The word "Guardsmen" means you've been bloodied, or gotten "standard" or extensive training, which most planets do.

The term "Whiteshield" refer to what you could call the USSR soldier. Mass conscripts of civilians, children of the guard in the field, or just somebody randomly showing up in time of great need.

These guys' only distinct feature is a single white stripe in the middle of their helmets. They become Guardsmen when they either prove themselves in battle, or do so AND pass their respective regiment's standard of entry.

>Extensive trained imperial guard
Here is a flashlight run around this 1km ship for 2 weeks until we can throw you at a brood warrior to see how fast you run back to the commissar and get shot.


Whiteshields are Cadian teenagers who go through squad training before they become full Cadian Shock Troops.

Shoot thataway, stab with this end, don't run away or you'l be shot.

three months training

six weeks transit

life expectancy:

thirteen hours

The penalty for an insufficient or lackluster tithe is death. Most governors will do everything they can to be sure the tithe is up to snuff or it's their ass on the line. Usually an insufficient tithe is a sign a governor is about to turn traitor or is in lign with xenos, as they'll purposely sabotage defenses to help their loathsome allies.

This is what happened on Armageddon for example, the planetary governor allowed his defenses to weaken and then threw his lot in with the orks when they made planetfall.